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49897956 No.49897956 [Reply] [Original]

Why does crypto have value?

>> No.49898000 [DELETED] 


>> No.49898014

Why do unbacked government paper slips have value?

>> No.49898038

Because you buy food and fill your car tank with.

>> No.49898059

The military backing it. Are you seriously so fucking delusional that you can't map out two steps ahead and perceive how global trade is supposed to function via shitcoins when anyone with a boat off the coast of literally anywhere where there is ocean can simply jack your shit?

>> No.49898111

You have more ownership over your Bitcoin than any other asset you have. Remember 12 words and you will own it forever. You can take it across boarders, on planes, anywhere. Nobody can tell you what to do with it. Nobody can take it from you. Time will not degrade its value. It gives you more control over your wealth, making you more powerful and more free than those who choose not to use it.

>> No.49898125

the value of crypto is in how easy it is to sell it to a bigger fool

>> No.49898192

it allows guaranteed rulesets in financial games AKA 0 trust financial systems

>> No.49898194

if you buy monero, it's value is derived from illicit trade.
if you buy hbar, it's value is derived from globohomo WEF cabal.

>> No.49898302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49898315

psychological shift to either teach people to be independent of govt. and learn how to live in decentralized communites irl. or the latter fail in decentralization and be groomed to be owned by the govt cuz you cant build or thrive in a self sustainable community and be subject to infinite cucking by the govt come 2030 4th industrial revolution. choose your path wisely

>> No.49898338

What artist¿

>> No.49898351

Where does one find a Woman who likes to turn you into a sissy bros?

>> No.49898360

Both of those characters in the OP are women you nigger

>> No.49898389
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because some moron will buy it later at a higher price ;) that's enough value for me

>> No.49898413

Value: "the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something"

Did you mean to ask "how" it has value when you said "why"?

> People will pay for it. QED.
>> My gf likes luxury purse brands. I think they're a waste of money all things considered. BUT they sell billions of dollars every year. This tells us that our own opinions of the value of a good is not the soul definition but the market. If you come to understand the market you will come to understand the value.
> A starving man in the desert may pay a million dollars for a gallon of water. What does this tell us about the value of water? Understand these concepts and you will know.

>> No.49898478
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he's like 60 he probably believes in chem trails
leave 'em alone

>> No.49898507

What is the value of IP/TCP?

>> No.49898524

Why does gold have value?
Because humans give it value

>> No.49898549

checked, fpbp, OP WNBAW

>> No.49898550

Fiat is backed by all of the assets under the governance of the issuing government.

>> No.49898566

what site is this?

>> No.49898579

You don't have to be this schizophrenic to benefit from the value btc provides. You are unhinged and part of the issue normal people are so reluctant to adopt Bitcoin. Go back to your hole doomer freak.

>> No.49898591

An entire Internet Computer is only worth $5, so probably not very much

>> No.49898673

and because of inflation those goods are now much more expensive (and will keep getting more expensive)
kek let me know when the military manages to fight debt instead of just increasing it exponentially. military bureaucracy is a vast money laundering outfit
well the liabilities of the government well exceed its assets, so sounds like that currency is backed by jack shit

>> No.49898764
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because you can't obtain it for free.
next question

>> No.49898817

>let me know when the military manages to fight debt
By going to the people who stole your shit and killing them or by leveraging the military strength to position yourself for more favorable negotiation terms. The greed runs most rampant in the military because they understand they have the most leverage.
Good luck running an economy without one, retard.

>> No.49898820

>well the liabilities of the government well exceed its assets, so sounds like that currency is backed by jack shit
Not how it works

>> No.49898872

You are probably less valuable than BTC and you're still here. fuck your question OP DCA into matic or stay poor.

>> No.49898908

Matic for a quicker tech investment, btc for generational wealth.

>> No.49898975

good luck with your imaginary scenarios, retard. currency has defaulted before under militarized society and will do it again
>i can squeeze blood from a stone forever
it's not magic anon, even if you've been tricked into believing that it is

>> No.49899044

Are you a clone? They have value simply because they have use case.

>> No.49899053

>good luck with your imaginary scenarios
Tell me you haven't read a single history book without telling me you haven't read a single history book. Keep on larping, diamondhands straight into the fucking dirt. Like I give a fuck if another moron bites the dust.
> currency has defaulted before under militarized society and will do it again
And? Greed is a human condition not a fiat feature, you fucking chimp.

