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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49876208 No.49876208 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 18 and always been a hyper-autist about getting ahead for the past 3 years or so. I have a full time job this summer in retail before headed to college this fall. I've had around 2 years of fulltime work experience going into college.

Currently taking some real estate classes to get my broker's license for the second time, if I fail Ill just do it again my first summer after freshman year.

Majoring in Finance and Banking - What am I in for bros?

>> No.49876449

Save up 1k a month.
Do compound financing.
Learn to stockmarket.
Have a fulltime job.
Never buy anything expensive...

Until you are financially independent by the age of 40.

>> No.49876490

kneepads and canned beans. your generation is beyond fucked. glhf

>> No.49876622

Old farts that pretend to be your friends are not your friends.
Know well that you can only have genuine true friends that are in similar place in life. Make mental notes about people you meet and do not assume they are friendly or even neutral from the get go.
The ones smiling at you with a fake smile that pretend the hardest to be your friend are the ones that are hiding some ulterior motives and are trying to play you.

>> No.49876689
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>What advice does Biz have for a 18 year old
Your generation is going to experience assrape the likes of which the wold has never seen. I'm sorry but there's pretty much no point worrying about it, you're better off just accepting that. Unless you have rich parents you will unironically own nothing. Take this time to develop valuable skills like gardening and woodworking. Don't worry too much about money other than trying to keep a stable job and moving forward in your career and maybe make some small crypto gambles if you can afford it.

>> No.49876759

just be maniacally positive about everything all the time at work.
also look good.
also accept that working in finance/banking you will never be afforded a comfortable WLB.

>> No.49877108

Sure, here are a few thoughts:
>avoid debt at all costs; when you are older it will weigh you down by preventing you from pursing opportunities and your mindset will always revolve around trying to work to pay it off. If it takes 6-8 years to get your degree but you graduate debt free then you are already ahead of 99% of your competition.
>get married or enter into a LTR ASAP with someone your age (she has to be a virgin) as women do not get better as you get older and dating when you are older sucks ass. Just get on with it already (soul mates are a meme) so find someone that works with you, not against you.
>stay in touch with everyone you know from highschool and try your best to make friends in university as after university it is almost impossible to make new social connections
>start working out/exercising, don't drink or smoke, and get eight hours of sleep (easier said then done at your age) as otherwise you will look terrible, and feel it as well, when you are 25+. Drugs are a meme and will fuck you up (even the so called "safe" ones like shrooms).
>read "UNSCRIPTED: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship" by MJ DeMarco and then "Feeling is the Secret" by Neville Goddard
>save 10% of your money and throw it into a "Fuck You" fund, and once you have built that up then start investing that money other things
>join the military if you are a burger but get a desk job in the air force if you want adventure and opportunity
>get off this fucking website and quit all forms of social media NOW

>> No.49877218

Get as many connections as possible. Other people are the only way to get ahead in life. Being a lone wolf is a boomer meme only a fraction of a fraction of people can actually do.

>> No.49877228

Learn to sail. Join the sailing team in college.

>> No.49877304

Drop out and drive a tractor trailer. You can be making a 100,000 a year when as your friends graduate with debt and you can always go back to school later.

>> No.49878014

Make friends / acquaintances.

>> No.49878190

Me, my girlfriend and brother all work in banking. In return for a decent salary and very good benefits you will need to accept that your work life balance will be abysmal. Whatever hours are on your employment contract are a lie, you could never do your job in twice that time. In order to deal with the pressure the easiest thing to do will be to drink to excess off the clock, do yourself a favour and find a better way of coping with it (running, cooking, doesnt matter as long as its not booze and drugs).

>> No.49879556
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>Never buy anything expensive...
>Until you are financially independent by the age of 40.
Ahh, I'm finally financially independent and I can enjoy my real li....AHHHHHHHHHH!

