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49828603 No.49828603 [Reply] [Original]

This is the main reason why so many men lack ambition in modern times, as opposed to 50+ years ago when men literally built up civilization. Just consider men's biology and it all makes sense - men don't TRULY do things for themselves, but ultimately they do things to enjoy the spoils of war (pussy). When a man is deprived of the spoils of war, when he's done so much in his life and it results in no woman, then the man loses all motivation, and retreats to the beta/onions desparation (porn, simping, etc.)

The sexual market place of today is the main culprit behind this trend. The women of today are obscenely picky, and therefore, men lose motivation to do anything = the downfall of civilization as we know it.

>> No.49828659

You have to manipulate to make a delusion your own reality in fictionland

>> No.49828661
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>"Women are Evil!" (always blame the women!)

>> No.49828679


>> No.49828680
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Extremely jewish post. Fuck off JlDF fag.

>> No.49828681

When should i buy BTC and ETH?

>> No.49828719

blame jews AND women

>> No.49828735
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>> No.49828770

btc 750
eth 200

>> No.49828781
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they are onions because they are being secretly poisoned by testosterone lowering ingredients in shower gels and other cosmetics

>> No.49828795

No it's because your father was a weak faggot and didn't raise you right

>> No.49828803

Women are just annoying to be around.

>> No.49828813

>the timeline where he actually went through with the surgery

>> No.49828814

Jews use women and niggers because they'll believe anything.

>> No.49828837

unironically this

>> No.49828863

>think internet clout is real
>think having kids in their thirties is a good idea
>think being married is slavery but working a job to make someone else rich is freedom
>think makeup is real in any way

>> No.49828866

exactly they are both retarded and need to be wrangled so they arent a threat.

>> No.49828868

What about those of us who get sex, realise sex isnt the be all end all of reality and still realise shit is fucked up? Much more is wrong than just not having sex but it is a major problem i admit

>> No.49828871
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have sex

>> No.49828890
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seethe more tranny

>> No.49828909

I would blame the attack on the traditional family structure since the 70s. creating generations that were raised by broken homes and broken single parents.

>> No.49828919


>> No.49828941

If you see no difference between a relationship with a woman and "spoils of war" then why not just fuck whores to get rid of that pent up sexual energy?

>> No.49828940
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>Women owe me sex

>> No.49828970
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>finally! I will be a real womACK

>> No.49829002

Spoils of war is a figure of speech on the point I'm trying to make. It basically means reward for your efforts/work. When you bust your ass all your life, but no reward comes of it, you lose motivation. Simple as.

A relationship with a woman can very easily be seen as a reward or "spoils of war".

>> No.49829028
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>i'll just marry a virgin womACK

>> No.49829031
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We could literally physically force women to get back in the kitchen and they couldn't do shit. Women's rights are entirely dependent on the fact that we live in a first world, modern society. Even now as they shout "muh stronk independent womyn!" they can only do that because of the long term systems men have put in place for the betterment of society. Were it a shtf type scenario they would immediately be put in an incredibly precarious and dangerous position and go back to being the cutesy little housewives God intended them to be.

>> No.49829036

>The women of today are obscenely picky
Women today fuck anything that moves, they just do it with people sharing the same level of degeneracy.

>> No.49829038

>The women of today are obscenely picky
You have to be joking. It has never been so easy. I was getting tail when I was jobless and living with my parents. Girls would constantly hit on me and I'm ugly. The ones I turned down, the next day you'd see them hanging off a black kid or a retarded kid. I was the last stop before they were truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. But some of them were actually pretty hot.

>> No.49829049


>> No.49829057
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blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah

>> No.49829105

aka chad & tyrone

>> No.49829114

I don't know, I'd just get nervous and stand around awkwardly and say stupid shit until they told me what to do. That's how I met my wife. I can't see how people think women are picky, if anything it seems like there's not enough dicks to go around.

>> No.49829116
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>that image
fuck that hurt to read

>> No.49829147

Women will only get more picky as mass immigration, technology, and the economy progress in their favor. Only an incel revolt would change anything. Considering politics are the modern religion, I'm positive the modern western nations will have another wars of religion.

