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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49863792 No.49863792 [Reply] [Original]

its already at 17% wha the fuck?

>> No.49863811

What is that symbol, like a double chainlink?

>> No.49863812

Almost every alt with a decent market cap has pumped hard in the last day or at least week, it's not unique to matic. The BTC absolute bottom was 17k and whales are slurping on every alt and I mean EVERY alt, the shittiest scam alts you can think of are probably up over 30% on the weekly.

>> No.49863849

matic is way above 30%
OP meant its at 17% only today

>> No.49863883

Not unusual still, scams like Chia are up over 80% on the weekly, in the top 300 or so market cap alts less than 20 are even red on the 1 day chart.

>> No.49863908

I took some profits into eth, i bought a bunch at 30 cents

>> No.49863917

its two "polygons" joined together to form an infinity symbol indicating the infinite amount of wealth you will acquire from this token

>> No.49863949

because there are 1.4 billion jeets in this world and theyre all buying it

>> No.49863967

Major top signal

>> No.49864118

yes but matic is not a scam
/biz is just fucking retarded

>largest number of daily active users
>largest daily revenue between all other scaling solutions
>more than 6 scaling solutions
>insane liquidity
>very EVM compatible
>vitalik himself approves of matic

but yeah sure its a scam KEK
cope or rope

>> No.49864219 [DELETED] 


>> No.49864240


>> No.49864243

Vitalik is a pedo faggot and you a shitskin

>> No.49864261

it dumped harder than most tokens also a ton of eyes on GNS rn

>> No.49864289

also most of the top holders are rich eth whales instead of broke vcs that will permanently dump no matter what

>> No.49864359

>he knows
>he knows
>he knows
>he knows

>> No.49864363

>Down 80% in 2 months
>Pumps 17%
>"We're back!"

>> No.49864378
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Did they seriously base their logo on that S symbol everyone drew as a kid?

>> No.49864403

you fucking faggot all coins are down by more than 80%
if anything matic is holding up stronger than the rest

>> No.49864459
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet ESL shills are samefagging with alternate IPs at 4:30 in the morning American time

>> No.49864478
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Good morning sir

>> No.49864496


>> No.49864497

you mother bitch fuck you bloody basterd

>> No.49864509

hello ser
do not redeem ser

>> No.49864518
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>> No.49864583
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>> No.49864633

Fucking rope you curry cunt. It's 80% down in 2 months. If we look at ath it nearly hit 90% down. Even if you just held bitcoin you'd still be performing way better than matic.

>> No.49864639

Ive held this shit from 2.40 ffs plz dont give me hopes. Worst of all its a fundamental coin like link while dogshit scams like luna and sol pump15x

>> No.49864657
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>> No.49864702

Worse I bought low at .32 a year and half ago. Staked and missed the may top, held til dec pump, didnt sell as i no signals flashed and now im back to square one. Its literally worse then link at this pt, plz vitalika

>> No.49864718

seethe harder

>> No.49864756
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I don't have very big matic bags because it's not my main bag but it's a solid coin and I wish I'd got in earlier. If it makes you feel better I bought ROSE at 6c last summer and stayed staked through the December top because it wasn't enough to be worth paying taxes to people that hate me.

>> No.49864796

Do not worry sir. Hodl for mumbai my bastard!

>> No.49864916

Because people found out the ETH merge will not solve the gas problem, and MATIC is the next best solution.

>> No.49865491



>> No.49865521

>S symbol everyone drew as a kid
u wot?

>> No.49865538
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Hello zoomie.