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49858959 No.49858959 [Reply] [Original]

God damnit, as of today it's official I was the anon who thought he had lymphoma and doctors kept saying I was wrong.
I had a major incident where I passed out from sheer pain and all my neck nodes became swollen for over a week.

Doctor's finally today got the results, NHL, but I'm already 4 years into it according to the doctors, they are going to follow up on treatment but the look on his face told me he was selling a faulty product.

It was nice shitposting with you faggots, pray the lord takes me soon and painlessly because I think I'm finally at the door, I can barely think or type without level 10 pain everywhere and it's not going away.

Just thought I'd post one last thread on this gay board.

>> No.49858987


>> No.49859041

godspeed anon I'll pray for you

>> No.49859054

sorry to hear fren. how old are you?

>> No.49859071


Best of luck bro.

>> No.49859073

Wishing you the best fren

>> No.49859081

Thanks friend, pray that it happens by the end of this year, I thought it wouldn't progress this painfully and rapidly, I was much better last year in comparison to this very moment.

I just turned 35

>> No.49859094

don't worry fren, you will be in my prayers

anyway, being with Jesus is the only way to truly make it because everything else goes to zero eventually

>> No.49859124

I've been praying a lot lately, and tried really hard to work even though I have raging cancer inside me, I failed I just hope it's swift, I can't take another year of this.

>> No.49859150


>> No.49859164
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Best of luck Anon.

>> No.49859175


Praying for you. You will be missed.

>> No.49859176

im sorry to hear that anon...

>> No.49859191

>eat zero carbohydrates
>look up the warburg effect
best of luck anon

>> No.49859207
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bless you fren
sorry for your troubles

>> No.49859218

This bought a family member many more years than was expected.
Good luck anon, godspeed. I'll be praying for you.

>> No.49859240
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Pressing P to pray for you.


>> No.49859244

Today you, tomorrow me. I’ll never see you in this world, but in the next life maybe we’ll meet.

Pray for us who are left behind. Good luck on your journey.

>> No.49859249

This, and unironically eat ze bugs. Crickets, superworms, and grasshoppers are tibesti. Stay away from meme pupae

>> No.49859251

Larp. Post pic of dick and I’ll believe you

>> No.49859253


Sometimes things fix themselves, i was supposed to be bedridden for life in constant pain and likely die young. This was 12 years ago after getting diagnosed with a self immune disease that was so painful i couldn't even drive when my wife was pregnant.

No real cure.

Wife fucked off when i became a wreck with no job.

I just fucked off to a third world country and stopped taking any of those meds (which were just there for the pain) started smoking (because why the fuck not, let's see what kills me first) and for some unknown reason the disease just stopped.
It left some damage but it stopped and the pain is gone 98% of the time.

No explanation but i can swim and walk hours with minimal issues left.

So crazy shit happens.

>> No.49859262

When did you first suspect you had it? 4 years seems like a long time.

>> No.49859269

I’m sorry bro. I hope your suffering ends one way or another

>> No.49859272

What were your early symptoms?

>> No.49859286

i lost my mother to breast cancer last year. fuck cancer. you will be missed bro <3

>> No.49859293

My penis doesn't even work bro, I'm not going to post my dicklet.
Thanks for all the prayers frens I think I'm gonna goto the ER for pain medicine this shits so bad it's blurring my vision.

>> No.49859298

I would start training for a marathon and cut all sugar and most carbs
Cancer is scary and complicated but also simple. It needs carbs to grow. If you burn it all and get your body to rid itself of dead cells, the cancer can't really grow

No sugar
No alcohol
No weed
Just fatty lower carb foods and meat.
Start with c25k and go up from there

>> No.49859300

Sorry anon, just said a prayer for you. Check out Andrew Scarborough, he was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and given a very short time to live yet years later he's still around based on the changes he made from his research. And what the other anon said about fasting!

>> No.49859304
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Memento mori, I'm sorry yours is coming this way.

>> No.49859329


>> No.49859337

I hope you get the help you need bro. Good luck

>> No.49859348

Weight loss, night sweating, swollen lymph nodes, no real pain till last year.
Also my body stopped healing infections, they would just say there like open wounds until I would get micro surgeries on them.
I knew something was off my brain is literally screaming to me for the last 3 years that you have cancer and I did everything I could to get insurance and money and pay for specialist visits and they kept telling me I was fine and just somehow keep getting constant infections and why my white blood cell count was off.

Wasn't till I finally asked for a biopsy after this last cytokine storm, I thought it was my teeth attacking my face but its my lymph nodes.

>> No.49859375
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>pray the rosary anon, i will pray for you. Ask Jesus Christ for help and confess your sins friend. I love you.

>> No.49859387

I'm gonna go this is getting ridiculous thank you guys for the support, it helps more than you know this days been super dark and weird.
I hope the threads still up when I get back and I can try to answer any questions but ERs can take awhile so I'll just say goodbye for now, maybe I can post again but I doubt I will I just wanted to say goodbye really.

>> No.49859403

doctors diagnosed my late mother with calcium in the left part of body when it was actually lung cancer and by the time they discovered it was already stage 3 to stage 4. they never did any check ups except once several years before, Praying for you, fren. Treatments are getting better every day. Reminder for people to listen to themselves and intuition like you have and not always take what doctor has to say.

>> No.49859405

What is your diet like? Do you smoke or drink?

>> No.49859406

Anon, I...

>> No.49859409
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>> No.49859416

It's been an honor, fellow autist.

>> No.49859434

What were her symptoms?

>> No.49859449

Sorry that this shit has happened to you. Figure out your next step, treatment, odds of survival, etc. It’s not over yet. If it all goes to shit, try to be brave in the end. Try to be at peace. They’ll dope you up beyond imagination and functionally euthanize you so don’t worry about pain. There’s probably more to all of this so be open to whatever follows.

>> No.49859465

Tell that doctor he can go choke on a nigger cock. And if youre larping, then you can too. If youre not, then just the Doctor can, sorry anon.

>> No.49859471

Vitamin B17
Apricot Seeds

>> No.49859479

How were your night sweats? How drenching? What was your white blood cell count?

>> No.49859480


>> No.49859486

Get a ninja blender, and juice hardcore daily with a variety of fruits and veggies.

>> No.49859487

im sorry anon, thinking of you

>> No.49859521

I'd have to find all my charts which I'm not gonna do cause they are buried in my pile of shit I keep on my desk, the night sweats were worse years ago like I'd be sleeping in a puddle of water, they are back recently but they aren't as bad mostly just my head but its still enough to soak my pillows

>> No.49859523

pain in the arm and shoulder (turns out it was referred pain), light coughing in mornings but that was it, no other pains. doctor made her go to physical therapy for over 2 years and then finally she got a scan and then was diagnosed. After diagnosis, lived half a year but it was brutal because then it just spread everywhere.