>> No.49880439

if you want to have a comfy life, learn to trade, properly
im a highschool dropout and i make around 20k a month, took 3 years and countless of blown up accounts on "i get it now for sure" tactics before getting my shit in check

>> No.49880548

My advice is your a faggot Zoomer pussy bitch and you should kys

>> No.49880563

Forgot, don’t get jabbed

>> No.49880599

>Majoring in Finance and Banking
nobody has this major doing finance or banking. do more research i dont think you are even bluepilled enough
t. finance and banking

>> No.49880665
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>> No.49880702

dont fall in love too early and dont get tattos.

>> No.49881772

Are you married

>> No.49882486

you are almost guaranteed to lose money if you attempt to speculate. doesn't mean you can't do it and eventually succeed, but the odds of you succeeding are low, and even if you succeed, you will lose money before you succeed. other than that you should prioritize your own health before anything else. you can never buy your health back, so never trade it for money. get plenty of sleep, exercise. eat right. you can damage yourself permanently if you don't

>> No.49882492

>Save emergency money about 1k
>invest in VOO and a total market ETF consistently until the end of time
>save up for a house
>fuck around with crypto and speculative stocks if you want

You're an adult now that's the best I can do for you. The biggest thing is get your money in the market NOW! I do not care where the market is if it is bullish or bearish. There is literally no bad time. People will tell you it is a bad time. This is wagie cope they fight like crabs in a bucket and will never escape. You will learn this one way or another.

>> No.49883403

My advice is that never have sex with someone you don't know really well.
That's it.

>> No.49883491


start taking fiber if you don't have a good diet. Just a spoonfull of zero sugar metamucil citrus flavor every day. Will make your life significantly nicer.
Everyone you know who eats like trash and doesn't take fiber probably shits a little blood every time they poop from their poops being dried up and requiring more effort and tension to push out. Take fiber.

>> No.49883826

Same age. Debating whether I should go to school for a PhD or not.

>> No.49884229

You shouldn't be having heart attacks at 40. Eat less junk food.

>> No.49884813

Best advice i can give you live your life while you can and dont get married.

>> No.49885606

Not the point. You could easily die of something else. There's a middle ground between spendthrift and pauper.

>> No.49885847


Take your time choosing a career cause either way you'll be working till you're 70

>> No.49885905

Fuck as many girls around your age that you legally can Bc the older you get the more off limits they become

>> No.49885906

Just put all your money into Chainlink and just hold, you got time on your hands. You will make it at 25 and yes that sounds kind of shitty but trust me bro you do not want to be trying to make it at 30. Stay focuses, don’t let short term price action effect your feelings, just dump every pay cheque you get into Chainlink

>> No.49887389

Unironically this. I've only had sex when I was in highschool.
>tfw no gf
That means I've only had sex with highschool girls. I will literally never get that opportunity ever again (im not a pedo i have no interest in hs girls now). I mean, you're 18 so you also won't ever get it either. Hope you utilized your youth well anon.

>> No.49889072

not yet, not really planning to

>> No.49889157

Do an archive search on biz and g for leetcode. Thank me later

>> No.49889248
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don't fall for the woman trap
never marry
only fuck other peoples wifes so they get pregnant from you and some other schmock pays for it

>> No.49890229

Don't let the losers in this shithole FUD you down. t. loser

>> No.49890264

Just buy 10 XMR and hodl till you made it BTC style

>> No.49890293

Sell your boi pucci.

>> No.49890310


>> No.49890400

Unironically excellent advice

Regarding women
>try to fuck as many women as possible before the age of 25
>whatever race, physical attributes, type of sex, kinks etc. that you could possibly want to experience at least one time before you die
>between ages 25-35, shift your focus to actively seek a compatible life partner
>the sole purpose of marriage is family creation, so be conscious of qualities conducive to good parenting
>integrate with your gf’s family as early as possible, her mother will be an indicator of what to expect from her in the future, and their overall family dynamic should be compatible with how you’d want your kids raised