>> No.49829167
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just fuck already

>> No.49829203
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lol what a cucked faggot
do be like that sometimes

>> No.49829214
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Everybody is a cuck to the IRS, the pigs, and the banks. Each of these institutions bankrupt a man from an inherent, autonomous duty of his dignity and initiative.
Three generations later and this is what you get: a life as a waging tax slave to fund child-diddler fag parades and juneteenth floyd worship ceremonies (and it’ll only get worse from here). Rats in cages have more justifiable dignity than you do.
Oh yeah, make sure to spit on the graves of your grandparents for being spineless, selfish, weak, greedy sacks of shit when you get the chance.

>> No.49829219
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I honestly dont care about politics, but holy fuck is the right just way cooler and funny when it comes to memes? Chud was literally dead immediately, like fuck how do you recover from trannies looking EXACTLY like the only guy the keep posting lmao. Honestly lefties, just hold the L already
>chud = chad + stud
dont care about any of that, just admit the right did your meme way better already, you're just being a bad sport at this point, have some self awareness. It never had effect, it failed to insult right wingers and bounced back hard on lefties, there are just so many more pictures of lefties lookin like that while the left just doubles down on the same guy who was a democratic voter, one of the few times a NO U unironcally worked. Everyone knows you're the ugly, green-haired, nose-ringed ones. Even so, you don't actually disprove any political standpoints with this pathetic forced wojak edit. Your only ""argument"" is:
>here is one unnattractive person with vaguely the same views as you
This is fucking kindgergarden-level of pathetic cringe you would understand if you had one ounce of self-awareness. Leftism is full of disgusting self-loathing and double standarts which can all be destroyed in actual arguments which you avoid like a plague and resort to Ad-Hominems because you have nothing else, sad losers. And you are all also ugly on top of that lmao

>> No.49829221

it's unironically over for the modern male, I'm not even joking when I believe we're heading into a cyberpunk distopia with replicants and cyborgs, most men will be fucking female robots and virtual gfs in the metaverse, real human interactions will be reserved for the remaining 50% or less, and to be honest it's not that bad when you think about it, but before that people will suffer the transition into that world, where everyone is lacking human connection, but at the same time there's no technology to satisfy said need.

>> No.49829252

to be honest I strongly desire to live in a cyberpunk dystopia, just look at blade runner, peak comfyness

>> No.49829262

holy cope

>> No.49829274

i am a total FUTA addict. its crazy. all i think about is futa (dick and balls no vag). 2d and 3d

>> No.49829275

>but holy fuck is the right just way cooler and funny when it comes to memes?
anon no one should give a shit about that outside of redditors, /pol/tards, and boomers with overexposition to the internet. The last time I cared about "quality" of memes was at middle school

>> No.49829278

Essentially Blade Runner 2049 will become 100% real sometime in the next 200 years

>> No.49829279

>to be honest I strongly desire to live in a cyberpunk dystopia, just look at blade runner, peak comfyness
You're a retard for wanting thta. But I want an android gf for sure. I am completely dissilusioned with 99% of 3D femoids, they disgust me and I want nothing to do with them.

>> No.49829290

Kek literal gpt-3 bot.

>> No.49829298
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>holy cope

>> No.49829299

sure, everything wrong with the world is because of the single thing you can pay attention to and is currently affecting you
that is most definitely a winning perspective and exactly the way the universe operates
everything is outside of your control and anything contradictory does not apply

>> No.49829327

Cope more incel nazis

8========D ---------------------------

>> No.49829340

Why blame women when men are the ones who have enabled it? Do you think these kind of problems exist in saudi arabia?

>> No.49829396



>> No.49829403
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>we could make good memes we just dont care honest!!!!
cope and sneed
weak men and women are basically the same thing.

>> No.49829409
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The right definitely has better memepower but that's because edgy humour is better than tame shit to begin with.
I imagine most of us on /biz/ are centrists who laugh at both trannies and chudcels like you. Not sure why you're so upset though. Take a breather and go look at Hunter Biden's dick pics you've got saved on your hdd.

>> No.49829414

I don't care about the arbitrary opinion of some gargantuan faggot loser like you about if someone should or shouldn't care about smth. You seem to have crippling age insecurities if you think that gate to adulthood is "not caring about quality of memes". I don't care about them that much at all if you didn't get that from my post. You didn't adress anything else I see. But you cared enough to post your retarded reply. I hate faggots like you who go around
>bro you can't care about that! only x, y, z and kids do bro
>source: my ass
If you had any self awareness you would realize how retarded you sound.

