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File: 46 KB, 602x335, Reserve-Currency (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49898608 No.49898608 [Reply] [Original]

guys this is it, we need to find what will the BRICS use for all that volume, clearing, settlement, what is the platform that might be used? Real answers pls no fucking shilling, i already asked the XRP schizo lads

>> No.49898825

BRICS shifting from USD was called for months before it happened by XRP schizos. We have to be the only people in crypto who sit down and watch bankers and feds sit down and talk about their plans for months and some times years before they happen.

>> No.49898915

XRP was specifically designed for this and has spent the last 8+ years building it and getting banks on board. I don't know of any other projects that are trying to tackle this problem.

>> No.49899188
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>> No.49899598

i honestly start questioning my intelligence but on the other hand there seems to be no real alternative either

>> No.49899802

>he thinks the global elite will use a public facing blockchain instead of simply porting the tech to a backend framework
>he thinks he will actually get in on the ground floor on valuable virtual real estate on a blockchain that the global elite want to use

>> No.49899841

Don't worry, you're just breaking the programming. You don't have to go all in but your should have at least some. Even if it's just to sell when the lawsuit is over.

>> No.49899865

Yeah they wouldn’t give it up if they didn’t have to. They have to. No other option.

>> No.49899881

Fuck XRP. Why add another level to the bet?? Just buy gold/silver

>> No.49899898

because you cant fuckin settle or clear against gold or silver, you need smth digital for pretty much anything, especially derivatives

>> No.49899963

>He thinks banks and corporations innovate and don't just buy out and use the newest products and services
>He thinks they have a decade to work something like this out themselves

>> No.49900035

unironically what this guys said >>49899963
the sheer speed of those changes that happened this year? no way they manage to get something quick , they need a ready product

>> No.49900170

>backed by gold
You just trade your specimen for
The currency nog

>> No.49900218

it's called diversification

>> No.49900234

Yes diversify into schizo theory

>> No.49900255

it will never work, indexed commodity based currency makes way more sense

>> No.49900352

So buy a commodity index not some schizo larp that might or might not be connected to the coming currency change

>> No.49900356

believe it or not, schizos are tuned into the universe that you cannot understand and have extremely good pattern recognition

>> No.49900397

Kek so I will park thousands of dollars based on schizophrenia awareness

>> No.49900402


>> No.49900408

CBDC priced by price oracles
Not your redundant shit coin with gorillion supply

>> No.49900461

>central planning
>moving quick
pick one

>> No.49900554

I'm bored. Retards here to pill.
They don't know what is actually happening
Yup, it's copy pasta time

>> No.49900578

Central banks are an abomination that shouldn't exist,paper representations of value are void of real merit for it doesn't require what real money requires to have merit.Money's greatest value is imposing a meritocracy on a civilization,this leading to greater things for the populace.The merit of real money is measured via an equation that takes into consideration effort/skill, time spent doing that effort using that skill.In a way,the real greatest unit of measure in all of existence is TIME.
The only form of natural sound money is gold/silver. It has the 7 necessary attributes of sound money
Doesn't degrade easily, long lasting
Easy to transact with over distance
Easily used in small/large transactions
Is consistently the same everywhere
>limited supply
Rare, not easy to come by
People accept it for transactions
In the present time I'd emphasize one as a necessity to facilitating human progress via the development of technologies.And that's portability,the saving grace of central banking is the populace being able to take advantage of speed in order to facilitate international trade for the purposes of developing advancements,greatest one:internet.When you have very portable sound money there's also one more attribute that is immensely important.And that's privacy in order to avoid malicious parties using information to negatively impact you

The death of fiat is inevitable for its only sustainable through infinite money inflation.The real measure of when it dies is when the acceptability of fiat vanishes in the minds of the public.And in that moment sound money of old will become the defacto means of exchange,thus exalting all other physical commodities.Because silver is so undervalued,food is so taken for granted and self defense will become more important the top 3 physical assets to have are
1. Silver
2. Food/water(food production)
3. Guns/bullets,tools/building materials

>> No.49900624

But don't get it twisted,this doesn't mean that that's it.There are 2 other categories each containing 3 assets to hold.You could get by with just selecting the number 1 of each category,it's most likely the best strategy.The next category of course,is digital.Before any of you no coiners post;lurk more boomer.And before any of you BTC/ETH maximalists post,lurk more zoomer