>> No.49859601

Coffee enemas. They saved my life, and I'm thriving now. Hope it helps you. https://www.peak-health-now.com/coffee-enema-pages.html

>> No.49859607

Stay strong, fuck this cruel world, why does it has to be this way.

Will be praying tonight before sleep for you frend

>> No.49859624

Hang in there fren, Ive managed to survive 8 years with Leukemia, shits rough at times but I certainly still get enjoyment out of life.The most important part is to believe you can keep going.

>> No.49859638

No refunds

>> No.49859645

Look into essiac tea.

>> No.49859667

Try going to another doctor, second opinion is really important.
Live anon.

>> No.49859678

Thanks friend, okay I am really going now the wait time is low so I'm hoping nobody is there so I can get proper care.

>> No.49859685

>It was nice shitposting with you faggots, pray the lord takes me soon and painlessly because I think I'm finally at the door, I can barely think or type without level 10 pain everywhere and it's not going away.

Fuck i wrote my first post before the pain shit that hurt me.

>> No.49859713

hope it somehow goes away painlessly fren, otherwise have a safe trip and we'll meet again on the other end. I love you.

>> No.49859748

Start fasting

>> No.49859765

I am so sorry anon I hope you are able to beat it…

>> No.49859800

explain pls.
like intermitent fasting? or what?

>> No.49859831
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Shit anon, i'm sorry it had to be this way
I hope a miracle happens
Eventually we all have to go anon, millions of people did it before you, millions will do it after you, you are not alone

>> No.49859950

Praying for you anon.


>> No.49859962
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Good luck anon. If you want some scizo cancer advice...

Are you on pain meds? Because there’s a growing body of evidence that opiates cause cancer, and quitting them can eliminate it.

There’s a book called "Cancer is not a disease", you can read the first few chapters free on amazon. Basically this guy’s theory is that cancer is a detox process stemming from toxins. So if you can eliminate the toxin, the cancer will go away in weeks. (Lots of people have "spontaneous remissions" after being told they have only months to live, so this isn’t so far fetched imo.)

Cancer cells can live in an oxygen poor environment, so if some part of your body get blocked up from toxins, and can’t get any oxygen, it has to change to a cancer cell or or it will die. You would die a lot faster if your lymph nodes choked to death instead of becoming cancer cells.

Then your body makes tumors to encapsulate the toxins so it can slowly break them down. Radiation and chemo kill the cancer cells, but the toxins remain/increase so your body has to make more tumors in response.

My dad died of esophageal cancer recently. I found out later he had been on oxycodone for 30+ years. The cancer was pretty stable for about year, but then he had a failed stent procedure and was in a lot more pain. He upped his pain meds massively, he was basically in a haze throughout the day. A few weeks later his cancer had metastisized. Also his liver started to back up, filling his abdomen with fluid. He upped his meds even more, and within a week he had developed a brand new tumor in his colon that ruptured during another procedure and killed him.

I thought there was a pretty big correlation between the pain meds and cancer spread. Unfortunately he had kept his pain meds a secret from me until a month before he died, when my mom told me. Doctors don’t know about studies that suggest cancer is caused by opiates, but they’re out there.

>> No.49859964

Good luck, Anon. I just turned 35, so same age.

Hope you'll get it handled. The pain sounds terrible. I don't typically pray, but will pray for you.

>> No.49859984

prayers to you anon, I hope you beat the shit outta that cancer.

>> No.49860001
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I hope you rest in peace, fren

>> No.49860033

Now you can build wealth when you come back. Hopefully it's after the nukesm

>> No.49860060
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eat nothing for at least 48 hours, activates autophagy and the sirtuin genes in healthy cells, cancer cells cannot adapt and die off. cancer cells live almost exclusively off of poorly burnt glucose outside of the mitochondria, they are prone to dying when fasting.

>fasting protects mice from the deleterious effects of chemo and makes cancer cells more likely to die from chemo

>based jap
the nobel prize in medicine for 2016 was for work by a based jap in autophagy https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2016/press-release/

>sirtuin genes
they code for sirtuin proteins, they are activated in the absence of food, they protect the cell and encourage old proteins and organelles to be recycled, cancer cells fail to do this and become weak and die from fasting

hope that helps brah

>> No.49860063

Horrible news anon, look into turkey tail mushrooms, sulfurofane + fasting to do alongside treatment. Praying for you

>> No.49860074

you might me interested in a documentary caused "house of numbers". i don’t know what your disease was but there are a lot of examples of "medicine" like opiates or AZT being the thing that causes the disease. or you could have had some other toxin in your life that disappeared when you changed countries.

>> No.49860098

Some people have even had positive effects from mebendazole

>> No.49860099

we'll be here to shitpost with you always, fren. hope it's an all around ok visit for you this evening.

sending cope for a miracle. like an anon said we all have to go eventually. in the grand scheme of things we're right behind you but fuck, it never seems fair when it's staring at you. I hope we all can shitpost together on the other side. have a peaceful night

>> No.49860110

Sorry anon. Cut the sugar and any carbs. Some anons told you to fast, I absolutely recommend it as well. Eliminate seed oil. Drink tons of water. But the fasting is the most important thing. Start out at 16 hours per day until you get used to it, then 24s and then 48s. Water, salt and potassium whenever you need to hydrate. InshaAllah you will make it bro. Pray to your god. Don’t give up hope, and keep a smile on your face. This way, if you go sooner than you expected, at least you go out with a giant smile on your face. God bless.

>> No.49860122

that’s not true though. your body can produce carbs, and will produce them on purpose to keep the cancer alive. cancer is a part of your body, it’s not some kind of parasite.

>> No.49860156
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May there only be the fattest, nicest tits and asses waiting for you on the other side, fren.

>> No.49860164

I thought I had seen some stupid posts but holy shit anon. You are king moron.

Your dad probably welcomed the sweet release of death if only not to have to breathe the same air as his fucktarded son.

>> No.49860176

Worst case, we'll see you on the other side fren. Godspeed.
Financially speaking, of course.

>> No.49860192

Look up CAR T therapy anon. It’s for NHL. Yescarta is a brand of one of them. Real fda approved possible cure.

T. Pharmafag

>> No.49860193

I got a new ULTRA URETHRRA ZAPPER while I was at the gas station, and maybe new RAPE DICK as well.

>> No.49860197

Intermittent fasting is a meme. Start off with one day and work your way to fasting 3 days every couple of weeks

>> No.49860206

Hello fren, have you considered the catholic faith? It is the original religion of revelation, you know. I will pray for you to receive efficient grace in your last moments so God may take you to see Him face to face in eternal peace.

