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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49896054 No.49896054 [Reply] [Original]

i-Is he’s course based?

>> No.49896095

Your grammar skills are shit bro. I think you should look into an English course instead.

>> No.49896102
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>literal snake tattoo

>> No.49896120
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He dabble in human trafficking and forcing women to make pornography.

>> No.49896122

I’m trying to learn don’t be rude , correct me faggot

>> No.49896132

>this thread again
Andrew please go

>> No.49896173
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i am yet to return

>> No.49896183

i think he seems pretty based. not a 4channer tho. just a guy who has had enough of the same stuff often discussed here.

>> No.49896206

>annoying fake meme personality doing internet hustle
yeah im thinkin hes cringe

>> No.49896556

he reminds me the people bullied me in highschool. he looks fake and disgusting.

>> No.49896890

I think he looks like a faggot bottom.

>> No.49896919

he looks likes he lets his baldness rule his life

>> No.49896957

Stop shilling this faggoty egotist for free, no-one cares. Do your job jannies! herb

>> No.49896976


He based any shit he fuck bitches he alpha and shit dawg

>Normal speak

He is a massive faggot don't waste your money.

>> No.49896979

The new Tai Lopez. Have fun wasting your money on that garbage

>> No.49896981

*his course (possessive)
he's = he is (verb)

>> No.49896982

good knockers tho

>> No.49897005

That dude is a fucking clown

>> No.49897100

Yeah. If you do it do it like the chad e-pimps and only fans agencies. Take cheap workers from chatubate, let them do all the content, give them 50% and employ Asian workers to chat with simps for $3 an hour. Its legal, your workers are happy and the model is infinite scalable.

He probably got kicked in the head too much to come up with this.

>> No.49897109
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Would /biz/ rather be a half nigger millionaire like >>49896054 related or be broke as hell and look pic related?

>> No.49897135

Don't trust Chinlets.
It's like trusting Women.
You must be retarded to do so

>> No.49897190

and why would any model agree with it?

>> No.49897274
File: 94 KB, 1080x1350, 121283029_179285760338170_2173368899823223706_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His business model for the course is genius.
>make obviously incendiary soundbite
>tell course buyers to repost them on tiktok for an affiliate commission whenever someone buys course with previous buyers' link
>those new buyers rinse and repeat
>find new buyers
and the retard incel market is massive. a 1% conversion rate guarantees easy predictable sales virtually forever

he's an asshat though. goes without saying the course is not worth it. go to a bar instead and interact with people

>> No.49897318

because you would be doing the traffic and marketing part which is the hardest

>> No.49897320

why are you shilling this shit every day

>> No.49897323

>Oh look the trannies made a thread again
KYS faggot.

>> No.49897590
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>> No.49897765

He's a cringe edgelord tryhard with no chill. I can tell you already what this so-called gurus courses are like. He's a confidence man and a grifter. State obvious platitudes and convince people of truths that allow them to feel better about their lot in life. Encourage misogyny and incel attitudes cribbing from the MGTOW handbook. Larp as an alpha male Chad and flex your bullshit materialism. Don't allow for any criticism of your myopic worldview and tell everyone else to cope and seethe. Sell people your bullshit and to keep leveraging the grift.

>> No.49897837

you've peaked my interest. what's his name? i wanna see for myself

>> No.49897843

whos this sandnigger

>> No.49897879

Don’t know but he has huge boobs

>> No.49897962

Based Andre selling lifestyle to incels. His business model is genius. He generates controversy which makes people even more curious. Love him or hate him, he is a really good marketer and knows his target audience really well. Makes something like 1.2 million a month in pure profit just from this shit.

>> No.49898256

Let's see how long the Romanian government looks at this before they decide they want a piece of the pie. Might be fun to land in one of their shit hole prisons over human trafficking allegations

>> No.49898300

So its kinda like a MLM scheme?

>> No.49898362


Every paid course is a scam outside of university STEM or tech schools. Full stop.

>> No.49898364

The dude has millions of dollars and is knocking up 9/10 white women, what is not to respect?

>> No.49898495

Gtfo why do these fiver marketers choose this place to promote their employer

>> No.49898702

Prediction: he will die a brutally violent , humiliating, and early death and leave no bloodline

>> No.49899479


He the guy that said an Alpha male fucks other guys in the anus on a regular base right?
>Well guess I am a beta male!

>> No.49899512

Essentially. yes. its just marketed as an "affiliate opportunity"

>> No.49899538

> Looking at those milkers

That’s a woman, anon

>> No.49901207

who is this guy?

>> No.49901231

Jordan Petersons son in law

>> No.49901290

>your so lame for that it’s not even funny
seriously who is this charlatan?

>> No.49901311

Cringe inducing baldcel chincel muttoid subhuman grifter

>> No.49901533

Learn what? How to be scammed?

>> No.49901568

Andrew Tate

>> No.49901609


>> No.49901810
File: 260 KB, 982x1193, 1654308694396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he makes a lot of guys insecure enough to talk shit about him on anonymous forum.