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File: 32 KB, 601x397, bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49828578 No.49828578 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49828668

What a fucking circus. Next cycle retards will still trust dumb APY protocols with their coins. Sad.

>> No.49828683

very decentralized indeed

>> No.49828726


>> No.49828745

Next it will be withdrawals being paused, mark my words. This is a sinking ship.

>> No.49828762

lmao why is literally everything collapsing in crypto

>> No.49828804

The pump to 69k was fake created to take out the over leveraged VCs/Hedgefunds and scams.

>> No.49828806
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>> No.49828811


>> No.49828827

so you tought you could run away from the IMF kikes?

>> No.49828833

gg, how did linkies fall for every single scam this cycle?

>> No.49828841

all these places built their foundation on much higher crypto prices
20 btc, 1k eth will wipe them all out
which will send btc and eth down 90-95% from here

>> No.49828867
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the seatbelt works 99% of the time, except crashes

>> No.49828900

>hostile conditions
People wanting to pull their own money out from a shady defi shithole is considered hostile.
What a bunch of nasty kikes

>> No.49828923

jesus christ. just let the price of bnt dump. this is more bearish than just letting the dumps happen

>> No.49828934

based bankikes

>> No.49828937


>> No.49828957


>> No.49829011

BRB shorting bnt

>> No.49829043

Because ponzis collapse in bear markets.

>> No.49829069

Because all of these defi/cefi/funds are absolutely niggerbrained leverage monkeys that only found success because of infinite cheap money floating around. Now that irl rates are up and crypto prices plus interest is dramatically down they're floundering and have no source of revenue to pay out their unsustainable yields/obligations

>> No.49829097

Thank god I didn't fall for this scam. I would withdraw link ASAP. 0.57 mcap/TLV for now 30% drop and you will have lots of bagholders. And on each pump there will be a lot of people wanting to withdraw funds, recipe for a death spiral

>> No.49829100

what does that mean anons? Explain to a brainlet.

>> No.49829223

it means if you withdraw your LINK now, you will only get around 50% back or less

>> No.49829264

Jesus christ I'm so fucking glad I didn't trust v3 and withdrew from v2 a while ago

RIP marine bros who thought they were playing it safe by getting a measly few% on their stacks. What are you guys gonna do, just eat the 35% loss of your stack or hold on in the platform and pray things blow over?

>> No.49829294

when will our suffering end marines?

>> No.49829301

you will also have to wait a week and miss out on anything the team have planned for 216

>> No.49829362

>stopping the only thing that makes people want to LM through them
wtf is the point of Bancor if they do this?

>> No.49829405

there is no meme so overplayed as 216

>> No.49829419

i was also waiting a few months before migrating to v3 as was concerned. but now they've even restricted withdraw from v2.1....
is about 10% of link stack

>> No.49829436
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>> No.49829443

what about IL protection? zing!

>> No.49829446

If Bancor goes under and all these fucking NIGGER FAGGOTS that held their Link on there for a measly few% apy so they could kill all our fucking momentum lose their stacks I am going to cum hard to the thought. I hope it happens so much. You fucking retards deserve nothing less. I hope the few % was worthit you fucking dickheads.

>> No.49829546

Everything in crypto rewarding you with yields is a ponzi. No exceptions. They can only '''function''' in a bull market as all APY are from fresh coming money.

>> No.49829555
File: 16 KB, 689x361, LostHopeIsFreedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. yield scams and defi in general feel a lot to me like crypto welfare. give us your tokens goy they will never moon and we can feed the manipulators. In return you get 5% nigger gibs to waste away on bills and petty life expenses.
You haven't made it and can't really afford anything nice and the good news is that the more tokens we control the less likely a moon will happen. so everyone not just the faggots using this shit remain stuck in purgatory with no way out.

kill it with fire I am ready to leave

>> No.49829569

Jesus this call is bad. RIP my link on bancor. I don't need em for awhile anyway but this shit is done.

>> No.49829571

Thanks for the shoutout Cobie, appreciate it

Perpetual profit machine lmao

>> No.49829574


>> No.49829579

how was that killing link's momentum?

>> No.49829590


Blame the VCs and cefi platforms that raped everything with others money and set up insane leverage

>> No.49829596

nigger do you even know how it works?

>> No.49829607

If I knew, would I be asking this question?

>> No.49829608

I mean, everyone with a triple digit iq pulled his shit right off defi/cefi after the Celsius debacle. Wasn’t it clear from the beginning that one falling domino due to insolvancy, a major hack, a fatal bug or theft by employees would bring down this house of cards?

Again, get everything off exhanges, cefi/defi and wait till the storm clears.

>> No.49829616

What do Celsius and bancor have in common
Figure this out and you'll figure out what's going on

>> No.49829618

checked and most of us didn't but notice how heavily we were targeted, we have been telling you this board was covered with astroturfing shills the whole cycle, this just proves it

>> No.49829649

good point. carry on

>> No.49829653

I've never bothered looking into Bancor. Can people withdraw their funds or are they locked up for a period of time?

>> No.49829654


The way i see it is its sort of like a socialised loss on traditional leveraged future platforms. Its an inherent issue. This is BNTs first extreme battle test and this seems like the Defi equivalent of socialised loss however in this case its insurance fund prints infinite tokens to try protect them. Obviously the BNT team are unsure how this will fare so have stepped in.

>> No.49829674

7 day lock up bro in the crypto slammer

>> No.49829686


BNT was the only platform that cefi kikes could not just borrow from and short. So you are wrong there. Its not aave. The link is literally trapped in the AMM. I wish people who didn’t understand anything about crypto wouldn’t spread their opinions like this

>> No.49829692

I'll give you a hint, with them, YOU LOSE

>> No.49829701

>These costs have been amplified by the recent insolvency of two large centralized entities who were key beneficiaries of BNT liquidity mining rewards as long-time LPs in Bancor V2.1. To cover their liabilities, these entities have rapidly liquidated their BNT positions and withdrawn large sums of liquidity from the system, while an unknown entity has opened a large short position on the BNT token on an external exchange.

"unknown entity" my ass.

