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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 876 KB, 936x952, Screen Shot 2022-06-20 at 8.16.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49856484 No.49856484 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49856499


>> No.49856507


>> No.49856511
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>> No.49856592

you're on 4chan, you have time to spare

>> No.49856637

While he gets a couple things kinda wrong, his overall point is correct
>Most of the crypto space is a bunch of scams to take your money or poorly thought-out tech
>NFTs are fucking dumb

>> No.49856661

BAYC is racist. Also buy my NFT

>> No.49856670

Ah, the essay from the guy associate with the media movement getting paid by the government to subvert and groom children demographics on YouTube. He really hates crypto huh. I'm sure he's right and not the obvious enemy trying to keep goy in in his place haha

>> No.49856733

NFTs are very poorly implemented.
Raptoreum will solve this.

>> No.49856847
File: 129 KB, 500x483, 27A946C8-2760-4085-BB3C-3A6B1B62C0E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve come full circle. Guys who buy/sell monkey jpegs for millions of dollars are low iq chads and the “nft bad” crowd are a bunch of midwit npc’s and whiney faggots. They didn’t even know what the fuck an nft was until 3 months ago and I’m willing to bet the cucks that made this docu didnt either. It would be quite funny if there was another nft boom seeing these mouth breathers cope with some asshole making their retirement money selling a jpeg of a pixilated turd. Cry about it,faggots.

Seriously this shit is brain sludge. I never understand people who will actually sit there and watch shit like this. It’s all easily accessible information it’s not like it’s some complicated history or conspiracy that you would have to spend hours reading about. Only midwits and trannies watch that crap.

>> No.49856977

Why does he use a racist alt right image in his thumbnail??

>> No.49857230

Wait tell me more. I remember when this shit exploded onto the scene (((organically))) I figured the creator was a kike and the jewtube algorithm loved him. But he's with some child grooming shit? I believe it.

>> No.49857278

yes, he's a scammer

>> No.49857418


>> No.49857693

i dont watch soitards so no...

>> No.49857830

You seem upset

>> No.49858065

Why does this shit get reposted all the time?
Its just dismissive midwit cope
Digital collectibles have been a thing for 20+ years, this just puts them on an open market, with a bunch of degenerates. Also allows the creators to tap into this secondary market, which is why blockchain gaming, or whatever you want to call it, will be a thing in the next 5+ years. Also opens up new possibilities of interoperability between different games (same items, different game/devs)
Its also a very good way for digital artists to make a living, and not simply get paid in "exposure".

>> No.49858093

The man who singlehandedly killed crypto

>> No.49858177

Why would anyone need NFTs in gaming? Platform holders can already implement their own regulated markets, with security and fraud prevention systems that are impossible with NFTs. Developers and publishers can already profit off of these market transactions. Real-money trade is also, regrettably, already happening via coordination on outside servers.

Why, then, do we need the latest cryptocurrency-backed unregulated scam-central of a pyramid scheme haven, added to games?

>> No.49858314
File: 189 KB, 326x318, angry shaking pepe hoody.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he brought up muh lgbtbbq tranny shit at the end of a couple of vids.
https://youtu.be/icwDF8wRgF4?t=2669 here's one
the normalization of this shit is disgusting.

>> No.49858345

>I’ve come full circle. Guys who buy/sell monkey jpegs for millions of dollars are low iq chads
No, guys like you who buy overpriced NFTs are low IQ retards. 99.9999% of guys who bought/sold NFTs are not the ones making millions or even six figures in profits. Even 99.9999% of the guys who have an IQ above room temperature who actually minted their own NFTs will never make millions.

>> No.49858546
File: 182 KB, 828x830, 181CCFB3-BE92-4056-ACC7-7B2E5D03BF57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just annoyed by faggotry

I never purchased an nft but I’m guessing you probably minted some trash no one wanted and got burnt. Sorry pajeet, give it a few years I’m sure you’ll have your time again.

>> No.49858563

Go back you soi faggot

>> No.49858629

Do they? Probably not, as it is in their best interest to keep you in the game bubble
But why do you even come here if consider crypto to simply be a scam?
If anything its most regulated market on this planet.

