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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49859003 No.49859003 [Reply] [Original]

another 400M exit.....

>> No.49859097

>Alameda is exiting
>other market makers are exiting
Meanwhile /biz/ permabulls are saying only retail is selling and the new bullrun starts in just 2 more weeks.

>> No.49859309


>> No.49860007

It starts in 2-3 years, if you think btc is dead you're wrong.

>> No.49860027

I completely agree, we will have a bullrun after the 2024 halving. Bear time for awhile though.

>> No.49860059

literally nothing

>> No.49860108
File: 37 KB, 952x602, tether chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down almost 20% market cap in less than two months

>> No.49860125

now check usdc

>> No.49860196

The question is, if Bitcoin goes down enough, and harms enough investors, will the environment in the future be suitable for it to make a new high?
I can't see all the scams, 20000 coins, massive waste of development talent, equipment and resources going unchallenged by public and even private groups.

>> No.49860295

this happens literally every bear market fren and when everyone comes to biz to laugh at us it's time to start DCAing. unless they ban all crypto-to-bank transactions or make a burgercoin in the next two years, we'll be ok.

>> No.49860360

People were voicing these exact same concerns in 2018 after the 2017 bull run. So many people had gotten in and been burned badly, and yet we had this bull run nonetheless, against those odds. My answer is that people have very short (and flexible) memories, especially when greed and money is involved. People have a way of forgetting, eating their words, ignoring lessons learned, or getting sucked back in by the whiff of fortunes to be made

>> No.49860374

Inflation hits 8.5% every bear market and they threaten a massive interest rate regime to combat the rising prices as Bitcoin goes through 24 months of endless levering, debt expansion fuelled by retail investors that bought with stimulus checks?

>> No.49860400

The danger is apparently that Tether isn't solvent and if this goes down too much, they'll run out of money and USDT will collapse.

>> No.49860405

I was here in 2018 nobody was fucking saying it's over literally all of us believed it was going higher, even when it dumped to 11k practically overnight.
t. linkmarine

>> No.49860423

They aren't solvent, neither are the people lending to Tether.
This is a massive ponzi LMFAO

>> No.49860440

he's implying that the markets are simply shifting away from Tether towards USDC
USDC is up 5 billion, but Tether is down 15.....the money is still leaving
crypto prices will probably never hit ATH again, the era of cheap money isn't coming back any time soon

>> No.49860470

I know, but what happens if Tether goes down 25 billion, then suddenly depegs like Luna did?

>> No.49860525

every crypto heads for the exits simultaneously
bring popcorn

>> No.49860560

What do you think the best (safest) way there will be to buy the knife?

>> No.49860582

you don't
this crash will be followed by a long, long winter
you need not fret about trying to find the bottom, it will stay there for a while

>> No.49860657

I think you're right, and even if the easy money starts flowing again, I think in real terms BTC will not hit that ATH because money is going to want to move in certain directions given what we know about the fed's desire for more toilet paper with Benjamin Franklin's face on it.

>> No.49860658

That wouldn't be all too bad

>> No.49860758

it's more than just falling prices, the institutions themselves will collapse
Celsius was just the first of many crypto markets and banks that will end up rugging customers due to greed and/or incompetence

>> No.49860788
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>the era of cheap money isn't coming back any time soon

>> No.49860931

Billions of successful redemptions.
You're not going to take all Tether out of circulation.

>> No.49860952

still waiting for that audit

>> No.49860983
File: 77 KB, 590x393, 18cd15c1-f555-4ed5-b1dd-fc63ce525e04 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they had an audit you'd just come up with some other reason why it's "obviously unbacked total scam gonna collapse fake tethers". there's no point trying to prove anything to tether truthers

>> No.49860999

still waiting for that audit

>> No.49861133

very cringe comparison. ufos are clearly real, theres a mountain of evidence for people that put in the effort to expose themselves to it

basically equivalent to thinking the official version of 9/11 was honest and accurate. nightly tv mainstream media consuming sheep tier

>> No.49861189

>t. delusional
Well there’s your problem

>> No.49861398

I certainly remember Datadash putting out videos calling for the next high by the end of the year (2018)

>> No.49861475

When the recession buttfucks all of us the fed will be forced to bring the rate straight to zero, maybe even go into negative rates Japan style. Imagine a crypto market where the fed is paying people to take out loans, I'd make myself a bank tomorrow

>> No.49861662

>negative rates
not a chance

>> No.49861716

only 69 years to go till 0

>> No.49861794

if the average rate of decline since May 9 (when Luna depegged) continues, Tether will go zero in January

>> No.49862110

Real rates are already negative dipshit

>> No.49862207

the only thing that ran btc up to 20k in the first place was tether. first you print the fake crypto then you pump the price of the real crypto. Then remove the fake crypto and crash the real crypto. this model is not new, some would say this strategy is well over a century old.

