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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 357 KB, 600x546, noreces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49877395 No.49877395 [Reply] [Original]

saying anything else is hate speech

>> No.49877426

Nothing to see here. Move along goy.

>> No.49877443

>right now
>right now
>right now
she sounds nervous

>> No.49877448

You realize she is a literal intern they put on a pedestal cause black

>> No.49877461


>> No.49877475

Isn't a recession defined by 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth? We're almost at the end of quarter 2 so we'll find out soon. Seems irresponsible to declare something one week before it can backfire

>> No.49877483

sorry i dont speak fluent nigger

>> No.49877485

Transition out of what?

>> No.49877489

top kek

>> No.49877493

it's so pathetically transparent, too

>> No.49877503

stop the bigoted speech against a lesbian black womxn

>> No.49877506

kek america is dead

>> No.49877512

the other interns have anything better going for them?

>> No.49877511

She said “right now” though so it’s kosher. Don’t be racist.

>> No.49877520

sorry, missed one
>right now

>> No.49877524

I mean, she's TECHNICALLY not wrong for "right now". But that'll soon change.

>> No.49877540

we don't ask those questions now go and consooooooooooom

>> No.49877544

oy vey stop asking racist questions goy

>> No.49877553

right now i will leave this thread right now

>> No.49877563

I hate niggers and Democrats so much it's unreal

>> No.49877564

>its transitory goy.
why are dem so obsessed with trannies

>> No.49877569

"I wrote this in my notebook so it has to be true"

>> No.49877571

>right now we're in a transition
yeah, to a fucking recession

who let niggers talk to press

>> No.49877582

fuck bros i would love to destroy her pink pussy, i bet those black women have fantastic pussys

>> No.49877585

>in charge of public communications for the actual fucking white house
>says "right now" four times in three sentences

>> No.49877592
File: 133 KB, 512x512, 1640733727143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust the government. Nobody is corrupt or lying in the United States because everyone who works in the United States has everyone's best interests at heart!

>> No.49877596

no anon, you're in a transition

>> No.49877607

I might as well post it, since someone else eventually will:

>> No.49877608
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>a negro

>> No.49877634

That's why she said "right now" so many times. Not because she's retarded, but because the White House knows how the media operates by only showing tiny clips that furthers whatever agenda they have. She's safeguarding herself so Fox News can't use it against them once we actually do officially enter a recession

>> No.49877640

these answers prove it's good we're finally learning to shut up and listen to black women.

speak, sister. the whole world hears you!

>> No.49877642

Right now i mean right now i don't think right now we're in a recession right now.

>> No.49877662

the entire US government is staffed and lead by literal retards, one more retard tasked with talking to journos won't damage their reputation any more

>> No.49877676

Recession is next quarter, make your picks and save some cash.
>Captcha NW00W

>> No.49877678

Right now. I am going to say right now, right now.
Right now I just said right now and right now you are finished reading this post. Right now

>> No.49877679

Das right my black brother, powah to dah peepoo.

>> No.49877684

But after righty now we will be in a recession. That’s my takeaway

>> No.49877697

das rite

we wuz kangs n kweenz

>> No.49877711
File: 44 KB, 600x334, D873FA84-D2AD-4D7C-89BA-88AF1F4B7FA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right now, Rome isn’t burning, right now

>> No.49877724


She’s never even met Biden, how can she speak for him ?

>> No.49877741


>> No.49877758

Initially I thought this was a parody.

>> No.49877761
File: 1.00 MB, 1114x630, wakanda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*mumble mumble*
wakanda foravah!

>> No.49877802
File: 2.67 MB, 408x720, black woman rolls around in fruit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly she's cute. Better than that ugly who Psaki.

>> No.49877810

> 0.1 seconds before nuke hits hiroshima
> we are not being nuked right now

>> No.49877870


>> No.49877925

America is full of retards that genuinely deserve to suffer.

>> No.49877983

Did you comission fury art to shitpost on /biz/ or is this just coincidental? Kind of forgot furries exist. Imagine living in a world where dressing up as dog or something is now mundane.