>> No.49858680

>Its also a very good way for digital artists to make a living, and not simply get paid in "exposure".
the furry community solved this 20 years ago
NFTs do nothing special that didn’t already have a solution created before their existence
redundant tech where all the value is based on hype by people who don’t fully understand how it works

>> No.49858681

This guy pwned crypto bros nft tards. Literally ended the argument w/ mic drop. If u still in crypto u are 1. Are dumb (stupid) 2. Have asshole that is hugely 3. Don't no ANYTHING. Period.

>> No.49858683

Yeah its pretty retarded. It's like what a newfag redditor "thinks" crypto is.

>> No.49858705

>If anything its most regulated market on this planet.
that’s why most NFT value comes from wash trading, right

>> No.49858721


>> No.49858729

lmao, are you calling degenerate porn art?

>> No.49858747

it’s more artistic than randomly generated shitty monkeys

>> No.49858759

>wash trading
I see that word thrown around a lot, but I assure there is little need for that when your market is full of rabid degenerate speculators

>> No.49858776

where do you think the initial hype came from?

>> No.49858779

>But why do you even come here if consider crypto to simply be a scam?
Because I am curious as to what /biz/ thinks.

>If anything its most regulated market on this planet.
By who? And if so, why is it so volatile?

>> No.49858799

kek, the monke are dumb as fuck, but no one considers those art.
They are closer to a digital status symbol, cant really flex your lambo online constantly. But that monkey pick worth 100k? The entire planet can see it

>> No.49858821

it’s worth 100k till you try to sell it and realise the initial value came from manipulated trades and you’re left with the bag

>> No.49858836

wash trading was rampant a year ago when I looked at this crap. Like it was so prevalent that they weren't even hiding it. You had youtubers shilling NFTs and flat out stating that they are buying up all their friend's tokens at inflated prices to establish the market price. In any other industry they'd have been arrested for market manipulation but the deregulated crypto space allows, encourages and venerates them for doing it.

>> No.49858872
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>Go back you soi faggot

>> No.49858904

theres 2 types of people who are into NFTs
the manipulators and scammers and the bozos who get scammed because they can’t tell the other people into it are scammers

>> No.49858912
File: 51 KB, 680x680, 1A1974EB-B6C7-4520-B06C-018B258630B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre just cycling through the generic reddit/twitter nft criticisms. I would like to see if you could point me to a legitimate case of this and not just an article written by some faggot at buzzfeed that conveniently surfaced at the same time the nft bubble happened. Is it that hard to just accept people would rather buy an ugly monkey picture than pay for a $15 dollar commission drawn by some tranny with a deviant art page?

>> No.49858933

This looks like the Pixar version of Jocko willing as a child.

>> No.49858988

Bored degenerates? Bullrun was dying in may and I had some extra eth laying around so I started collecting nfts, the growth was kinda organic, the space is filled with people that use to play mmos and collect party hats. Its the same shit.
It all exploded massively as volume picked up, illiquid items behave very differently that your average shitcoin
I was just being facetious, every is programmable in crypto, so technically it could be as controlled as you wanted
We just choose the massive PvP arena

>> No.49859032

>Youre just cycling through the generic reddit/twitter nft criticisms
useless system that only has perceived value from scams generating baseless hype is a useless system that only has perceived value from scams generating baseless hype and anyone who isn’t a scammer or a retard can see that, wow!
>Is it that hard to just accept people would rather buy an ugly monkey picture than pay for a $15 dollar commission drawn by some tranny with a deviant art page?
nobody who is buying NFTs is buying them for the art, the art is a mask for a Ponzi scheme

>> No.49859043

Cryptocoons stfu youve been owned. Everybody is laughing at u losers right now(and forever) get some pussy and maybe u shoulda finished school if u want to be rich so bad. Lmao. Just lmao.