Next category is based off of the aforementioned,that of course being fiat collapses thus a sound money system comes back.In this scenario,there has to be a rebuilding of the supranational economic structure basically ASAP so that our world doesn't revert back and lose much of the gained advancements.Also prevents major loss of life and avoid turmoil in the social order.To do this,a replacement of old infrastructure is needed,in a sound money form.The blockchain is the advent of digital sound money,and if the greatest benefit of ponzi central banking was speed,then the fastest,low fee cryptocurrency will be the obvious winner
1. XRP
Remember how I mentioned that the internet was the greatest thing to come out of authoritarian central banking rule?Well the greatest part about the internet is conveying information,and the best way to do this is through videos.A digital cryptographic asset clinging on to a future of video sharing through tokenizing broadband is
And lastly,there is a person who was sued for creating a coin to enforce peer to peer transactions,it was primarily targeted at exchanges.If you know the game,you know how well that went...this person got sued into the next life, and, in the end...won.That's right,a hidden gem that will do away with rehypothicated,derivative based,ponzi,wash trading exchanges exists
The last category operates under the understanding that fast,cheap cryptographic assets become the defacto supranational currencies as a medium of exchange,after fiat collapses and we're forced on a sound money system,fully placing us in a best of both worlds sou

>> No.49900667

nd money digital future.Again,remember when I mentioned the added attribute of privacy?As the new digital sound money cryptographic metaversian high tech future filled with disclosure of hidden technologies and taboo subjects unravels...the need for privacy increases.These changes COULD happen all at once as people in the know get in before the herd,hence why all the aforementioned assets you must have NOW in preparation for the coming true price discovery and overall time of revelation...anyway,the present best private digital assets is
1. XMR
The current markets runner up in this category is of course
And the hidden more obscure gem in this category is a privacy coin that promises smart contract capabilities,think XMR meets ETH
>inb4 I get called a fed/glow for encouraging anti fed/glow assets

So all in all the best 3 assest to have in order to be able to own the future in the post fiat authoritarian clown world are
1. Physical silver
2. XRP
3. XMR

Bonus knowledge to research in order to fully understand the fabric(the overall rules that govern)of reality(the material existence)...this is the real "religion" of God,the real hidden mysteries of all secret societies and thus the source of all of our ancestors understandings/creations of philosophy...thus again the hidden reasoning behind all of our "moral" decisions
1. Atoms are mostly just empty space and information
2. How atoms make up molecules(thus are also just mostly empty space and information)
3. The double slit experiment
4. Effects of observing the magic of quantum computers
5. The hundredth monkey experiment
6. The cyclical cataclysmic events
7. Psychology of high functioning sociopaths,schizos,autists,psychopaths,narcissists and sadists
Lastly, this will just tie up all of the aforementioned together somewhat nicely...the 7 Hermetic principles, just replace that last one with good vs evil,you'll understand by the time you get through this,IF you do that is

-Qriginalfag/the nobody

>> No.49900776

I would rather have no risk investment and confidently stack gold silver and commodities

>> No.49900791

>fractional reserve lending based on gold
Have you faggots learned nothing? They will just lie about how much gold they have and lend beyond their reserves. China already lies about their gold reserves and due to the nature of gold its impossible to verify how much they actually have since the physical gold reserves are centralized under government control. XRP is a public ledger so rogue nations can't lie about how much they hold.

>> No.49900842

Yeah but I know how much I have.

>> No.49900845

>basket of commodities
Shit, we're fucked. Countries will be scrambling to hoard said commodities, prices will skyrocket, allowing producers to scale up production, bringing prices back down.
End result, governments have a bunch of shit they paid too much for, people who need said commodities are priced out for a while, and producers make a fortune.

>> No.49900848

And so why would China agree to use XRP, or any public ledger, in that case?

>> No.49900885

There’s no arguing with schizophrenics

>> No.49901119

Because when things go online it will become increasingly difficult to the point of absurdity for regular people to outright purchase xrp.

>> No.49901238

we've literally been waiting since 2008.