>> No.49829713


Since no one has actually posted this yet, here it is. I don't see how bancor recover from this, the platform clearly isn't decentralised if the devs can do this and then ask the DAO to rubberstamp it afterwards. How could anyone ever leave their crypto on the platform again? As soon as they restore the IL/withdrawals there will be a rush for the door and they will be forced to suspend them again. Bancor is FUCKED

>> No.49829716


>> No.49829717

thats what they want you to think is going on but it is a fact that fees are generated and returns are provided mostly to the central bancor protocol that can shut down withdrawals without notice

>> No.49829722

somone post the meme picture of the ship sinking with the CEO girl from bancor in a boat

>> No.49829732

so not using defi at all is the blackpill?
where will this shit go if the dust settled?

>> No.49829734

Jesus. This is going to make everyone run for the exit and the last people out will have their stacks raped by IL

>> No.49829764

42 where are you? Thoughts and feelings?

>> No.49829773

The idea of defi is neat, but everything spawned from it this cycle is literally all the retarded real life ponzis that were already tried and failed in traditional finance.

>> No.49829780


“Fact” you care to provide a source on? Doubt it.
Im interested in how this looks like in 6 months. We’ll see. However people like you who don’t understand shouldn’t talk about it

>> No.49829789

My brother in Christ the thought of 42 getting rekt brings tears of joy to my eyes. Go with Christ brother

>> No.49829813

I'll post whatever I like and if you want to clear the air with your own version of events I suggest you post something substantial, cuck

>> No.49829829

How heavy are your bags, redditor?

>> No.49829839

from another thread
>These costs have been amplified by the recent insolvency of two large centralized entities who were key beneficiaries of BNT liquidity mining rewards as long-time LPs in Bancor V2.1. To cover their liabilities, these entities have rapidly liquidated their BNT positions and withdrawn large sums of liquidity from the system, while an unknown entity has opened a large short position on the BNT token on an external exchange.
>Translation: The premine VC whales get made whole while we short our users into the ground to get something to walk away with. This is why taking VC funds should be seen as willful suicide by any project.
thank you based anon

>> No.49829856

Oh no

>> No.49829858

Dude all these dirty cefi/defi scumbags and rat kikes got each on fast dial. Decentralized my ass.

>> No.49829860

42 got axed. there is no one left to guide you through the bear ;)

>> No.49829864

please note bancor kike shills have been hiding by calling out anyone who talks shit about it redditors, do not be fooled, go back bancor kike shills

>> No.49829867

>the fudders must be reddit
damage control is real KEK
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.49829871


>> No.49829892


>> No.49829927

If I was ever guided by 42 I'd be losing a fuckload of money right now lmao.
My linky stays stinky

>> No.49829934

aave is safe, bancor obviously isnt

>> No.49829952

Aave is run by a guy from Finland and not a jew. Go figure.

>> No.49829969
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>we trust bancor's paper promise fren
look at all the twitter tards rushing to defend their nog gibs machine my fucking sides have left orbit

>> No.49830014

>have everyone's Link
>Short Link
>Dump the Link
>Give the profits to the retards giving you the Link
>Attract more with more attractive yields from the ponzi
>Get even more Link
>Do it again only this time leveraged up to the fucking nines
>Use profit to create even more leverage and short Link as hard as possible
This is how you go from top 3 to out of the top 20 during the greatest bullrun of all time with the asset with the best fundamentals.
>I wish people who didn’t understand anything about crypto wouldn’t spread their opinions like this
I certainly knew enough not to lose all my Linkies on a fucking ponzi shit cefi or 'de'fi site, didn't I? Get fucked retard. You are the one who has no idea.

>> No.49830024

Truth > Trust
Anyone who has put anything on Bancor didn't listen to Sergey. Same slides you say? Well you clearly need to hear it many more times.


>> No.49830028
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Jason send his regards.

>> No.49830031

Bancor was not playing the game like AAVE, Nexo or OKEX, etc though. Those were actually killing momentum. Still very glad I never deposited my Linkies on any of those sites

>> No.49830045
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>> No.49830063

If someone wants to short link they will fin some.
You might as well get payed for it

>> No.49830069

Do you include Elon in that category?

>> No.49830072

called it >>49780860

>> No.49830075

Realistically IL isn't actually that major. If they're paying out nonetheless this is fine.

Still the ability to just pause anything other than rewards is concerning. Glad i left a while ago.

>> No.49830100

No, they won't, you mong. There's no liquidity other than the Link on these sites that Link Marines put there to get a tiny APY%. They get the Link from these exchanges and they get good rates because there's so much of it. If everyone just kept their Link in their cold storage they'd choose another coin for their degen games because they would't be able to find enough. It's well established by now. This isn't new information.

>> No.49830099

i got out last night
i can smell a scam brewing a mile away. luckily i smelled it last saturday

>> No.49830118

Accurate summary

>> No.49830120

>have everyone's Link
>Short Link
>Dump the Link
Can't this only be done on cefi platforms like Nexo? Defi platforms like bancor operate on smart contracts, they can't just sell the link in the liquidity pool.

>> No.49830126

Crypto was nothing more than a Trojan Horse to soften and condition the public into accepting globally centralized CBDC's linked to a biometric digital passport.

>> No.49830146

Disgusting take. The harder it is to find LINK (low liquidity) the more they have to squirm to acquire LINK to short/dump with. The huge amounts of readily available LINK made it an exceptionally easy target to short - > dump -> repeat.

>> No.49830151

not aave

>> No.49830160

Everything is cascading from luna

>> No.49830163
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Ted was right. Blow it all to Kingdom Cum

>> No.49830185

God bless that anon.

I'm thinking proper bear market /biz/ is back. Proper research anons, not just copy pasting crypto Twitter like in the last two years

>> No.49830192

Ouch, that's a big one

>> No.49830242

pretty sure anons were saying all this shit is a scam from the start and I never used any of it

>> No.49830303

>"unknown entity" my ass.
This. All these fucking kikes are helping each others to scam the gentiles.

>> No.49830347

More liquidity makes it harder to pump

>> No.49830379

Christ this is a fuckin' stupid thing to say. I mean, feel free to kick Bancor while its down right now, but can we please not use this as an excuse to say stupid shit like this.

>> No.49830408

Of course it is. Literally every lending/staking platform is leveraged to the tits and hold zero accountability.
And 90% of them are fucking owned by kikes. They will all rugpull. Actually, they already all are in the process of rugpulling or already did, but we aren't aware yet.