>> No.49890594


>> No.49890640

Or they are just lonely. 50/50

>> No.49890760

1. Dca into crypto rn. Btc might dump another 50%. Doesn't matter. This is the tail end of the bear market.
50% btc
20% eth
20% BNB
10% alts (ftm, matic, and as for memecoins, I am in dogbat. Don't care if people hate meme coins. They make the biggest money. Just manage your risk. Don't go full ape mode).
2. Maximize your units in college. Like 18 per semester. Preferably you do an AA-T degree if that's a thing. If you're already in a university, then nvm.
3. Personally I'd recommend an easy major. If I could do it over, I'd become a teacher. Easy as shit and low stress compared to 99% of other jobs. That's just me though.
4. Learn to drive asap if you don't know how already
5. Idk.
6. Don't go full retard with trading if you ever get into it. Start with a paper account, do 2:1 ratios minimally, don't day trade, don't play with more than 5% of your whole portfolio by the time you feel ready. Don't let a liq wipe your account

>> No.49891703


>> No.49893275


having a friend who knows how to do something is as valuable as knowing how to do it yourself

>> No.49893332

fuck as much young pussy as you possibly can. The other shit you can do when you're older but nothing beats the memories you'll make with girls your age

>> No.49893380

Unfathomably based. No other advice really matters

>> No.49893384

start listening to everything charlie munger has ever said

>> No.49893936

Don't spend money on women until you graduate, there are plenty of fish in the sea. My biggest regret is spending money on them when I could have literally gotten pussy for $20 worth of weed.
Start investing in VOO immediately it will pay off in the future.

>> No.49894858
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Everybody here giving you advice to fuck as many women as you can is NGMI. The only way to make it is to disregard women completely, otherwise you'll suffer both mentally and financially. The pussy slaves itt are laughable.

>> No.49895008

coombrains, get rich and you can bang fertile cunts all day

>> No.49895087
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>look up career earning averages of all majors in the US and pick one that makes money and that interests you
>go to community college, then a state college
>dont take out loans unless you have to
>live with your parents if possible
>get a job
>try to get a good GPA so you can get a good internship
>junior year get an internship with your college
>start sending out apps beginning of your senior year
>try to get as high paying a job out of college as you can, this will make your career earnings much higher in the long run

Try to enjoy college too, but realize its a business transaction. College is no longer about becoming more worldly and becoming a scholar, its a transaction between you and the school. If you get a degree that is worthless youve just wasted thousands of dollars.

>> No.49895123

Have sex

>> No.49895128


>> No.49895141

>what advice does biz have for a 18 year old
Kill yourself

>> No.49895153

never listen to biz
advices included

>> No.49895180

it's very very hard to die of anything before 40 unless you're a retard
incidentally spendthrifts are much more likely to die young because of their frivolous purchases or activities (fast cars/bikes, drugs, paying for whores, etc.)

>> No.49895210

y'know, not all of us here have to make enormous personal sacrifices in order to fuck women.
>t. fat sex tourist in Thailand

>> No.49895299

best post

>> No.49895368

There is no need to make any sacrifices. Sex is 75 euro and a phone call away at all times if you want it so much. Interacting with women in any capacity outside of this is the sacrifice you should be avoiding.

>> No.49895412

Who hurt you, bro?

>> No.49895481

women can be fun. Pair bonding is healthy and important - it's necessary for building a family, which is extremely fulfilling. Get yourself tested for autism and other chronic mental disorders

>> No.49895494

It is not worth trying to pursuade autistic people on these ideas.

>> No.49895664

why pay for sex?
just fuck married women
see >>49889248

>> No.49895694

focus on making money not credentials. learn how to make money even if it means waging or working long hours. its easier to flip money into more money than it is to flip credentials into money. just focus on continually making money and creating streams of income. do whatever it takes to make money then flip that into owning things like real estate, vehicles, land, animals etc

>> No.49895755

Buy Sifchain as it will be used for CBDCs.

>> No.49896051

>heart attack at 40
Don't get the jab you moron