>> No.49901415

goddamit the schizos are getting to me, how much is recommended for an outlier move? might drop a few k usd in the ledger just to avoid regrets, will make sure i kiss them farewell prior buying

>> No.49901513

2k XRP is the Sui stack. pretty cheap. Also get 1k XLM

>> No.49901541

Why would you want XRP anyway if it can’t be used for normal transactions ? Isn’t the point to buy it undervalued so you can exchange it for goods and services?

>> No.49901555

None of the cryptos are going to be used. There is already a world reserve system. Crypto was just a public beta test for the technology to make the SDR more efficient. Sorry chuds.


>> No.49901577

The old lore says that 2-2.5k bare minimum, it would be enough to get away from the system before everything turns real bad(freedom wise, beast system etc etc). Of course many of the schizos have 5+ digit stacks so it really depends on your situation, what you hope to achieve and how long you would be willing to hold on for. Not financial advice though.

>> No.49901584

controlled by?

>> No.49901615

>they don't know about QNT

>> No.49901627

We need a Neutral Bridge Asset to level the playing field. Its not fair to have a Foreign asset of one country as the Reserve for the world.

>> No.49901628

XRP stands for eXchange Rate Peg
It's used as a means to exchange value from one asset to another. Holding XRP is equivalent of holding a percentage of all of the world's value. This is the idea, anyway.

>> No.49901635

Think about it this way, if say you had money in the late 1800s before oil was being really utilized, but you knew about it and its potential use and an idea of where a lot of oil is, wouldnt you buy land in that area ahead of time?

>> No.49901634

SDR is a basket, and could easily add Gold, Silver or XRP if the IMF wanted

>> No.49901653

Delete this!!!!

>> No.49901680

>it's not fair
lol, lmao

>> No.49901687

What are they going to use to transfer the e-SDR value on the XRPL anon?
Are possibly hinting that XRP token not needed to transfer value on chain?

>> No.49901702

Except in that analogy gold/silver is the oil you Mong since GS is the actual backing to the asset
Says who?

>> No.49901745

those SDRs can still be seized, not convinced

>> No.49901767

Kek, the burn function of xrp essentially makes the token itself the gas.

>> No.49901786

Are you a bot?

>> No.49901789

I have 50k but I wouldn't mind having 100k, honestly.

Here's something to consider:
Unless the entire crypto space implodes or XRP loses its SEC case and is shut down, it's almost guaranteed it pumps to at least $10. Their case is also extremely relevant to the rest of the space since everything other than PoW chains would then qualify as securities. It's all or nothing with this and XRP is in the absolute best position if they win the case.

>> No.49901811

International Monetary Fund and all those UN types. There's no national sovereignty. Nations are just banks or economic zones. Policies are largely dictated by distribution of SDR. Think of SDR as a governance token. It's been around since around 1969 or 1970, right when we went off the gold standard. Impossible for a regular citizen to obtain SDR. SDR is noah's ark. We're all fucked and just playing with casino chips.

>> No.49901821

Sure, now i am tired i think we should all lay down and take a nap. Arent you sleepy? I am sleepy, i think i will lay down for a while.

>> No.49901887


its not transparent though, how does one achieve transparency with this? schizos getting me even harder now

>> No.49901890

They won't even use XRP. They are developing their own platform. They might use Ripple's technology, but they won't use the XRP coin.

>> No.49901911

Ripple could be shut down but remember, the xrpl is global with validators all over the place. Xrp is practically in a no lose situation, only way for it to be shut down is if every nation bans it and even then think about how difficult that would be.

>> No.49901920

>Say's who?
well, a lot of banks outside the US are already using it to do cross-border transfers. People also use XRP when moving money from one exchange to another since it's faster and cheaper.

>> No.49901947

Of course there's no transparency. It's designed so that it's not transparent. Think of it like a pyramid: the all-seeing eye on top can see everything. Each level below only has insight into the layers that are beneath it and cannot look up.

>> No.49902000

I'd buy whores and whiskey. Please don't tell me I need to buy a stack of XRP to make it.

>> No.49902013
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>lets use commodities that are highly volatile to cover up fiat sins
most retarded idea since fiat. first the labor market and production die, then the commodity and currency are shorted in tandem. Di you faggots learn nothing from the gold standard, ironbank, terra, venus and so many more

>> No.49902100

We’ll gold standard failed because they printed more dollars than there was
Gold available. And it does inevitably fail due to human greed. It’s similar to why fiats hyperinflate.

