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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49884500 No.49884500 [Reply] [Original]

We have been discussing the Cefi shorts that are wt risk of being liquidated for days in detail. Suddenly, now there is a large influx of people attacking the idea.

They have absolutely no narrative left to Fud LINK anymore if you look closely. They have changed completely to just defending Nexo. The best they are coming up with is trying to compare a shirt squeeze on bulgarian gypsies with LINK to GME and reddit as hard as they can. Its so transparent.

We are hitting them where it hurts for sure. They are in trouble and desperately trying to slow down the mass with withdrawals on their platforms.

Not only were they short squeezed before on LINK in 2020, but short squeezing is regular common vehicular and event in markets long before zoomers learned what it was in 2021, but this is their last narrative defence. Its pathetic and they are in a very tough spot.

On the eve of hipposus watery demise LINK will be in the sky.

How underwater is Nexo?

>> No.49884587
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here is my schizo theory. all of these protocols that are collapsing made lots of money shorting link or facilitating the shorting of link over the last few years because link had no inherent mechanism to reward holding onto the token. Everyone wanted to earn something so they lent their link which resulted in consistent, low risk short opportunities. Its why we all started noticing that the market would dump on links good news: if link appreciated it would threaten open short positions. Luckily short sellers could just borrow more link to short with if the price started moving upwards.

The release of the staking road map was very odd. You'd have expected that kind of news to come out at consensys, but they did it a few days ahead of time. Why? becuase the team is completely aware of the market manipulation targeting link and they new that they were trying to dump it again at the conference. By releasing staking news chainlink has caused a cascade of events to occur. Liquidity dried up as people started pulling link from protocols in preparation for the coming staking release. Since all these protocols were lending out this link, these withdrawals triggered buys in order to cover. These buys started threatening short positions, so some of the more decisive ones decided to close out their shorts. All of this resulted in a number of well known protocols testing their stress limits and exceeding them, resulting in a further cascade of withdrawals, buy backs, and short closures. And more to come this week.

Now wer'e in a down market, various big name protocols are collapsing, and btc and eth are crashing into an apparent bear market. And in this milieu link is going to undergo weeks of green days in a sea of red. the market will react and sell btc and eth for link in an effort to minimize losses.

Sergey and Ari gave defi enough rope to hang themselves with, and will use their collapse to jump start the singularity

what is happening:


>> No.49884603

It’s super obvious. The nexo bulgarians have certain tells when they post here. I really hope they get obliterated

>> No.49885135

Im earning a juicy apy on my 100k link :) you are just jealous. I can withdraw anytime. Take ur meds NEXO is safe and effective

>> No.49885268

Link short squeeze on multiple cefi platforms and a smaller lpl liquidity crisis. Either way bancor and co are getting rekt.

>> No.49885314


We can't stop winning cold wallet bros.

>> No.49885573

took all my linkies off nexo. 4% is not worth losing my stack.

>> No.49885605

spoken like a true nigger-shill bot

>> No.49885694


Its bait. The shills write something like “why shouldn’t i earn something while the market is this volatile?”

>> No.49886438

True.. you caught me anon

Hope NECKso implodes. Zeus capital fud was disgusting

>> No.49886642
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here is what will happen
>nexo and the others will continue to short link
>ftx will bail all of them out in exchange for ownership deals
>sam will be hailed as the good jew
>the markets will recover except for LINk and the masses will praise sam
>chainlink will crab to the right
>smartcon will be a nothing burger: no announcements, no nee releases, no new tech, staking will be delayed, ccip will become like mixicles or another forgotten feature
>the eric fireside will discuss nothing of substance just pie in the sky cyberpunk bullshit
>nfts and defi will be given the spotlight >celebrity endorsements will be the norm so that market makers can dump on retail
>twitter frogs will rejoice at nothing happening like usual
I saw a ftx ad on facebook touting how charitable them are to normies proof enough for me.
tldr nothing will happen

>> No.49886921

>chainlink not listed
really makes you think. remember back in 2020 they used chainlink to push election data from a single source on chain?

>> No.49886963

here it is right here. chainlink promoting others who ignore them kek

>> No.49887053

all of the fud threads are getting like 0-3 replies. nexo fud budget running thin kek

>> No.49887104

i posted everipedia fud and ftx as the good jew fud retard. chainlink producing nothing burgers is guaranteed. everything will be in security audit forever. even the bis thinks there is no way they can protect against the growing attack vectors.

>> No.49887107

>new linkie cope just dropped
Your fearless leader Sergey dumped on your asses every Friday for a straight year, it’s not rocket science why you missed the bull run

>> No.49887137

I am the last anon NEET left on /biz/. I am not your fren. The 2020 everipedia scam was the biggest sell signal from a technical perspective. and they haven't used chainlink oracles to push any other data on chain since. in fact they do not list chainlink as an oracle on their site. really makes you think

>> No.49887144

i wasn't even addressing you faggot. i see the aggression has ramped up too lmao

>> No.49887156

i hold LINK
and i hold GME

>> No.49887170

kys nigger. i am angry. i am sergey's vengeance. fuck nexo fuck celsius fuck blockfi fuck sam fuck ari fuck rory fuck sergey but most importantly fuck you

>> No.49887187
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say no more

>> No.49887208

thank you zach based king

>> No.49887223

thank you zach save us from the fattie

>> No.49887240

based king thanks zach become /biz/'s vengeance

>> No.49887310

fuck off trannies go back to twitter clg will never be a meme

>> No.49887351

Under the sea,
Under the sea.
Darling, it's better down where it's wetter,
Take it from me!

Up on the shore they work all day,
Out in the sun they slave away.
While we devoting, full-time to floating,
Under the sea!

>> No.49887373

based king ty zach

>> No.49887674

based king

>> No.49887882

one of you MANIACS will get Smartcon cancelled if you keep this king shit up

>> No.49887909

this faggot is the antithesis of /biz/

>> No.49887937

but bro he literally the frog version of sir gay frogs

>> No.49887965

Frogs are /biz/ but he is not

>> No.49888071

The fact you had them there in the first place is disturbing. Do more research in the future.

>> No.49888556


>> No.49888566


Didn't read it cuz i already know it's true in my mind

>> No.49889715
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I'm holding LINK and also RFOX, a project that aims to bring immersive metaverse to its users.

>> No.49890734

Stop the misinformation. Nexo is not underwater. All the assets are there and this is easily provable. What you people are doing is trying to start a panic in financial markets. This is illegal and all correspondences in this thread are being monitored and recorded.

>> No.49890853

Report it to the cyberpolice. Consequences will something something.

>> No.49891240
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Stare into my eyes and hear my words niggers

Let's get one thing straight. You WILL short those link bags. You WILL be happy with a 10% dump. That much I can tell you. A guard will come by your pod three times a day to administer the mood detection test. Should it read "insufficiently bearful," there will be an appropriate response. So, let me say it real clear. You're going to live with the dumps. You're going to keep all your profits from shorting. Yes, it will mostly dump, and you're going to love it.