>> No.49859074

NFTs do nothing special, they add needless shit to solutions that had already been figured out for years and doesn’t require dogshit blockchain solutions to operate

>> No.49859095

It went up that high because monkey boys received essentialy 50k+ in goodies, aka they were rewarded for never selling. Speculators just pumped it to the extreme.
But why do you think they cant sell it though? The apes liquidity is insanely good
source, but yeah sure there are plenty of scammers

>> No.49859137

>It went up that high because monkey boys received essentialy 50k+ in goodies
so the value has nothing to do with the actual asset or value of NFTs as a whole and could be ascribed to a piece of paper if you wanted to
my point continues to be proven

>> No.49859141
File: 447 KB, 1501x1181, btc bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid youtuber has awful take #1048957
I didn't watch it nor do I care.
If they they were so smart they would be happy to show me proof of their BTC investment.
Or they can show me their past successes with really anything.
Internet celebrities are payed by kikes to push bad views, and then get promoted on jewish platforms.
The only youtubers I like are relatively small (maybe 50k subs at most) and normally have an actual job. They make topics about things they love. They don't have good production quality but they ooze soul.

If someone's "job" is to be a youtuber then they are not worth your time.

>> No.49859159

>useless system that only has perceived value from scams generating baseless hype is a useless system that only has perceived value from scams generating baseless hype and anyone who isn’t a scammer or a retard can see that, wow!

You’re just repeating a bunch of buzzwords. Everything’s value is perceived you retarded faggot.

>> No.49859185

can you tell me one problem that NFTs “fix” that hasn’t already been fixed for years if not decades?

>> No.49859193

Like anything I guess, but as I said apes are more of a status symbol, the same way some lambo or rolex is
Like blockchains right? At this point Im going to have to tell, have fun being poor

>> No.49859220

>Like blockchains right?
now we’re getting to the crux of the issue
billions poured into researching blockchain, not a single real use discovered beyond cryptocurrencies

>> No.49859227

Providing proof copies of data.

>> No.49859258

ESL Indian detected

>> No.49859274
File: 61 KB, 440x330, Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement-en.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets proven wrong
>yo-you're ESL!!!!

>> No.49859308

can you elaborate on “providing proof copies of data” because it doesn’t parse as English Rajesh

>> No.49859353

Watching it right now, thanks for the recc. Seems to be a succinct breakdown of crypto history

>> No.49859366

I can prove that I own certain art pieces.
Provenance > Whatever is scribbled at the front
Your loss fren, but fading the digital age is kinda dumb

>> No.49859380
File: 253 KB, 777x687, argument pyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't post the full one.

>> No.49859417

>I can prove that I own certain art pieces,
not uniquely solved by NFTs

>> No.49859445

>I can prove that I own certain art pieces.
Uh huh. That sure worked out for Seth Green huh?
NFTs are just license agreements made out to "anonymous"

>> No.49859448

Because fuck you it’s fun being able to own digital items, actually owning them and being able to sell them is a benefit

>> No.49859462

owning digital items isn’t uniquely solved by NFTs

>> No.49859512


>> No.49859528

How do you know as a buyer, that I didnt just right click save it :^)
Who? Is this some retard that got his keys stollen?

>> No.49859540

Yes. If someone paid for one of your tranny furry drawings, and then I downloaded it and said that it’s mine, they could prove it’s the original because they have an nft which is essentially the artists stamp of approval. It’s the same reason a Jackson pollock painting sells for millions and some random retard who splats a bunch of paint on a canvas can’t get anyone to buy it. No one wants it because it’s not a Jackson pollock painting. And beyond that, you always need some kind of certificate/receipt anytime you buy something tangible to prove you actually own it. It’s really not that hard to wrap your head around unless your guzzling soi and watching tik toks 24/7

>> No.49859542

>actually owning them
You dont you own a paper reciept which has a picture attatched.
You can make the same receipt with picture on every blockchain. They sre both digitally the same thing.
Anyway nft images arent even on the blockchain, its literally a link to a amazon server with an imagine on it.