>> No.49902205

They will just copy/paste the source code if they need something. They will not be your greater fool.

>> No.49902265

XRP is the future bros. Prepare now or dont cry tomorrow

>> No.49902281

As long as power over monetary policies is in the hand of politics, its going to be a scam. The only real solution is complete privatization and removing the states ability to monopolize monetary policy. Crypto is a step in the right direction, but xrp shizos are not better then gold bugs, they want their asset to be the only one.

>> No.49902309

>just copy/paste amazon source code bro

>> No.49902348

Ya you think its funny when your an American and everyone has to buy Oil in your money.

Everyone else does not think its cute.

>> No.49902365
File: 145 KB, 384x383, C652EA02-CD8F-4B53-94D6-C2D232D11092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitfucks actually think the price per bitfuck will continue to go up forever after CBDCs are rolled out, they actually believe people will exchange their gold backed currencies for their antiquated shitcoin. They actually believe people will even be able to buy them

>> No.49902396

Gold has worked for thousands of years and has been used for thousands of years. Gold is proven to work, even if just for a few generations. XRPers are on the same boat of saying btc will become the medium of exchange. No it won’t happen because there’s no past and no proof it’ll work. World governments aren’t going to just fucking adopt something that isn’t proven to work in dire economic times. They adopt gold because there are no
Other options.

>> No.49902433

Shills ITT
>everything logical points to XRP
I... its just not g.. going to work be... because well it just isn't okay!!!!1!
>gives solution as to why it will
Nooooooo anything ANYTHING rather than XRP, nooooo *shoves Xbox controllers in ass* noooo they'll just copy paste! No no the SDRs! Chainlink bros what happened?!?! They won't be your greater fool! Nooooo they'll just make their own! They don't need you! They're the all powerful central banks! (Pretends this argument doesn't just kill all crypto if true).

What's a bigger psyop brainwash by the khazarian moloch worshippers schizo bros....
1. The white knight simps or
2. BTC/ETHmaxi/XRP hater crypto moon boys?

>> No.49902456

hey shut the fuck up about this
shut up
be quiet
just stop

>> No.49902475

we are all frens here, and that was rude
i want all my frens to make it, including me of course

>> No.49902476

>Nooooo they'll just make their own! They don't need you! They're the all powerful central banks! (Pretends this argument doesn't just kill all crypto if true).
>Pretends this argument doesn't just kill all crypto if true
Anon I...

>> No.49902489

>SHills ITT
>everything logical shows there’s no proof XRP will work
I…it’s just going too!! Okay! It will because it just will!!
>asks what makes you so sure
Just buy XRP! The schizophrenics are in tune and understand the universe!! More than you and your normie brain! They will be the greater fool!! They can’t just make their own!! They need us, the schizophrenics of 4chan!!

>> No.49902496

it's more like
>just copy/paste amazon's entire infrastructure bro

>> No.49902525

Yes. If banks need a currency for international settlements, why would they adopt a currency that's been sold on exchanges and held by nazis and niggers alike for years now? Why would they pump your bags when they could just create a private ledger network?

>> No.49902540

You're the shill, despite the dubs.

>> No.49902553


shhhh, you need to be quiet because of this guy


those who know, know
either you are elect or you are not
that's how it is

>> No.49902563

There is literally tokenized PMs on the XRPL, Credit Susie runs a node and has a multi million dollar XRP wallet

>> No.49902593

Post source
>it’s a super secret club and you’re not in it! But all the people in /xrp/ gen are!!!

>> No.49902610

>a handful of multi-million dollar(a drop in the bucket for globalist bankers) datacenter nodes around the world running their private backend lifted XRP sourcecode blockchain
>equivalent to the entirety of the amazons infrastructure
Sorry, dude. Welcome to reality.

>> No.49902612

No, fuck you lazy nigger look it up yourself this is 5 year old news

>> No.49902624

you aren't in it, you can't even get in it, you are separated like wheat from chaff.

>> No.49902658

>"entire infrastructure" = code repositories
actual retard
>why would they
except that they already are

>> No.49902665

they can if they want but that won't stop me and a lot of other people from continuing to use decentralized solutions. I don't have to participate in the old economy if I don't absolutely need to and as more people adopt this mindset, the old economy will be abandoned and forgotten.