>> No.49860210

Anon I know this won't help you now but your doctors screwed up, weight loss, night sweats and swollen lymph nodes is aids or cancer until proven otherwise.

Those symptoms are never just a benign illness.

Godspeed to you fren.

>> No.49860211

Cancer cell metabolism is anaerobic and highly inefficient, requiring a steady source of glucose.

>> No.49860217

leatrile/amigdalin uses targeted arsenic to kill cancer cells, but if the cancer is an immune response to clear away toxins, this will be detrimental.
also it’s not a real vitamin. "b17" is just a marketing gimmick imo.

>> No.49860254

>Anon decides to stop being a soft cunt and is suddenly better
That's all you needed

>> No.49860262

If you're young you have a high chance of survival. Lymphoma is quite common in young adults. Don't worry bro you're going to be fine.

>> No.49860270

Stop this shit. If you have cancer you need chemo or radiotherapy, please stop peddling this alternative bullshit. Yes chemo and radio are harsh, poisonous treatments but the alternative is death. You are killing people by delaying their treatment. The alternative stuff doesn't work, killing cancer in a lab is not the same as in a human, its not as simple as that.

>> No.49860290

exactly anon, need to fast for days to get the effects of increased autophagy and to starve cancer cells

>> No.49860308

Yes, let’s go ahead and poison OP from the inside out. It’s not like he’s already sick.

>> No.49860312

Please anon listen to this. Try Yescarta. People with NHL are still alive after five years of undergoing the procedure. Made by kite pharmaceuticals a subsidiary of Gilead. Do it you faggot.

>> No.49860314

also this. just order some essiac tea right now and read about it later. jews in canada banned it and burned all the research after it had saved thousands of lives. their health department just waved their hands and said hundreds of different oncologists had made a mistake in their cancer diagnoses.

but again, essiac is essentially a detox tea. detox is the key. and stop taking anything that might be poisoning you.

>> No.49860318

Hodgkins is, not NHL.

>> No.49860320

I literally had chemo in my post and how fasting before treatment increases the effectiveness of chemo you autistic fuckwit.

but yes chemo is very toxic and i would never take it personally myself

>> No.49860348

If you can, you should pursue any immunotherapies you may be approved for. Another option is going to a hyperthermia clinic in Europe or select US states, but this is a grueling treatment and will impede quality of life. I know someone who has beaten Lymphoma twice with CHOP and other chemo approaches. Wish the best for you anon, even if it's your time.

>> No.49860349

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Don't give up, don't let fear take you, burn and burn bright and fight, fight till the very last moment... Who knows you might just pull through.

>> No.49860379

take note other anons, this is the reaction you will always get when you suggest pharmeceuticals might be poisoning people.

just type "can opiates cause cancer" into google.

>> No.49860389

You were allergic to something in the food or water in your home country.

>> No.49860393
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Sorry to hear that, anon. I'm not a Bible-thumper but try to accept Christ bro. I'll pray for you tonight. Miracles do happen. My best-friend has been fighting stage-4 lung cancer for over two years now. They caught it extremely late, and he is still here with us.

>> No.49860422

Sorry anon

>> No.49860426

i understand that, but im saying your body can produce glucose. i wish it were as easy as cutting all carbs but while that has a good track record it’s not a cure by any stretch.

>> No.49860433


>> No.49860437

that picture is amazing actually. i can imagine a meme or comic series that takes these gay little reddit memes and repurposes them with principles of stoicism, Christianity, and hope. but done so tastefully well that it makes redditors seethe.

>> No.49860438

Chemo cured my grandma. Personally if I had zero options and I had to go through chemo, I'd combine it with fasting as well as eating as much seaweed to counter the radioactive poison

>> No.49860458

Gluconeogenesis keeps your blood glucose level at a relatively steady and slightly depleted baseline, while your body adapts to ketones. This metabolic shift is enough to disrupt cancer metabolism and lead to beneficial changes in its microenvironment and progression (see studies).

>> No.49860512

I never interacted with you but sorry anon. I thought my life problems were a big deal but I read shit like this and it reminds me nah I am fine and I can work with things. I am sorry it got this bad and the doctors were dumbasses and you have about a year left. I dont know what to say past Bye and thanks for the posts you made. I'll think of you on occasion til my brain doesnt anymore. now im gonna go stand on my porch and smoke of natures herb and think about life and how fleeting everything is

>> No.49860520

most people who get those treatments die anyway, some would argue faster. remember how long it took "science" to admit smoking caused cancer? you can’t just trust these people. if anyone can grasp how completely jewed and fucked the medical industry is, it should be people on this board.

>> No.49860580

It really shouldn't be about pitting treatments against each other. It's been shown that most cancer treatments are synergistic and result in significantly improved outcomes when deployed in combination. Chemo, immunotherapy, hyperthermia (cytokine induced or directed), proton therapy, vitamin C and anti-cancer herbal and pharmaceutical drugs should all be levied at once in non-resectable cancer.

>> No.49860622

said a hail mary for you bro, may she take you in.

>> No.49860640

I know this is selfish but I must ask.
Now that you’re knocking on heavens door, what is your biggest regret in life?
I also pray for you

>> No.49860660

guess you wont be around when BTC hits 80k, oh well

>> No.49860754

Homie got that lymphoma

>> No.49860813
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God speed anon.

>> No.49860822

This plus dog dewormer. I wish I was joking

>> No.49860870

have you tried fasting?
Cutting off all carbs?

>> No.49860875

Your body can to a degree for specific things. Given you breakdown unneeded celular matter when you fast I would be surprised if your body went out of its way, when fasted, to produce glucose for cancer.

>> No.49860894


For you.

>> No.49860909

Quit job, reduce stress

Try daily small exercise

Drink a lot of water, eat raw GARLIC and food alike this is very important

Rest when you have to

Practice breathing

Never lose faith, feel anger, transform it into energy and keep your daily activities

You WILL win the fight

>> No.49860924
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>> No.49860939

Godspeed anon, you will make it. Im an oracle.

>> No.49860957

Infrared heat lamp 2 hours per day on your neck

>> No.49860959

>eat raw GARLIC

Not every day or in large amounts necessarily of course, just when you think its sufficient

>> No.49860960

Don’t give up anon, my dad was diagnosed with stage iv esophageal cancer, it had spread to his liver and lymph nodes also, they gave him 6 months to live. He made it through all kinds of experimental treatments and shit and he’s still kicking and cancer free 5 years later. It’s not hopeless.

>> No.49860970

Wish you the best anon, and wish for your recovery.