>> No.49829417

you'll never make it until you take some responsibility you fucking chud. ironically this attitude is exactly why you're still a vrgin. make something of yourself and this literally wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.49829423

Same problems exist in soidi land.
Many wives and few husbands = same result. They have to export them everywhere and the soidi clan are murderers, thieves, fraudsters and rapists.

>> No.49829456
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>you'll never mACK

>> No.49829480


>> No.49829481

>I don't care about the arbitrary opinion of some gargantuan faggot loser like you about if someone should or shouldn't care about smth
maybe you should apply that mentality to other aspects in your life, including the importance of memes done by teenagers with too much time has your life

>> No.49829483
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>obsessions with dicks
>no arguments
Yep, a seething ugly trooncel.
>most of us on /biz/ are centrists
Nice try ugly discord troon, no old guard channer would lump himself together using 'us', you weak cattle. Speak for yourself, cuckold.

>> No.49829494

Exactly. The middle east is violent because Chad Abdul can have a harem while everyone else is expected to wageslave in the West for a chance of marrying a woman back home who has more privileges in islam than him

>> No.49829547

Most of /biz/ is right leaning, in some cases only because of how much left the left has went in the past decade and a half, but apolitical because we're here to make money and your favorite political system doesn't matter when it's but a abstraction layer for the international banking system to operate and your favorite representative is nothing but a glowie approved pinoccio.

>> No.49829561

Bullshit. Women have always been picky. Women now are whores, but men are worse.

Modern society has taken away all that is masculine. No father, no family, no war, no conflict, no risk. Women NEED to be picky. It's the nature of the feminine, to drive men to pursue what they ask for, ultimately always moving forward because women will never be satisfied.

The problem is you, "man", instead of becoming better and doing everything you can, you whine about women not liking you. You were never taught how to be a man. Stop complaining. Be better, and keep being better. Focus on being a good man, on completing your goals, and women will come.

>> No.49829566
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>maybe you should apply that mentality to other ACK

>> No.49829589

I told you twice I don't even care that much about memes but you keep trying to be an internet psycholigist on a serbian knitting forum when you're a sad lump of shit who is seething about nothing. You project your own insecurities and inadequacies on others. Clearly YOU care way too much about some teenager made memes and even about to what degree others care about them. You should focus ont his aspect of your life, little one and try to improve upon it. I can tell you, you should just post your bullshit and sell it in cans somehow, like alohol cause it sure destroys brain cells and makes you feel drunk when reading your fucking inbred drivel.

>> No.49829603
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Holy shit you're unhinged hahaha
Probably a self loathing faggot too chickenshit to come out of the closet

>> No.49829615

>I told you twice I don't even care that much about memes but you keep trying to be an internet psycholigist on a serbian knitting forum when you're a sad lump of shit who is seething about nothing
desu anon, i'm only reading the first paragraph of your posts

>> No.49829624

Did you even read my previous posts, you 60iq sub-saharran nigger incapable of nuance? I haven't been to /pol/ in 2+ years and /biz/ is not one person. In case you don't understand.

>> No.49829645

>, i'm only reading the first paragraph of your posts

>> No.49829660

If only it were that simple. The problem I'm talking about (obscenely picky women) has spiraled out of control since the inception of dating apps, instagram, etc. This is because social media puts womens' natural hypergamy into hyperdrive. Instead of them going for the best guy in the school for example (around 30-50ish years ago), they're now going for the top 5%ers in the entire metro area since their search range has been expanded.

Since things have gotten so much more dire, men are losing the will to keep fighting on. Many men I've known have fought extremely hard in their lives in terms of labor and their fitness, and nothing comes of it (no women, no financial success, etc.) I know you're quick to victim blame, but please consider all environmental factors of today's world before spewing your bluepilled dogshit.

>> No.49829756
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>buzzwords, ad hominems and incoherent seething with mental gymnastics to convince itself the other side is 'mad'
*Yawn* We have you whipped tranny cuckolds figured out already. I can just imagine tears rolling down your ugly, fat, cheetos stained cheeks in your dark, depressing room that smells like masturbation and sadness where you will son hang yourself to the delight of your parents lmao

>> No.49829796

holy based

>> No.49829812

Its like air, water and food.
You have polluted air in the city. You can't just not breathe but you can't really purify it much as well.
You can pay some money to get out of town and to detox in the seaside or on a mountain.

