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File: 37 KB, 395x388, DQmRryS4Z8M7n3jHqW5Etq3AceaMqw4RPkYse5LDzRSZBHy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4982909 No.4982909 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Litecoin is way overbought.

Broke retarded milleannials are buying it on Coinbase thinking that it will be worth $15k in the future.

>> No.4982923

same as ETH holders

>> No.4982925


But it will be 15k when bitcoin is 150k???

>> No.4982933

I'm just hoping it will at least get to 2-3k and then i'll pull out

>> No.4982947

can confirm my retarded friend bought $1k at $140 cuz litecoin is "cheaper" retarded self fulfilling retardation

>> No.4982952

daily reminder that people post daily reminders because they have their own agendas. This autist here is spraying you with FUD in hopes to make the price drop because why? OH that's right, he doesn't own any coins and desperately wants to buy in at a cheaper price.


>> No.4982957

Im using it for a little extra spending cash. A nice quick vegas trip to lose the rest of what i got off shitcoin

>> No.4982967


>> No.4982981


it's not overbought at all, it's the most undervalued coin.

>> No.4982987


>> No.4983000
File: 30 KB, 406x452, 1512502116398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's going to crash so hard.

>> No.4983004

Don't you look silly now

>> No.4983008

lmao what a retard bro!! hes almost doubled his initial investment, what a fucking moron lmao!!

>> No.4983014

your retarded friend made money while you didn't.

>> No.4983015

one man's shitcoin is another NEET's store of gold

>> No.4983030
File: 129 KB, 724x611, 1407119379594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I "overbought" when it was sub-$20

>> No.4983031

Lets be honest nobody gives a shit about blockchains and transfer speeds. Get in and ride the normie money wave up to 10k or forever wish you did. Theres billions coming in 2018 are you just going to sit there?

>> No.4983040
File: 195 KB, 1290x499, 846FB763-0B71-4701-90A2-E58E29424701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man just popped the bitcoin bubble.

Down 1000$ already.

>> No.4983056

its so true,
i am just sad i missed this pump.
there was a whale cashing out 3M USD in LTC
they now this is at its peak and it will go down eventually.

LTC with long long time could reach 1k, but its impossible to ever reaching 10k or more.

>> No.4983058

I agree all these people need to stick with Bitcoins until they burn it out in a couple of years. So the Smart Ones can accumulate more ether and Litecoin.

>> No.4983061

Wtf. What do?
Check out @SatoshiLite’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/SatoshiLite/status/940353265585160192?s=01

>> No.4983075

You all need to look at the reality of the situation. Do NOT underestimate how big the normie market is. Do not underestimate the amount of first time buyers that will be using coinbase and choose the cheapest coin. Technology, team, plans be damned. If you want a 4x coin by New Years, LTC is a pretty good fucking bet.

>> No.4983085

You know a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.4983103

i sold an hour ago and bought ETH. please feed my confirmation bias. If I wake up to LTC at $300 and ETH at $500 I will an hero.

>> No.4983109

Charlies vision is clouded like all coiners from 2011. The earlier you got in, the greater you ptsd is from the violent swings.

>> No.4983115

not a digital one

>> No.4983121

Exactly this. While BTC futures will stabilize that price, LTC will continue to be free to moon freely. It is the superior coin of the big three and if people pour money in believing it will rise... well boys that will make it rise. Don't fight the trend, profit from it. Start your FUD when the price truly falls. Then you might do some good.

>> No.4983123

Goodnight sweet prince

>> No.4983127

Decent chance of that. You may be lucky and can beat that happening tomorrow night.

>> No.4983131

no it's not you dumbfuck the broken clock doesn't even show numbers half the time

>> No.4983174

weekly reminder that this FUD has done nothing except drive the price of LTC thru the roof.

weekly since, im not a pajeet and dont have time to give daily reminder to you fucking retards

>> No.4983184

I'm in this shitshow since 2013, I had a lot of opportunity to buy LTC.

ETh was overbought too months ago, but it's a complete different kind of tech.

They're desperatly looking for a "new Bitcoin". I mean, LTC could work for quick and cheap payments, but at that point I would say Bitcoin Cash would overtake it to spend it as a currency because it's "politically" stronger.