>> No.49830417

What if... So there are 3.6MM LINK about to be withdrawn which will cause a massive cascade of BNT dumps and LINK market buys to make the withdrawals whole. There is a massive leverage position (150MM IIRC) that will get liquidated if LINK pumps to mid $9's. What if those actors that have that upside down position payed off the Bancor team to do this to prevent them from getting liquidated?

>> No.49830435
File: 326 KB, 1080x1665, 1655685039132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way check out this bancor shill from a couple days ago

>PLEASE go get your stack
>PAY the 0.25% withdrawal to the protocol
>(at a LOSS for you, gain for BNT)
>dump your bnt with no liquidity in a bear market and LOSE HALF YOUR MONEY
he basically threatens/mocks people into bancor, claiming that if they dare to withdraw they will lose money

i mock him for not realizing he was actually fudding bancor and how horrible/spiteful he sounded
he immediately retracts, goes 180 and claims there is 0 threat of losing money if you go out of bancor

now check out pic related (employee at bancor)
these faggots are seething with hatred at anyone leaving their pools. they were instructing their people to scare away LPs from pulling away, making implications that you will experience a massive loss (but when called out, they retract)
now they basically shamelessly blame LINK holders for pulling out, as if it is not within their rights to do so and as if they are somehow "harming" or "betraying" bancor
and this coincides with the IL-protection revoking
these kikes have 0 shame. they don't give a fuck

>> No.49830439

this. unlocking liquidity gives power to the market makers

>> No.49830446

Not actual defi. It's also not leverage in this case, it's the whole mechanism of IL protection being dependent on BNT value.

>> No.49830542
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my congratulations to everyone who managed to get out in time

>> No.49830607


>i’ll post bullshit without source presented as fact and its up to YOU to prove it wrong

Not how the world works mate.

>> No.49830674

is BSing, manipulating and lying a monopoly of bancor kikes?
this board had to endure your bullshit for 1.5 years nonstop, time to get fed some BS yourself as your company crumbles and BNT falls to 0
don't like it? go on sue me for antisemitism
filthy fucking kike

>> No.49830690
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They warned us that the loss protection was impermanent, I don't know what you guys are crying about.

>> No.49830698

where do you think you are nigger and i aint your mate bud

>> No.49830710


I agree and that is the worry.
VC money = cancer. If Bancor took some VC investment/liquidity that is the problem

>> No.49830729

Where can I short bnt? Thanks

>> No.49830753
File: 80 KB, 1302x725, bancor link withdrawal 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this the amount of LINK you can withdraw will continue to decrease and you'll get no BNT to compensate?

>> No.49830771

can't on binance, yesterday at least
checked it, shorts are in too high demand so you can't even borrow bnt in order to short it

>> No.49830794

Why can’t I ever get in on the free money :(

>> No.49830805
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they went giga-kike mode

>> No.49830847
File: 99 KB, 392x767, hodl_mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory HODL mode has been activated for your protection.

>> No.49830869

The bancor encore fear will trigger the 2022 Juneteenth collapse. Blacks stay losing

>> No.49830876


>> No.49830905

>Never lent
>Never LP'd
>Never "staked" in cefi
>Never leveraged
>Always bought more at spot on a regular basis
And most importantly, NEVER FUCKING SOLD.

All you had to do was buy and store LINK in a cold wallet and you are 100% guaranteed to make it, so many anons got filtered over the years. Assblaster was right.

>> No.49830906

>This is a sinking ship.

>> No.49830923

it wouldnt be bad if it was LINK/ETH IL, but every token is paired with the deathspiral BNT so it's much worse than normal IL.

>> No.49830937
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all proceeds go to the construction of the third temple

>> No.49830941

crazy how many linkies didn’t/don’t understand the never fucking selling meme

>> No.49830999

He ain't a lt colonel no more!

>> No.49831025

It's the selling pressure they fucking created! Do these goddamn kikes have no shame? Did they really not plan for a situation in which the markets go down and people start withdrawing?

>> No.49831032

I got 300 linkies there are V3
What will happen to them if i dont withdraw?
What are my options?

>> No.49831040

he'd be lucky to remain a lieutenant

>> No.49831077
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Reminder to anons, bancor shills are spamming these threads and calling out anyone who disagrees with them as redditors, do not let them off the hook. No true anon would have any reason at all to want to defend any of this kikery, at best an actual anon would get hearty keks from the dumpster fire.

>> No.49831078

>did they really not plan
This IS the plan, they rug linkies by changing the rules.

>> No.49831079

Looks like im a npc

>> No.49831115

kek listen to the twitter space
>we spoke about this exact extremely unlikely thing a couple of days ago which ended up happening
>we need to suspend access to your LINK goy because redeem is bad

>> No.49831123

if you withdraw you will experience IL
right now people speculate that IL causes around 50% losses
if you choose not to withdraw, you basically keep your linkies hostage to the bancor kikes
people are increasingly expecting a death spiral and these news might accelerate it (rather than slow/prevent it, like the bancor devs are hoping)

you basically make a choice
keep 50% for sure (assuming bancor won't be already dead/IL won't get worse in the 7 days it will take for the withdrawal)
or a chance to keep everything, for a chance to lose everything
your call

in these projects trust is everything. once the trust is gone, the damage is irreversible even if the fundamentals are restored. i think we will be seeing official "bancor death" threads very soon

>> No.49831125

>Do these goddamn kikes have no shame?
Didn't the past 5000 years teach you anything?

>> No.49831175

...and that's good.

>> No.49831221

Kicked out of 109 countries

>> No.49831260
File: 121 KB, 858x834, 0FD43494-2D79-46FC-A16B-E528714B7B4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mandatory HODL mode has been activated for your protection

>> No.49831276

Ok thank you.
I'll propably just keep it there and see how it goes. Fortunately it is only 1,5% of my stack and i am able to buy more link with 2-5 k euros this year.

>> No.49831289

>I really hope I can regain your confidence...
>When will you enable Impermanent Loss Protection?
>ummm.... I can't comment on that

>> No.49831324

Is it better to hold bancor or link

>> No.49831526

Speak for yourself. I never touched any of this CeFi shit. I read some very well thought-out warnings and I heeded them. Imagine, there are actual /biz/tards who lost their entire stack and probably told those same people who were issuing warnings to fuck off. Deserved.