Thanks but only art id ever pay money for is physical hand made art, not some ms paint crude jpg copy and pasted with small changes

>> No.49859597

when someone commissions furry art they’re not really paying to “own” the art, they’re paying to make the art exist in the first place
you fundamentally misunderstand
you don’t actually own the art when you own an NFT btw

>> No.49859618

NFT's utility (if there is such a thing) is NOT that the NFT "proves" you own a collection of infinitely reproducible digital bits - we've had a solution for that for decades. It's that it's on the blockchain.
But what problem does blockchain solve? It's called the web of trust problem. If I have a JPEG on my PC, I can sign it with any of the well tested and secure digital signing algorithms out there. And you and everyone else can verify that signature that proves it's valid. Except how do you prove that the key you are validating is even my key and not just some rando's claiming to be me and signing fakes? You need a trusted authority that can vouch for my key. But that's centralisation and gives control to an often commercial entity.
The alternative was the "web of trust" model where I trust bill who trusts alice who trusts dave and so I can trust dave because he's trusted by someone who is trusted by someone I trust. Cool, but maintaining that trust relationship is a full time job for any non-trivial data.
Blockchain then actually solves a real world problem, establishing trust chains in a decentralised fashion while incentivising people to maintain the chain rather than break it.
So you have a digital signature that says you "own" an instance of a collection of bits, and this is verifiable thanks to the blockchain which is secure because there's so many people spending large amounts of electricity maintaining it. Cool, cool...
...and then at a technical level NFTs are implemented as smart contracts which ultimately require a central authority to facilitate the trades in a way that all participants can agree that the smart contract is being fulfilled correctly... Oops. So what purpose do NFTs fulfil again? None, it was the blockchain that solved a problem and NFTs came along to fuck it up by being broken by design.

>> No.49859657

The benefit of NFT’s is that the blockchain is transparent, has huge network effects because of how many users each blockchain has. Lots of liquidity and users already exist. Private solutions are starting from scratch and can fit the terms to suit them. >>49859542
You don’t think people haven’t tried to copy bored apes or any other successful NFT project? The answer is they have but because they blockchain is a record of ownership the originals maintain value

>> No.49859661

>Also allows the creators to tap into this secondary market,
"Allows", but only in a nominal fashion. Royalties aren't inherent to the smart contract and specific implementations can be bypassed.

>> No.49859705

Mickey Mouse hasn’t lost his value despite millions of bootlegs
I’m asking you to find a problem that is uniquely solved by NFTs and you have failed every time

>> No.49859799

Makes all middle men not needed. Which is why you kvetch so hard. Goodbye lawyers. Goodbye banks. Goodbye copyright. Goodbye parasites. Get sneeded.

>> No.49859811
File: 29 KB, 459x423, 50472CBE-08BE-49C7-8CC5-F87CB1F5E611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I walked into your house and said I owned it, how could you prove me wrong?

>> No.49859860

>Goodbye copyright
how do you think you would enforce your ownership without a way to enforce copyright?
smartest NFTgroid

>> No.49859868

>all middle men
So you're paying the gas fee for a full jpeg and not using an external image host, right?

>> No.49859884

Don’t dodge the question.Answer me you Reddit faggot.

>> No.49859898

Nigger cannot see into the future. Poor you.
Nigger doesn't understand what an NFT is.

Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

>> No.49859912

pretty sure they solved this issue centuries before NFTs mate

>> No.49859923

>.and then at a technical level NFTs are implemented as smart contracts which ultimately require a central authority to facilitate the trades in a way that all participants can agree that the smart contract is being fulfilled correctly.
What? I can send you some without a central figure, marketplaces are just used as convenience as they group liquidity in one spot
Why dont you guys install metamask, and start exploring a bit before you repeat someone else's opinion/bullshit

>> No.49859935

I think you’re the one who doesn’t understand what an NFT is
still waiting for a single problem uniquely solved by NFTs

>> No.49859997
File: 37 KB, 680x551, 75DC6324-11B1-4172-ADC1-7D0704AE443D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! It’s almost like you have to prove you actually “own” something with some kind of receipt/document saying you purchased it!

God damn nigger you are a special kind of dumb.

