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49854076 No.49854076 [Reply] [Original]

V shaped recoveries don't happen without a massive catalyst. What's the catalyst, Anon? I'll wait.

>> No.49854086

me fucking your mom lol

>> No.49854101

BTC dominance rise to 80% decimating all alts before crypto winter

>> No.49854118

Ukraine and Russia making peace in acceptable terms to the rest of the world

>> No.49854152

When the fed declares victory on taming inflation by simply moving the goalposts from 2% target inflation to 10%. Retards won't bat an eye because muh 401k is growing with inflation.

>> No.49854187

The Fed pivots and the doomer bubble pops. Bobo euphoria will turn into FOMO. Stocks and crypto will have a historic rally

>> No.49854191

>We are allegedly in a V shaped recovery and none of these have happened "yet"

Still waiting.

>> No.49854203

Lunc burn.

>> No.49854215

It's going to be a reverse V

>> No.49854220

covid wasn't a catalyst yet it still bounced from 3.5k

>> No.49854232

This whale gets liquidated
ETH price dumps hard. Other coins/tokens follow somewhat as well. Whales get their entry points triggered, start buying hard. Normies follow after.
Every big dump has been something like this.

>> No.49854251

Hurry up and do it then

>> No.49854262

The fed printing infinite money and saying they would not allow markets to fall further was though. Fucking retard.

>> No.49854266


>> No.49854303
File: 225 KB, 728x580, bort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not one single person you replied to claimed we are actively in a V shaped recovery, and your post's smug midwittery reeks of plebbit

>> No.49854317

Are you retarded? Money printing. Money printing has always been the catalyst.

>> No.49854383
File: 36 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.2599921912_67as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhhhhh they didn't uhhhh claim uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Fuck off retard. It's either
1. Implied by the fact they replied to this thread in the first place
2. Not my problem that they (as well as you) are likely to have a 3rd grade reading comprehension.

Spoiler Alert: it's 2.

>> No.49854410

They aren't printing any more money than they were in addition to BP hikes and the removal of QE in favor of QT.
Are you?

>> No.49854443

JPM head of trading desk, Elan Luger "I think we are past inflation at this point. The only thing confirmed yesterday is that the Fed will to do whatever it takes to get inflation back to target. If that means slowing the economy to a halt and crashing the stock market, so be it"

>> No.49854458

I never claimed there will be a V-Shaped recovery you moron. There will be if they start printing again but obviously they aren't now.

>> No.49854488
File: 69 KB, 750x669, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The economy isn't a math equation, its a game of poker where everyone else is a hostile player. This includes the banks and the fed and any other party you can imagine. The fed raised rates, and according to the rules of the economy that means we're in for a recession. And thats exactly why that won't happen. The trap that retail investors fall into most reliably is the trap of rationality. They think the economy follows the rules that krugman wrote about in their econ textbook. But what the economy really is, is a system of soft slavery. They've created a system of slaver that is so complex and based on voluntary engagement that people think its fair. Its why every year people are getting poorer, having lower quality of life, having to work longer, postpone having kids or buying a house ect. This is the system functioning as intended, it isn't a flaw.

So anytime that they make a move like raising rates or QE or blackrock starts buying up homes very publically, assume that they're luring rational retail investors into a trap. The feds raised rates, but the market rebounded. Why do you think that is? Its not because the market has confidence that inflation would be curtailed, increasing stock market prices IS inflation. It went up because the fed is raising rates with one and and printing money with the other. I don't know if this is a shakeout, but all the rational thinkers believe its the beginning of a depression and you should always do the opposite of what your rationality tells you in the clown market.

>> No.49854581

So QE is gonna stop and they really will do QT or are they lying about that too?

>> No.49854599

OPEC adopts Bitcoin for payments

>> No.49854710
File: 2 KB, 125x78, 1655220378493s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you framed it as a hypothetical, good lord you're an angry sort. Is this supposed to impress and intimidate? it comes off as sad

>> No.49854712

trust your gut

>> No.49854751

who says we're in a V shaped recovery retard?

>> No.49854760

Ukraine war over and inflation peaking

>> No.49854782
File: 59 KB, 640x360, sad many such cases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't bother, he is a phone-posting child pitching a fit for (you)s

>> No.49854804

I don't think that would be true. Ukraine war is over and Russia is still a pariah? Well, Goods can ship, but Ukraine is broken at this point, so their grain shipments wouldn't be a priority for the country. With the sanctions on Russia being in place that means all their resources aren't going on the open market

>> No.49855279


>> No.49855303

Half this board
>half the board spergs v shaped recovery has happened
>I framed it as a hypothetical
Pls kys. This entire board can barely read none of you are ever going to make it.