>> No.49860977
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I knew a guy who had NHL. Night sweats and the swollen lymph nodes. Older than you. It went into remission. He did rituxan and a clean diet for about 15-20 years. He had good quality of life. Then it transformed and they wanted to do R-CHOP but he declined. Lived another couple years and died at home surrounded by family. You may want to avoid dairy. God be with you.

>> No.49860988

I've been feeling strange unexplainable chronic pain on my face neck and chest. Any anons unfortunate enough to have cancer, how did you finally convince your faggot doctor to do the proper test needed to get a diagnosis. I just want a fucking answer to this pain I've been have for over a fucking year

>> No.49860992
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why does getting cancer let you play professional hockey? In any case, hope you're able to squeeze some enjoyment out of your last days/weeks/months/however long you have anon. See you on the other side, fren.

>> No.49861005

Have you used Rick Simpson oil anon? It's a THC concentrate. It can heal cancer by making your immune system be able to detect cancer cells. Look it up

>> No.49861013

good luck, buddy

>> No.49861181

Answer this op

>> No.49861192

Did you have any symptoms previously?
My dad just got diagnosed too, shit sucks.
>dad is mid 60s, marathon runner and strong from 20 years of bodybuilding
>gets weak all of a sudden, real weak
>cant run anymore
>goes to dr and dr says youre just old lol
>puts up with it for a year
>starts to look weak and sickly
>gets new dr, runs bloods tests and theyre all fucked
>dr says youre just old
>another year passes and he looks like hes been to auschwitz
>demands to see a specialist
>specialist says tests are all fucked but just wait it out
>goes to hospital for something unrelated a month later, bloodwork randomly noticed by a student dr as looking like cancer
>tested and its NHL. 2 years to live
>”a shame if it was picked up a few years ago it was treatable”
Fuck drs

>> No.49861195

What kind of food did you grow up eating and usually would eat the most in the past 10y to now?

>> No.49861220

This. Follow this routine strictly (add Monkey Milk and DMT microdoses ( 0.01 gram/hr) and you'll be healthier than most Amerilards in a week. Too bad you aren't a EuroChad, OP. You would've survived (for free).

>> No.49861323

Yeah with how the system works these days you have to be pretty aggressive with doctors, get different opinions, etc. The problem is a lot of health issues people have are 99.9% of the time not cancer, so doctors just assume it’s something insignificant that will go away on its own which is true in 99.9% of cases

Which is why if you’re sure you have cancer you have to take initiative and go out of your way to see different doctors and get seen by specialists.

You really have to do most of this work for yourself because Doctors are both now overworked and lazy and the quality of doctors has dropped in the last decade or 2

>> No.49861341

There's a lot of responses, thanks fellas I just got back from the ER after waiting nearly an hour decided I'm just going back home.

But from what I read here's a breakdown.
1. Eating habits growing up mostly shit fast food
2. Smoker for 14 years.
3. Been sickly for the better half of a decade

Sorry there's a lot to respond to but yeah I'm going back to the ER in the morning clearly it was the graveyard shift and they were phoning it in.

>> No.49861366

>bad diet

What about alcohol, exercise?

>> No.49861395
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I don't care, We just want to see it, 1 inch doesn't matter
pls anon, I will buy you a good escort right know and flight her directly to you, so you can have all the good sex you missed

>> No.49861431

No alcohol and always been fairly fit for my height and weight and remained active even while sick I was doing physical labor jobs better than the average 21 year old, it's just my speed and needing to take breaks for pain that made me lose my current job but I always try to stay at least somewhat active, as for weight lifting I couldn't every time I tried recently things would go horribly wrong like discs in my neck and back herniating and making me even worse.

>> No.49861434

Based. Modern day consooooooomer life is a disease and your whore ex wife fucking off is actually a blessing in disguise

>> No.49861435

I wish you could be more specific in the food you ate like "bread with lettuce and burguer" or something like that or "chocolate and peanutbutter"...
Anyways, Try to fast for 3 days per week, eat clean and see if anything get better.

>> No.49861444

lol thanks anon but my shriveled penis doesn't feel much anymore anyway save your money.

>> No.49861477

Good luck anon, I hope things go well.
Also, you might want to post a picture of pen shoved up your ass, to make sure we never forget you

>> No.49861480

Like Mcdonalds for breakfast Wendys for dinner, mostly burgers fries cokes, shit like that nothing really healthy until these last 10 years I changed my eating habits but think likely the damage is done, as for fasting I don't eat much anyway barely one meal if I'm hungry.

>> No.49861524

Try and get genetic testing done on the cancer, it is relatively new and not standard practice in the U.S. but can help select treatments.

Extended fasting can also have almost miraculous benefits, but it seems variable. Don't hesitate to push back on treatment or refuse treatment if you feel it isn't right - very often a cancer will have multiple available treatments, and very often there is little to guide which treatment to select other than monitoring after the fact.
Don't hesitate to spend money on making your life better.

Best of luck.

>> No.49861547

My father in law at 64 was throwing up blood for a year and lost 50lbs. He had lymphoma.
It took 6 months of chemo and therapy and it’s been 3 years now he is cancer free.
You can fucking do it ANON

>> No.49861549

Jesas man, that sound horrible.

>> No.49861563

That's what you get for voting for cheeto hitler

>> No.49861566
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Fuck, makes me tear up a little.This type of thing just shouldn’t happen. Could have easily been caught earlier but you’re dealing with a bunch of ignorant assholes who don’t give a shit and think they know you better than you know yourself.It’s not fair. I’m so sorry anon. I can’t imagine how scary that must be but I’m praying for you and hope you can fight this shit even if it seems hopeless. I hope you can find solace somewhere, if not here then maybe in the next life. Love you anon <3

>> No.49861569

I'm on medicaid so whatever treatment I get is from that, I'm currently looking for a new job so I can afford some better insurance or at least try to save to get some doctor to give me proper care.

>> No.49861570

close friend just died of multiple myeloma at 40. hopefully this isn't increasing in our generation. sorry bud, hope you can get some stem cell or bone marrow transplants.

>> No.49861590

godspeed anon
i smoked weed to help nausea - it was the best anti-nausea but i took when i had lymphoma
you can make it through too fren

>> No.49861643

Try the primal diet, it consists of raw meat, fruits and stuff like this.

>> No.49861644

I'm on medical marijuana it does help but right now every puff is making my neck lymph nodes pulsate, I'm just drinking a slushie to try to cool my neck down, I appreciate the sentiment guys but I don't think theres a lot that's going to happen it's progressed to the point I can't do much at all, I'll try to fight it but it's going to be extremely limited, only reason they caught it is because I was clearly so sick they had to do further investigations and biopsied my neck.

>> No.49861650

>I was the anon who thought he had lymphoma and doctors kept saying I was wrong.

