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49861602 No.49861602 [Reply] [Original]

for generational wealth. Could have bought for 200k 5x leveraged a few days ago.

Anyone else miss the multi-year bottom?

>> No.49861659

Btc will be back under 18k and then 17k within a couple of days. You're fine.

>> No.49861707
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>> No.49861724

Just buy now without leverage you degen

>> No.49861804
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>on no I’m priced out

>> No.49861822

We slipped under 20k the other day, there is no coming back from that any time soon.
Right now a few shorts are being hunted, but honestly, shits fucked. And there is still some leverage to dig up

>> No.49861879

The entire market is being propped up artificially to keep it from collapsing. This isn’t an exaggeration.

>> No.49861896

Hindsight is 20/20

>> No.49861905

>The entire market is being propped up artificially to keep it from collapsing. This isn’t an exaggeration.

This makes me feel we are going straight to 100k from here

>> No.49861906
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isn't there a proshares that let's americans buy calls on bitcoin on leverage?

>> No.49861907

And it will continue to be propped up. OP missed the dip.

>> No.49861913

ive been longing MATIC for the past 2 on 50x lev days and I already made up for all the losses this entire bear market HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.49861922

Major buy signal

>> No.49861937

Dead cat bounce retard

>> No.49861950
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i missed the dip too. ahhhhhhh
i dont get paid till thursday

>> No.49861952

BTC deadcat bounced from 29k to 69k. We're going straight to 50k from here.

>> No.49863200

Lol, easy calculation there, fear. won't let anyone buy in, and yes I missed it, but i was able to provide liquidity for the EWT ALBT pool on the recently launched alliance DEX..

>> No.49863219
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>all in on usdc
I don't think I'm gonna make it anons...

>> No.49863221

depends on how stonks are gonna do this week

>> No.49863261
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sup biz
im back with update to my prediction (blue line drew in may)

>> No.49863302

it's a slow bleed to 10k

>> No.49863323
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>> No.49863404

is coinbase currently down for anyone else?

>> No.49863427

wait till this dip goes dipper and you'd be glad you didn't buy... though I've taken the Spool way by staking USDC with Spool finance and earning passively from it.

>> No.49863477

I'm glad playing games for real, fuck the market. battling real gamers on Cometh battle missions gives me more joy than the market can think of.

>> No.49863789
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>he fell for the fudd

>> No.49863808

Imagine thinking this is the generational bottom and not buying more of the thing that has been the best long term investment for the past decades

>> No.49863814

accept you are a normie and you ll be providing exit liquidity in alts when BTC is around $60k
just accept it
someone's gotta pay for the pumps

>> No.49863815

this is the multi year bottom

>> No.49863863

bottom is $5 retard

hahahahah cope

>> No.49863898

What is it

>> No.49864231

>implying bottom

>> No.49864291

25k was the generation dip a week ago lol

>> No.49864356
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No you did not miss the chance. We're going to 14k. That's why I'm still doing dca into my freeway account. Would slurp heavily when btc drops down to its deepest

>> No.49864371
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I missed buying the big cap, but i was able to buy some Ride and ZPAY on Maiar DEX.
waiting for start of the next leg down and then fill more to my portfolio.

>> No.49864452

>battling real gamers on Cometh battle missions gives me more joy than the market can think of.
If you try kogs slam, you'll know that cometh is in the past, and rewards it's players with kogs NFT.

>> No.49864483

>there is no coming back from that any time soon.
Melodramatic fucking slut.

>> No.49864522

>Money line go up/down forever.
First red candle?

>> No.49864527

Don't worry anon, there's still a ton of crypto funds waiting to blow up and underwater startup treasuries having to firesale assets at one point. People have still hope. The point to buy is when all hope is gone.

>> No.49864540
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>Anyone else miss the multi-year bottom?
I didn't anon, i filled my ass with some goodie bags of ftm, ada, mbox and sylo

>> No.49864576

>short $20600
>pumps to $21300 overnight
thanks nigger day

>> No.49864742

I already bought the amount of bitcoin I want. I hear people talking about Otto blockchain launching soon. I'm gonna buy a good quantity too when it goes live. Fingers crossed.

