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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49891377 No.49891377 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to FTM? Everyone wouldn't shut up about it for a few weeks and then it just disappeared. Is it dead? Thinking of getting a bag.

>> No.49891441

Happens every now and again, safe to buy a bag.

>> No.49891443

FTM is a great project that people don't discuss on here. It's the same with RSR. The fudding and shilling on here are just for bags people own, and clearly no-one on here is intelligent enough to have read into FTM and go a bag of it.

>> No.49891461
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>> No.49891505

Depression is a bitch

>> No.49891510

Then why has it faded into obscurity since it hit ATH?

>> No.49891947

Just use it and find out why its the best thing out there

>> No.49891971

Probably just the name set people off
Female to male.
Phantom begins with p

>> No.49892632

But does anyone actually use it?

>> No.49892684

You tell me. Looks like it's a total shitcoin now you've said that, you shouldn't invest.

>> No.49892712

It hasn't, it's biz that's dead. The same 2 guys are shilling hbar in every thread and somehow 5% staking is gonna save link. The absolute state.

>> No.49892718

>faded into obscurity
It is literally 4th place in amount of protocols
We're in a bearmarket and it dumped like everything else. We also did a -90% before last ATH

>> No.49892789

Phantom is ok.
Token distribution is shit, giga whale(s).
The biggest issue is the validator set can't scale beyond like 1000 validators. Even that might be pushing it.
So while in theory Fantom should be pretty decentralized, in practice its basically another Binance Smart Chain. I'm not implying a good or bad thing either, its just different trade offs.

>> No.49893136
File: 61 KB, 767x687, lock fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The biggest issue is the validator set
I have tried to lock my stake with two different fantom foundation validators only to get pic rel. Everytime, I have to wait 7 days before I can try another validator. Getting frustrated.

>> No.49893252

It’s way undervalued desu

>> No.49893534

When the market recovers it’ll pump HARD. Always does.

>> No.49894105

The foundation paused the grants program. It will probably come back next month when round 15 of Gitcoin Grants goes live.

>> No.49896625

>can't scale beyond like 1000 validators
Really? any proof?

>> No.49897037

>Different trade off

There's no point in blockchains without decentralisation

>> No.49897087

Will hit 0.15 before it starts to slowly climb back to 0.80 before the next bullrun shoots it back upto 3.30+

>> No.49897296

>Token distribution is shit
I mean, are you just seriously making this shit up?


>> No.49897385

Next bullrun I'm hoping for way more than $3.

>> No.49897558
File: 73 KB, 678x785, IMG_20220621_151949_276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. There were tons of early investors ready to dump as well. All things considered we seem to have found the bottom at 20 cents provided the economy doesn't explode. I'm still holding. No longer selling off staking rewards. I had 330k at 1c and now I have 240k since I sold and diversified (and also bought tomb. What a mistake)

>> No.49897624

Can you see that massive long wick tranny? Yes that's right it's going all the way down again because you are a tranny lol
I hope you neck yourself so this board can finally be free of you shits. At least you fags don't make many threads anymore further proof you shitcin is a shitcoin (your developer said so even)

>> No.49897707

100% a bot comment this

>> No.49898142

Fantom is the only thing keeping my folio as nice as it is

>> No.49898401

Look tranny! Look at the chart faggot it's just a line now lol Tranny get fucked lol
I hope you neck yourself so this board can finally be free of you shits. At least you fags don't make many threads anymore further proof you shitcin is a shitcoin (your developer said so even)

>> No.49898427

DCAing my FTM & Tomb even Tshare bag now.
Waiting Felix Exchange to growth, it's just started last month
Felix is like binance for bsc
felix for ftm

>> No.49898626

gee, ya think?

>> No.49898651

Did Harry already cash out?

>> No.49898694

Yes, it's almost like I commented in between his "first" and "second" posts.

>> No.49898757

Is RSR even still a thing? Last I heard they were promising mainnet by the end of 2019.

>> No.49898835

I sold my bags a long time ago but bought back in recently sub 1c as the fabled mainnet is finally coming this August. Been stable growth over the last two weeks so I think you'd be nuts to not hold a small bag at least, personally. But yeah, they fucked up on their roadmap BIG TIME.

>> No.49898864


>> No.49898913

I mean I bought at .0055 the other day, so I'm pretty happy with the 40% I've got so far.

>> No.49899088 [DELETED] 

It's going lower tranny! Look it's in free fall lol
This is why you are a faggot tranny you buy this tranny coin lol
I hope you neck yourself so this board can finally be free of you shits. At least you fags don't make many threads anymore further proof you shitcin is a shitcoin (your developer said so even)

>> No.49899160

I still have a stack of 300k because I forgot to sell when I stopped following the project. Is that a make it stack?

>> No.49899207

9/10 larp but yeah

>> No.49899345

Definitely, holy fuck. Supposing it hits even just a couple of cents, you've got a nice profit in it. Good luck, lad.

>> No.49899404

Stop buying shitcoins, anons.

The only coin that can save us all is: Ergo.

Look it up, and thank me in 5 years.

>> No.49900296
File: 198 KB, 1550x814, tickr pcog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the contract with the jeet shillers expired anon
don't fall for it
dyor on Precog finance, scamtom is dead

>> No.49902445
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1649222798714s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be a great project but the price action has been so poor lately. I flipped it for LOX desu. I will prefer a coin with a good staking reward and real-life utility to a project that has been shit for months.

>> No.49902452
File: 209 KB, 1299x807, fantom_mogger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust in Fantom.
Trust in Kong.

Fantom is love
Kong is life.

>> No.49903495
File: 179 KB, 480x444, 1614105418643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread
>post this picture

>> No.49903928

fucker sold above $3 while telling the retards in tomb to hold LMAO