>> No.49831563

I withdrew 100% of my tokens............YESTERDAY


>> No.49831570

>ummm.... I can't comment on that
He was referring about talking about BNT price. But he couldn't say a date anyways.

>> No.49831573

Bancor is not CeFi. It's a decentralized AMM

>> No.49831629

God I hope these faggot 'frens' lose everything.

>> No.49831659

based i want to see more blood so i can get more cheapies. you all in usdc right now?

>> No.49831673

Is it though if they can pause withdraws?

>> No.49831694

They didn't pause withdrawals, they paused impermanent loss protection.

>> No.49831722

>They didn't pause withdraws
If they can retroactively change the rules, what does it matter if it's "decentralized"?

>> No.49831728
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>> No.49831748

>holy shit learn what impermanent loss protection is !
I cant stop laughing at the state of bancor damage control

>> No.49831756

Bancor's been active since 2017 and hasn't lost anyone funds yet.
Personally I think they did this to fuck over celsius. Now that ILP is gone celsius has a choice to eat their loss and withdraw anyway or cancel their withdrawal. However, given they are getting margin called and most likely threatened behind the scenes it's unlikely they'll cancel.
I expect IPL to be back on in less than a month.

>> No.49831770

>there are no deposits on bancor
>it is a smart contracts
>users are encouraged not to withdraw funds
>impermanent loss protection is now disabled
hodl mode encouraged
>withdrawals will be dealt with on a case by case basis
>50% loses may be standard because we dont have tokens on hand to cover withdrawals
>you didnt really deposit tokens its a smart contract
>learn about impermanent loss protection
>that feature has now been cancelled
>users are encouraged to keep their tokens at bancor

>> No.49831790
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God i hope you right.

>> No.49831826

Except the time they got hacked. And that other time they were hacked. Now this time. You fucking bankike shills are evil and I hope you all die horrible deaths. Now I question if they didn't "hack" themselves.

>> No.49831838

>more than two weeks away
ITS OVER GET REKT RETARDS NO REFUNDS Impermanent loss protection has been cancelled because you tried to withdraw your tokens le evil link nazis!

>> No.49831855

>I'm thinking proper bear market /biz/ is back
Yes. Biz was ahead of the curve on this BNT meltdown. Are comfy bear vibes returning? Is biz healing?

>> No.49831856
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>just put your money into [shitcoin X] and get 20% APY bro

>> No.49831887

yeah on the call there was a small implication that they are using it to write off these whales dept. Shit sucks though

>> No.49831890
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>Bancor's been active since 2017 and hasn't lost anyone funds yet
except that time it did LOL

you just gotta love kikes
they will keep lying and lying to your face
they stab you and cry out in pain
then when the inevitable happens, they are somehow surprised

>> No.49831895

Im glad i was too retarded/lazy to go into Bancor or Celsius.

>> No.49831910

Is Bancor a really big deal? Isn't this Chump Change?

>> No.49831930

AAVE paused the stETH/DAI pool as well. "Decentralized" doesn't mean the governance systems for the protocol can't make moves to change it. Same thing with "ledger immutability". Decentralization does not mean immutability, it means decentralized operation through consensus and the conditions of the material implementation of said decentralized network (layer 0, ie social consensus). This is libertarian communism.

>> No.49831936



>> No.49831937

Doubt it. The elites aren't smart enough to think of it. And if they were, they wouldn't be stupid enough to let crypto crash so often.
>Hey guys! You know those crypto coins that everyone lost tons of money on? Let's make a new one from our central bank! That's a record of success we want to emulate.

>> No.49831949

1. though now it is rugging, at its height bancor had $2 billion in assets
2. other cefis like celsius and nexo/blockfi used bancor extensively to yield farm. if bancor dies... guess /biz/ will be active for a while

>> No.49831957
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They ate the loss from that hack. None of the users were impacted.

>> No.49831960

>The elites aren't smart enough
They're the "elites" for a reason you fucking nigger

>> No.49831962

>I am really ashamed and saddened by the LINK community at large. Why they would want to withdraw their tokens from Bancor is just heartbreaking and mortifying beyond believe. I know in my heart these Linkies are a small miniority and most Linkies have gotten with the Bancor programme and they know the shill lines like "holy shit learn what bancor is learn about impermanent loss protection bancor doesnt do deposits its a smart contract". But unfortunately because of a few bad eggs in the LINK community we have decided to disable impermanent loss and strongly encourage users to forget about withdrawing their LINK. You can trust us, goy. Mark Richardson Head Shill Bancor Department of Theft

>> No.49831966
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And you're the bad guy for hating them.

>> No.49832023
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>> No.49832024

Celsius is probably getting fucked in this situation pretty badly, as they are likely the largest withdrawing party. The question is how much IL they'll have lost and how hard BNT will take a hit when the LINK withdrawals clear.

>> No.49832052
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>version 4 will fix it!
Maybe Hitler was right, bros.

>> No.49832084
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>> No.49832088

anybody says anything else is lying or stupid

>> No.49832143

This. Fuck Celsius they deserve to eat the loss fucking sick faggot kikes

>> No.49832169


>> No.49832183
File: 152 KB, 795x836, 97B1FE50-C402-46B2-B270-1E35347D40D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kikes are doubling down
the very idea of goyim talking back to them disgusts them to the very core
they can only barely hide their true self, constantly slipping up

>> No.49832197
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>> No.49832231
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i would urge you to revoke permissions to bancor before they change their contract to the true bancor vortex

>> No.49832303
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>> No.49832307

Is it possible to view the BNT margin books on FTX? Anyone know if there's actually any evidence for a large increase in shorts there?

>> No.49832317


>> No.49832329

its over non stop with thre cope

>> No.49832353

We're in the next great depression

>> No.49832359

I have no stake in Bancor, but I wonder if the "Celsius is shorting" insinuation is complete bullshit or if there's actually any evidence besides circumstantial inference. They're almost certainly the largest withdrawer of LINK at the moment in any case.

>> No.49832377

Imagine quoting Charlie the guy who dumped all his ltc on baggies at the all time high. Lmao I can’t even.