You have polluted water from the tap on the cheap. Its dead processed water with chlorine but its drinkable. You have to drink water. Theres bottled water you can buy and its usually better, the one in glass bottles especially, but its mot the clean real "alive" water from a mountain stream.
That also costs money.

Similar for food.

Similar for women.
Spoiled polluted reward can be yours.
But would you drink the milk from a pitcher if I took a piss in it and washed my balls?

>> No.49829859

No. Did you even read my post? Stop sperging out and check id's. You're angry at the troon, not me.

>> No.49829891

You've already made it.

>> No.49829900

this, at the same time the cause it's irrelevant, it's probably multifactorial. the only thing that matters is what can we do to survive this

>> No.49829940

This is literally a communist argument.

>> No.49829991 [DELETED] 

honestly, reading this shit makes me angry at women and at cucks. i probably would beat my wife into a hospital if she even proposed this. i feel like our cucked society has made me a muslim somehow. i should stop reading this reddit stuff.

>> No.49830004

Men need to seize the means of reproduction from women and the state

>> No.49830062


>> No.49830104

there's so many redditcucks on the internet it's just pathetic, ignore it all, real life is better than the internet

>> No.49830129

OP you are a fucking spoiled faggot. You attract what you put out. If you were a decent man worth being with, you wouldn't even utter the words "dating app." You are admitting to using something the upper class of society with refined tastes and social circles would not even be conscious of because they're too busy with real life.

>> No.49830260
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>idiot calling everyone a tranny is now crying about ad hominem
I swear to god being a permavirgin leaves you brain damaged eventually.
But let's keep it on topic, how do I profit off retards like you?

>> No.49830378

Could your grass be any more untouched holy christ

>> No.49830732

"You attract what you put out" - then explain why some chads and tyrones can only attract mediocre at best women over the past few years? I can point out many examples out in public where that's the best they can do. Again, the blue pill might've applied in reality around 30-50 years ago, but it's vaporized out of existence today.

>> No.49830815

Exactly, there are literally retarded niggers who manage to knock up 9/10 blonde teenagers. It's not because they're "better" than most white guys, it's because the woman's mind, enough of them at least, have been utterly brainwashed by kike media companies. And yes this includes the NFL and major sports.

Tons of girls even in conservative households grow up watching their dad drink beer and cheer for niggers during the niggerball games every sunday. She knows her dad idolizes those niggers, values them. Those niggers bring joy to her father. Is it any wonder she ends up with the nigger as a result?

>> No.49830878

delusional if you think we're going that low.

>> No.49830973

No they are onions/beta because of poor diet and environmental disruptors. That is hands down the number one factor. Most of these guys wouldn't act like faggots at all if they had 2.5x the test they do now. Seriously I don't think guys understand what kind of a bitch 300-400ng/ml Test levels make a man into which is what over 50% of the men are experiencing at least now. This is a systematic and organized campaign. Reduces IQ, memory, and risk taking too. This is the cause of literal everything and its basically Freemason Kike Luciferians causing it.

>> No.49831176

Pic related is the same in old northern American cities. Before everyone to fled to McSuburb cardboard homes, hastily erected knowing we'd be nomads as long as diversity continued to be imposed upon us.

>> No.49831781

Microplastics are turning you and the frogs gay.

>> No.49831978

Download tinder, fag. That's all the effort you literally have to do, it's never been this easy to acquire female genitalia

>> No.49832035

>only cock and balls, no vag
You're not a futa lover, you're half bisexual (you like only cocks and balls, guess what half), friend

>> No.49832606

>Download tinder
Are u retarded anon tinder? femcels only choose the same top 1 percent even on dating apps. If u aren't 6'5 Chad u are not going to get any pussy

>> No.49832784

I kinda feel bad for people with your mindset

>> No.49832839
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Good. Fuck this Earth and everybody on it.

>> No.49833131

This. Anyone who blames the testosterone and sperm count crisis on just "sedentary lifestyle" is a fucking retard. People have been sedentary for decades now but this problem has gotten significantly worse in recent years. I don't know the exact mechanism that is most responsible for this, but it's gotta be either stuff that's added to the food supply, the water supply, or in the air (spraying, or maybe electromagnetic radiation).