>> No.49860050

yep and that proof has existed centuries before Nigger Fart Turds
still waiting to hear a problem uniquely solved by NFTs

>> No.49860081

>Damage controlling for monkey jpgs
>In June of AD 2022
Get your life together

>> No.49860094

Ownership without the need of a trusted authority?

>> No.49860120

how are you going to enforce ownership without authority?

>> No.49860175

>they didn't even know what the fuck an nft was
Everyone knew, just nobody was impressed or gave enough of a shit because it wasn't doing anything actually new.

>> No.49860227

Through providence? Art is worthless if you can't prove who made it

>> No.49860244

Well what are your thoughts on projects that actually adapt usecases on the metaverse like lovelace? Because the concept of non fungible tokens exists prior to the blockchain, it's just that the majority if kikes making shitty collections has increased, tainting the projects that do make sense and have usecases

>> No.49860257

do you really own something if anyone else can do whatever they want with it and there’s no way for you to stop it?

>> No.49860346

Not all contracts are made the same way, some don't allow changes to the metadata
Some actually do change, it might be even what makes enjoyable
But more importantly, why would an artist do this? You do realize they don't hate their collectors?

>> No.49860383

who says it’s even the artist selling the NFT?
Dead people’s art had been taken and minted
you don’t actually own shit if I can take your ugly ape and sell t-shirts of it and you can’t stop me because there’s no authority to stop me

>> No.49860447
File: 43 KB, 750x423, 5D49AE26-4749-4FB0-A980-1F3DCAAE8D20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, youre actually about to make me lose my mind youre so dumb. You’re completely missing what I’m saying. I’m not saying it would be better to have an nft to prove owner ship of your house as opposed to a deed. To own literally anything you have to have some kind of receipt proving you own it. Nfts solve this problem for digital assets.

>> No.49860446

He's literally not wrong on any of his points and I have never seen a decent refutation of this video.
>stay poor lmao
Making money from a ponzi with poor utility doesn't mean it's not a ponzi with poor utility.

>> No.49860465

Mmmmh, I think yuga labs could send lawyers after you but I don't really know, or care. You can save all of my shit of you want, and make merch, sounds like free marketing to me.
For the stuff I like collect, it's usually very "crypto" so I don't really know where they would steal it from, and the artists usually share the links on twitter

>> No.49860469

>Nfts solve this problem for digital assets.
they don’t solve it uniquely

>> No.49860480

>Seriously this shit is brain sludge. I never understand people who will actually sit there and watch shit like this. It’s all easily accessible information it’s not like it’s some complicated history or conspiracy that you would have to spend hours reading about. Only midwits and trannies watch that crap.

Based and Truepilled

2 hour videos are only and exclusively for entertainment

>> No.49860494

>Mmmmh, I think yuga labs could send lawyers after you
so then it’s not actually
ownership without a trusted authority since a trusted authority (copyright law) is then needed to enforce it which rolls back to the original point
what problem do NFTs uniquely solved.

>> No.49860497
File: 448 KB, 636x771, 523423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats wrong with being upset faggot

Is there anything wrong with being annoyed at something?

Dont really think so, in fact it is a positive

If you are a compliant conformist meek faggot I see you thinking being annoyed is le bad

>> No.49860508

? Ownership and copyright claims are different things

>> No.49860514

>Making money from a ponzi with poor utility doesn't mean it's not a ponzi with poor utility.

Doesnt mean you wont stay poor

Ponzi or not people making money is always a good thing (for them)

Faggots seethe, smart people make money

>> No.49860538

it circles back to the same basic concept

>> No.49860553

NFT's as usable items have real potential. The problem is people are still stuck seeing them as Art.

>> No.49860556
File: 43 KB, 795x1005, 4648EC53-4FFD-495F-8BE1-CE1591559B2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They provide a unique way of solving it.

>> No.49860588

by tacking on a bunch of problems, right
solving something poorly doesn’t make it better just because you’re solving it differently

>> No.49860600

What in your small mind is the better solution?

>> No.49860639

the solutions we’ve already had for decades if not centuries that don’t have absurd gas fees and ripeness for scams and rugpulls tacked on

>> No.49860711

What solution have we had for decades for proving personal ownership and buying/selling of digital assets?