>> No.49862352
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Yeah, and meanwhile there are 100 m enters on all the major altcoins, it's literally the same as the 2019 bullrun, ETH and BTC dump, the alts pump, then we go back to 50k

>> No.49862421

>theres a mountain of evidence
such as?

>> No.49862482

the internet is a thing you're on right now, check it out by yourself

>> No.49862568

literally like the rest of the bullruns, just waiting

>> No.49862569

likely, at very first, everything pumps massively as everyone marketsells their USDT for whatever coins they can to get out
then, over a month or so, all those coins get sold off to exit the space entirely

>> No.49863049

tether truthers truly are the biggest morons. probably the same people that told you to get into "save" UST lol.

>> No.49863630

>this stablecoin that says it's backed by money, it isn't actually
>so instead, you should pick a different stablecoin backed by fuzzy math and unicorn farts!
listen to yourself talk, tard

>> No.49864170

The only reason btc got pumped so hard was due to tether printing so billions, tether is inflating the market

>> No.49866256
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>the era of cheap money isn't coming back any time soon

Tell that to Christine

>> No.49867126

nice and comfy. i will dca couple bucks every month.

>> No.49867169


Their reserves -as stated- means investors in Tether are getting scammed. If they are audited and everything is exactly as claimed you are still a dumbass for holding Tether.

>> No.49867384

best time to accumulate when the leveraged degen institutions are unloading

>> No.49867452

When my shitcoins lose marketcap the price goes down, Tether loses 20% and is still one dollar? When rug

>> No.49867476
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Yea nothing to see here

>> No.49867490

It's not dead but its going to get fucking nuked and I expect it will be a long time before price rebounds.
Think about the fundamental changes in the backdrop. We went from a low rate QE environment where teenagers were getting paid X+$600 /wk to do absolutely nothing + $1200 helicopter money checks to rising interest rates, gas prices tripling, food prices doubling, and wages staying mostly flat.
It's somewhere between insane and retarded that people actually think there's going to be a quick pivot and this is the bottom.

>> No.49867544

>quick pivot
It's dumped for 7 months straight you nigger brained permabear

>> No.49867669

>it's dumped for 7 months straight
Yeah and you retards were calling the bottom the whole way down. We haven't even officially hit a recession yet but keep telling yourself it's over because you were too stupid to sell when you had the chance.

>> No.49867739

we just had btc pump 15% in a day during recession and you really think we will never pump multiple days during bull market?

>> No.49867756

You clearly weren't here last bear market

>> No.49867876
File: 7 KB, 256x256, download (52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear markets last years, kiddo.

>> No.49867968

btc is dead, segwit killed it
Bitcoin SV is still very much alive

>> No.49867970

If anything Tether is proving its utility in the current market, people have been calling Tether a scam for nearly 10 years, yet here it is letting people cash out in another brutal downturn without any issues, while shitcoins, exchanges, lenders etc collapse all around it, just like the cycle before, and the cycle before that. Tether is doing wonderfully. You sound like one of those retards who thinks BTC is gonna collapse or get hacked any day now!

>> No.49868032
File: 34 KB, 952x522, Screenshot 2022-06-20 211732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet here it is letting people cash out in another brutal downturn without any issues,
These huge downward steps look organic? look how much tether has inflated in the last year they are cashing out

>> No.49868142

Zoom out dipshit

>> No.49868225
File: 29 KB, 943x466, Screenshot 2022-06-21 225951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did fagget, is this ment to look better?

>> No.49868234

Zoom out more retard

>> No.49868243

Zero reading comprehension

>> No.49868299
File: 29 KB, 956x464, Screenshot 2022-06-21 230318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok It keeps getting worse fagget?, now how and why would they increase there market cap by so much in such a short time

>> No.49868351
File: 365 KB, 620x720, 1654603215558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49868354

Because people bought Tether

>> No.49868368

>0.001 is relevant
You can still redeem fort one dollar on their side

>> No.49868427

>Because people bought Tether
No its because they have been printing billions at a time retard

>> No.49868458

Because people bought them they printed
What else?
Do you think they print out of thin air and buy Bitcoin with it?
Do you?

>> No.49868491

>Do you think they print out of thin air and buy Bitcoin with it?
Yes what else would they do with it

>> No.49868511

literal brainlet let me guess you’re a /pol/ tourist that never bought crypto and seethed for years watching people get rich

>> No.49868578

So you are telling me if you could print tether right now out of nothing and put into your trading account you wouldnt do it?