>> No.49832382

You can short it on okx

>> No.49832402

How is this not a crime? I wish someone would unironically call the cyber police on these shitheads

>> No.49832421
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>> No.49832435
File: 163 KB, 1360x584, Screenshot from 2022-06-20 12-07-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goyim, you cant have your own ETH!!! take this shitcoin instead

>> No.49832437

I never touched a single protocol ever. You were told that all you needed to do was hold your link. You never had to do anything else.

>> No.49832452

So what if they are? It doesn't change the fact that this is a massive flaw in the protocol. If your AMM can only survive in a bull market (and BNT has been bleeding out its butt for a year now) and while no one is withdrawing, it's probably a scam. This is why the space is going to get regulated. The sooner the better.

>> No.49832483

This is criminal.

>> No.49832484
File: 102 KB, 637x716, Screenshot_184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeks ago people were getting only 20% of their ETH back lmao
now they get 0%

i also love how the kike avoids giving a clear answer even though it's obvious

>> No.49832511
File: 140 KB, 782x1046, bancor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I typed bancor in to google news and this is what came back:
"Bancor Rated the Safest DeFi Protocol" (infinity amount of times)
The articles tout its Ipermanent Loss Protection as bein excellent as well.

>> No.49832512

>So what if they are? It doesn't change the fact that this is a massive flaw in the protocol
I agree, there were many LINK threads early last year outlining this exact scenario, but people were allured by examples of people e.g. making $90,000 in December with just 15K LINK. I'm interested because the blatant lying and accusations, framing Celsius as the bad-actor market manipulator rathe than just a major withdrawer puts their damage control in a different light, assuming one can work to determine the extent to which this supposed FTX shorting is true with hard data.

>> No.49832521

What is (was?) bancor? Another fake bank thing giving you APR out of nowhere like celcius?

>> No.49832556

So what happens to those getting out right now?
Do they still get some bnt or are they just fucked?

>> No.49832578

bancor making good use of LP funds i see...

>> No.49832617

You have to wait seven days if you withdraw right now, and that's assuming they don't retroactively change it so you can't withdraw at all. After seven days, the amount of BNT you get will be worth a fraction of what you staked. What's the term for that again?

>> No.49832629

They’ll get bnt but it’s probably gonna death spiral once everyone flees and dumps

>> No.49832640
File: 61 KB, 976x850, 218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... is it a good moment to short bnt now?

>> No.49832641

they managed to larp for most of 2021 as some serious app (in reality they were baiting LPs with printing BNT)
bear market kicked in, LP rewards dried out and the protocol has already basically imploded

>> No.49832653

Leave with 50% of the LINK you deposited of just “wait” and see if you get 100% back when they decide to turn on IL again. The protocol is gonna die. It won’t survive. Take the haircut with your stacks and get the fuck out of there before shit explodes.

>> No.49832655

crazy shit, so glad i never did any of this dodgy yield shit. its complete scam, fractional reserve jewry

>> No.49832658

yes but you won't find any bnt to short

>> No.49832672
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>> No.49832694

You are the epitome of everything wrong with society

>> No.49832715
File: 247 KB, 2328x710, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit
>deposits 29 eth
>gets back 17 eth
oh nonononononono

>> No.49832730

I didn't. I'm hoping I can something back

>> No.49832772

Okay, but where did it fucking go? Why are people only gettiback a fraction of what they put in?

>> No.49832796

But you get the remainder in Bancor Funbucks...they just like real currency only more...fun.

>> No.49832799

Why? I get more link out of all this, you should be happy that people are keeping the price down for you, while even providing cashflow

>> No.49832808
File: 33 KB, 739x828, Screenshot_205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i get why the v3 ui design is so fucking dogshit compared to v2
you would expect that they would improve upon it, instead you don't even get to view reserves but only liquidity (and only if you hover) and there is no way to sort except by alphabetical token name (lmao) and APR

but it is by design
"do not worry about our reserves goyim! look at this delicious APR! stop overthinking it and get in for that sweet 10%"

>> No.49832816

they give it out to shorters for a fee obviously and cover the difference with bnt if you want to withdraw during that period.

>> No.49832827
File: 89 KB, 1360x496, Screenshot from 2022-06-20 12-39-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that means its working

>> No.49832829

I managed to cash out when the market was getting spooked in january. I also didn't want to stay in bancor until the liquidity rewards ended because I thought the bnt token might crash.

>> No.49832838

>but only liquidity
but only volume*
the liquidity variable does not appear to update properly

>> No.49832852


>> No.49832856

Bots arb it out of the pool, the cost is borne by LPs in what is called impermanent loss, but what is actually a euphemism for kike thievery. Normally bancor hides the cost from their LPs but now they rugged their users in blatant display of fucking bullshit

>> No.49832858

>no impermanent loss protection
>users encouraged to cancel withdrawals or face heavy loses
>but the fees are so good rn no cap
kek get rekt if there was no threat they wouldnt have had to disable their most important feature

>> No.49832865

>gradually, i began to hate them

>> No.49832869

no they paused impermentant loss. you can see in the transaction i posted that he did not get any BNT. just lost 12 ETH providing liquidity

>> No.49832872

Not in us :(

>> No.49832898

Kek baggies

>> No.49832913

is this guy actually a jew? the celsius thing is completely jewish outfit from top to bottom lmao

>> No.49832935

>The Bancor Protocol Whitepaper was first introduced on February 13, 2017, by founders Galia Benartzi, Guy Benartzi, Eyal Hertzog, and Yudi Levi

>> No.49832942

not only a pause but a retroactive pause which includes withdrawals from several days ago kek

>> No.49832944

I hope that guy who provided 192 eth ended up cashing out back then and taking the tax hit.

credit to the guy making bancor fud threads for the past week, it ended up being true

>> No.49832956


>> No.49832957

If enough people withdraw, they should call the tokens back. It's unfair and ridiculous.

>> No.49832959

kek, never touched bancor, was talking about aave

>> No.49832982

>Galia Benartzi, Guy Benartzi, Eyal Hertzog, and Yudi Levi
>when Early Life is absolutely, without a doubt, superfluous.

>> No.49832986

checked and based

>> No.49833006

Why would anyone give shady unregulated entities the keys to your coins? Only after they lose access do they realize how retarded it was to trust somebody with the keys.