If you want to prove that this is true, just go to somewhere like an airport and notice how many men have legit gynecomastia (not just fat, but actual breast tissue). And the scary part is, it's not just fatasses that have it. You'll see fairly athletic looking men who also have huge tits poking out. It's fucking crazy how common this is. It's because men are being poisoned and basically turned into women.

This is also, by the way, why they are pushing LGBT acceptance so hard and blurring the lines between the genders. It's to try and preemptively quell any dissent when everyone becomes feminine and gay from the shit they're putting in our bodies.

>> No.49833379

this will continue and get worse. so instead now of men continuing to build society that does not give a fuck about them. they will stay inside and continue to invest in memecoins/build stuff in crypto, the perpetual energy machine of the modern era.

>> No.49834067

all the "s o y" guys I've met have wives/girlfriends

>> No.49834074

Modern men are complete trash compared to 50+ years ago.

>> No.49834152

and their wives/girlfriends have a boyfriend

>> No.49834249

that's a cope

>> No.49834265

get out of your imaginary online incels world and you see plenty of men with girlfriends. even men who are uglier than yourself. the motivation issue is caused by something else. i think it's because men have the freedom for a single life. before that, society and the need for survival forced them to become family men. now that this has disappeared, most men opt out of the deal.

>> No.49834275


>> No.49834371

The imbalance in the sexual marketplace has a lot to do with the actual workplace being unbalanced. Many guys are very low on the hierarchy and they don’t have the same camaraderie that they used to if they’re working class. Middle class men have to work in either female-dominated environments, or at least environments that cater to female sensibilities. You cannot be high test and work for a basedjack boss. Your brain will reject it and make you masturbate it away. >>49833131
It’s a huge part of it. Lifting weights or practising some kind of competitive physical sport everyday would radically improve testosterone. This is scientifically proven. The fact that there are still high testosterone men when all these chemicals affecting hormones are everywhere is evidence that it’s a lot more to do with other things than the chemicals

>> No.49834389

How about you don't project your own failings on to other men and women you can't sleep with. Men and women will do great things if they put their minds to it either for wealth, glory or power. If you wanna achieve something, go do it you pansy and stop bawling like tween on tumblr because you're cuck. Be the Bull.

>> No.49834439

Idk. I’d like to have a qt 3.14 gf but
>supply chain issues

>> No.49834444

DESU, memes were better when they were for the lulz and not for "own the libs"/group solidarity points (looking at you, wojack/frog posters).

>> No.49834501

I hate jannies so fucking much when will they all finally rope?

>> No.49834525

Sure thing fat boy

>> No.49834577

its way more than that. its in the food. its the onions fed to chickens. its the food containers and plastic. its the liner of cans. its in the water.

>> No.49834627

its a natural consequence of large societies

just like an atomic nucleus becomes unstable so does human society

>> No.49834905

This just reads like cuckold larping
>patting my limp penis
This guy gets off by writing a fake humiliation story

>> No.49835251

Based, well said, I have gyno ever since I hit puberty. It fucking sucks, luckily I'm kinda fat and so it just looks like typical chest causes by being fat. But the truth is it was noticeable to me even when I was skinnier.

I know guys who have it even worse, and it seems like it's been going on since the late 90s or early 2000s. I remember one time in boy scout camp this guy was doing an Indian tribe of mic o say dance...the dude was not overweight or fat at all. He was a ginger....but as he was doing the dance, his tits were literally flopping around. His gyno made his tits look droopy ice cream cones on his chest it was so fucking gross and people couldn't help but stare. That's the worst irl case I've ever seen on someone who wasn't fat.

And yeah, Americans have been largely sedentary since the 1950s and explosion of television usage. You'd have people go to work in their office job, come home drink beer and watch TV, eat dinner, day after day. Even more, "going to the gym" was not a thing that people did back then. Bodybuilding didn't even really exist until the 1920s or 1930s, didn't take off til the 40s and 50s, but even then, it was seen as something for elites who wanted their body to be a very specific way.

