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49878233 No.49878233 [Reply] [Original]

>Started going to a therapist over my work related issues and feeling stuck in life
>Therapist is a female in her late 20s
>Can't take her serious because of 4chan memes

It's fucking over isn't it? Good job faggots not even a therapist can help me now. Only I can help myself

>> No.49878269

Is she hot?

>> No.49878278


>> No.49878292

We're not capable of making it on our own brother. Please, give Christ a chance and you will know peace, security, joy, fulfillment, and love... just to name a few fruits of the spirit. I sincerely wish you the best man.

>> No.49878296

You just know.

>> No.49878299

Your welcome. You didn't waste thousands of dollars to figure out that only you can fix yourself.

>> No.49878321

Oh god next time I see her I will think of this now, fuck youuuuu

>> No.49878329

imagine thinking a 20 something roasty has any way what so ever to contribute to you fixing up your life. talking solves nothing. just unironically man up and suck it up.

>> No.49878331

Flirting with her and try to fuck her will improve your life more than therapy itself, which, I remind you, it's a Jewish subversion trick and doesn't work unless your goal is to become a weak, pill-addicted transvestite.

>> No.49878358

Shut the fuck up midwit, only high IQ ITT can relate to this

>> No.49878381

> feeling down anon? Let’s go over your childhood trauma today
Freudian psychology is shit.

>> No.49878385

you need to switch to a male therapist. The problem with female therapist is they have no way to even comprehend what men go through since they aren't guys. She has no way to relate or even offer proper help and will just waste time to get the hours in and let you figure it out.

>> No.49878384
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>> No.49878440

A little sleepy water, if you get the drift.

>> No.49878455

Yeah this about sums up what I think

>> No.49878515

>Only I can help myself
That's always been the case retard. You should be thanking us, we just saved you a boatload of money that you would have pissed away on some dumb whore asking "And how does that make you feel?" to everything you say.

>> No.49878578

I went to therapy for the exact reasons you listed. I went to extremes to try to resolve my fundamental absence of happiness. I tried everything from therapeutic to medical to mundane to radical and profound. The only thing that worked was coming to know God. I understand your rejection as I once felt the same. I have a pure math degree... I strongly believed that a material description of reality was all that was necessary to cope with existence. The truth is that it isn't. What do you feel are the obstacles between you and God?

>> No.49878717

>Please, give Christ a chance and you will know peace, security, joy, fulfillment, and love... just to name a few fruits of the spirit. I sincerely wish you the best man.
It's a cope, because you're forgetting that the things you listed are achievable with Islam or other religions as well. You just chose Christ because you're white and you feel closer to Christianity than if you had been born in the middle east, you would feel closer to Allah and believe in the Quran. You're midwit because you fail to see this simple logic. Everyone's life is different, if Christ works for you doesn't mean it'll work for everyone.

>> No.49878721

Also >>49878331

>> No.49878924

You're absolutely right. All those things can be achieved with other religions because they all describe how to know and align with God. And youre right, i prefer the teachings of Christ because I am a white, western man. I assumed you were too. All the prominent wisdom and faith traditions are hands with fingers pointed at the same thing. My point still stands. Life without God is a house built on sand. Sure to crumble as you are now experiencing. Im typing on my phone hastily. Gtg now. I wish you all the best

>> No.49879004


Why is biz full of proselytizing pol-cels and also religious fundamentalists? Or are they the same people?

>> No.49879019

Im neither of those

>> No.49879055

That's a man.

>> No.49879083

Then you should've said "Seek God", not "Seek Christ", but yeah I agree they all point to the same thing. Life without spirituality is void

>> No.49879099

Did she ask you to undress to do the medical examination?

>> No.49879128

fuck therapy i ain't talking about my diaper shitting fetish

>> No.49879153

Youre right, my mistake.

>> No.49879160

This place is meant to depress you. Things in my life are going pretty fucking sweet but after being here for 30 minutes I start getting anxious about macro economic shit I have no control over. I'm going to slow it down.

>> No.49879173

You sound like a completely hopeless moron.

>> No.49879174


>> No.49879203

Only those without empathy say this. It's hard to imagine what you have never experienced.

>> No.49879211

This, either touch grass or profit from the meltdown
Also a thing that has helped me was studying history in my spare time, it helps if you are a too much of a doomer

>> No.49879214

I went to a therapist and I noticed how she tried to subtly belittle me and play on my insecurities in order to make me come back for more sessions. I get that it’s a business but shit really threw me off

>> No.49879233
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>anon, show us where the Illuminati touched you
>right here…on my peepee
>uh huh.
>it’s hard, so hard
>and (licks her lips) how hard is it?
>fuck, it’s so hard. It’s raging hard.
>anon, you have winter dickitis. You have to release it.
>can you show me how?
>sure, I’d love to

It’s that easy, anon. Just do it.

>> No.49879244

>how she tried to subtly belittle me
yeah no that's probably just playing in your head to feel better about your situation, get back into therapy you schizo fuck

>> No.49879286

Checked. Based therapist. 4chins blown the fuck out. So is anon.

>> No.49879288
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>can you show me?
>i'd be right happy to.

>> No.49879296

she never would have helped you, therapy is a meme for the most part

>> No.49879976
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Fucking kek, what could a 20-something woman possibly teach somebody?

