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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49881124 No.49881124 [Reply] [Original]

>wagies finally start to develop a sense of self worth and understand corporate greed is making their lives miserable
>Demoralize them and make them forget with another recession

>> No.49881154
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Just some skill, sprinkled in a bit of luck. And you’re good to go!

>> No.49881227

The irony of a 4channer talking about demoralezation after spending the last 15 years in his favorite incel nazi financier forum deepthroating the boot and fighting tooth and nail for corporate interests calling everyone and anyone who didnt conform to the status quo "lazy, poorfag, welfare queen, dirty commie, nigger,kike, degenerate and subhuman". Reap what you sowed now parasite


Daily reminder that every single finance asset like stocks,bonds,debt,crypto,money etc are all purely parasitical in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable,unsustainable and exploitative with a built in expiration date and private property is theft. Every financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite and you will all perish alongside your precious stock market and blockchain

>> No.49881290

>Tessa White, a career coach who spent two decades in corporate human resources instead of having a job
she should be the first to go

>> No.49881344
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>> No.49881358

>corporate greed

tell me youre a retarded poorfag without telling me youre a retarded poorfag

>> No.49881368

>job job job job
is that all these people think about? thats all they fucking talk about you know you don't need a job to make money

>> No.49881375
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>> No.49881419

>4chan is a monolith
>finance and economics which have real world effects are make believe
>"private property is theft" implies previous ownership of said property
how do you even breath

>> No.49881686

Can't tell if this Anon stupid or just having a lul.

>> No.49881703

Hey retard, maybe you dont understand this but when the majority of CFOs are forecasting a recession it’s typically not the best time to act like a big swinging dick unless you’re actually vital.
The author isn’t wrong and now is definitely the time to be anchoring down and jocking for a raise. I just got $10k more a few weeks ago and one of my retraced coworkers is quitting to make less money while completely oblivious to what’s going on in the world.

>> No.49881728

>reminder that every single finance asset like stocks,bonds,debt,crypto,money etc are all purely parasitical in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value

Why are you even here then? Ah yeah, that's right, midterms in November. Eat shit you libshit cunt, you're about to be out of power.

>> No.49881813

You are the only one mentioning marx i am merely stating facts about capitalism

>> No.49881838

I am only here to hopefully be that little push some of you parasites need to do an hero. I know most of you are on the fence and i am here to comfort you that it is the proper and efficient play to do.

Also i try to gather as much personal information of you parasites so eventually i travel and "visit" some of you

>> No.49881862
File: 310 KB, 750x563, 1_16a08412ffc.2063789_4172633237_16a08412ffc_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also i try to gather as much personal information of you parasites so eventually i travel and "visit" some of you

>> No.49882034

>4chan monolith
4chan is a monolith yes. A literal circlejerk. An echo chamber. A safe space for nazis, incels and capitalists

>Real world effects
I never said finance and economics dont have real world effects. I am saying these effects are war, slavery, pollution, poverty, disease etc since as i said finance and economics are purely parasitic.

>Implies previous ownership
Yes it does imply previous ownership. The land belongs to everyone and everything. Anyone who seeks to claim exclusive (private) ownership of God's creation and creatures is a parasite who will be cast unto Hell. We live in Hell right now btw. This was God's will

>> No.49882445

damn I'd smash

>> No.49882920

312 brooks mill circle hermitage tn come and get me faggot