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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49875633 No.49875633 [Reply] [Original]

Can they?

>> No.49875685

gotta cut loose PIGS. will EU do it? no

>> No.49876266

That's not realistic or even beneficial in the long term, southern europe is a vital part of the union

>> No.49876322

No, it's fucked!

>> No.49876414
File: 195 KB, 1186x608, 10882_250-12358-1plus2-j-385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the euro is fucking gay just bring back the old currency
>german marks
>french franc
>italian lira
>spanish peseta
absolute kino

>> No.49876444

europeans are evil and shit

>> No.49876740
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>> No.49876897

If a title is a question, the answer is no.

>> No.49876977

who gives a fuck

>> No.49877050

Germany won't allow the Union to break up

>> No.49877482

if euro stays fiscal transfer need to happen, the richest must support the poorest, the alternative is having another currency for the countries with the most debt and just inflate the shit out of it to get rid of the debt, and then in a decade or two, when debt to gdp is under 50% they could merge into the euro again, but at that point they should be forbidden from ever increasing their debt over a threshold, there most be discipline or there can't be a single currency, because the nations shouldn't rely on the central bank to balance their budgets, that's just stealing from the savers... when a empire/state/nation punishes savers and rewards wasters then that entity has no long term future

>> No.49878135

The EU is the second largest economy in the world

>> No.49878386
