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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49892234 No.49892234 [Reply] [Original]

>landlords provide a valuable service to society

>> No.49892266

they don't
they just front run

usually land larding is a meme that last 10 years tops, but since we do not have sound money, you can exploit the fiat to front run the new generation

>> No.49892269

Objectively speaking they heard, corral, and stable the useless idiots of the world (those with low credit scores) who could never thrive on their own. Every land holding anon who chooses to develop his property to shelter those useless idiots servs society. The same way some land is used for land fills or ham ranches.

>> No.49892278

> renovating a house, and maintaining after the renters have wrecked it, is useless bro

>> No.49892283

society would be immeasurably better if every landlord was tortured then horrifically murdered in front of his family

>> No.49892296

Yea I do

>> No.49892299

There is nothing wrong with Usury.

>> No.49892303

Isn't the landlord market kind of dead now?

I mean, no one is able to get cheap & free money anymore to start being a landlord...this isnt the 2000s/2010s anymore.

It seems like the days of the middle-class landlord are done for

>> No.49892309

We are giving you hopeless fags a place to live and we barely ask for anything in exchange.
You poors disgust me.

>> No.49892313

correct if land lording is outlawed
society will be much better off
there will be other state arrangements of course

>> No.49892327 [DELETED] 

It's good with hard work. My sister does it well. She spends all day maintaining her 3-4 houses and she's good at propaganda to get renters.

>> No.49892328

land lording is link to jobs
if there are no jobs there is no demand for housing
so you exploit the weak capital twice, but the ultimate source of the value is the job

currently we are finally moving away from offices and remote work is possible

real estate will crash hard

after society is re adjust real estate will be losing business

>> No.49892379

Fun fact: in countries without landlords the average lifespan is between 50 and 60 instead of 75+.
Guess why that is.

>> No.49892387

Nooooo you can't just buy property

>> No.49892397

its not how you earn money that provides value, its how you spend it

>> No.49892430

in real reality
property is just a concept
you buy title that you use the state to enforce
so you pay off the state to do that

but ultimately if the property does nothing you are at a negative

the only way a property can do anything is if agent utilizes it

it is very dangerous game comrade, remember property is only a concept and the state can move the title to the productive agent

so to ensure property concept remains you need fluid market to properly assign value

>> No.49892467


>> No.49892655

>smugly raise rent
>be shocked that people demand wage increase
people will exit this market quickly very soon

>> No.49892677

>landlord of high capacity housing or old people condos
>landlord of single family home

>> No.49892711

I live in europe, landlord market is almost non-existent from decades now.

>> No.49892747

yes this, ultimately landing is just front running and the value is the job

landing is a temporary gig until economy re adjusts

>> No.49892844
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>> No.49892912

>front running
There are hundreds of properties available in every major city on this earth. Rentoid communists such as yourself simply can't comprehend the concept of risk.

>> No.49892930

My friend was dating a woman who hated landlords, until she found out he was one, suddenly she loves landlords kek, liberals are cattle. They just hate being at a disadvantage, that's all it is, all their principles, all their social policies, all their staunchly held beliefs and their so-called activism can basically be summed up as "wahhh I don't like being a loser so you should be one too".

kys landlets, you will never be a real homeowner

>> No.49892968

they killed all of their landlords?

>> No.49893137

they do but I'm too tired to argue in this thread

>> No.49893438

>Housing isn't valuable
I guess you're free to live on the street?