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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49833809 No.49833809 [Reply] [Original]

SaucerSwap DEX is soon to be live and ready to take on the competition.

Native staking is imminent, and enterprise connections are strong.

Get ready for the next big thing in crypto?

>> No.49834019

I mean, HBAR foundation allocated more than $155 million towards expanding the Hedera DeFi ecosystem so that’s pretty much expected

>> No.49834341

73k SAUCE enough to make it bros?

>> No.49835691
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I hope so, 69k here with 1 full NFT set.
Dropping $1800 on this shit was nerve-racking for me at the time but thank fucking god I did. I would've just held that HBAR anyway and it would be worth like $500 right now.

>> No.49835737

>and enterprise connections are strong
Iota 2.0

Fucking lul

>> No.49835773
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Ah yes, the 0.2% staking rewards. You sure will get rich with that

>> No.49835803

read the catalogue anon and consider the absolute contempt jews have for goyim and their petty wish to 'make it'.

>> No.49836248

>I would've just held that HBAR anyway and it would be worth like $500 right now.
This is the only good thing to come out of this saucerscam. Now get ready when everyone dumps their shitty SAUCE airdrop

>> No.49836291

HBAR foundation has been focusing a lot on DeFi expantion so there a lot more to come

>> No.49836302

Do you worthless pajeet faggots seriously think you look natural and organic?

>> No.49836348

saucerswap is the dex for hbar? nice.

just remember all the big timers got into hbar 2 years ago when it first went live.

>> No.49836380

you spelled traveled wrong on the site
its not travelled its traveled

>> No.49836479

It's just not going to happen, you'll have to find real jobs

>> No.49836552

>Now get ready when everyone dumps their shitty SAUCE airdrop
where can we dump?

>> No.49836593

You can't yet and it will be worthless for ages.

>> No.49837031
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>> No.49837563

I don't see how you can make it off sauce. You expecting this to go higher then 10 USD or what?
I have 80k myself. Also 130k HBAR

>> No.49837578

The difference is that there's actual, real-life use-cases online/going online on Hedera

>> No.49837592

I just need it to pay off my student loans

>> No.49837604

Pretty sure everybody is gonna dump their sauce once the dex launches. Since Defi is sorta dead right now, I'm not sure how its gonna go with saucerswap. I hope you get to pay them off though anon
I'm hoping my hashiesh will net me some nice passive income once I run my own node

>> No.49838052

Dont forget, two real world use cases going live this summer. Wagmi hashchads

>> No.49839284
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imagine not knowing that the planck epoch collectibles were the only way to obtain SAUCE, the protocol token, of SaucerSwap (the first real dex on Hedera) prior to launch kek sitting very comfy with 0,5 megasauce and not selling cope seethe and dilate also check em

>> No.49839419

I hope whoever falls for this marketing gets fucking rugged

>> No.49839711
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>> No.49839781

When DeFi goes live on HBAR and the internet computer we will see both pump massively. Until now, all of the focus has been on NFTs.

>> No.49840832


>> No.49842117

atma.io and AdsDax

>> No.49842167

ETH token
Bundling transactions so now hedera is under 10 tps most of the time

It's over

>> No.49842193

Also Coupon Bureau and, most importantly, Service Now are building on it.

>> No.49842226

You're thinking of Akt.io but they'll be running much of their operation on Hedera.
Anyway, since you know about Atk.io and Adsdax bundling, you're obviously a baggie, so the only question remains: how many HBAR do you hold?

>> No.49842254

Filthy, disgusting street shitters.
Retail are too rekt to pump your shitcoin scam, you were too late to the bull market.

You'll find absolutely no /biz/lets willing to buy because the ones retarded enough to buy have already been cleaned out by other scams that hit the market faster.
Just fuck off and stop shitting up my board. Literally nobody falls for this garbage anymore.

>> No.49842253

Why doesn't the market give a shit?

>> No.49842336

Good for you to focus on NFTs. For me, I'll just focus on the Subsquid ambassadors program and see more rewards from them.

>> No.49842430

Lack of marketing, mostly, so nobody actually knows about these things, but also because they aren't deployed yet (except for Adsdax, which is pretty unimpressive now). No knowledge and no tps to point to means no price movement.
Once things start moving, people should start noticing and paying attention to HBAR.

>> No.49842889

Then the marketing efforts on /biz/ should be directed elsewhere

>> No.49843031

there is no paid marketing on /biz/. the accusations are probably being made by hbaggies to keep biz disinterested in the ult coin.
bundling transactions is good it shows how efficient Hedera is.

>> No.49843040
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Jesus, fucking destroyed hbaggies.

>> No.49843165

I'm more focused on metaverse and DeFi. I'm stacking Rfox, Decentraland, and Ride. Trannies will buy my bags when we come out of the bear market.

>> No.49844256

>eth token
That’s akt.io. Their pipeline is built on Hedera anyway, who cares where they launch their token.

>> No.49844292

luna 3.0 jeetcoin

>> No.49845331

Love how hbar spent the bull run closed source and sucking corporate dick while none of them were even buying hbar. Then they realized their fuck up and went open source and started DeFi in the bear market lol. Still no live staking. Then their tokenomics have been revised so many times with ultimately 50 billion to be circulated. Long term holders have not been rewarded for holding.