>> No.49833008

no it does not work like that anon you dont deposit your tokens because it is a smart contract and Impermanent Loss Protection can be suspended retroactively if market conditions do not favor Bancor's Jewish practices
are you being serious newfag of course they are jews the queen kike was memed here last bullrun and I stayed away back then too for good reason

>> No.49833044

Bancor fudder, I'm sure you're here. We had a few arguments with me insisting this scenario was impossible.. you were right, well done. I humbly admit defeat.

>> No.49833077

Will you live stream your seppuku to regain your lost honor?

>> No.49833086
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its all facts you dim wit

>> No.49833151

That's retarded. There's obviously ponzis mixed in but a lot of protocols are real with sustainable yields i.e. from lending interest, trading fees, etc.

>> No.49833166

I'm sharpening my katana as we speak

>> No.49833188
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these digits... kek is pleased

>> No.49833224

checked and i appreciate it fren, all is well

>> No.49833228

Thanks nigga.
-Jason Parser

>> No.49833232
File: 62 KB, 468x600, 49F2E38F-F2A6-4931-B9E0-4C7B484B67A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BlockFi next

>> No.49833430

Damn /biz/ actually had alpha this time, anons were calling it here first.

I have a feeling that all of this is somehow connected to chainlink, every place was shorting chainlink, seems that most places were doing some shady fractional reserve shit and people are trying to get their eth and link back which is causing a domino effect.

>> No.49833465
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jannies out right deleted my warnings

>> No.49833493
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real fookin shame innit

>> No.49833527

anons have saying this for years

>> No.49833535
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The only purpose anyone would borrow your coins at interest is because they are planning on dumping them and shorting your coin.

You might think you are getting a deal making 5%, but all these coins liquidity allow them to crash your coins, so you make 5% but your coin loses 50% of its value. Meaning if everyone didnt loan it out and just held they would end up having more money because the dumps wouldnt be as harsh.

>> No.49833555

>buying this scam coin after doing this

>> No.49833572

>we were targeted
Yeah bro, you're a genius and it's everyone else's fault

>> No.49833622

>trusting your money with a literal WEF jewess

>> No.49833649
File: 165 KB, 500x442, soexcited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shout out to my fellow lazy paranoid linkbros who have been holding in cold storage this whole time.

Never took out any loans or loaned my link to any shady place.
Not your keys not your Linkies.
Honestly if you truly understand link you will realize that its just too risky to risk your ticket to financial freedom, the singularity is coming and all you have to do is do nothing, and sometimes that is the hardest thing to do

>> No.49833743

Basically they're doing the same thing the US government did after 1929. Trying to prevent a legitmate collapse of the market. Lel real free market you got there with random exchanges or is it coins controlling this. I never had much experience with the pleathora of coins that came after btc, eth, and ltc. Not like i ever got involved.

>> No.49833753

Jeez they really are all backstabbing eachother to save their own asses arent they

>> No.49833770

I can see this
>fed Jerome Powell comes in broadcasting that he has a safer alternative
>fed controlled digital fiat
The normies would eat it up because "it's the government we can'tbe screwed like blipto did to my little wolf of cryptostreet maybe we will gwt rich if we jump into it first" (fed isn't government tho)

>> No.49833800
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basically the thread that got me out of bancor
forgive my aggressive spergout, but it was because i was brimming with rage when i realized this was a scam all along
and the fact that shills were trying to cover it up and ruin anons
fortunately i figured it out before i was hurt by it
i only hope my warnings throughout this month saved others

>> No.49833804


I explained it over the past days.

Every VC faggot and Cefi platform didnthe same copy paste carry trade with Link all bullrun.

>borrow link as it has very low interest to borrow
>dump it and buy asset with higher yield or especially the popular stEth speculator trade

Now they are all being fucked

>> No.49833840

Well said. We will make it, we just have to be patient.

>> No.49833856

Happy for you bro you escaped a huge cucking

>> No.49833859

They need one of the top stablecoins to die.

>> No.49833866
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How many names will the Ponzi take in the history of humanity?

>> No.49833887

>bye, you'll be missed
>you fucking retard
>I will laugh in disbelief
Hope that smug fuck lost everything

>> No.49833903


The problem is, its not bancors fault. Its not like they could be decentralised and then not let kikes like Celcius deposit massive amounts on their platform then pull it out and try to short them.

Its like of a gigga whale decided to dump 800k BTC at once. Good bye. However i do think this is a people because the market just isnt as big as people think. But theoretically even BTC would have the same issue as i explained above. Its just more likely ln a younger project with more centralised liquidity. However its not like the team could be decentralised and reject it.

It definitely sucks but it was always a risk from that view as much as satoshi waking up and dumping his BTC is now.
Could the devs have built the protocol to be robust from this? Thats what you need to ask befofe accusing them of being the same as these Celcius cunts.

BNT is being betrayed in the same way Celcius betrayed Chainlink for the past years

>> No.49833916

Not anymore. Tht 3.6M is not covered by ILP anymore. So anons that follow through with the withdrawals are literally and unironically ass blasted. I feel bad, but I suppose that’s what you get for being impatient. All this claims of belief in Sergey etc. and these fucks couldn’t just keep their link in their wallets until the community features of the Chainlink network went live. Now you suddenly see everyone scrambling for link, trying to ge their shit off dapps and exchanges only to be fucked because their links were lent out to people that wanted to fuck them and short their shit to hell. Like seriously fellas, aside from ETH and BTC, and possibly another L1, Chainlink actually has revenue and profits. Jfc, but you still loaned your links. I hate to be the guy, but let this be a lesson to all of you. Keep your link to yourself and wait until you can stake so that you can earn a legitimate 5% yield on your link.

>> No.49834022

You don't hand over the keys to your coins on bancor.
But they still fucked their users by revoking what was their selling point.
((decentralized)) my ass

>> No.49834031

Can you provide me a fact with source on why i should trust the msm?

1 stipulation you cannot use the msm to source itself or any of their buddies

>> No.49834054

Unironically makes my blood boil. The amount of degenerate piece of shit scumbags that were all shorting LINK have fucked over my life and many others. I’m not forgetting the amount of bullshit I’ve gone through for the past 2 years. These guys better hope assassination contracts never go live.

>> No.49834064

I wonder if he was still holding to now. Smug people like that really annoy me.

t. Have experience with the SOXL shills on smg who still act cocky over it....even with a 80%+ plummet.