>> No.49868767

>literal brainlet
You literally dont even know how a market works
You cannot just print and press sell, you need a buyer for every sell
Ok i repeat
You need a buyer for every sell
You need a buyer for every sell
You need a buyer for every sell
You need a buyer for every sell
So yes they could just print 1 billion and hold it but there is no point in doing that. The moment they use it they need a buyer. So>>49868354
>Because people bought Tether

>> No.49868778

Literally a nothing burger

>> No.49868808

>You need a buyer for every sell
>You need a buyer for every sell
>You need a buyer for every sell
>You need a buyer for every sell
Somebody has to sell btc for tether for this to wor

>> No.49868835

They could also sell ether or usd or fucking cumdogerocketinu5000

>> No.49868869 [DELETED] 

Yes but they need to sell something tether then has to buy assets

>> No.49868933

Yes but they need to sell something worthwile
And your shitcoin has a bnb liquidity pool it gets sold first

>> No.49869010

>>You need a buyer for every sell
yeh there are people selling and buying btc with tether the fuck you on about?, NOTHING IS STOPPING TETHER FROM PRINTING UN BACKED USDT

>> No.49869065

as btc price increased so did the demand for tether, otherwise whales couldnt cash out fat numbers unless they went for fiat and the liquidity just isnt there. Therefore tether were printed. Not rocket science

>> No.49869069

Then they can convert the bitcfoin in stabler asstes
Thats literally how its supposed to work

>> No.49869135

>Thats literally how its supposed to work
"supposed to work"

>> No.49869228

Don’t care, still using BUSD.
(((USDC))) will never be the only stablecoin.

>> No.49869234

>whales couldnt cash out fat numbers unless they went for fiat and the liquidity just isnt there.
right so there was not enough fiat liquidity in the market, so they print more tether that is backed by fiat liquidity got ya. I wonder why the btc price increased so much coudlnt of been from all the unbacked tether they printed

>> No.49869413

its not fully backed everyone knows it, its like banks everyone knows there's not enough cash for everyone doesnt mean there's gonna be a bank run anytime soon. Its just a useful tool, you're just mad you fell for the fud and didnt get into stables so you now fud in hopes people will dump their tether for btc and pump your bags

>> No.49869432

>people can't redeem for real usd, it's a scam!
>people are redeeming for real usd, it's a scam!

>> No.49869457

>You print
>Sell somebody for Bitcoin
>Best sell that Bitcoin for DOllar
>If the new usdt holder want s to redeem you have it backed
And no i dont think its complete fine what they do

>> No.49869522

holding stables is like a game of hot potato

>> No.49869550

But again what would be your mechanism for stablecoins?
What is ok for you?
To first have the asset and then print?
To have always more cash then usdt?
Would be secure but expensiveee

>> No.49869600
File: 4 KB, 225x225, skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a big fat lie. Bull run isn't starting in 2 weeks, maybe in the next 2 years. Get ready to be looking like a skull

>> No.49869625

>Good lord what is happening in there?!
>Tether reserves
>Tether reserves? An amount exceeding total combined assets of all Bahamian banks? Localized entirely within a bank created by the inspector gadget creator?
>May I see it?

>> No.49869640

the absolute state of

>> No.49869814
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I used both USDT, BUSD and USDC. And I can't wait to go all in on SHD. I don't have to explain everything here so go do your fucking research

>> No.49869902

>Tether mcap is going down
>Other better stablecoins mcap is going up
what could this possibly mean?

>> No.49869953


Not an argument you fucking retard.

>> No.49870154

this doesn’t mean what you think it means

>> No.49870242

It also x10 ib mcap and is still 1 dollar, makes you wonder!

>> No.49870318

Biz really changed. This whole thread is filled with a ridicolous understanding of markets.

400m Exit? So what? Every checked other stablecoins? And please repeat the same USDT FUD since 2017. Bitfinexed is probably still butthurt about getting liquidated.

>> No.49870369
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Another 2B this week, wagmi

>> No.49870434

Anon just use a trip so people can filter your retarded takes out

>> No.49871841

Exiting thether to go in btc, no?

>> No.49871861

so institutions are leaving the market for good?

>> No.49872028

tether hasn't been $1 for a month now

>> No.49872806

only 400m?

try tether is dumping its balance sheet in regular intervals and it clearly has not stopped.

The "bounce" this weekend took place while they PAUSED they contractions.

Dont fight the fed, loser

>> No.49873216
File: 27 KB, 640x512, tether contraction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