Same shit happened to my dad. They let his cancer spread for at least a month before they actually began to acknowledge that he had cancer and not gastritis or whatever the fuck they were suggesting (he was having trouble swallowing from esophageal cancer, eventually his throat closed up entirely. He spent the last 6 months of his life on a feeding tube unable to even drink water.)

My advice is DYOR on what procedures the doctor orders and understand what they are going to do to you. Research every operation before you go under and determine for yourself whether its necessary. My dad didn't die from his cancer, he died from a doctor ordering a useless EGD that ended up spraying stomach acid into his lungs. He got pneumonia and died a few weeks later. Fuck retarded pajeet doctors god dammit they killed my dad.

Good luck anon. Keep positive attitude and fight to your last breath for the sake of the people who love you.

>> No.49861655
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hang in there buddy

>> No.49861687

I'm sorry anon something similar happened to my father he had liver cancer and they said it was a bad gall bladder, they removed the gallbladder then told us he also had liver cancer and biopsied it while they removed the gall and he died a month later.

>> No.49861688

Were you vaccinated for covid 19? How many MRNA jabs?

>> No.49861694

This is what happens when you let subhuman shitskins provide medical care. They shit in the street growing up. It's all affirmative action hiring

>> No.49861710

I've turned away 4 pajeet doctors so far because of /biz/ I learned my lesson with their sketchy practices, I try to only find white male doctors.

>> No.49861722

doctors are so fucking useless, they're just glorified gatekeepers for proper treatment at this point

>> No.49861734

I told my doctor while he told me I had cancer that I've lost all faith in the medical profession, he just got quiet then left the room after shifting his mask around.

>> No.49861760

When my mom had just become a nurse she saw a doctor straight up kill a patient. My mom almost got sued for it and the doctor got off with basically nothing. So many of these fuckers should not be practicing medicine.

>> No.49861762

Honestly a white women doctor cured my dad and she was amazing and a genuinely great woman so I would expand that to women as well.

>> No.49861764
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Don't give up. There was a clinical trial a few months ago that got rid of cancer 100% of the times. Do you know what was it based on? On "unlocking" the endogenous immune system. The cure is within yourself my friend, good luck.


>> No.49861772

Baking Soda - 2 Tablespoons a day with a TSP of honey, apparently this cures cancer.

Do it for 2 weeks and don't eat any sugar. Look into a documentary called Cosmic Death Fungus, watch the whole thing and it will help you to better understand Cancer, it also shows how this russian dude with terminal cancer was able to cure his cancer with baking soda and what his routine for it was. Good luck, if you are feeling better in a few weeks, report back here . For CDF, look into the archives and you'll prob find the doco

>> No.49861786

Most doctors have insurance for this kind of thing so it literally doesn’t effect them. Kind of necessary for them to be able to do their job freely, but you have to assume they’d be a lot more careful if they didn’t have it

>> No.49861809

disgusting vulture

>> No.49861823
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The whole experience made me realize that the medical system is just as brutal and archaic as it was 200 years ago. They can fix your ingrown toenail or set a bone but good luck with anything serious.

Sorry if my previous anecdote made you feel worse. I was really bad at talking to my father when he was sick too. I have a whole bottle of methadone and box of fentanyl patches here from when he was sick, I wish I could give them to you so you can get some rest tonight.

You probably don't feel up to reading, but Death of Ivan Illych by Tolstoy helped me empathize and understand what my dad was going through and it makes some profound statements on life and fear of death. It's pretty short, but could maybe help if you are in the stage of looking for answers.

>> No.49861830

I'm sorry to hear fren...

>> No.49861832

Stay positive, stay stong

>> No.49861847

Genetic testing is approved by medicare. You can also change treatments still, but it's more of a pain in the ass than if you had good insurance.

One of the other benefits of getting genetic testing is that it can qualify you for more clinical trials, which can be hit or miss given the ability to do your own research is limited, but it's worth a shot if your current treatment isn't working well.

Love you bro.

>> No.49861868

Good, don't trust them and dyor before you let them do anything to you.
If you're going to do radiotherapy, try talking about your treatment to the physists running around, they know more then the doctos

>> No.49861870

goodspeed then anon

>> No.49861892

I don't really feel like reading right now but I'll google it so I remember maybe I'll feel a bit better tomorrow but who knows, I agree though it seems like they can't really help or fix anything just pretend like they do and cheer themselves on when it does work.

I wish I would have dosed my father more as he lay dying I thought the small amounts of morphine were enough but I was young an naive poor guy probably died in horrible pain.

I'll be okay tonight though I genuinely think it's sweet you wish you could help me not feel pain, I wish it too but save them incase someone drastic happens
I took some nerve pain medicine too much of it but seems to be taking some edge off and I should hopefully fall asleep tonight which I'm getting there.

Thank you all for your support it reminded me people do care, I just happen to meet the npcs that don't.
Only /biz/ would give me support in this entire planet.

>> No.49861901

Abandon all PUFA's, they generate peroxide's and promote cell growth&division and inflammation, you should not even eat walnuts. Try taking megadoses of vitamin c, funny enough they seem to have healed me of my inflammed nodes that lasted for like 3 months in just a few days of taking 4 grams throughout the day, they were like rocks and now they are soft and smaller. Of course, saving the distances with your situation, but it still might help.

>> No.49861909

God bless you friend. I will pray for you. Maintain as much of a postive attitude as possible. Look into T-Cell Therapy. It's new and very expensive but has been pretty effective in treating NHL. Listen to Peter Attia's podcast with Steven Rosenberg. They go into all the biophysics and immunology behind it. As other anons said, try fasting to induce autophagy. You're still pretty young and can fight this.

OP listen to this man

>> No.49861917

Alkalize your body's internal environment.
Cancer shriveled up and dies in an alkaline environment. It's going to be an uphill battle to do so however because everything in the west is acidic and basically designed to give you cancer.
The only things I can list off the top of my head that have an alkalizing effect on your body are; bananas, almonds and avacados. Chicken and fish are less acidic than red meat.
Foods rich in antioxidants will have an alkalizing affect too even if they themselves are acidic, so, blueberries and pomegranates are on the menu too.
Good luck OP.

>> No.49861941
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>> No.49861951
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Praying for you fren. Sorry the world is unfair sometimes. It's been unfair to me too at times. Hoping you receive a miracle. Look into bitter apricot seeds. They supposedly cure cancer and the guy that discovered it was jailed.

>> No.49861957

Fenbendazole fren

>> No.49861960

I'm growing 14 tomato plants and 8 cucumers and peppers, I grow organic food even though I'm sick it's one of my only joys in life, I'll look into it, at this point I'm ready to smoke crack if it cures me.

>> No.49861963

I hope the universe gives you peace at the end of all this suffering.