>> No.49834095

Isn't a big amount of those withdrawn LINK coming from Celsius who is shorting BNT?
Celsius is pure evil destroying everything this space is trying to build.

>> No.49834124

I wonder why nobody uses the language of bank runs, which this pretty much is.
Maybe they’re afraid that people would make the connection that at least with real bank runs, your money still exists in digital form. Here your digital money is losing its digital form, aka you broke nigga

>> No.49834134

/biz/ is always first to everything.
You just have to sort through 95% garbage to find the good stuff.



>> No.49834188

They have also been shorting link using their users assets iirc, and need to pay back their full debt. A link pump or ETH dump or combination of both liquidates them. There’s also a fair enough of anons here who decided to participate in Bancor. If the liquidity dries up aka all LINK is withdrawn, then some of those anons who took the risk and stayed in pool will be absolutely fucked. Who gives a fuck about Bancor? What do they provide to the space? Why on earth would anyone want to hold their tokens instead for their original link? It’s (((nose))) v (((nose))) right now and the only losers will be link holders that loaned out link when they could’ve just been patient and waited for the only legitimate staking to go live.

>> No.49834199
File: 42 KB, 392x498, 1621015453788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/3 of my stuff is in Celsius. Another 1/3 in Bancor. 1/3 in a Ledger. I just wanted to earn more interest than the 0.08% my shitty bank offers me and now I am getting JUSTED like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.49834222
File: 9 KB, 295x90, mtapy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be able to get 50% of that 1/3 back from Bancor
Your Celsius 1/3 is most likely gone

>> No.49834235

I can understand them not wanting to give Celsius millions of BNT to instadump but IMO they should play hardball and just blacklist the Celsius wallets from IL protection while still paying out anyone else that wants to pull out. Far less chance of a death spiral but you also keep the faith the retail LPs.

>> No.49834241

You should’ve just trusted the Belly, he’s the only one who has been talking about the importance of truth versus trust. And the truth is, Chainlink is the only network that has said and done everything that they were going to do. And with staking being released at some point before the end of the year, trusting Sergey is the only absolute truth.

>> No.49834281

by the way check this out

there's a fucking LINK bankrun
over 400k linkies in pending withdrawals, all that in the last 4 hours
very few cancellations so far
people don't give a fuck, they just want to be ready to gtfo

>> No.49834317
File: 5 KB, 200x202, 973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL "decentralized" finance is more centralized than trad fi

>> No.49834345

Who pays those lending fees retard? They're paid with gains in bull markets and liquidations in bear markets

>> No.49834372
File: 60 KB, 890x960, 1599141435423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only have ~$5,000 worth of LINK,
all of which is in Bancor. Biggest position on Bancor is ETH, ~$35,000 worth at current prices. Honestly, the amount of money I've probably lost between this and Celsius makes me want to just ride this whole thing out and hope for the best rather than take a guaranteed 50% loss. I have a well paying & resilient job, a house, wife with a good job, kids, etc so it feels like the risk of waiting and holding is worth it but, clearly, I'm not a good judge of that...Feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.49834398

It’s such a joke, isn’t it? I get that some of these dapps have to make *some* compromises when it comes to decentralization and trust-minimization, but this shitshow with Bancor is absolutely ridiculous. Basically their users have taken on the risks of decentralized systems, and also the downsides of centrally controlled systems where these guys have basically pulled a Robinhood. Fuck them.

>> No.49834404

Cheers to you, anon.

>> No.49834467

>best fundamentals
pfffffff hahahahahaha, no your useless erc shittoken is worthless

>> No.49834499

I’m not gonna tell you what to do. But consider that link and ETH on Bancor to be lost. If you’re able to recover it one day intact, I’m happy for you. In the meantime, it’s best if you start your link stack over. And this time just hold until you can stake.

>> No.49834511

I’m holding

>> No.49834575
File: 214 KB, 862x1024, 1605982953707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you have in Bancor anon? How long can you hold for? I have $50k worth in the protocol and can easily wait 4-5+ years if that's what it takes to turn the ship around in a new bullrun.

>> No.49834583

why did they turn off IL?

>> No.49834612

Get fucked, what did you think Celsius was doing with your LINK holdings but lending them out so that they could be used to short.

>> No.49834618

Very similar to you. I’m not gonna sweat it too much for now, fudfags are feasting right now though it must be said

>> No.49834629

>if I’m gonna get fucked in the ass I may as well ask for a reach around!

>> No.49834650

Ledger critical flaw incoming

>> No.49834668
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because it is too costly
IL is getting so bad, when someone withdraws they get over 50% of their position in BNT
but so many people are getting out and BNT price is so low, the token is getting hyperinflated
basically their entire model has failed

>> No.49834684

Holding too. Not much else to do as getting in the withdrawal line up is likely to burn more than just riding this out.

>> No.49834709

Uhh arent you in a 7 day waiting period? The bnt guy said hes cancelling LP RETROACTIVELY on the people in the queue...

>> No.49834726

16th of May

>> No.49834731

Just swapped some BNT into USDC, Uniswap was going to give a 15% haircut on current BNT market price. Swapping on Bancor was in line with Market price. I'm sure someone more degenerate than me can find an arbitrage opportunity...

>> No.49834752

Luna was the fall guy for Binance. They had moved out of their offices before the depeg even begun. CZ went from 3 word tweets for years to babbling like a little girl once the peg collapsed.

>> No.49834783


Yep. These cunts made my life miserable for the past year. Im glad they are backstabbing each other left right and centre and in a massive world of pain.

>> No.49834792

so in this seven day waiting period we're going to be getting less link than those before us right....
people now getting 50% of their deposited link
what will it be in a week?

>> No.49834794
File: 545 KB, 656x849, ari-bane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they expect some of us in the wreckage brother

>> No.49834797

Celsius is probably getting a full refund and us link baggies are paying the bill

>> No.49834815

or is it calculated at the point of initiating the withdrawal?

>> No.49834837

Whats funny is tradfi is even more fragile then this shit.
Even if .1% of customers at a bank wanted to withdraw their money at the same time they would collapse.

Your average bank only ever has 100-300k on hand
Your average retired boomer probably has 200K-1m in the bank.
The amount of physical money that exists is a minuscule fraction of the total that mostly exists as digits.

