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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 646x700, A622495B-971D-4660-AA28-8D027EB82756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49888752 No.49888752 [Reply] [Original]

>koi pond in front yard
>salt lamp in bedroom
>tiffany stained glass windows in sunroom
>ensuite demolished for a walk in wardrobe with down lights
>sink installed in the bedroom

>Zestimate (+1.9%)

>> No.49888777

>tiffany stained glass windows in sunroom
I hate women so much.

>> No.49888808

>spilled venti iced caramel triple shot of vanilla with onions milk on the carpet
>”whoops gotta replace the carpet, let’s get hardwood floors babe”
>$-17,000 bank account
>Zestimate +2466 (8.3%)

>> No.49888811

>sink installed in the bedroom
what the fuck

>> No.49888820

If so, my dick better be in her mouth soon as I come home from work and dinner on the table.

>> No.49888841

>he doesnt know that women need a sink installed in their make up desks
Anon do you even know about the makeup desk?

>> No.49888851

>$-17,000 bank account
>Zestimate +2466 (8.3%)
explain the logic behind this investment

>> No.49888857
File: 40 KB, 610x502, 7FDAEC6C-CB08-49C4-8C39-CD89160AF13F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know

>> No.49888866


>> No.49888901

>he still doesn’t know why women like sinks in the bedroom

>> No.49888910

I just got it.

>> No.49888919

To wash semen out of their vaginja?

>> No.49888936

Can you please explain

>> No.49888945

>Salt the garden.
>Crack the foundation.
>Cause a rat infestation in the basement while down there to setup the meth lab.
>turn every neighbor into a crackhead with said meth.

Your turn, bitch.

>> No.49888947

motherfucking checked, greetings from kazakhstan

>> No.49888985



>> No.49889070

What do women do with sinks?

>> No.49889122

I've never been around a woman using a sink, just tell me faggot

>> No.49889166

Yes, in my wet bar. Possibly my wife has one too somewhere, I don’t know.

>> No.49889207
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>> No.49889255


>> No.49889513
File: 719 KB, 720x684, Screenshot_20220622-072710~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon do you even know about the makeup desk?
-"DEAN MAN! Will you turn pro evo down?! I won't be able to hear the girls call before we head out to the Sambas & Tails!"
-{dean rolls eyes to stevie and pablo while reluctantly grabbing the remote to tap down on the new soundbar setup}
-"I'll only be a couple of minutes!"

>> No.49889605

They like to get fucked on them. And then they use it to wash afterwards

>> No.49890249
File: 247 KB, 2200x1280, 1626057854846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 million dollar apartment btw

>> No.49890285

My trad wife whom'st doesn't exist isn't allowed to wear makeup.
If she wants rosy cheeks she better blush.

>> No.49890327
File: 493 KB, 2200x1280, whatsthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this? what goes here?

>> No.49890366


>> No.49890368

giga cringe and borderline unusable
even hotels are better than this

>> No.49890389

checked, are you serious or being sarcastic? why would plumbing be on the ceiling?

>> No.49890406

why can't mass shooters go after people like this?

>> No.49890448

Pornomag stash

>> No.49890456

look out the window of the picture
that's a multi story building
the upstairs toilet is probably right there lol

>> No.49890472

Let me guess, the kitchen is right behind the camera

>> No.49890515
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>> No.49890539

but it's an apartment, all those are just other apartments not yours

>> No.49891879

Does this make them think they’re movie stars or something?

>> No.49892636

SocEng to get a compromised appraiser in the house

>> No.49892801

A women would never get rid of her ensuite.

>> No.49892845

I call that getting tricked by a business.

>> No.49892981

Salt lamp instead of essential oil diffuser

>> No.49893418

What the fuck is this

>> No.49893553

OP if this is really a problem you have with your wife then talk to her about it. If she doesn't listen to your problems she's a shit wife I have never heard of anyone who wants a sink in their bedroom sounds like a total goldigger not a tradwife.

>> No.49894179

digits itt

>> No.49894264

The other day ago I watched escape to the country and if I remember right, one of the bedrooms literally had a small room in the master bedroom with only a sink. The couple did not like it.

>> No.49894523

My fellow Kazakh, I have witnessed you

>> No.49895165
File: 20 KB, 473x366, 1649662453135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd gladly pay $4million to live in such luxury

>> No.49895663

It's where the put the air unit access panel

>> No.49895862

Imagine all the sex that goes on there.

>> No.49895947

i feel like if i ever had that kind of money to spend i'd never stop worrying about losing it

>> No.49896141

A wet bar you poorfag.

>> No.49896295

>zestimate up 1.5% since she made Brad remodel the downstairs bathroom
>another work from home day answering a few emails and watching Love Island the rest of the day
>10 amazon packages arriving on the daily
yep, looks like its gonna be another great day for zestimate Stacy.

>> No.49897416

hardwood floors are based

>> No.49897604

Checked and incel-pilled

>> No.49897752

>Nonstop off topic spam
>Has currently 19 threads active on /biz/
Wow mods you've have 24 months to clear this board of this god damn spammer and yet you let him still dominate this entire fucking board because you lazy faggots refuse to do your job.

>> No.49897857

What’s with biz and being seething no homers?

>> No.49897907

>He thinks furniture is going to raise his zestimate

>> No.49897919

Fucking hell, this describes my female friend that bought in 2020 exactly.

You should add something about dogs and Doordash next time.

>> No.49897940

koi ponds are based, but should be kept in the backyard
>tfw feeding your boys pelleds

>> No.49898262

It wont raise a zestimate, but nice furniture will raise offer prices. There's a reason homebuilders furnish the model homes instead of letting people tour barebones units with white walls. When people can more easily picture themselves living in a space with nice furniture they'll open their wallets and are more likely to compete against the other prospective buyers for the rights to live in that space, even if the space doesn't come with the furniture.