>> No.49860727

Does it?
In order to enforce copyright laws, you must prove that ownership.
You can make the argument that, legally, they represent nothing, but that more so due to a lack of legislation and not the technology itself.
If you put them on the open market, others will see value in what they provide. Which is what drove this speculative bubble.
In the meantime, I'll still be collecting my jpegs, supporting my favourite artists, and dabbing on poorfags on social media

>> No.49860730

Nothing except block-chain and even that could be usurped

>> No.49860747

I’d rather support my favourite artist by commissioning a picture of lucario getting his dick sucked than buying a shit jpeg

>> No.49860781

Literal ownership of digital assets

Everything else can be pirated

NFTs are backed by the blockchain

>> No.49860783

you are literally just babbling on like a toddler learning to speak, dribbling from the side of your mouth this entire thread. clearly you're just regurgitating some insufferable twitter users' or similar midwit's musings on the subject here in an attempt to seem like you know what you're talking about. this argument has been beat to death and everyone here who isn't new has no desire to engage with anons like you because you are adding nothing new to the discourse on the subject. it's honestly pathetic to watch imbeciles like you speak in this manner, as if though you're fooling anyone at all here into thinking you're some kind of subject matter expert because you watched some youtuber word vomit about something for a few days. consider either going back, killing yourself, or perhaps both of those things. also, dilate.

>> No.49860787

Lmao imagine still thinking about nfts in 2022

>> No.49860807

You arent really buying the jpeg you midwit, youre buying "the rights" to it if the blockchain says so

>> No.49860847
File: 191 KB, 785x1000, 4414BA67-2B77-404A-833D-E8E0AE9A8170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if your favorite artist wanted to make an ass load of money buy releasing an nft collection when nfts were popular? Would you still support him because you want the starved artist to make some money any way they can? Or would you be a smarmy Reddit faggot just because nfts are the current thing to hate?

>> No.49860877
File: 131 KB, 603x621, 1637608514153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my nft. I enjoy it and it was free.

>> No.49860908
File: 311 KB, 600x732, CF8A934D-DB67-4DB5-9748-1CFA89D4A536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s peak zoomer brain deadness. I hate being associated with these fucking brain dead retards.

>> No.49860963
File: 763 KB, 830x596, 147926599785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyway nft images arent even on the blockchain, its literally a link to a amazon server with an imagine on it.
Oh, you didnt hear?

>> No.49860978

Are you though, I mean unless stated explicitly you wouldn't, the original artist holds the copyright to the work the buyer simply has the digital image for personal use, like a traditional artwork.

>> No.49861025

That's a good looking ape, can I have it?

>> No.49861078
File: 461 KB, 449x537, 1514977664272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off with ur bullshit outta here fucking faggot

>> No.49861108
File: 96 KB, 640x640, 03565C7B-F8B0-4792-8A00-9A3D926CD449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can make the same receipt with picture on every blockchain

No nigger, you can’t. It’s literally right in the name theyre “non-fungible” which means they are each unique, no two are the same.You don’t even understand the basic definition of what an NFT is idk why you have an opinion on it.

>Thanks but only art id ever pay money for is physical hand made art, not some ms paint crude jpg copy and pasted with small changes

Based honestly but you’re still retarded.

>> No.49861182

Well the state is the fucking blockchain

If it says it belongs to you it belongs to your wallet, thats it

Thats why crypto is a thing in the first place

>> No.49861421
File: 39 KB, 485x450, 1655143420359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lox network is already implementing this. They are utilizing NFTs as their identity system in their ecosystem that will help revolutionize mobile phone security globally. You are simply holding the wrong NFTs.

>> No.49861543

>Crypto, NFT bad and scam
>Crypto use for drug and racist thing
>Crypto is le cringe
>Stock market okay and not scam
>Stock market real money and not speculation whatsoever
He just name-calls the whole video too, hilarious.