>> No.49902695

chainlink proof of reserves for a shadow fork of XRP....
now im actually uneducated on ripple's tech stack so idk if this is true, but i dont think they will let you into the club cause you bought XRP early
i also have the same fears with LINK, but I think LINK is harder to start a "shadow fork" for compared to XRP

>> No.49902722

Buy Luna, it's practically free

>> No.49902769
File: 775 KB, 220x220, lol-what-lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all are seriously smoking something great if you think CBDCs are going to use any public blockchain or encryption standard at all.

The NSA classifies cryptography as Suite A or Suite B. Suite A is unpublished and the algorithms are classified which means no one, not IOTA, XRP, HBAR(Although Leeman was in the USAF and his tech is patented so maybe he knows a little something about the classified algos) will be used.

CBDCs will use products they have been working on for years as outlined in this doc https://www.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2022e3.htm

The blockchains and algorithms have never been published. No one knows how they work and no one ever will. They certainly wont use any public facing blockchain that can be attacked or studied.

>> No.49902770

your reasoning is why i have a few thousand toucked away
also have wallets made with a couple hundred each for family members
but i expect nothing of value out of these, unlike you
also where is my flare

>> No.49902835

>(Although Leeman was in the USAF and his tech is patented so maybe he knows a little something about the classified algos)
Schwartz literally invented the building blocks of crypto in the 80’s and he worked for the NSA you retard. Get good.

>> No.49902869

This is correct.

>> No.49902872
File: 19 KB, 320x240, F7D4F933-5DE7-4F81-8DA4-FF5277C84B96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine adding risk for no reason. Truly schizophrenic

>bro paxg is the reserve currency!!

>> No.49902891

I think you know you're wrong but you just shill the opposite because you're a dishonest person. I don't care if you don't buy XRP, I don't care if anyone in this thread buys it. There are no guarantees in this world despite what your mommy tells you. Crypto is a hedge against the bloated and corrupt economy I was born into. I hold many different coins. Some that are even competitors of each other. You know why? Because I'm intelligent enough to realize there can only be one winner, in some cases, and I'm not going to shut myself off because of some emotional attachment.

>> No.49902922

It's not going to be XRP because then a bunch of people associated with 4channel on a general thread called "xrp schizo general" where they post ridiculous content is going to be billionaires. And there is no way that, if 1000 new millionaires and billionaires are created, that they're going to all be from here. No group, in any way, would allow that to happen

>> No.49902948

so CBDC will be smth off the limit for us, thus no way to make money here, my biggest fear is that they will employ lifespan for your money to force you to spend it all in order to eliminate the deflationary pressure according to the milkshakers which seem to be right in their thesis

>> No.49902965

Whatever you say. It doesnt make my statement false. I wasnt shilling HBAR. I was saying none of them will be used, did you catch that? You obviously have no clue. You probably didnt even know there were classified encryption algos, otherwise you would understand.
Now please come back after you pass intro to encryption.

>> No.49902987

>The blockchains and algorithms have never been published. No one knows how they work and no one ever will.
that doesn't sound very sustainable

>> No.49903002

Db2 most likely.

>> No.49903014

it already happened for a bunch of stinky linkies

>> No.49903038

Explain pls what mean by not sustainable.

>> No.49903065

>I think you know you're wrong but you just shill the opposite because you're a dishonest person.
Nah fren. I don't hold any crypto beyond a handful of XMR I lost in a boating accident. For me, it's PMs, real estate, and cash.

>> No.49903112

XRPers are a literal cult

>> No.49903133

Not the poster you're replying to, but yes, we will not have access to whatever symbolic value of monetary governance and control is used (CBDC or otherwise). You will not make money on this long play. You can make money on the short play day trading, but whether or not that money continues to hold its value unknown. Regarding your fear, it is likely correct. Money will 'expire' if not used. This will encourage constant spending, and kill savings. Likely, though, the things you are able to buy will not be assets or other permanent purchases, but more akin to subscriptions that give you access to goods and services. You will need to constantly work in order to 'enjoy' things. These things will be used and recycled, since productive capacity is being lowered. Digital poverty.

>> No.49903151

They're using XRP as an SDR token? Or they're investing in hyperledger technology?