>> No.49861975
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Really sorry to hear that fren, wish you all the best. Stay strong.

>> No.49861976


Answer my question please

>> No.49861997

You're right about the PUFA recommendation, but ironically the reason IV vitamin C therapy actually works is because it actually forms large quantities of hydrogen peroxide in the bloodstream. Lipid peroxidation matters less after you actually have cancer, but it likely will be another stressor to the body that you don't want to deal with while fighting cancer.

>> No.49862002

I'm just reading while I smoke a joint to help me sleep, no vaccines.

>> No.49862010

OP do you think you’d have got this if you didn’t smoke? and perhaps ate a more healthy diet?

My grandmother is 86 and smokes 2 packs a week, and has been for 70+ years. But she has a really healthy diet (Mediterranean) lots of vegetables, fruits and healthy meats, she never eats bad food.

>> No.49862016

It's not over yet anon. Some modern medicine is pretty damn good and Lymphoma has a good mortality rate unless you're quite old. Good luck

>> No.49862025

Brother listen here you need to alkalize your body and what's better than raw meat? let your body get into ketones, fuck it.
Also raw fruits, some nuts and all that.

>> No.49862027

Look into immunotherapy options approved for your type of lymphoma, and if you're up for it and willing to pay out of pocket, hyperthermia (induced whole-body fever/directed radiation). Cancer necrotizes at fever temperatures because it can't utilize heat shock protein, and this alerts the immune system to where the cancer is because it disrupts the microenvironment and floods it with DAMPs.

>> No.49862034

I forgot to mention she’s 86 and not on any medications either, she is still active and walks a lot. She’s care taker for my 88 year old grandfather whose got heart issues.

>> No.49862046

did you not have healthcare? genuinely asking anon

>> No.49862070

anon do you have any materials on this you can link? do you believe enoki mushrooms can help prevent cancer?

>> No.49862080

I know every anon here is trying to give you advice and peak your spirits, i'm still going to tell you this.

My mother was a coke whore, who smoked cigarettes a pack a day until she got Cancer at your age. NHL.I was 13 then. Shes had it 6 times total now and about 20 other medical ailments along the way.

You CAN survive this shit. I get that it feels like its too late or the pain..etc.

Do NOT give up, it's one of the easiest cancers to put into remission. My coke whore mom even was the guinea pig for the shit that can save your life.

>> No.49862079

Based farming gardener. I'm praying that you get well soon. Please look into prolonged fasting anon. If you go on chemo, combine fasting with seaweed diet (put seaweed into any soups you make)

>> No.49862082
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Any time friend. It's a shame that a kind word is the most we can do for you here but I am glad you find some solace in the shitposting. Best wishes, I hope you have a good sleep.

There are little kids who get lymphoma. There probably are some aggravating factors considering he is 35, but it is not always somebody's own fault.

>> No.49862122

Hah thank you truefren, I saved the picture it made my nodes hurt but I smiled, I wanna respond to everyone but there's so many to respond to and you all have good advice, I hope the threads not pruned by the time i wake up so if I'm feeling better I can digest it all..

>> No.49862140

Not that anon, but this is a fairly good article explaining the reasoning.

>> No.49862147

Homie got that lymphoma

>> No.49862151

Google "dog dewormer cancer"

>> No.49862172

what was your symptoms? ive got some firm swollen nodes on the side of my neck but theyve been there for like 7 years now

>> No.49862176
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it really do be like that

>> No.49862197

OP seriously, look into this. Don't capitulate fren.

>> No.49862211
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idk if you're still here anon, but there is something to RSO, and its not hard to get any more. Worth a shot, blast your shit with cannabinoids. It works for some, big style. Anyways cheers to you.

>> No.49862215

which lymph nodes? only the ones in your neck? did you have days where you felt really tired? did you have any gastrointestinal issues? do you get cold hands and feet

>> No.49862229

Tkae out some loans and travel yo either thailand or hAwaii. Fuck prostitutes and swim in the ocean.

>> No.49862255

Jesus fuck, your father is an incredibly lucky man.

>> No.49862261

Do you happen to have dry eyes/mouth, and joint pain on top of sporadic fatigue and GI issues? This may be Sjogren's syndrome (autoimmune disease of the exocrine glands, initiated by gut dysbiosis and immune dysregulation).

>> No.49862266

It's on the right side of my pelvic area too multiple lymph nodes are infected, Yes I feel tired all the time my hands are always freezing cold, and my GI issues are numerous.
And I can't feel my feet

>> No.49862287

Christ anon. Sorry to hear that. And yes fuck *most* doctors

>> No.49862291


>> No.49862303
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Yes he really is. Esophageal is a pretty brutal one, and it is right there pressed up against your liver. Once it spreads to liver, you are pretty much finished. Congratulations to the old man.

Speaking of which, is it possible for lymphoma to spread to the LINK nodes? Staking might be in trouble.

>> No.49862304

Theres nothing to worry about bro, you've died many times before when you were an infant you died to become a child, when you were a child, the child part of life died to become juvenile, and then that part of life died for you then to become man. All of these stages of life pass into one another seamlessly because they are the natural order of things, who is to say that the last stage needs to be any different.

You probably won't die and this is just another challenge that fate places on our shoulders because some how God knows that you can bear it. But whatever happens bare it with dignity and without fear. Everyone in this board will be coming right after you in a short time.

Look into fasting while you're in recovery cancer needs glucose to live and grow so it's best to cut out sugar completely and use fat to energise you body

Apparently there are Inuit tribes that have had no knowledge or history of cancer before they made contact with the west and began to eat our poison diet.

Good look fren, no matter the outcome you can deal with this

>> No.49862309
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>did you have days where you felt really tired? did you have any gastrointestinal issues? do you get cold hands and feet

Fuck anon ur making me nervous I have these symptoms sometimes but I have a gallstone and I’m pretty sure I’m anemic

>> No.49862316

Good luck fren, saying a prayer for you before I go to sleep tonight

>> No.49862321

just walk it off bro

>> No.49862325

I bought 50 link just incase it swells, not much but all I got left figured if I die my brother can have it.

>> No.49862348

cold hands and feet and your first thought is cancer? lol, lmao even
perhaps stay away from thinking about things of any importance at all would be a good idea. Leave the thinking to somebody else and just play with your peepee

>> No.49862349

I still have my dad's stack I convinced him to buy a few years ago. Pretty strange feeling. I was just kidding but hopefully it does become a nice little nest egg, hopefully for (You)

>> No.49862381

Imagine pressing a newly diagnosed cancer patient about their vaccine status you fucking schizo

>> No.49862390

Fasting + raw organs
That's all you need to heal broski. Check out sv3ridge for more info

>> No.49862400

Tomato's are acidic and cukes are mostly just water, though the peppers would likely help, and you need tomatoes for a good guacamole so they can't be faulted.
Just some books I read when I was younger. The only one of who's name I can remember is '50 cures 'they' don't want you to know about', but it didn't have any specific cures, what I posted summed up his entire book basically, minus the shilling for his magical bread.
As for mushrooms, the only one I'm familiar with is the ganoderma lucidum. Mushrooms are an ancient life form though and are neither animal or plant, likely the precursors to all life. A diet rich in them complimented with other healthy choices would undoubtedly yeild benefits.

