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File: 114 KB, 1080x1092, 1655830686612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49901373 No.49901373 [Reply] [Original]

We're going to be so fucking rich it ain't even funny...

>> No.49901397
File: 699 KB, 710x710, 978E787D-F356-4B45-81A8-6661F4E0E2DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is funny

>> No.49901408
File: 129 KB, 370x416, algoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49901433

The Algo tranny fudder is extremely bullish

>> No.49901742

Imagine using financial resources in support of that man’s decision making abilities. Holy cringe.

>> No.49901774

Is it though? Trannies can’t think rationally, are overdosing on hopium and pharmaceuticals; I would NOT trust their decision making capabilities in the slightest.

>> No.49902060

theres no evidence she's a tranny. its just one really unflattering photo. there are plenty of her where she looks normal

>> No.49902118

Having a CIA banktroon CEO is definitely bullish. I've been waiting for a good entry point.

>> No.49902155

Its the FUD equivalent of name-calling and that's the best algo fudders can do

>> No.49902167

roberta muldoon can fire man carry my ass all the way to the endzone i do not care

>> No.49902224

Made my way up to 6k algos when this dump fire sale, how rich am i gonna be??

>> No.49902274

What happens when this eventually pull a LUNA, Celcius?

Don't even pretend like it isn't inevitable.

>> No.49902296

HOW u stupid hbar fuck, they arent even comparable.

>> No.49902405

In 2025? How’s $6 million sound? In 2030? How about $6 billion? After then? You’ll be exactly as rich as you need to be. Algorand is New England’s blockchain.

>> No.49902646
File: 53 KB, 177x239, 1655550258253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Algo will get rugpulled like Luna will
> Because...it just will!
Weak fud you curry smelling hbar retard

>> No.49902682


Do you have a Pajeet fetish or something?

But seriously, Algo is doomed. Keep sucking each other off in the meanwhile.

>> No.49902831

What about Algorand makes it prone to a collapse? Terra was a Ponzi scheme with no plan for catastrophe, Celsius was an unregistered bank being very stupid with its clients’ funds, and Algorand is a Layer 1 smart contract blockchain which works better than any other L1 on the market. You are clearly coping that HBAR manages to be more centralized than ALGO.

>> No.49902971


Pre"mined" shitcoin. Pump those baggies.

>> No.49903039

The main concern I have with algorand is it's governance system which is very tightly managed and guided by the foundation. I know they have a "roadmap" towards decentralization but I don't trust the foundation or the community at large that they won't unlock supply or pull some other egregious shit at some point down the road.
I just started DCA'ing in though because it's such a user-friendly, polished experience and the coin glows like almost nothing else in crypto. It's ridiculous that shit like Cardano and Solana have larger MCs and I could easily see it doing a x4 in a bear market, x10 or more when things turn bullish again. I want 10k algo.

>> No.49903379

Yeah, I don’t care much for governance either. They’re never going to send the supply of ALGO over 10 billion, it’s impossible. However, the pumpanomics of the token aren’t ideal. Staci Warden has decided to sell off the Foundation’s ALGO early so has to garner a substantial amount of money for all the partnerships and grants we’ve been hearing about, while the prior CEO’s strategy was to simply wait for ALGO to pump before making any moves. Most of the remaining supply will be distributed through grants and governance, however. Defi on Algorand is about to get serious, look into the Keon Foundation.

>> No.49903775

I also don't like the rebranding of the algo wallet to the pera wallet. the algo wallet was perfect, the pera wallet is pretty gauche in comparison and the branding is weird, what was wrong with "Algo wallet"?

>> No.49903783

It’s literally not. You are using hard earned capital to support that persons decision making capability. In their experience, they believe wearing womens clothing, wearing makeup, growing out their hair and taking hardcore pharmaceutical drugs will somehow change their chromosomal makeup from xy to xx. Literally broadcasting poor decision making abilities and you think that’s a strength. Top kek.

>> No.49903827

its an ugly she you tard

>> No.49903878

Oh no, a baphomet worshipping finance/UN insider is CEO of algorand foundation. This is soooo bearish he's going to take too many estrogens one day!

>> No.49903938

(You) have autism.

