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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 1200x800, Amazon-FBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49848606 No.49848606 [Reply] [Original]

>I sell shit on amazon FBA
>I sent in $1400 in product
>They lost it
>Tracking shows it arrived
>They say nothing was received
>I file reconciliation case
>They ask for my invoice of the products I bought
>I show them receipts
>They say there were other shipments with the same items, and I need to provide receipt for those too
>8 out of 10 of these other shipments aren't even mine, they are other sellers
What the fuck bros? Am I really getting robbed by Amazon? This is the most jewish shit I have ever experienced personally. Fucking hate these faggots. Selling on eBay is better.

>> No.49848639

no refunds

>> No.49848723
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I don't deserve this

>> No.49848767

Not your warehouse, not your items

>> No.49848782

you are dealing with a shit tier pajeet - need to escalate to a higher up (top tier poo or better). I get better resolutions from livechats and getting increasingly upset till I get kicked up the chain etc - fuck their email correspondence

>> No.49848830

Where do I even get live chat support on Amazon? I've never seen this option. It is always case log shit.

>> No.49848834

>Fucked By Amazon
respect to you for still trying to cope with that shitfest. If your receipts had been older than a year (and from a non-approved official distributor, yaddayadda..) theyd have just told you to fuck off anyway.

>> No.49848865

>read endless horror stories of Amazon fucking over sellers
>i'm sure that won't happen to me
No one to blame but yourself really.

>> No.49848899

This is the real lesson, isn't it?

>> No.49848930
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>> No.49849432

How live chat?

>> No.49849822

This. Anytime I have a complaint I go to the live customer support. It's against their policy to end the chat first so just keep bitching until you get someone who isn't a shit tier jeet.

>> No.49849853

How do I get to live chat?!

>> No.49849879

You stupid or something?
Google amazon customer support
It's a live chat box you retard.

>> No.49849891

Sounds like a scam. Tell them its not your responsibility and you will get a lawyer.

>> No.49849914

There is no option for Amazon Seller

>> No.49849973

>selling on eBay is better
I think you made this thread a few days ago, or at least replied in that thread.

Yes, selling on eBay is better. It is far from perfect, but FBA sounds like a pain in the ass.

>> No.49849996

My wife and I tried to sell on amazon and that shit happened to us, we were selling clothes there and asked to bring back 20+ items, they lost it but they repay us the items amount. We got out and never returned to it.
Comission is too high, so I just bought a cheap domain + server, hosted opencart and call it a day, its a pain to setup and logistics run on our own but better than falling for the amazon jew

>> No.49850012

Yes. I did. But I just got a response for Amazon today telling me I need to provide more receipts for shipments that aren't even mine. It's fucking insane.

>> No.49850038

And? Just go on the customer side and keep bitching until they patch you through.

>> No.49850053

Have you tried explaining to them that their request is absurd?

>> No.49850080

I agree with the person who said you're talking to a bottom-level poo. A higher level poo wouldn't be dumb enough to ask you for that. That is beyond retarded. Get better poo

>> No.49850093

I just responded earlier. I doubt they give a shit. These wagies there don't do anything besides follow a script. If it isn't on their script, their wagie minds blow a fuse.

>> No.49850114

all these tards are trying to throw AMZN retail options at you. Go on AMZNs own seller chat forums, wade through a bit - find out whats the least-fucked contact method de jour.
I cant advise better, gave up trying to keep up with this shit long ago and they change what hurdles you have to jump (along with every-fucking-thing else) every 10 minutes anyway.

>> No.49850135

tell them you will go to the press with this if they don't reimburse you outright, no more proof this proof that. It works, all their legals are women who are consumed by what others think of them and thus by extension of their employer.

>> No.49850181

>tell them you will go to the press with this
OP and the other 5.2m pissed-off former sellers?
gl with that - try jeff @ washingtonpost.com

>> No.49850251
File: 18 KB, 640x359, magnets_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Amazon employee at FBA reception area.
>Receive box reeking like old cum and shit from OP
>Open up to find ox full of used dildos covered in shit and old old cum.

They didn't steal anything, it was a publics health hazard and they dealt with it accordingly.

>> No.49850353

Ebay is shit. Low-caste Mumbai street shit.

Ebay helps scammers who are selling fake and refurbished trash as "new" by clearing all negative feedback.

>> No.49850356
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Contact us during normal business hours we will be happy to accept you sir

>> No.49850366

Fuck you. I am meticulous about doing everything right, and sending in only pristine brand new items, because I know Amazon will fuck sellers over. I did everything right, and still this jewish company is sticking the tip in me.

>> No.49850415

go through the motions and begin the process of taking them to small claims court. theyll settle rather than actually have to litigate.

>> No.49850417

Well that's your first problem. The rules are for semen receptacles.

>> No.49850461
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>> No.49850529

Yes, so not only does Amazon get to try to stick their tip in, now a lawyer will try to bend me over and get inside my butthole too. Yay!

>> No.49850731

Nah. eBay is based. Nice try Bezos.

>> No.49850786

>dawg let me splain to you internet computer

>> No.49850953

Then be prepared to get fucked over by everyone as you have shown a lack of spine

>> No.49851025

No, it's literally because they don't fucking care. You know when something gets big enough it collapses under it's own weight. Towers, civilisations, stars...

>> No.49851115

Wrong. Spine has nothing to do with it. It's about bureaucracy and going through endless amounts of procedures and red-tape to waste your time and money. I imagine you walking around with your chest puffed out, taking on all of your miniscule problems, wasting hundreds of hours of your time just to save face and ego. If I went through all these retarded processes, I could have made $20,000 in the time it took to get back $1400.

>> No.49851148


>> No.49851258
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>> No.49851418

Yeah, no spine

>> No.49851520

Amazon is the most incompetent fucking delivery service ever, I tried ordering ram memory 3 times from them and both time they end up being lost or destroyed. I had to eventually go to Best Buy just buy the damn thing.

>> No.49851534
File: 1.02 MB, 960x913, NINTCHDBPICT000541123284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