>> No.49862414

vaccines cause cancer

>> No.49862432

You are an immortal soul, a fragment of God himself. The death of this vessel only signifies your transition to the next existence you choose. Will you stay with God or will you choose to come back? Whatever you choose and whatever choices you made in this life won't matter at all, just enjoy whatever you jave left of this ride.

>> No.49862441

really sorry to hear op
have had cancer in family
is very rough
best of luck

>> No.49862444

>t. Professional hypochondriac
You just described two very general symptoms. You probably don’t have cancer. Go get an X-ray to put your mind at ease though.

>> No.49862457

It may be beneficial to get on an alkaline diet.
Try consuming a lot of chaga, as well as the ash of birch tree. There are traditional cancer treatments in my region, couldn't hurt.
I also hear good things about cannabis oil, google rick simpson.
You can beat this anon, but you must make drastic lifestyle changes.

>> No.49862467

Not for OP

>> No.49862479

hmm this is not good you basially listed all the symptoms i have. i have firm lymph nodes in the side of my neck and by my shoulder and collar bone, and a few in my pelvis area. ive had the doctor feel them in the past a couple times and both times they always said it was nothing to be worried about because they werent sticking to the skin and sometimes they just get firm naturally and stay that way.

but my hands and feet get cold super easily and my fingers and toes will go numb when its only like 65 degrees. i cant wash my hands in cold tap water or they go numb and white. i get random days when im really fatigued but assume its because i got bad sleep. i always have a bruised feeling along my spine and my joints crack and pop and i stopped exercising and lifting weights like 2 years ago beuacse even the smallest amount of exercise would make my joints sore for days. its hard to explain but it almost feesl like my muscles are fine but the joints are weak. ive had the worst GI issues for the past few years so the doctors put me on antiacides but i stopped those because it didnt fix shit. teh doctor said i have something called raynauds but not to worry about it. i dunno waht to do, they always act like im crazy for trying to get checked out because im only like 37. i just assumed this is what getting older feels like but then i see 40 year old dudes running and lifting weights no problem but i cant even do pushups anymore because my elbows hurt so bad and if i lie down on my side then the center of my chest gets really sore too. sometimes i feel a burning sensation like my skin is on fire around the back of my head on my neck or above my eye brows, did you have anything like that? also i keep getting weird nerve shit like the bottom of my foot is numb in a certain spot, or i feel a nerve electrical tingling in my stomach area or on top of my other feet or wrist. it feels like someone is tickling me with a hair but its a numbish nerve feeling

>> No.49862490

Fuck. I went to my doctor recently for the same symptoms. The weight loss was most likely due to my insane work schedule but what got me to go was just how bad my night sweats have gotten. My mattress is so soiled I'll probably have to get a new one soon.

I described the symptoms and he sent me off for TB testing and bloodwork but I know it's not TB. My bloodwork is pointing towards my old tick bites acting up again but lymphoma was the first thing I thought. Hopefully it's just babesiosis (been through treatment before, sucks royal dick) and I can call it a day but I'm worried he's going to see something in the bloodwork that I can't spot. Should I go back to pretending that everything is okay? Also, how much is it to freeze sperm? I don't want to go through more treatments for all this shit and end up with slingblade for my first born

>> No.49862531

sorry op, love you

>> No.49862539

They've always been shit, you just didn't realize it, or maybe you had one of the few unicorn doctors earlier.

>> No.49862552

Jesus christ anon. My condolences. I hope you make peace with your family before its over. If you're 4 years into this its already too late.
But do good with what you can with the time you have left.

I myself probably need to go get a check up. Starting to suffer from varicose. It's gonna get worse with age. Stay safe brother

>> No.49862553

yeah i thought for sure i had some problem with my gallblader because i cant eat anything with fat anymore, or i get gut wrenching cramps and diarrhea. even happens if i eat too much salmon or chicken. i have to eat mostly boiled carrots and celery and chicken breast in small amounts. i lost like 80 pounds the past year im sort of worried because im 150 pounds and i can see my hip bones and veins on my ribs i used to weigh 220 a couple years ago and people keep saying im too skinny for my height beacause im 6'3. the last time i took a blood test though everything was normal. i crave candy a lot and been eating hard candy a lot lately and sodas so my teeth are startig to get fucked up and now i know i need to go to the dentist but im afraid they will say i need fillings or some shit. but i felt a sensitive spot the other day when i flossed that made me wince

>> No.49862555

Sucks man I wish you the best, this world sucks anyway and we all going to die eventually, maybe some anons here even earlier due to a crash or some other retarded shit, people die all the time just go to /gif/ and check out yourself. You could have been 13 year old brazilian boy who got decapitated on Nokia 3310 camera

>> No.49862572

Don't freak out too much guys I've been in a slow painful decline for nearly 10 years, sometimes night sweats can occur from other things, mine were/are nonstop meaning its been a problem for years and years.

If you get it once or twice it could be infection based.
I have to sleep now, I hope the bullrun continues wish I could have rode along for the ride as a nice distraction from this misery but I bought in a bit so I can try to play around when I'm not feeling shit.
Godspeed anons and thanks for the kindness.

>> No.49862603
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Make them give you Alitretinoin as a Hail Mary , it has fantastic rates of survival

Try 40mg Prednisone and Fluconazole /Bactrim till it goes down , it will be cured but the Alitretinoin will fuck it up if you can get your hands on it

>> No.49862611

RIPeroonie, OP. Legit, that sucks. I'd trade places if I could. If it's going to take you, I also hope it's as quick/painless as possible.

>> No.49862614

how subtle are night sweats? like do you just get a little wet around your tshirt collar and back? i get that sometimes. how long did you have nightsweats for?

>> No.49862619

Yeah admittedly I am. I had blood work done recently and they did an ultrasound and I think maybe an X-ray when I had my agonizing gall attack so I think I’m clear.

Idk wtf is going on tho for the past like 6 months I’ve been having bad burning mouth/fatigue/dizziness and shortness of breath and just generally feeling weak. I’m 99% sure it’s some kind of vitamin deficiency but I’m not sure what. On my bloodwork my vitamin d was like 5 or so points outside of being clinically low, but supplementing it actually made me feel WORSE I think (dose was 5000 iu so maybe a bit high). So lately I’ve just been taking vitamin c and an iron supplement and I do think I’m starting to feel better. Do you have any recs for supplements or methods I should try to fix this weird shit?