The average athlete, even Olympic athletes in the 50s and 60s, didn't go to the gym. They practiced their sport, but they didn't isolate and work out specific muscle groups in the gym. Tiger Woods' career was considered revolutionary in golf because he'd go to the gym and do strength training for the specific muscles used in golfing...no other pro golfer had ever worked out before.

When people did work out in the 50s and 60s, it was mainly calisthenics, some light jogging etc. Nowadays working out and going to the gym is more popular than ever, and you're considered deficient and lazy if you don't spend at least 30min to an hour at the gym 3 or 4 days a week.

>> No.49835265

Worst bait attempt I’ve read all week

>> No.49835287

absolute cope

>get out of your imaginary online incels world and you see plenty of men with girlfriends. even men who are uglier than yourself.

The situation is so fucked right now. I have two friends in tech who are basically incels. One of them hasn't fucked since he was in college a decade ago. And the other basically never fucked then. Ironically, the manlet of the bunch used to get more pussy back in the day. Dude is like 5'5" or 5'6" but has charisma irl and had no problem with women in college. But now that it's all online dating and hard to meet women irl, he doesn't stand a chance. The other guy is kind of awkward but otherwise a good looking dude. Both of them make over 6 figures in the midwest...and they can't get dates

the incel problem is way bigger than just extreme nerds and losers. We're at the point now where normal average men are incels

>> No.49835533

one day you'll make even just a low level wagie wage of $50k a year and realize 2022 you was a fucking retard and all you had to do was buy bitcoin and be cool instead of fucking poor loser

>> No.49835558

Also, Covid or the vaccine did something to women. It used to be easy to cold approach receptive women in public, but approximately a year ago, they all stopped making eye contact en masse.

>> No.49835664
File: 48 KB, 720x494, 8ERXA9Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i want a woman I go buy a whore. I don't care about women and their retardations anymore when all i want is their wet holes and smell. It's more worth it to play pretend and it's convenient, at least while you are semi-searching and it makes me feel great.

>> No.49835712

Settling down with a female also makes you unmotivated.

>> No.49835735

You know, high testo is not good either. It causes physical stress.

>> No.49835811
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So the thread is a obvious true OP followed by everyone trying to cope with this and avoid believing in it. Not much to see here.

>> No.49835883

Why would a healthy male even pay to watch onlyfans garbage.

The demand shouldn't exist.

>> No.49835918


As long as the whore isn't overpriced this is the best avenue in 2022. Women have effectively reduced themselves to a set of fuckholes if all they do is pine for the dark triad chads, so there's no reason not to treat them as such.

>> No.49835931


>> No.49835945
File: 243 KB, 1000x336, baboon-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren wat do? Retunr to monke and eat women who are big bitches faces off to teach lesson? Kill liberal niggers like >>49828680
who probably have harems?

>> No.49836005

>We're at the point now where normal average men are incels

The cold hard truth laid bare.

It's hilarious that incel is the most common insult against men these days when it's really just a reflection of how delusional and picky modern women are.

You can't shame fatties, trannies, roasties, or sluts, but you can call men incels as much as you want without shame. This is peak social rot.

>> No.49836310


Only thing to do is have virtual sex machines and artificial wombs for men to create their own children. Then women become less of a desired goal and more of a liability

>> No.49836364

>Lifting weights or practising some kind of competitive physical sport everyday would radically improve testosterone. This is scientifically proven. The fact that there are still high testosterone men when all these chemicals affecting hormones are everywhere is evidence that it’s a lot more to do with other things than the chemicals

How do you know those guys just don't have better genes? Just look at photos of rock concerts from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Everyone is skinny. Even guys who aren't ripped with muscles, are skinny. None of them are fat. None of them have man-tits.

That's my point. Even lazy people who didn't play sports back then were still thin. Even "low test" guys back then had higher test than their counterparts today. For some reason, being a couch potato pot smoker in the 1970s did not give you man boobs like it does today, why?

>> No.49836367
File: 904 KB, 1280x720, ALICE_0001.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why so many men lack ambition in modern times

It has nothing to do with women and everything to do with men.

Cis hetero white men in western society were pretty much given a leg-up in every aspect of life, from acceptance to college, job offers, and promotions at work because other white men hold all the keys in the upper echelons and are biased towards other cis hetero white men.

However, over the last 50 years or so, women, minorities, and immigrants have all become just as educated and skilled as cis het white men, if not even more.