>> No.49903153

Lol omg if it werent true it wouldnt be so funny.
Heres a guy who has actually worked within a government DB environment.

>> No.49903165

why would we run the economy on something no one understood?

>> No.49903219

Its ultimately about selecting the genetics for those with tremendous foresight. There is a need for SMEs capable of moving liquidity around to the places where liquidity needs to be. There is already complete control of the financial system, the need is different. Once you understand this you understand why its not closed off to the general public.

>> No.49903224

Seething because nobody will show him the Credit Susie node and wallet

>> No.49903235

In that case, why use XRP over other tokens?
I want to believe, there are a lot of tantalizing breadcrumbs, but I could just as easily see Ripple using XRP to milk schizos while banks eventually make private ledgers and tokens with their technology.

>> No.49903261

Best argument I've heard yet.

>> No.49903320

Let me clarify, no one in the general public who doesnt have TS clearance on a need to know basis understands it because it is classified.

>> No.49903365
File: 514 KB, 2125x2238, the-all-seeing-eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The breadcrumbs are intentional. Their isn't a need for bricks, there is a need for the eye. To be able to discern what is true and what is not, to have a steady hand, to be able to look 5, 25, 100, 1000 years into the future. Either you have the eye or you don't.

>> No.49903375

XRP is a single-purpose coin (medium of exchange of value). It's a global liquidity pool. Like I've said, I don't just hold XRP but I think it has the best chance of becoming "the standard" because of their connections within the government, the history of the founders, and their ongoing case with the SEC which will provide them with real regulatory clarity.

>> No.49903395

there isn't anything stronger than XMR, it has privacy, predictable inflation, and incredibly decentralized

>> No.49903484

>it won't happened because it just wont
Sounds like cognitive dissonance on your part.

>> No.49903499

I hear ya. Its Kerckhoff's principle that a cryptosystem should be secure even if everything about the syste, except the key, is publicly known. Its been that way since 1883.
But, RSA, DH Groups, AES, are all publicly known and damn good algorithms.
None the less there is an entire classified portfolio of algorithms no one outside the NSA can study.
You cant crack what you cant even conceive of.

>> No.49903546

I dont want it, and I hate it, but yes, you're correct.

>> No.49903565

If only there was a smart contract that allowed us to bet on 4chan predictions. It could be called 'Two Weeks'.

>> No.49903584
File: 272 KB, 600x400, Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 13-41-27 kristalina georgieva angry - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The is the biggest FUD for XRP. I wouldn't rule it out though.

>> No.49903652

>where is my flare
Some of you guys are alright, but don't go to flare on July 4th if I don't get my flerps by then.

>> No.49903926

yeah I am not too fond of it either but it is what it is, necessary evils are a part of it as well, evidently.

>> No.49904080

Incorrect statement. And so by this post are you implying you are a commodities maxi? Or a PM boomer? Not incorrect, just shortsighted, obtuse and incapable of truly understanding the game as a whole!
Hahahah they don't need US, they need XRP. Refer back to the ultimate knowledge spam post here because it seems you are also incapable of understanding the game as a whole

You're retarded and an NPC, despite absolutely anything.

>> No.49904084

Let's see,
India has a bunch of gold and not much else;
China has a bunch of gold and not much else;
Russia has a bunch of gold and some natural gas and nothing else;
Brazil has a significant quantity of gold and not much else;
South Africa has a bunch of gold, some platinum, and not much of anything else.

What do you suppose the BRICS will use to back their currency? Hint: central banks around the world are stacking gold.

>> No.49904172

Didn't David Schwartz literally work for the NSA? The amount of delusion and cope from haters should not be possible.

>> No.49904189

We won't realistically see any major XRP price movement until 2024 - 2025. That's when CBDCs will be implemented. Be prepared for the lawsuit with the SEC to drag on for years. I'm hoping we can still get involved in this bullrun and see $1 EOY.

>> No.49904208

I would call you the NPC, but there's always a reason people believe what they believe. All I can say is that I disagree with your position, and that you're a Nigger. I capitalized the 'N' for you, Faggot.

>> No.49904739

Jab yourself immediately you emotionally impulsive abomination

>> No.49904949

Currency will be gold backed, but remittance rails will be laid by ripple, using XRP. It's still all the money, but more sensible.