>> No.49878015

They literally don’t care, they can do whatever they want to fuck you over and it won’t matter. Now they have their endless stream of subhuman third world refuse on their literal payroll (on your dime) to keep them in power for the rest of this country’s miserable existence.
I hope you savored the “good times”, because they’re never coming back in our lifetimes.

>> No.49878026

This desu

>> No.49878068
File: 175 KB, 512x512, 1635698031206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you comission fury art to shitpost on /biz/
I paid millions to save trillions.
>Imagine living in a world where dressing up as dog or something is now mundane
ur mom is mundane

>> No.49878085
File: 2.15 MB, 800x1200, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kind of forgot furries exist
I wish I could

>> No.49878095

well now that this nappy headed black woman said so I'm inclined to believe it

>> No.49878097

We are in a recession already. I hate to say it but Biden is Carter part 2.

>> No.49878105


>> No.49878123

what a stupid nigger

>> No.49878155


>> No.49878180

We're in a complete and total collapse and economic collapse.

>> No.49878185

you mean obongo part 3.

>> No.49878354

vitaly wangstein here from new yorg oblast. i agree. america is no more.

>> No.49878379

She's a niggress

>> No.49878487


>> No.49878545


>> No.49878565

Recession becomes confirmed on the 28th of July, after advance Q2 GDP comes out. We're definitely in a recession right now, it's just not confirmed yet.

>> No.49878603

Cool it with the black antisemitism

>> No.49878628


>> No.49878651

Congrats on summing up the mental illness of the USA in one paragraph

>> No.49878677

1 month for official report, and even then, GDP would have to be stellar to make up for the previous quarter to avoid the "first half of the year was technically a recession" narrative.

Market has accepted that we'll be in a recession, but only a mild one. Q3 GDP is still expected to be positive.

>> No.49878695

that's the press secretary now? what happened to redhead mommy?

>> No.49878786

Stop making fun of her guys she was just listening to this before the conference https://youtu.be/DLQawHJ38Sc

>> No.49878845

Recession is only when adjusted for inflation. The nominal growth will be strong.

>> No.49878849

Wasn't producing enough braps, retired from brapfarm to shady hills bacon factory

>> No.49879248

Technically we aren't......yet

>> No.49879265

Yes we are. I began in Jan and it is continuing through June. It simply hasn't been declared yet.

>> No.49879284

Big fucking deal the inflation adjusted measure is the only one that matters

>> No.49879528


>> No.49879703

Umm 2 weeks isn't right now sweaty.

>> No.49879742

a growing economy

>> No.49879830

>Almost all Economists say Recession is coming
>Captains of Industry all say we are headed for Recession
>WhiteHouse be like "Kek! We don't see recession yet"

>> No.49880086

what's with the tiny mics

>> No.49880469

Prices are moving up too quickly to call it a recession

>> No.49880630
File: 61 KB, 600x926, EYhS9aNUMAEjvNs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This quasi-fake recession was spurred on by oil companies that lost money during shutdowns and wall street traders that lost a fuckton of money leveraging btc and shitcoins for their client. The average joes aren't being affected at all but the sneaky, greedy jewfuck banking system wants to raise interest rates to further squeeze an otherwise good economy

>> No.49880670

what happened to the ginger one

>> No.49880693

It's normal to replace gingers with niggers these days

>> No.49880791

>Seems irresponsible
you're referring to the government with 30+T debt

>> No.49880867

so...every position in america

>> No.49880935

She looks like a black american girl doll

>> No.49881107

> July hits
> Open any news outlet
> “Experts say: nobody saw the recession coming”
> 2023 hits
> “More and more Americans evicted, and why that’s a good thing”
> 2024 hits
> “Pod housing at work, and nine other time saving life hacks!”

>> No.49881132

Carter was goat’d compared to Biden. Atleast Carter tried and seemed to actually have ppls best interest at heart even though he was hamstrung by tptb

>> No.49881194


Funny how the "wholesome guys who have the people's best interests at heart at least" are always lefties, it's almost like they have their own massive national PR team called the msm and academia

>> No.49881209