At first glance you would think money belongs to the element of earth, but on closer introspection you will find that it actually belongs to the element of air.
It is mainly a mental / spiritual phenomena.

>> No.49834856
File: 22 KB, 1879x368, Screenshot_215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this transaction from 1 week ago
tried to get 1500 link back, got 1100 (~70%)
today it would be around 50%
so if this goes by linearly, maybe 30% if lucky
if it goes exponentially, :/

>> No.49834876


They were always the low IQ faggots who hopped in post mainnet though. I may have been defending BNT a little ITt but i never deposited anything with any of these services. I was literally the anon who made everyone aware of Nexo shorting again in May last year and started the bulgarian meme. I was also the anon who doxed Uncle Old fag. I’ve seen it all and i can tell you it was almost entierly the latefags and twitter fags depositing their LINK. I as well as many others were saying and saying and saying till I could not anymore that these platforms were giving them APy in exchange for shorting all the gains away. But nope, the greedy faggots never listened. I admit i though BNT was safer(but never had gall to deposit anything) but turns out when one of the said Cefi cunts owns all the liquidity on it, it can cause problems.

Its sad but they were warned and warned and fell for these Cefi platforms “Just deposit Link and get some apy, dont be a cuck bro may as well get something if link doesnt moon”. It was so obvious from the start but the pre-2019 marines were outnumbered a looooong time ago so we never got listened to.

>> No.49834888

this is some hot VC on VC action. I wonder if they're backed by rival banks or some shit.

>> No.49834900

You jew brained niggers sold us all out for your fucking 5%. It was tou guys who allowed the link price to be cucked so hard.
No point in making 5% apy when the price dumps 90%

Keep the rest of your stack safe anon, no more betraying

>> No.49834970

So... Bancor pauses IL

Meanwhile no one wants to withdraw ETH/LINK because they will take a huge hit.

Loss of confidence in Bancor causes massive selling of the BNT token, (which isn't going to suffer IL on withdrawal,) hitting single digit cents or less.

When IL is turned back on, they will have to print an unprecedented amount of BNT to match the ETH/LINK they don't have, further causing the price to crater....

Is this the Vortex I was always hearing about?

>> No.49834978


>> No.49834982

Sounds like a use case for price feeds, PoR, DECO and canDID.

>> No.49834990


They sold us out for:

(Generously Assuming they all had make it stacks, in reality suicide stacks or less)

5% at average price of $19 last year(50MA price end of last year) -65% to todays prices = $4000

They sold themselves out for $4000 in APY. Or in reality, $400 as is most of these faggots stacks. They sold us out of huge gains for $400 in APY.

>> No.49835043

Now if you newfags apply this exact same logic to holding your crypto on exchanges we'll really be learning something here.

>> No.49835075

"European" and "kike" are antinomic.

>> No.49835074
File: 914 KB, 1280x984, file_s0eer5xhb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't particularly care about LINK desu and have never followed LINK-related happenings. Though my disinterest is probably just a byproduct of it being a very small portion of my crypto portfolio. In any case, lesson learned and I genuinely feel bad for anybody currently put in a bad position because we were all just trying to make it. Sorry.
Good luck anons. I am hopeful that we pull through this with an abundance of wealth.
The universe/gods have already taken 2/3 of my portfolio hostage, so if a critical flaw compromises my Ledger and I am deprived of the last 1/3 then I'd just have to laugh at the absurdity of watching my own Shakespearian tragi-comedy unfold before my eyes.

>> No.49835098

There needs to be mass teachings on here and CT about custody of your own shit so this doesn’t happen again. No worry, all my cubes have never left cold storage. Only going towards securing the Chainlink network as they were designed for.

>> No.49835112

why were people not talking about this last week when that was happening??

>> No.49835192

I remember when people here talked about Bancor being the only safe platform after AAVE caused a ton of liquidations. They said that it was perfect, but the pool was limited.
But I never fell for their tricks, and I never will. My 18k LINK will remain in cold storage.
Fuck kikes and fuck banks.

>> No.49835206

Only thing im holding on an exchange is 1 monero on bittrex, i dont think its even supported for trade there but I have it there for them to hold for me as a display of my dominance. I dont even remember how it got there. I also have like 2000 doge which was just dust from 2015 that i gathered from other exchanges. Cause who the fuck bothered to make a wallet for doge back then

>> No.49835207

they were, we were having almost daily "bnt imminent collapse" threads

this one was 4 days ago

>> No.49835239

I only really started seeing this topic about 2 days ago when the link short squeeze stuff was discovered

>> No.49835313

There were threads a few days ago mentioning a massive short that the likes of Bancor was performing where anons were connecting the dots. Anyone have a link to that thread

>> No.49835355

you mean about aave and okex?
i made it kek
here you go
and the continuation thread

>> No.49835364

They are getting their deserved karmic retribution.
Feels good to be on the good side.

>> No.49835413

>where have I seen this graph before?

>> No.49835421

The lesson to learn from this is that Celsius shorted your LINK because you were unable to sell 10% of your stack in profit to generate your own yield.

>> No.49835439

Bancor was shilled heavily here. I was considering putting my linkies on there but didn't think it was worth the risk. Why does swapping shitcoins have to be so complicated?
Hopefully it all works out ok for the marines who fell for the bancor meme though

>> No.49835500

The third thread is here

>> No.49835559

I really fucking hope they’re gonna feel some real pain and lose it all. Just makes me livid thinking every time LINK got smashed down on the back of any good news that make your average shitcoin pump 1000% it was because of these scumbags.

>> No.49835583

Where'd all these retards come from? How many of them are bots?

>> No.49835608

mm shit, may have read that actually......
i was sitting in 2.1 and checked a few days ago that i could withdraw instantly and with full amound
suddenly they just turn around and suspend all withdrawals from 2.1 and force you to v3... fucked up man

>> No.49835648

Just to clear that up, bancor themselves were not the ones taking part in the short, bancor was brought up in the context of the short because there is a queue of 3m+ links waiting to be withdrawan, and half of that will be paid as BNT so those owners will have to sell that bnt and market buy 1-1.5m link which will put buy pressure on the price

>> No.49837004
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1547, 1613919667935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s (((nose))) v (((nose))) right now and the only losers will be link holders that loaned out link when they could’ve just been patient and waited for the only legitimate staking to go live.
beautiful pemmican of the situation