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49834586 No.49834586 [Reply] [Original]

New LINK copekino just dropped boys

>> No.49834681
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/biz/ does not have to lift a finger to win, we already backed the winning force and are just waiting for the chickens to come home to noose. CeFi underestimates Ari's ability to decimate without remorse, he is leading these CeFi niggers into a trap that will make the clandestine hacks he orchestrated look like a day in the park with Jennifer Cunnelly. I almost feel bad for these VC parasites, it is their nature to scam and they know no other life but I cannot help but watch comfy with my make it stack off the market sitting safe and sound while Ari gets ready to perform his crypto wetwork, and boy am I getting wet for you kids in anticipation.

>> No.49834719
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>> No.49834746


>> No.49834748
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>> No.49835221
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On one hand I am worried about Celsius and bancor as I have funds in both. But on the other hand the loudest fud is coming from linkies. Have linkies been right about a single fucking thing since 2018? Doing the opposite of what linkies say is going to happen is the best "do the opposite of what biz says" indicator that exists. So I'm not sure how to feel.

>> No.49835340

Yeah, we got proof that the NEXO zeus capital shit was true. All of the cefis were literally using all customers link to short and dump it.
Now we see where
>pumps the least, dumps the most
Came from

>> No.49835597

Except NEXO is still solvent and will still be shorting LINK everytime there is any movement in the market

>> No.49835657
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>> No.49835673

>Bancor shorted LINK
why, when there is so much true fud you could go with, do people just lie?

>> No.49835678


NEXO will be a problem will they lose their LINK either through customer withdrawals or getting liquidated by a counter trader who hunts them.

Celsius is actively exploding now. They seem to have a lot of LINK but their liabilities are so huge that they will either have to sell it or exit scam anyway.

Blockfi i have no idea how much LINK they have.

>> No.49835726

>I have money with Celsius
LOL not anymore you fucking loser. Any money you had with them is gone. It belongs to some kike now, hahaha, he spent it on cocaine and whores. He lives it up while you live in worry.

Now go away. When Bancor begins to fail more seriously I'll taunt you a second time.

>> No.49835765

yeah bancor is amm liquidity provider. it provides your liquidity to the shorters and takes a fee in return for providing this awesome service!
Learn about the great new feature called permanent loss <here>

>> No.49835854

what kind of cope is this? linkies are the only ones who have ever been right about anything, it is the only thing left that isn't a scam

>> No.49835872

this is the kind of cope that employees of bancor post here the highest form of cope... I call it


>> No.49835899

>it provides liquidity to shorters
literally every exchange on the planet does this, are you saying that exchanges should stop allowing tokens to be traded?

>> No.49835955

Banning leveraged longs and shorts would be the healthiest thing to do. However, leveraged longs and shorts is where the exchanges make the most money, so they will never do this.

>> No.49835982

holy newfag retards
3-4 digit equivalent of GMEtards

>> No.49836006

>cope: the post

>> No.49836020

But Bancor didn't do leverage. They didn't take user tokens and short. Literally all they did was operate an AMM with a IL protection meme that ended up unravelling.
I can understand the hate from LINKies for NEXO, Celsius etc but not for Bancor.

>> No.49836080
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the absolute state of jewish damage control

>> No.49836095
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and this is defending a cefi for making it difficult for users to withdraw their stuff. fuck you kike

>> No.49836134
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>> No.49836158

Is 5k link enough to make it?

>> No.49836288
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Saint Ari the purger, everything adds up 100%

>> No.49836460

10k is guaranteed make it. 1k sui. 5k is a nice life

>> No.49836496

Why does he wear the mask?

>> No.49837414

Once staking is out everyones gonna lock up their coins in nodes for legit honest apy.

NEXO is doing the exact same degenerate shit as all the other cefis, and its extremely risky. the dominoes are only just starting to fall.
This celsius shit will make even normies get scared and withdraw their coins from other cefis. All the cefis including nexo lost a lot of money in the crash.

>> No.49837429


I wonder if Nexo are seeing an exodus as the market becomes worried about Celsius.

>> No.49838125

Maybe he was positive still wanted to attend but didn't want to accidentally sneeze or spit (while speaking) at others. That is the only scenario where it's okay and makes sense to wear the mask.

>> No.49838216


>> No.49838223

>bitcoin and everything goes +10%
>but not LINK
ah, we are back to the good old days

>> No.49838960
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>> No.49839000

Bancor gave IL to cel for the huge amounts. Let that sink in.

>> No.49839038

>do opposite of what Linkies say
Does this mean that you're about to sell all your Link, then? Please post screenshot when you do so I can save it.

>> No.49840087
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It's over bros, the Great Reset has come at a crossroad with humanity. We can not allow the WEF & the young globohomo leaders to manipulate the markets any longer with their fake wars and gay crashes. In order for the Golden Bullrun to resume, Chainlink(ticker: LINK) needs to be destroyed.
/biz will declare WAR on Chainlink next week and send globohomo a message. I will be invoking the Business & Finance Emergency Act in the coming days. Every link shill and bagholder will be financially exterminated.
Allocate your capital, do your Binance Futures KYC, and prepare your shorts. It's happening lads, The Great Short is upon us.

>> No.49840157

They will be punished for their crimes against divine numerology

>> No.49840269


>> No.49840307

i think less of him now.

>> No.49840885
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Oh wow you unearthed the great nexo conspiracy and what happened? Nothing because it was a nothingburger. Link dumped


>massively fucking dumping harder than almost anything in the top 100
Yeah how's being right treating you? Don't worry you can pull the "I'm still in profit" cope. So am I, i swung my stack kek

I sold 90 percent of my stack at 40 dollars. I rebought at 12. You all told me I was wrong kek. Although maybe I was since I thought 10 was the bottom.

I find it humorous that link holders, which claim to be the backbone of defi, are also the most anti defi group I've seen. They root against bancor which maybe is understandable. But they also root for withdrawing liquidity and that all these lending protocols like aave are scams and pushing link down.

>> No.49841648

>Chainlink is the backbone of DeFi
>DeFi is a giant useless ponzi
both of these can be true at the same time
>I have funds both in Bancor and Celsius
my condolences