>> No.4983194

this exactly, literally only absolute retards don't realize LTC is going up in value. Especially because unlike Bitcoin right now it can't be shorted in a futures market, but could grow faster than Bitcoin (it has for the past year)

>> No.4983203


The real quote is "even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day"

>> No.4983207

Because it fucking will be.

You stupid retarded faggots said BTC would never pass 10k

>> No.4983235

not a digital one

>> No.4983358

ETH is the worst coin. You dun goofed.

>> No.4983391

>I would say Bitcoin Cash would overtake it to spend it as a currency because it's "politically" stronger.

I have a feeling BCH 'flipping' with BTC would damage the Bitcoin branding since all the normies see BTC as the only Bitcoin, and it'll pull BCH down with it

>> No.4983410

Guys i really need advice. I pulled a retard and sold way too early. Is this shit going to correct? I lost 50% of my ltc if i switch from btc to ltc now

>> No.4983412

Wrong, oversold by retards who don't realize that the crypto market cap is almost 500bn now, that there is much higher levels of adoption, and that LTC is a functional BTC

>> No.4983413
File: 29 KB, 357x1001, sell_order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this good? I fomoed into litecoin at 265 after I panic sold all my eth.

I think it will hit 300 and dip if it goes up again

>> No.4983424

ltc is worthless lol

>> No.4983443

Basically, is btc going to moon anytime soon? It's been oddly quire

>> No.4983450

>I pulled a retard and sold way too early.

You made profit you dummy

>> No.4983460

It’s going to crash down to $50-70 relatively soon and then I will buy more. Be careful if you are hodling.

>> No.4983481

This. Bitcoin will take at least a year to get its shit sorted out. Until then litecoin will see more and more adoption.

>> No.4983504

They don't give a fuck about the use, they just want a get rich quick scheme and they buy the cheapest shit around.

During the first normies invasion, a lof of people were asking about Ripple because it's only at $0.20 (?I don't even know about that shit) and they were asking why it was so cheap and if it could go up to $10k.

>> No.4983557

I can't wait till it crashes

>> No.4983586


imagine being this deluded. It might crash, but it won't be for quite some time. And when it does, maybe it will go down to 200

>> No.4983641

Crypto currency is just now becoming recognized by the public. Some of them will go up alot. Check out this group. Lotta good stuff


>> No.4983668

>t.bought his first ltc this week
Got a lot to learn lil fella

>> No.4983750

nice job dude!!! he doubled his money meanwhile you didn't haha!

what a fucking retard!!

>> No.4983831
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>Thinking he will sell before crash

Fuck off normie retards

>> No.4983854

at this current moment he doubled his money

whether he chooses to hodl or not is up to him

>> No.4983914
File: 165 KB, 750x971, 231F9CCF-A24A-42D6-A839-764564BA3C74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part about the coming litecoin crash is it will scare away all the normies. Only reason they’re buying ltc right now is because they can’t afford bitcoin. Can’t wait for them all to shut the fuck up.

>> No.4984014

raining on my gainz parade

>> No.4984034
File: 661 KB, 1115x586, LTC takes off for the moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Oh no... Not again!!*
*WHIIIIIRRRRR-RRrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r*
*boards the rocket*

>> No.4984272

the minute normiebase lists more coins ltc will drop 50%. tik tok tik tok faggots

>> No.4984393

Daily reminder that almost nobody fucking uses any of this shit AT ALL, since existing solutions are still superior in virtually all practical respects, and that actual, realistic valuations for these shitcoins are probably years away.

durrr, muh possible use case

Keep on speculatin'.

>> No.4984500

kek this is the real reason I browse /biz/

>> No.4984517

Dude fuck you don't tell them. My scrypt ASICs are fucking loving this shit.

>> No.4984540

A lot of people dont remember that litecoin is the original pnd shitcoin.
You can make some gains if you are patient. But it will always be worthless compared to btc.

>> No.4984568


>> No.4984625


>> No.4984653

Hold me bros.
this wasnt supposed to happen.

>> No.4984818
File: 480 KB, 2121x1414, 886f13df78c9b46fc184e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's bear coming back. I need to get myself more discounts on bags.

>> No.4985665

looks like a litecoin correction has come after the server restart.

I'd say it's prob going to $200 and will stay for a while.
It was pretty undervalued at $100

coins aren't magic.