On top of that, a lack of diversity in the corporate, political, and media world has had a light shined on it.

The groups I just mentioned, you can't exclude them from your hiring or marketing because it would look really bad, like you're racist, which could potentially get you cancelled and tank your share prices. Also, you would be leaving billions of consumer dollars on the table by ignoring those demographics.

IN OTHER WORDS, we're starting to see a shift in society where cis hetero white men actually have to compete for their place at the table and that leg-up they have been historically given is disappearing.

THE PROBLEM with these unmotivated cis hetero white males is, they don't want to compete.

They are not used to competition and they are finding it hard.

So now instead of competing, they are choosing not to.

They are instead choosing to sit at home on their computers, becoming bitter/angry, blaming "picky" women for their lackluster sex lives and blaming "pajeets" for stealing their jobs.

The ones who parents teach them not to be racist/bigoted/transphobic and to get along with women and minorities, those are the ones who will survive.

The ones who don't will end up roping or becoming radicalized by the far-right and doing something stupid like shooting a bunch of black or brown people.

>> No.49836369

No-one fucks anymore in your point of view?

>> No.49836448
File: 153 KB, 960x951, You+guys+really+wanna+hear+some++gamestop+tranny+apparently+_08718feb8ece5e35c23a515242e00a02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49836529

We live in the most entertaining era ever as well anon. It's just way more rewarding to sit down at a computer or a tv or strap on a VR headset and have a nice time rather than take a risk to have an even better time (which isn't even true of everyone, a lot of people are shit at sex)

>> No.49836664
File: 27 KB, 461x328, 077d15bc265d02005ea3a1a8a028b85da9211f598dae301b1c7e2d640dfaad00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't, and hold on you're on biz and you aren't a risk taker? that is faggot talk. goddamn summerfag.

>> No.49836697
File: 101 KB, 241x243, cryptomancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile I, an average bald 40+ guy, got myself a hot 23 yo gf this weekend.
You suck and are socially retarded.
But it's easier to blame society than putting in the work to get better I guess.
This shit is demoralization, listening to it will only make you unhappy while keeping a bad mindset.

>> No.49836776
File: 84 KB, 680x918, 041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know this is partially true also good for you anon but I didn't hear you disclose how much effort and money you put up for that deal.

>> No.49836782

It's funny how upset you are yet just 3 posts ago you admit to fucking whores because it's convenient. You know I'm right that most men will take the path of least resistance and pick entertainment, you are not exempt from indulging in the practice.

>> No.49836808

>building your entire personhood around sex and ability to have a sexual partner
what a fucking loser kek
there are more things to life than sex but i guess it's hard to realize that when all you do is watch porn in a basement

>> No.49836902

>No-one fucks anymore in your point of view?

people still fuck, and the incel problem might be overblown by people on 4chan, but the fact of the matter is way less young men are having sex than at any time previously since they started keeping statistics. This is confirmed in numerous surveys from the past 5-10 years.

Truth is less women are having sex too, but the decline in sexual activity is more pronounced among men. Meaning that on the whole, what's happening is that higher tier men are having more sex with women than ever before.

We live in a society in which a 5/10 roastie would rather go 5+ years without having sex with Chad than settle down with a 5/10 guy. They refer to themselves as "femcels". This is why you'll still see a lot of women on "foreveralone" type forums, and why so many women complain that "there just aren't any good men anymore".

The truth is that those women go on tinder, they swipe, they match with literally hundreds of men even if they are fat and below average in looks. They decide to meet up with the best looking of those hundred or so men, they fuck them, and then they get extremely depressed when those good looking guys dont' call them back or ghost them. Still, these mid to low tier women would rather waste years of their lives holding out hope that they'll get to fuck a chad again and that they'll do something to make him stick around. That's what they fantasize about. Since they tasted chad dick, they no longer want a normal guy.

Eggy made a great video about this a number of years ago, related:


Now that being said, Eggy did turn his life around, and he can pull bitches now. But it could be argued it's only because he's a good storyteller and became an internet microcelebrity. He has clout, but he also has a good attitude about life. Nevertheless, can every incel-tier dude go through such a transformation? What if you look like Egg white but you're a 5'4" manlet

>> No.49836922

you're probably a woman. Sex is like air, it's not a big deal unless you don't have any