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49848926 No.49848926 [Reply] [Original]

Going to start applying for university soon. What are some of the economic degrees of the future?

>> No.49848954

Unironically engineering, everything else borderline slavery

>> No.49848963

Dont study International Relations and Politics.

Infact dont study. Trade stocks. Im 60k in debt. It isnt worth it.

>> No.49849018

Something related with blockchain

>> No.49849117

Study the tiktok algorithm.thank me later

>> No.49849198

Not everyone studies social studies, Anon.

>> No.49849753
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get into cybersecurity, its comfy work and there is a rise in the field right now. pajeets and ruskies will only intensify their attacks in the future now that all the indians are getting pcs these days

>> No.49851466

Unironically get a meme degree like philosophy or archaeology. We are going into a world wide great depression so all degrees will be meme degrees. Might aswell have something interesting to say to the other normalfags in the bread line

>> No.49851517

Robotics, Cybersec, Compsci/comp eng, Chemical/biomedical research (less pay, but still good stability)

>> No.49852578

>implying indians are 1337 and not just a bunch of skiddies

>> No.49852835

most of what they do is phishing but thats a lot of what you deal with in a security role

>> No.49854062

Based hahaha

>> No.49854144

If you have any inclination towards natural sciences, do biochem and then become a pathologist - the entire old guard is dying out and it's one of the highest paying medical fields, plus you don't have to interact with nasty ass sick patients/retards all day and you have extremely light working hours and stress for a doctor.

>> No.49854265

What do you do all day?
Is it harder than coding?
Is it fun?

>> No.49854330

Bachelor of Business Administration
It sounds too good to be true, it isn't. These motherfuckers are graduating right into upper management.

>> No.49854331

NFT appraiser

>> No.49854379
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>economic degrees

>> No.49854385

its easier by a long shot but you have to know all about security policy and best practice type shit. basically you do vulnerability remediation, auditing, responding to alerts, phishing response, ect

look up net+ and SEC+ certifications. they're great for getting your foot in the door in the industry. I got both of them at a bootcamp and it landed my my first job (security analyst) and I make 66k right now working from home. I probably do like 3 real hours of work per day

>> No.49854422
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>International Relations and Politics

>> No.49854519

Engineering is oversaturated, you will literally be a slave

>> No.49855013

I've unironically considered becoming a nurse, for two reasons.
>Easy as hell to get a job as a male
>Lots of hot blondes, might get lucky and get a gf

>> No.49855069

if you want a whore for a gf go for it

>> No.49855138

I work at Lowe's and they have a benefits program where I can do a cybersecurity bootcamp for free through thinkful. For context I'm working retail full-time and majoring in math online. Do you think the bootcamp + math degree in progress will be enough to land a job? I want to get a real job (not retail) to boost my grad school applications for a computer engineering masters.

>> No.49855177

go to the military first

>> No.49855179

Thanks anon. What kind of background do you have, or (if you don't want to dox yourself), what qualifications do you think would land you an entry job?

>> No.49855191 [DELETED] 

If I get a hot blonde who's nice and loyal, I honestly wouldn't care about her past. Unless she was a coal burner though.

>> No.49855221

what do they teach at the bootcamp specifically? a lot of bootcamps will help tutor you for certifications as well to boost your resume (which is what a lot of employers look for, certifications)

I had a criminal justice degree with a digital forensics major, and one of my coworkers was a math major too so I doubt you will have difficulty. there are a lot of people in the field who don't have college degree's at all

>> No.49855237

I’m in for risk analysis desu. Kind of like cyber security but no coding just have a basic understanding of Linux. Downside is lot of reading.

>> No.49855361

This guy thinks the elites care enough to have a bread and or food line.

>> No.49855391

Looks like it prepares you to take the Network+ and Security+ exams. As for specific skills, here's what it says on the site:

"This program is an ideal first step for those interested in the fundamentals of networking, implementing standard security protocols, and using command interface tools in Linux, Mac, and Windows OS."


>> No.49855457

seems pretty good. my camp did both net+ and sec+ as well. statistically those are apparently the most desired for basic starting positions for security analysts. pretty great that your company helps pay for it too.

interesting it lists mac too. I've never really dabbled with command line for mac since my company refuses to use them kek

>> No.49855522

sorry for late response
posted my background there.
regardless of college education and in field experience, certs are the best thing you can have to get your foot in the door.

>> No.49855602

nuclear engineering build molten salt reactors

>> No.49855662

no worries, thanks for the reply. Any other certs you would recommend? Any continuing education you think would be a good asset? In your opinion, what is the timeframe like from starting the certifications until landing a job roughly?

>> No.49855674

Yeah Lowe's is not a great spot to work but I intend to milk the free education for all its worth.

Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it.

>> No.49856279

depends on your niche, for example if you're applying for a job with a lot of cloud work you might want to look into one of the AWS certs. I got my certified web pracitioner, which is their like starting cert, and I only took a weekend to study for it and it only costs like $50 to take. most cybersecurity jobs will do a decent amount of work in aws and the amazon certs really help teach you how to use it.

after I graduated my boot camp in febuary 2020I got a job in may and that was even with all the covid BS starting up kek. all depends on job market though, you might do well to apply to smaller companies though because they're more likely to hire new people to the field and they're more free of the corporate crap

>> No.49858221

It would be more profitable and efficient to immediately castrate yourself.