>> No.49905142

why this pasta so often?

>> No.49905377

i think some rothschild fund has almost 10% of their capital in xrp

>> No.49905392

Lmao delusional. Even if everybody uses ripple network the token wont be worth shit.

>> No.49905999

I'm already max vaxxed chud. Last word goes to you.

>> No.49906302

My condolences anon.

>> No.49906329


>> No.49906407

Based spam bot poster

>> No.49906419
File: 143 KB, 1152x2048, standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is the standard. Non-XRP holders on suicide watch :D

>> No.49906907

Do you really think all the retards on these boards are going to hold until they're billionaires or anywhere close? Are you that new to this market?

>> No.49907163
File: 24 KB, 394x458, 8FBEA891-6239-4DD4-A863-DBB100DB6D2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get some xrp?

>> No.49907832

Kek noripplers truly are NPCs

>> No.49908137
File: 111 KB, 1000x683, AstroSYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time and TIme again, the FOMO creeps in slowly, it happens to all of us. And we never really know when its gonna end. But we'll keep trying...

>> No.49908192

read OP >>49900260
spoonfeeding is illegal

>> No.49909044


>> No.49909197

This is carefully written interweaving truth with false to lead anons astray.
P.s. Flare is LINK repackaged.

>> No.49909525

Global gov could just tell the world gold bars are worth $100 each next month and you'll neck yourself. Or they could just prohibit sale of gold without an institutional license, then youre gonna sell it at $50 sucking dicks.

>> No.49909553

Nobody cares about your fucking erc20 token

>> No.49909571

When the rest of your neighbours in the same planet uses a standard, you have no choice but to comply. You can't dominate if you're not part of the game. XRP is just a new platform for a old game running for thousand of years.

>> No.49909647

>They might use Ripple's technology,
Ripple's technology is far more efficient due to the use of the XRP token so it will be used. If they try forking then they'll get sued for IP theft and Ripple has the finances to fight a case.

>> No.49910621

Tell that to Jed.

>> No.49911722

Probably the same thing that was used for all of humanity excluding the past 60 years. Here's a hint, it's not crypto.

>> No.49911752

You are just retarded because you've been PSYOPED.COM by the glows one too many times. Or you yourself are a glow or discord tranny, in which case; promptly kill yourself please anon.

>> No.49911817

>Instant adhom attacks
>Says I glow
You must be new.

Why is flare constantly delayed, like they're waiting for ccip or something..

>> No.49911951

Fuck Flare. XRP is the standard irrelevant of all of this, silver is the most undervalued commodity ever to exist and XMR is the answer to protecting your financial privacy.

>> No.49911996

Like a centralized ledger? They don't need decentralization. The people do. These countries don't care about the people (well, you can argue they do, but not in that way). It's foolish to just presume countries known for central control would ever adopt a decentralized system just because it's more transparent.

>> No.49912040

You're presuming what XRP does can't be done other ways. Guess what, it's already being done by centralized systems. There is no need to adopt XRP from their end. Oil on the other hand is a cheap commodity that provides massive amounts of increased efficiencies without any loss of state control. Oil is a need, XRP is a want. A lot of countries may just not want it. If anything, they could just make their own, and probably would.

>> No.49912241

I agree this is the plan, but whether it will work or not I doubt. It would require every central bank going rogue and basically removing elections and statehood. Literally one country just has to go 'no thanks, we'll control our own money supply'. If it's some back-end inter-state settlement ledger than yeah I get that, but will we be all using NWObucks, I doubt it. But that is their goal yes. That's why it's important to support cryptos that can act as more palatable alternatives. I don't think BTC is that because Ma and Pa Jones get in at 40k and when it dips they're suddenly liquidated and can't buy their heart meds. Algorithms that are stable but exchange rewards for participation tied to economic growth are more likely. You need a stablecoin that doesn't just mint and mint and mint, it needs to be tied to actual work so that the coin is subservient to the needs of the actual economies it is trying to support not the interest of central overarching entities wanting to get rich.