>> No.49899177
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They have value because you can earn from USDC USDT BUSD.... more than what you get in your government issued paper sitting in the bank ...

>> No.49899362

Why point at BTC alone when crypto has a whole lot more built on ETH or you don't want us to ask you about the high gas ..

>> No.49899373

Because of the utility it brings to the space. Not just meaningless assets but serve diverse purposes and can generate income for users.

>> No.49899434

Why does your sister have value other than what she can provide between her legs? BTC, ETH and bitDAO have insane amounts of value retard.

>> No.49899460
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>Why does crypto have value?
Right now, speculation on future use and that's it.

Most crypto-utility narratives have fallen flat
>It's a currency
Nope, extreme volatility makes it horrible as a transactional currency
>It's a store of value
Nope, again way too speculative and volatile for a store of value, regardless of historical gains

Stablecoins ended up having the best practical use and blockchains provide the infrastructure, so it's speculation on continued and future infrastructure usage.

Here's my predictions from the start of this year.

>> No.49899467

And the passive income is what I like most... Especially those from stablecoins.

>> No.49899496

>and because of inflation those goods are now much more expensive (and will keep getting more expensive)
and your shitcoins will keep nosediving to 0
your point being...???

>> No.49899582

>you don't want us to ask you about the high gas ..

High gas is now a thing of the past. Many protocols are now designed to reduce the fee like SPOOL that uses buffer mechanism to optimize the gas .....

>> No.49899650

zoomers just learned about inflation for the first time this year, give them time to adjust

>> No.49899769

Reasonable answer. >99% of the cmc ia pure speculation, maybe 1% actual use of transacting, hiding money from the government, tax evasion...

>> No.49900146

most definitely. Not to mention that the crypto space expands and cuts across many sectors from staking and lending protocols to liquidity mining to earning through p2e games and lotteries in the metaverse.

>> No.49900358

I thought tax evasion is a criminal offence everywhere

>> No.49900369

The value of crypto is how easy it is to get past retards like you and make money off of simply HODLING BTC or even alts. Kek

>> No.49900454

Eth is far from eternal. It is a business. Btc is property. They are not comparable in any way.

>> No.49900474

And aside from that too, what about the fact that regular traditional finance institutions give us shit returns on our money. The APY is mediocre compared to crypto's interest rates

>> No.49900558

This is another way to look at it

>> No.49900705

Literally. Fucking getting paid to have fun. And with ones like Cometh battle it's competitive too. Not a big fan of Sandbox and the likes though. Personal preference, you can say

>> No.49900818
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>It gives you more control over your wealth
Not if the price keeps decreasing

>> No.49900831

Explain this in a "ETH for dummies" kind of way

>> No.49900941
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Depends too. A lot of Euro backed stablecoins are emerging too

>> No.49901029

Because you can use it to pay for decentralized cloud hosting (smart contacts).

>> No.49903809

Crypto definitely brings a lot of use cases and has expanded to what we see today. I'm seeing a lot of growth in the metaverse as well and just came across one recently for sport lovers and soccer legends. Pretty innovative.

>> No.49903837

because it's edgy. It uses computer and internet as in "internet computer" (lmao). The coin creators feel all mighty and powerful because they typed some code. Everyone admire them

>> No.49904653

The utility of crypto is endless and it has been used as currency as well with the likes of Monero being in high demand for its privacy delivery. More innovative privacy solutions have emerged too like Railgun which takes privacy further with defi integration.

>> No.49904737

Eth has led to a lot of amazing smart contracts and we could expect it to blow up after the merge.

>> No.49904813

Not just the income, in terms of development, projects like Subsquid are providing projects with superior on-chain data management capabilities. In crypto, you see projects working together to bring something unique to the space.

>> No.49904849

can I buy your foreskin now

>> No.49904921

Metaverse is yet to hit its full gear and I'm happy I'm exposed to lots of good metaverse projects like BLOK, RFOX and VRA.

>> No.49905068

I'm not sure how you'd be able to do anything about a Metaverse boom when there's going to be nobody to actually play with your GameFi shit. There's no way there's actually anything worthy of your shit.

>> No.49905128


>> No.49905149

It doesn't. It has a price. Don't confuse the two.

>> No.49905181

Because by law people are forced to use them for payment and many different transactions both nationally and internationally. And why is the law followed? Because the US has the biggest military power.

>> No.49905219
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Pretty much why LoveLace is your winner.
It's somehow managed to make the most of the Metaverse industry without actually having to get involved with useless priceless shit like this