>> No.49861656

frankly embarrassing how many brainlet nft haters still browse this board. disappointing how nearly all the high iq posters must have moved over to twitter.

nobody cares they're jpgs on aws. all of crypto is a giant casino, and the "nft" section of that casino has had the best odds of winning for over a year. why is it so hard for /biz/ to comprehend that you have to play whatever tables offer the highest chance to win. if you dont understand the game at the table, then you have to put in effort to learn it. simple as

>> No.49861660

Normies are hopeless really

This is why you should never try to help them, theyre literal sub-human demons

>> No.49861709
File: 327 KB, 1200x600, hide tha pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been posted here multiple times and discussed multiple times, why is this thread here? why is this shit video still posted here? why are you fags still feeding the troll? didn't the video poster reach his view count quota?

>> No.49861773

Discussion is healthy always

Might help a new faggot to acknowledge a couple of things, or just someone who missed it

Or rather bring something new to the table

>> No.49861776
File: 67 KB, 906x906, FUNR6UxVEAI4vc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based man have a (you)

>> No.49861853

brainlets dont understand how NFTs are a useful addition to computer science. Period.

Though theyre right as far as png nfts are fucking nonsense, but most collectibles are nonsense that we've abstracted and convinced ourselves makes sense

>> No.49862455

>Line goes up
Then line goes down

>> No.49862517

I kinda knew would happen... The paradigm shift has already begun... No reason beating myself up cause I hold the combination of both syscon and btc and I got in early.
Guess what, it's still early atm

>> No.49863029

explains everything , why would anybody burn 90eth worth if NFT and buy copy

>> No.49863662

To me, one of the most important aspects of NFTs is attaching value to digital media. The truest offender on digital degradation is digital entropy. Link drift and link rot. We were raised to believe that we should be careful of the things we post online because "once it's there, it's there forever". We now know its false, most of the internet is dead links. Even the things that are supposed to maintain these things (facebook, google, amazon, etc) are just one back hack away from falling like dominos. It's all so fragile. The value to me with NFTs is distributed, p2p value transfer. There's financial incentive to maintain a perfect copy of a file since doing so maintains the value of an NFT. The image for a NFT can only ever be the image whos hash matches the one in the metadata. Maintain a perfect copy, retain the value. Real interesting system there.

>> No.49863940

I don't need a 2 hour documentary to explain why links to terrible drawings of apes have zero value.

>> No.49863981

>attaching value to digital media
attaching "value" to something the can be copied an infinite number of times is impossible

>> No.49864395

>the growth was kinda organic
Just imagine being this stupid.

>> No.49864665

To be honest, you don't need to watch a 2 hour long video to know that NFTs are a scam

>> No.49864805

Using systems that are designed around artificial scarcity for digital items is not the answer. It's actually a very scary thought because as cool as it may sound it's very obvious that it will be abused extremely quickly by large corporations if mass adoption ever happens.

>> No.49864846

>left ape has 15 teeth
>3 additional on the necklet
>18 teeth
literally nazis

>> No.49864875

theres something to put into that AI image generator

>> No.49864963

>what is pendrive

>> No.49864990

why would you watch 2h video about something you already know? if you have that much spare time watch this instead:

>> No.49865096

Nfts are more than jpegs, projects like lox network will help keks to mint their mobiles as nft

>> No.49865124

I think they are working on the problem of mobile theft

>> No.49865152

I have lost my mobile phone twice, money in crypto, and now my girlfriend.

>> No.49865182

flipping nfts are scams or not but I have made so many flipping nfts

>> No.49865421


>made by the same dumb cuck who simped for zoe quinn for hours on end

Hard pass
NFT's are cancer, I don't need some dumb cuck to explain why using faulty logic

>> No.49865603


>> No.49865609

Those monkey NFTs are ugly as fuck. Why can't they make NFTs that don't look like total dogshit? Anyway not watching a 2 hour video nerd

>> No.49865645

>Why would anyone need NFTs in gaming? Platform holders can already implement their own regulated markets, with security and fraud prevention systems that are impossible with NFTs.

as usual crypto is not the solution to this non-problem.

>> No.49867642