>> No.49912489

Commodoites are cheaper than XRP so just buy commodoties and swap to XRP after it moons

>> No.49912539

The centralized versions aren't a quasi sound money system like XRP, they are not blockchains and the fact that it is centralized is a big issue, the main real most important thing going on right now on the world is that Russia is leading the way toward a multipolar world and so thus no one will accept another parties fully centralized non blockchain solution. The only real solution that could even be pitched as a good for the upcoming financial woes is XRP with the XRPL and it is simply just no contest.
Whether they issue their own CBDCs or use the XRPL to make one is irrelevant, the point is that they WILL back it with gold in order to regain trust in each other (other central banks/nations) as well as for the public.
This will likely mean that they will only use this CBDC domestically, as in; (since we are going into this multipolar world and no one trusts each others centralized systems) other nations will demand gold for large payments and so thus a hyper fast, easily trusted, well established, efficient and secure DEX would provide the perfect base layer intermediary without third parties.
XRP is that asset for XRP is merely the asset used on the XRPL, which is the mentioned DEX+ (it will only grow in function and use case) that will be used to bridge all the walled garden CBDCs chains and likely much much more.

>> No.49912817

I know you all like to dream, but they would not use something that is sold on public exchanges.

Something like a bancor is for institutional hold. Banks, institutions and corporations. People holding would be friction to something that needs to be liquidated. It is not meant to be used as an investment tool, hence would not be sold as such.

The very premise of XRP being sold on public markets is what makes it seem like a tool to extract money from idiots while testing their systems.

>> No.49913043

Governments can do a XRP buyback from users at an incredible price (over 100usd per coin is my guess)

>> No.49913146

And that sounds so much more reasonable, and cheap over bypassing that and creating your own systems!
Smart you are! Very smart.

>> No.49913449

Imagine they create a fork of the xrpl, where does the token price comes from?, how does it gets confidence from institutions? It makes more sense to start from the existing one, maybe even sue the company who holds the escrow to gain some influence over it….

>> No.49913612

that's the point
the market will have one last bullrun
you have choice to swap to XMR + XRP or not
your call anon

>> No.49913654

Point is
People who hold XRP will win
BTC/ETH/Link/etc will lose in comparison
The only people who will be our match
Is physical silver holders
And XMR holders
That's it.

>> No.49913655

simple, remove a big portion of the supply away from the hands of retail
again, it's meant to be institutionally held

if someone is solding you something claiming its a bancor, they are scamming you, simple as

the price is what they decide, easily comparable to a gold standard, but we may never know a bancor truly exists within their system and what the price of "it" would be, its none of the business of retails, but in the interests of incorporated agents

>> No.49913833

You're not really making a good argument there
>they just won't

I could see a fork happening. However, they essentially would scam all the insitutions, developers and other stakeholders of the current XRP ecosystem and be running off with the code. Will the XRPL developers keep updating the chain after that? Would they really created a new monetary system founded on this kind of betrayal?

>> No.49914316


Bancor is just a theoretical asset. Same with an ESDR.

New rules can be made up because this is something that has never been seen before. If we get a Neutral Bridge Asset to level the playing field between countries it would be a World Reserve Currency. A Super Currency or Supranational Currency.

The bancor was backed by England. That is why the USA declined to use it and made the IMF and SDR's in the first place.

So if they make a new international currency out of XRP we can just have whatever rules we want for it. Maybe they do allow people to spend it internationally as well as being used by institutions.

>> No.49914506

either were right or wrong

>> No.49914606

>neutral bridge asset but digital

>> No.49914622

Instead of buying back our XRP they could setup a way for us to stake with them. We give them all our XRP to use how they want and in return they give us a % back.

>> No.49914817

Checked but miss us with the buy back bullshit. It makes no sense.

>> No.49914982

nonce doesn’t know about the ripple patents

>> No.49915063

well im sure they were filed in the philippines

>> No.49915066

What makes you think that Ripple wouldn't grant them the use of their patents? They are buddies after all

>> No.49915341

>why won't x just roll over and die?
Fucking idiot hahahahaha.

>> No.49915561 [DELETED] 

btw, the "spiritual suppression" you identified will soon be lifted
as you know the path to knowing one's ying and yangs is filled with "suppression" and darkness, you know more than you give out so i guess you understand my struggle

>> No.49915764

this has to be the most leftist brain dead take.
>won’t they just share??? who cares if it’s a patent

>> No.49916008

I mean, it's a possibility. Why are you so offended by it? Ripple could very well receive special privileges in exchange for their technology.