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49880549 No.49880549 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49880655

lmao i like how it opens with a woman that can't shut up

>> No.49880719

Kek what a fag seething at the woman for questioning him. Hes so mad

>> No.49880768
File: 447 KB, 1501x1181, btc bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a bubble
>it's dead
>it's a bubble
>it's dead
>it's a bubble
>it's dead
>it's a bubble
>it's dead
>it's a bubble
>it's dead

>> No.49880774

Peter schiff never wins. You could hand him the ball and read to him run spot run while 50 of the hottest cheerleaders encourage him naked and no one is chasing him and he has all the time in the world. He will still trip and fumble.

>> No.49880788

ya not gonna lie, him yelling is so embarrassing. getting mogged by a pretty woman.

>> No.49880800

He unironically holds a shit ton of BTC and uses his platform to move the price up or down

>> No.49880811

Peter Schiff Was Right.

He's sometimes early but he's always right in the end.

>> No.49880815

>that scale

>> No.49880852

Brent Johnson made me a lot more money than Peter Schiff in 2022.

>> No.49880927
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>that URL
based schiff stays winning

>> No.49881002
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Were going to make it

>> No.49882056

Every scam has a period of success before people catch on. Bernie Madoff did pretty well. Multilevel marketing schemes still do well. One thing that has helped cryptocurrency is the unprecedented number of retards who think they're geniuses. They convene in great big retard echochambers and make each other feel smart. An endless supply of other retards are filtered into their echochambers by the retard-finding algorithms, and they are preyed upon by people who are just a few IQ points above them.

>> No.49882162
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Every scam has a period of success before people catch on. Bernie Madoff did pretty well. Multilevel marketing schemes still do well. One thing that has helped gold is the unprecedented number of retards who think they're geniuses. They convene in great big retard echochambers and make each other feel smart. An endless supply of other retards are filtered into their echochambers by the retard-finding algorithms, and they are preyed upon by people who are just a few IQ points above them.

>> No.49882287

>don't ask about what happened after 2017
cryptards with the blinders on refusing to look at the most recent 5 year performance as usual

>> No.49882411
File: 13 KB, 635x452, saupload_f2a575d96ee8cfc6039ec0db09dc96d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't ask about what happened after 2017
goldtards with the blinders on refusing to look at the most recent 5 year performance as usual

>> No.49882530

jesus christ you are retarded. hey dipshit, maybe you didn't know this but ETFs have fees which are a drag on long-term performance. try comparing GBTC to gold futures you utter moron

>> No.49882617

peter I apologize
you were right all along
bitcoinerinos are still in denial

>> No.49882778

Look how consistent gold is. It looks like it could be used almost like a store of value or something. It intrigues me how the price of bitcoin shot up so high though. What market forces caused these cute little bits of useless data to cost more?

I feel bad for cryptofags who bought in after the darknet markets were shut down. Those markets were the only justification for buying into digital, untraceable currencies. For everything else you can just use real money. There is no reason to go through all that trouble just to buy the same shit you can already buy. Democrats are against it because its untaxable and they love their taxes. Republicans hate it because brown people can buy weapons with it. Libertarians have no power so who cares.

The final nail in the coffin for cryptofags will be a federal ban, and it will be a bipartisan agreement. I am surprised it hasn't already happened with this weekend at bernies nigga in the oval office.

>> No.49882936

Mike maloney is better. He told peter to buy btc at 100$ while mike was accumulating.

Peter was too jewish to risk it, now his jewish instincts make him seethe when he thinks of the fact that he missed out insane money eith just a 100$ risk. Meanwhile chad mike Maloney sold the top of btc and accumulated more gold.
Mike is far more reasonable, he can see the potential off crypto as honest money.
Peter schiffs dad was actually a based guy apparently, he wrote books exposing the federal reserve scam and refused to pay taxes

>> No.49883016

What is shifty schiff gonna say after btc pumps back up to 60k in a year or 2?

>> No.49883032

Yeah the problem is it only stores wealth, it doesnt create it.

Its pointless for a zoomer with 5k net worth to guy gold, if he buys 2k worth then decades later he will be able to buy the same amount of goods accounting for inflation.
Which is good in a way but leaves 0 potential of quickly building wealth.
Its better to try to find the next google or amazon which can actually make your future wealth explode.

>> No.49883170

Crypto = rags to riches potential
Gold doesnt have that,
The method for financial freedom with gold is the typical boomer method,
>work for 50 years while putting your paychecks into gold
gold is literally just an analog savings account that works.

>> No.49883193

Completely disingenuous chart.

>> No.49883282

>Ponzi = rags to riches potential
>Gold doesnt have that,

>> No.49883316

your pet ponzi was a product of monetary policy. you and a bunch of other ignorant dumb money are going to get totally bagged because of immoral fed policy. face the facts, crypto is dead. it doesn't just randomly pump for no reason.

>> No.49883388

>he thinks they are shut down
>he thinks that btc is a untraceable currency

>> No.49883391

So was the 30% haircut in the boomer markets, which is much more unacceptable for what isnt supposed to be as volatile an asset class like crypto

>> No.49883452

uh, yes, that's right. not sure what your point is but that's absolutely correct

>> No.49884113

Is google a ponzi?
No it is a technology company which has the potential for vast growth.
Gold has 0 growth, it is completely static and inert, so your wealth never grows.
Its a double edged sword.

>> No.49884306
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Based Peter

>> No.49885303
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Mashinsky is certainly the product of con artists wanting to jump in to the bandwagon of idiot money that was the bullrun last year but are too retarded to understand blockchain or traditional financial institutions and thinks he's a genius after getting an online degree at a finance crash course.

However, you can't deny the fact that Schiff is just an angry boomer seething at the fact that zoomies aren't pumping his gold reserves. He lives criticizing Bitcoin and shitting on Bitcoin but loves to keep quiet when you talk about coins with actual working products such as Ethereum or Ripple.

He's been fudding since time immemorial. Of course he's gonna be right after repeating it over and over again. A broken clock is right twice a day in the end.

>> No.49885362

Yeah I know because ur retarded

>> No.49885455


I watched that debate months ago.




She was being a bitch. Go watch the full interview.

See >>49883316


>> No.49885537

Boomers not allowed on this site.

>> No.49885942
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 39240136_2055979107787896_6557445076987936768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao keep seething. Based Schiff putting the roastie in her place and dabbing on faggot buttcoin bros and NFT bros calling it a scam like it is.

>> No.49885998

convinced at this moment that schiff is actually SN and everything he does is just a psyop to distract from who he really is

>> No.49886006

I can smell the manchildren sweat from miles on this post.

>> No.49886033
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>> No.49886160

Schiff's son better learn from his father while he can.
Men yell at women. Simps coddle women.

>> No.49886205

Peter Schiff will always have $1000. I on the other hand will fluctulate between being a billionaire and poorest person in the world daily

>> No.49886942
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