>> No.49862629
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Water cleanse

>> No.49862635
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thanks for making it this far

>> No.49862636

At least 8 years, I lost count I thought it was normal actually maybe longer if I delve deeper, and no it was like someone took a bucket of water and dumped it all over me, literally have to throw my sheets and flip my pillows just to sleep it was disgusting, its slowed down but still happens nightly just smaller amounts like soaking a pillow instead of my whole bed.

>> No.49862649

I remember this OP. Gonna be extra proactive on health indicators. Health industry sucks, my condolences

>> No.49862773

There are a lot of bad doctors but look at it from their perspective - you've just spent a decade going through school and working your ass off to discover you suck at diagnosis. You're six figures in debt. What are your options?

>> No.49862804

read everything here

>> No.49862812

Check out raypeat.com/ raypeatforum.com

Cancer is just a metabolic syndrome, it can be switched off if you get your metabolism up again.

The baking soda is worth a try.

>> No.49862813

Love you anon

>> No.49862832

Love you too buddy, goodnight /biz/

>> No.49862836

You won't die, anon.
A man only dies when he's forgotten.

>> No.49862854

Goodnight fren

>> No.49862874

aajonus is superior to raypeat

whatever you do don't fear the reaper anon.

>> No.49862876

Goodnight anon, you will defeat this shit. I believe in you

>> No.49862904
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High dose prednisone Alitretinoin and albendozale

I have shut my cancer off a few times in my life with high dose steroids and mixes of other drugs it comes back every couple years but I stop it literally just shuts off and you can feel it

You need 40 mg prednisone daily with it though sheds it off the glands etc organs

Wizard of pioneers park

>> No.49862911

this happened to my dad
>dad has done fuck ton of opiates because spinal surgery, and shit
>develops benign cyst on kidney
>instead of removing the cyst doctors just leave it
>metastasized and became cancer
>almost spread throughout his whole body
>was lucky that it didn't
>had to get his kidney removed a month or so ago
i am pretty sure there are some doctors out there who allow this to happen

>> No.49862920

Are you in Christ anon?

>> No.49862922

be strong brother you can do this, talk to your doctor about taking prescribed cold pressed nigella saliva oil

my dad had swollen nodes and nothing else worked but that

>> No.49862928
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Good luck anon. Praying for you

>> No.49862931

Anon I have compiled a list of cancer stuff from threads I found on 4chan. Idk what any of this is for sure but I figure it's probably better than what doctors are selling you:
turkey tail mushrooms
Oxygen-reactive glucose analogs are very promising but there's no money in it

Since solid tumors have hypoxic cores, a glucose analog that mutually annihilates with oxygen would accumulate in hypoxic tissues faster than the rest of the body. A slow drop of an ORGA would do the trick for most patients.

Dostarlimab, sold under the brand name Jemperli, is a monoclonal antibody used as a medication for the treatment of endometrial cancer.

>> No.49862965

Praying for you anon

>> No.49862966

I have read that when supplementing vitamin d you should also supplement magnesium and k2. If you are deficient in magnesium the vitamin d can make you feel worse and be ineffective anyway. Get a form of magnesium that isn't magnesium oxide (the cheap common kind). Magnesium is involved with just about everything.

Not sure if that will fix your problem or not but you should do it anyway.

>> No.49862980

here is a study showing positive affect of black seed oil on lymphoma cells, it’s real shit

>> No.49863022

All these based replies of love and health tips and they have the gall to call us the "internet hate machine"...


Pic is for you OP! I hope you can seek Jesus he will help for sure also I'll pray for you.

>> No.49863030

I appreciate the quote Anon. It's a solid one.

>> No.49863032

Love ya brother good luck

>> No.49863047
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>> No.49863063

you can manifest it away with loa anon.

please don't give up.

>> No.49863078
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Botox injections in the fucked spots with cancer have been shown to be very responsive

Fight the nothing Anon!

>> No.49863089

i wish you the best of luck fren

>> No.49863134

I will look into it. Vitamin c seems to help a lot. I hadn’t taken it in years but I think it’s the one you should take if nothing else.

>> No.49863136

fenbendazole,fasting,capsaisin liquid extract, and THC-A. the guy who made the hottest peppers had cancer, and did a mix of all this, and he was in his late 60s/early 70s. also S Korea is using fenbendazole to treat certain cancers, and it seems to be working. theres a video of a vet who was taking care of an animal at his clinic, and said animal had parasites;they had it on a prolonged use of fenbendazole, and noticed the benign tumors on the dog were becoming considerably smaller.

>> No.49863189

Whats your stack? I'll write a song about you for the ages for it.

>> No.49863197

Fasting followed by carnivore/keto diet. Live anon.

>> No.49863237

why keto? curious about it I know it works really well for people who have auto-immune diseases.

>> No.49863364

Doctors aren't being intentionally malevolent, they're just retarded. Normally their patients are even more retarded. Unfortunately so is your government so you don't have an alternative to paying for them to have exorbitant lives in the hopes they'll unlock the pills for you.

>> No.49863399

Don't fear the reaper.

>> No.49863402

Fasting + chemo (water fasting), turkey tail mushrooms, anti-angiogenic diet, Joe tippens protocol, extended fasting to trigger autophagy.

>> No.49863466


>> No.49863499

don't worry fren you will respawn. Try to win some bonus XP you don't want to respawn as a homosexual or a nigger

>> No.49863507
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Hang in there buddy, remember that we're all heading there just at a different pace. We're all just decaying organic matter on borrowed time. God bless!

>> No.49863559
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You will rise again, fren.

>> No.49863577

How did your symptoms start?

>> No.49863604

This, and also eat man cum, suck dudes dicks, and drink man cum out of man ass, lick around and inside anus etc. The dude who discovered this got his nobel prize after they holocausted him and his family.

>> No.49863652

Doctors are absolute niggers

>> No.49863737

yeah anon. here's a great example
>think i had a heart attack
>happens AGAIN
>rightfully freaking out
>go see doctor
>stupid bitch provider shoos it off as anxiety as I'm telling her my arm is killing me my shoulder is killing me and the tension headache i have feels like a power drill in the back of my head
>bitch laughs it off like she is 300iq and i am a retard gorilla nigger hypochondriac
>turns out I have a herniated disc from my c6-t1 pressing on the right nerves to make me feel like
>i'm having a heart attack
>losing sensation in my hand and arm
>dealing with obscene mind altering headaches
>feeling like i am going to die
i needed an epidural it was bad.