>> No.49880083

>you need my specific flavour of sky daddy or else you'll burn for eternity
i'll take my chances

>> No.49880272

If you're so smart, why can't you figure out happiness you dumbass

>> No.49880680

what if i'm depressed cause everything in my life is shit and the shit is so fucking deep i can't climb out of it myself?

>> No.49881045


>> No.49881560

If you don't know faith, you're only half a man

>> No.49881611

definitely request a male therapist

>> No.49881754

Literally cope

>> No.49881787

your fault you went to a young woman instead of a milf therapist.

>> No.49881866

What cope? I'm doing good. Keep wasting your money and energy on ineffective therapy instead of connecting with the divine intelligence, which is free and will give you long-lasting bliss and a joyful life.

>> No.49881921

Just find a middle aged or older male therapist. It might be a bit harder but it's not impossible and absolutely within your rights to do so. You don't just have to pick the first available therapist you find you know.

>> No.49882191

Exactly. Was in the exact same situation as OP and it was a very stupid mistake.

>> No.49882240

>gets redpilled
>can't even take ownership of it
>blames 4chan memes
you're pathetic. consider killing yourself.

>> No.49882400

Find a new therapist lol. Lookin for one in college, I ended up with a hot blond probably not much older than me legitimately asked if I felt guilty after I masturbated. Like the first fucking question what.. not a chance in hell I’d barely give her the time of day let alone tell her nope always felt good and I’d love to come on her tits. wtf was she even asking me, but you can’t exactly say that to someone who’s trying to help you. Current therapist? Old jew hag helps me with my fetishes. Find an old jew hag who ends the session 15 minutes early. I don’t trust hot women.

>> No.49882499

therapy is a meme for women

>> No.49882524

>What do you feel are the obstacles between you and God
A grounding in reality. The notion of god is profitable if you scam people. The god scheme isn’t profitable for an individual

>> No.49882579

at least tell her this shit before you leave it lol

>> No.49882892

this. females live life on easy mode. try to fuck your therapist, then move on.

>> No.49883524

Literally seek god

>> No.49883559

6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.

7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.

10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.

14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,

7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

>> No.49883611

Fuck her
That is it she is good for

>> No.49883783

All these fags suggesting you go to a male therapist.
>going to couples therapist
>third or fourth session
>gf tries to get therapist on her side and says I don't believe in the holocaust
>he starts freaking out
>say I've never seen any evidence for the holocaust and have seen plenty of evidence for the contrary, but believe the holodomor happened
>he shuts up
>session ends after he says he can't help someone who doesn't believe in the holocaust
>never go back
lol, lmao

>> No.49883817

why don't you just lie to her for the lulz?

>> No.49883840


Correct. Women have far easier lives and are much more accepted socially. They have no concept of how isolated men can be.

>> No.49883902
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jk there is nobody coming to save you

>> No.49884017

Pretty much this.

>> No.49885399

just get a male therapist. Not because women cant be good therapists, but because if you find them attractive you probably wont open up. i'm actually seeing 2 right now. shit is hard but this is truly how to make it. Explore your pain, do not flinch. It is a teacher. We can all overcome our shitty childhoods and have a chance to raise our kids without the same baggage, killing the demon that spans generations.

>> No.49885658

This thread is schizo.
>goto therapist because life not in order
>i know she will just randomly fuck me
please biz, random fucking is fine but not after being a pussy in front of her (therapy). Maybe you could play up how she has helped, stuff is much better and ALSO these other things you worked out yourself, but that seems like a lot of effort to get laid.

>> No.49885681

>I’d love to come on her tits.

>> No.49885750

1. Mother
2. Father
3. Bible

These are the free mental health resources God gave you OP

>> No.49885826

This, but I would also suggest finding one who you can relate to on some level. Don't bother with boomers. Some are wise, but times have just changed too dramatically.
Oh, and contrary to popular belief, there are in fact male therapists who are not members of the happy merchant tribe.

>> No.49886144

Had a pretty decent time with the four women therapists. I specifically asked for a woman therapist to help improve my relations with women.

Uncomfortable with the first one at first, but by session 2 or 3, I say the most embarrassing thing I could think of. "I think girls having sex with dogs is hot provided all parties involved are consenting". I told them I didn't do or participate and they were okay with it.

After that, I was a lot less stressful. Used it for a my next therapist or two and never had an issue. Most of the time, I'd talk like crazy.

Each therapist might offer something.
#1 Helped me be more comfortable with myself.
#2 Focused on numbers and quantifying things. "Anon, since you want to work on your sleep, here is a chart."
#3 Focused on ADHD. Learned and applied meditation more. When I keep up, it's super helpful.
#4 Kept was honest (older lady): "With my couple therapy, I've only seen sex decrease in marriage over time, not increase." (Talked to her about my current relationship).

They were all neat. I need to get some more therapy now for my midlife crisis. Crying a lot these days. I appreciate the ability to cry since I didn't have it previously.

>> No.49886517

You can do all those things by yourself - the first one is called a whore. The benefit there is you get laid where as you pay a therapist to talk.

>> No.49887176

This was paid for by Medicaid, so no cost to me. The hospital organization is nice and eats the cost. Hookers aren't covered by Medicaid.

A well trained therapist should be better as a 3rd party with minimal bias compared to sex for services. Both can be therapy in their own way IMO.