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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4983158 No.4983158 [Reply] [Original]

What event would be /biz/'s equivalent to /pol/'s election night be?

>> No.4983189

buttcoin already mooned faggot
we memed the world

>> No.4983215

And now we will crash Buttcoin.

>> No.4983251

cryptos become a 1 trillion $ market will be trump's re-election

>> No.4983273

The bcash or eth flippening

>> No.4983333

Kind of what I was thinking, also this >>4983251

Blockstream shills sound just like Shareblue shills.

>> No.4983388

I miss my friends from Habbo.

>> No.4983409

It's true it's actually the reason I went all in at 300 twice. I knew they had all already sold.

>> No.4983445
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pic related would be the equivalent

>> No.4983535

I don't know why this is so mind blowing to you homos when you can do this with literally any other asset

>> No.4983567

what other asset goes up that much though?

what brokerages accept cc?

>> No.4983593

Easier to hide digital assets than physical ones.

>> No.4983674

Has it not occurred to you that if everyone buys all their BTC with debt....BTC becomes USD and is propped up by literally nothing...except debt?

>> No.4983722

>implying it isn't already

>> No.4983762

Coinbase does. I was thinking on using that because my credit card has nice rewards percentage, but they charge a decently high fee for credit car purchases.

>> No.4983813

fuck thats deep

>> No.4983866

>"Although the dollar is still represented by currency, its true value is represented by credit."

>> No.4983997
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Coinbase adds LINK

>> No.4984089

Naah LINK doing an eth type of moon would be comparable to trump winning the elections

>> No.4984182

There are raids once in a while. Closing pools and making symbols of peace it's always fun. They really fucked our trolling ability when you can go through the other players

>> No.4984222

crypto being accepted my institutions worldwide and autists becoming millionaires.

>> No.4984252

Link, ark, and request somehow combining forces for a triple mega moon/triple meme combination would quite literally crash the 4chin servers with no survivors

>> No.4984262

Ethereum replaces the entire financial system and decentralised the Internet.

>> No.4984303

$10 Trillion* anon, $10 Trillion...

Imagine the immense butthurt. The libtards will probably ruin it all for us and start some war.

>> No.4984433
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There probably will be a lot of violence related to crypto around the 10 trillion mark, not joking btw.

>> No.4984444
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>implying conservatives aren't the ones trying to dick over everyone's finances right now

>> No.4984463

pretty much this, especially link.

>> No.4984472


>> No.4984480
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>> No.4984524

Holy shit checked

>> No.4984782
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>> No.4984856
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>> No.4984895

Now we are talking /biz/. And /biz/ is /biz/.

>> No.4984907

We fucked the leftys then we fucked the jewish bankers. life is good, we have almost avenged Adolph's legacy but a war of real death must occur

>> No.4984939
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>> No.4984945

I'm going to finance my countrys far right parties.

>> No.4984964
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>> No.4984995


>> No.4984997


btc $1billion confirmed

>> No.4985015



>> No.4985824
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>> No.4985978
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>> No.4986024

Teach me, senpai

>> No.4986027
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Make Monacoin or Pepecash the global reserve currency

>> No.4986073

I know humanity is already fucked but I would probably kill myself if some faggot weeaboo coin like Mona managed to achieve this.

>> No.4986315


>> No.4986710
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It’s the only coin backed mostly in yen, and it’s easily the most autistic — I’d say there’s a decent chance

>> No.4987426
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>> No.4987485
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Fucking checked

>> No.4987523


>> No.4987661

LINK $50

>> No.4987692


>> No.4987698

Financial Crisis 2: Electric boogaloo

>> No.4987801

jesus christ look at all these newfags cumming in your replies

>> No.4987913

this. cant wait

>> No.4988088

Big if true.

>> No.4988138
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>scriptfagging on a slow ass board during europoor time
Yeah really, you fucking newfag thats easy to pull off

>> No.4988208


>> No.4988221


>> No.4988268
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Already has been violence related to crypto. On a pretty massive scale.

>> No.4988309

And just to enhance the pic for you, when these guys were hung upside down, they were hung by their balls.

>> No.4988597

Soo...a sure thing?

>> No.4989098

Ethereum flippening.

>> No.4989122

Everyone saying Link, Ark, Request or any other shitcoin (at least until proven contrary) is a newfag.