>> No.49864782

if this is true then that's actually very bullish, look what the big banks and stock market have done the past 10 years after bailouts and QE

>> No.49864790

This is not happening , the downward trend has reversed again, I aped on scrt and eth and matic and fwt too

>> No.49864816

I did the same with scrt and Matic too, privacy is going to become mainstream soon

>> No.49864885



>> No.49865033

you fucking retard just buy now. Its barely a few percent off the bottom.

in what world does 18k or 21k matter if it goes up 2-3x or more.

ngmi with that thought process

>> No.49865168

no i buyded, but not leveraged anything

>> No.49865262

I know this right but lots of idiots are not ready to accept, not excited and not jumping into any, just taking time to see those projects that would survive the bear, I have a go on MATIC and TXA although they were badly affected I mean the entire market was affected by the crash, would you suggest any ?

>> No.49865346

what has the potential to do a 20x. want something to put a couple grand into

>> No.49866065

this is not the case of 20x, no project is doing that anytime soon fag, get that into your dead looking skull

>> No.49866472
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"The downward trend had reversed"

This is your brain on drugs kids.

>> No.49866517

If you look at 2018 and the stock market drop that occurred in november/december and the corresponding time when Bitcoin finally reached total capitulation it should be obvious we have not reached capitulation yet and the market has further to fall.

A bounce on the way down doesn't mean the BOOL RAN is back on, it means retards like CZ and SBF thought they were slick shorting their own customers and now there's no liquidity anywhere so they'll have to scramble to prop the market up with the crypto equivalent of bailouts.

>> No.49866565

holy shit you niggers must be in pain

>> No.49866629
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Your shill makes me want to puke boboso. What the fuck are you even saying?

>> No.49866649

opposite of biz rule applies
Strap in lads we're hitting 50k EOY

>> No.49866686

There's no guarantee anon. You can be bullish all you want, won't change the situation of things.

>> No.49866728

You seem to have a lot of bags. Holding is one thing, but you can't rule out passive income. Makes more sense to me.

>> No.49866984
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I get paid out in cheap btc on freeway fwt. once btc recovers value of my staking rewards will go up too, then swap into USD

>> No.49867070

I'm earning passively from the ORE LM pool on Allianceblock. 55% APY isn't that much but means something with this dip, any other recommendations from fren?

>> No.49867086

Not only AVAX, other alts are dropping

>> No.49867139

Nothing is going that far atm so hold your grand

>> No.49867188

such is the mind of a bizraeli

>> No.49867189
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I missed out on the huge cap, but I was able to get Ada, and Otto through a staking plug. I'm looking forward to the start of the next bullrun, which I'm sure will be exciting.

>> No.49867258

The apy looks huge i assume is flexible, and sustainability matters. Though lots of DeFi projects look fundamentally solid ahead

>> No.49867267

>2kb image
You should be executed

>> No.49867304

200k 5x leveraged short now, retard

>> No.49867322

Seething coomer, actually fell for it

>> No.49867336

>Could have bought for 200k 5x leveraged a few days ago
yeah and if it went the wrong way you'd be hanging from a rope instead of posting this cringe thread

>> No.49867395


Seriously get the fuck in

>> No.49867516

this is no time for projects doing numbers, none of these showing green gains have recovered, were still in the active bearish season, I have not been buying or selling rather than staking also waiting for the TXAD governance token reward from its pre-staking i joined then I move to the next one.

>> No.49867590 [DELETED] 

>After 70% dump for few month
>Pump 10%
>OP: I miss the bottom

>> No.49867807
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Fucking hell, this retard is too lazy to DYOR. Gonna help your dumbness get into Web3 projects
before you execute me

>> No.49867947
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>bulls have been fucked so hard that they're actually celebrating being at 20k