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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4984621 No.4984621 [Reply] [Original]

the masterrace of all coins has finally started the takeover

>> No.4984644


i shove rai stones up my asshole

ahhhhhhhhh i LOVE RAIBLOCKS

>> No.4984680

Buy in before it hit major exchanges.
Easy x100 coin for next year.
Easiest money you will ever make.

>> No.4984712

Its pretty much instant in transfers too. One of the few coins I can see in the top 10.

>> No.4984730

ive never heard this before

>> No.4984736

no dubs or 7s ur a shitty fash

>> No.4984741

it's true tho

>> No.4984775

Instant transfer no fees. Amazing tech and not on a major exchange yet. This will fly.

>> No.4984783
File: 261 KB, 1513x1071, raiblocks moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raibros I just made this beautiful meme to honor the great mooning. Let it be that Raichu is now our mascot. He's cute and his name starts with Rai. Associating Raichu with Raiblocks will make the name more appealing for people. Chainlinkers have Link, Dogecoin has Doge, we shall have Raichu.

Have no doubt that we will meme Raiblocks into the top ten market cap and beyond. The social aspect of a coin is bigly important, good tech alone won't bring us to the top. With the cute and charmingly weird appearance of Raichu we shall make Raiblocks even more of a viral sensation by skipping people's rational defenses. Hodl and make memes my Raibros.

>> No.4984800

Where do you get this shit? I want in, just on principle.

>> No.4984835

Wtf I love raichu now

>> No.4984850

mercatox I know theres another exchange you can get it on but dont know the name

>> No.4984851

bought 50k at 15c. took already profit - still hodling 7.5k im ok with it mooning again

>> No.4984859

I keep asking where I can buy this but I’ve gotten no answers. I can’t find it on Bittrex or Binance at all.

>> No.4984860

Make more raichu memes

>> No.4984881

bitgril or meracatox

>> No.4984882

>Friend shilled this to me 3 months ago
>I laughed at it because it seemed like just another shitcoin


>> No.4984884

Back to pol faggot, also your mother is a nigger lover

>> No.4984885
File: 677 KB, 1344x1067, IMG_3232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here bro.

>> No.4984909

Oh I will. I'll create a general thread at some point with all of the various Raichus on a blank background so others can make Raiblocks memes as well.

>> No.4984927
File: 47 KB, 640x426, hWUtwm9_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEIL RaiBlocks.

>> No.4984932

>universal support on /biz/

>> No.4984953
File: 13 KB, 263x86, ad23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else in the > 10k xrb retirement in less than 3 month club

>> No.4984982


>> No.4985043

not yet in the fomo drive yet for /biz/ yet though.
So I'll be seling once it it's on 10 threads on /biz/ that's fomo drive

>> No.4985055

those nazi designations are detrimental for an otherwise solid coin.

why are /pol/acks always such emotional soybois?

>> No.4985058

selling ANS at 60 cent, have fun

>> No.4985085

yeah the biz marketing division is really push it over the edge with these 1488 graphics

>> No.4985091

This. Wait till q4 2018. You will be able to retire.

>> No.4985111

Where to buy and what's the name?

>> No.4985113
File: 58 KB, 662x800, Jeb-Bush2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a nazi coin?

>> No.4985139

Dude Pls do some research first but it's called raiblocks and you can buy on bitgrail.com. It is pretty much retard proof though.

>> No.4985163


Research is for old people

>> No.4985277

you'll never make it.

>> No.4985289

>seems like this coin is only forced as IOTA competitor by few pol fags with few btc
>theres no partnerships or devs
>enjoy dump to .50c after it reach 5$
screencap this for lulz

>> No.4985322

6 gorrilion is all that will be issued.

>> No.4985359


Can you knock it off with the fucking Nazi shit?

Jesus, you fuckwads have managed to turn a fucking business board into Stormfront. Fascist assholes.

>> No.4985383
File: 11 KB, 226x51, 423e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angry nocoiner detected. To make your day, I just found out I had 3k something stored away on mercatox to daytrade ahahaha

>> No.4985390

lol, your weak FUD will not stop this train. You can hop on now and still 10X your money in a year or you can continue to FUD until you are broke.

>> No.4985430
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They didnt even have an ICO.
plus how do they have a working product without devs?

>> No.4985475


Nice try, smoothbrain. I actually do have BTC and various shitcoins, but that doesn't mean I want this board to turn into a racist fuckpool.

>> No.4985504
File: 173 KB, 2000x1922, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal pajeetcoin
>nazi symbolism

>> No.4985524

working product ?
>lmao you

>> No.4985566

/pol/ are spilling spaghetti all over 4chan, because they pushed for a president that furthers neo-Zionism and global corporatocracy like no other.

both /pol/ and the leftfags are cancer to cryptocurrencies and the free markets

>> No.4985608

Faggot detected.

>> No.4985632
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>> No.4985692
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, 23dwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4985810

wtf is with BitGrail and their fee structure for depositing Raiblocks (after holding them in a external wallet).

Requires a minimum of 1000 raiblocks not to incur a 5 block fee (thats >$1k worth of raiblocks).

What if we only want to buy a couple of hundred, fark

>> No.4985857

further to that note

"Due to antispam policy, XRB deposits less than 100 Mrai won't be accepted by our wallet and therefore they won't be added on your acount"

>> No.4985919

stop consuming so many xenoestrogens, soyboy
CTH is a shit podcast btw

>> No.4986153
File: 24 KB, 512x512, Ed1HVEpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


le soy meme xDDDD

Please stop being so embarrassing, Young Hitler. You get all of your talking points from /pol/. Yawn.

Seriously, do you racists even try? I know it's hard being uneducated and angry all the time, but you might want to reconsider your life at some point.

>> No.4986280
File: 241 KB, 286x399, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked nazi's

>> No.4986319

log off of rationalwiki or twitter or whatever and go talk to your family. they want an update on what a disappointment you are m8

>> No.4986451


Haha, are you serious? I graduated top of my class, have a great job, and, unlike you, do not live in my mom's basement.

Also, I'm not a racist fuck, so I'm actually on good terms with my family, friends, etc.

>> No.4986516

That is insane. I hope you are happy about it and that you are not too bullish to not sell when there is a drawback in price

>> No.4986673

"By a few pol fags with few btc"
>24h volume literally surpassed $3 million
>Cimbed hundreds of ranks on CMC within a few weeks
>Probably the most solid, undervalued crypto with an already working product, genius main developer and adopted in real life use cases.

This is literally the easiest investment in the entire crypto market right now: Complete nobrainer handed to you, but you are too stubborn and in disbelief to do something about your future.

Be logical for once, the risk/reward ratio is literally any trader's wet dream. I know you can do it, anon - I believe in you.

>> No.4986806

I can't wait until the IOTA foundation starts taking IOTA from "suspected Nazis" LOL

Oh, you didn't know that your shitcoin is centralized can they can take it from you at any time? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
>but but that's impossible
The foundation has tons of coins they haven't given back yet that they seized for "safe keeping"

>> No.4987528

It's Digibyte all over again.

>> No.4987563

So a x100 in 2 months? All in

>> No.4987572


looks like you're ADOLF RICHLER

>> No.4987746

it never ceases to amaze retards think bragging about being 23+ years old and retarded is a good thing
a teenager can be excused for being a moron, but holding child-like political views well into adulthood does make one a cuck
go ahead and tell us how you totes get laid with like, girls and stuff