>> No.49903964

Trannies seething

>> No.49904052
File: 1.23 MB, 760x1977, B40574C8-F3F9-4E1A-B4D9-3444EEBD8A6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot definitive male photo. The jesuits fleece the goyim, never enrich them.

>> No.49904167
File: 70 KB, 1069x583, 7D17A52C-3590-4931-8CC1-222CB4187A65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you can literally just join and pay membership fees. Top fucking kek

>> No.49904228
File: 188 KB, 947x900, 1618509860736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just opened hebrew cashgrab thread and you shit on Algo even there.
Can I ask you, why are you seething so much? Also how are the dapps going on that jewish cuckchain?

>> No.49904235

Thats just how white women look, they have higher testosterone than any women one earth.

>> No.49904249

Imagine trusting a crypto coin made by an Italian boomer

>> No.49904289

Ok and what coin do you hold?

>> No.49904300

We get a lot of algo shills in our threads, what can I say. Unlike them I say nothing untrue.

>> No.49904321

> hebrew cashgrab
You are literally one of the shills shitting up every single thread and yet you cry like this when I point out the algo tranny? Top fucking kek

>> No.49904395

>2019: $3.00
>2022: $0.31
>2025: $0.03

>> No.49904461
File: 259 KB, 700x700, 1640844815298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I opened your nigger containment zone for the first time. Only seen that on pic in catalog, but I have to say its true, that lemon guy fucked you hard.
Keep crying bitchboy.

>> No.49904625

No it’s not larping ass nigger. It’s you. Is that Italian trannying too? Uh oh HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.49904699

Oh boy I can't wait to meet Staci at Decypher Dubai

>> No.49904735
File: 121 KB, 1124x1559, 72F1DB75-B9DF-411C-A142-0BD274A9F121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're going to be so fucking rich
i think you wrote MATIC wrong

>> No.49905371
File: 598 KB, 1800x1200, 9EE73409-8E1E-4676-9B1C-41F406411DCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave JT alone!

>> No.49905425

But we wouldn’t have crypto if it wasn’t for that same Italian boomer retard. Lmao

>> No.49905542

meds, now

>> No.49905754 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49905790
File: 82 KB, 1124x698, 402AF4EF-F923-49E0-8D2E-8254B6C4BDCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49906670
File: 621 KB, 832x778, thatsaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at his hands, jaw, voice.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzsfFzGkIlY 2 women on the left 2 men on the right

>> No.49906772

She's obviously a woman.

>> No.49907248

watch the video, it's obviously a man.
I hold algo and think it's a great coin. Don't delude yourself on his biology.

>> No.49907846

Vestige trannies how are we feeling about the humble pool?

>> No.49908121

it’s not worth it, VEST DOA, never coming out. Defly has done more than enough for traders, and AlgoFund is a perfectly good launchpad. Chris Swenor is a basedboy trying to turn Algorand into crypto for babies with his shitty code wrapper, and Vestige has been wrapped up in his ploy. Humble’s first Mainnet release missed a fucking arithmetic error, XBacked has been delayed for months, and as we’ve already confirmed Vestige is just a continuation of the Tinychart rugpull. Do not add liquidity to the. VEST-ALGO pool on Humble Swap and do not stake that liquidity in the yield farm. Impermanent loss and hyperinflation will cause you to lose money, just like with any other shitcoin scam farm from Fantom or BSC. If you have liquidity in the VEST-ALGO farm, remove it, the yield isn’t worth the erasure of your dignity.

>> No.49908380

i'm a tranny, this is a woman. Gonial angle is lower end of obtuse, forehead is slanted instead of flat, no adams apple or removal scar. She just is rather masc and women who have 2-3 kids can turn out like this in their 50's like 2% of the time

Algo is great to build on and it solves most of the 1st/2nd gen crypto problems. However the price will probably stay dogshit forever as the fees are incredibly low and the best we'll get is 10% apy from governance staking revenues

>> No.49908941

I will admit the lack of adams apple is the most revealing. I still think it's a man. Even if it was a woman, my penis does not react to him at all compared to the women on the left esp #1.
>fees are low
that's why I'm hoping it explodes in value, tons of value flows into it.