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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49827603 No.49827603 [Reply] [Original]

Today I will remind them.

>/GME/ and /XSG/ chilling knowing the Black Swan was coming.
>Japan and El Bagedor already bankrupt
>Rest of /biz/ a field of pink wojaks for MONTHS
It has only just begun. It is not too late to take the L and buy $5 of each.

>> No.49827702
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Kek XSG fags.

GME is the only play. XRP is useless.

>> No.49827773
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If XRP was used in conjunction with the GME wallet, if a splivvie happened on the blockchain, you would have a direct line of debit redeemable for any amount of any CBDC.

Unfortunately, it's not the timeline we're in.

>> No.49827791

Digits say GME is the play

>> No.49827870

The only correct statement is that Japan is bankrupt. You fags are so insufferable you don't even know what percentage of El Salvador's reserves are in BTC. If you did, you'd know nothing would happen even if BTC went to 0.

>> No.49827978
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>The "Original": DFV and Mellon (The real Mellon RIP)
>Situational awareness: The system is fucked however we can still profit of this
>The play: GME and XRP has a non-zero chance of mooning instantly
>The analysis: Schizoposting with nuggets of gold
>The babes: Jiemi and XSGChan
>The timeframe: 2 more weeks and endless dateposting
>The "Ape no fight ape": GME/AMC and XRP/XLM
>Situation: GME beating Hedgies, XSG beating SECcies.
>Moon status: imminent

Fren, this isn't /biz/'s first rodeo, but it is the main event. Checkem.

>> No.49828362
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I almost forgot, we even have a resident jester.
>Peak midwits: 45pbtid and Babacugs

>> No.49828671

Fuck off tradfi Reddit cringe

>> No.49828686
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No, they're dead on arrival. Effectively getting leverage from the World Bank and the IMF, Supreme bagholder will be liquidated the same way as Saylor.

>> No.49829285

Absolutely Based. But I still like XSG schizos, just never really understood their play.

>> No.49829366

Pretty much XRP moons in value, not amount in USD, when fiat dies, to prevent global collapse. GME kicks that off. Win-win.

>> No.49829402


>> No.49829497

Niggerfaggot/chadshill also did some of the most impressive datefagging I've ever seen. One date was hyped as DOTR for literal months for no real reason for it, and he spammed /gme/ the entire time with the same six images. He even baked a few for the fun of it
If buttcoin keeps dying, it won’t matter if President Bukkake paid cash for them, he’ll be more worried about someone liquidating his gray matter

>> No.49829592

>They hated Him for He told them the truth.

>> No.49829863

>GME kicks that off
GME has no long term fundamental play, if you were to make money on a pump in the near term your best course of action would be to sell immediately and buy 3 assets for the post fiat collapse when true price discovery happens.

1. Physical silver
2. XRP
3. XMR

They are not in order of importance, I'd say the first two are tied for first and XMR is second.

>> No.49829967

>no long term fundamental play
>he doesn’t know
Remember later that you were warned and chose to reject the opportunity of a millennium

>> No.49830122

>no long term fundamental play
Either you're betting your opinion on the future or you have no idea what you're talking about.
>sell on the pump and buy different assets after the collapse
Holy shit, you really don't know do you?

>> No.49830121

91 was a good year. that's all the confirmation I need to know that MOASS is soon.

>> No.49830165


>> No.49830211

I'm not fully versed on XRP but isn't XRP funded by ((them)) and thus super kosher friendly? My guess is that LRC want's to let people be their own banks to take ((them)) out of the picture. My only gripe is that Hashgraph is superior tech and it isn't being used for Gamestop splivvie, but then again the ((hedera member council)) is also pretty kosher. I'm fully cool with LRC and GME leading us into the future of wealth as long as we're as free as we hope to be.

>> No.49830309

Absolute brainlets. Okay, I'll repost the ultimate chadfolio copy pasta with full explanation and bonus knowledge.

You don't know what's it's like to live on a commodities based/sound money system. If this isn't what you're looking at then you don't know the game. In a sound money world things like video games become secondary, all things not essential to humanity and progressing humanity become less important. Investing in GME and other bullshit ponzi rehypothicated QEMaxed markets WHO WITHOUT fed support truly hold no real world innate meritable value is void of logic and reason though if planned right (very risky) you can make a lot of money.....

Wait for the pasta, read it all, reply honestly, or you're a brainlet retard shill.

>> No.49830331

Central banks are an abomination that shouldn't exist,paper representations of value are void of real merit for it doesn't require what real money requires to have merit.Money's greatest value is imposing a meritocracy on a civilization,this leading to greater things for the populace.The merit of real money is measured via an equation that takes into consideration effort/skill, time spent doing that effort using that skill.In a way,the real greatest unit of measure in all of existence is TIME.
The only form of natural sound money is gold/silver. It has the 7 necessary attributes of sound money
Doesn't degrade easily, long lasting
Easy to transact with over distance
Easily used in small/large transactions
Is consistently the same everywhere
>limited supply
Rare, not easy to come by
People accept it for transactions
In the present time I'd emphasize one as a necessity to facilitating human progress via the development of technologies.And that's portability,the saving grace of central banking is the populace being able to take advantage of speed in order to facilitate international trade for the purposes of developing advancements,greatest one:internet.When you have very portable sound money there's also one more attribute that is immensely important.And that's privacy in order to avoid malicious parties using information to negatively impact you

The death of fiat is inevitable for its only sustainable through infinite money inflation.The real measure of when it dies is when the acceptability of fiat vanishes in the minds of the public.And in that moment sound money of old will become the defacto means of exchange,thus exalting all other physical commodities.Because silver is so undervalued,food is so taken for granted and self defense will become more important the top 3 physical assets to have are
1. Silver
2. Food/water(food production)
3. Guns/bullets,tools/building materials

>> No.49830344

But don't get it twisted,this doesn't mean that that's it.There are 2 other categories each containing 3 assets to hold.You could get by with just selecting the number 1 of each category,it's most likely the best strategy.The next category of course,is digital.Before any of you no coiners post;lurk more boomer.And before any of you BTC/ETH maximalists post,lurk more zoomer

Next category is based off of the aforementioned,that of course being fiat collapses thus a sound money system comes back.In this scenario,there has to be a rebuilding of the supranational economic structure basically ASAP so that our world doesn't revert back and lose much of the gained advancements.Also prevents major loss of life and avoid turmoil in the social order.To do this,a replacement of old infrastructure is needed,in a sound money form.The blockchain is the advent of digital sound money,and if the greatest benefit of ponzi central banking was speed,then the fastest,low fee cryptocurrency will be the obvious winner
1. XRP
Remember how I mentioned that the internet was the greatest thing to come out of authoritarian central banking rule?Well the greatest part about the internet is conveying information,and the best way to do this is through videos.A digital cryptographic asset clinging on to a future of video sharing through tokenizing broadband is
And lastly,there is a person who was sued for creating a coin to enforce peer to peer transactions,it was primarily targeted at exchanges.If you know the game,you know how well that went...this person got sued into the next life, and, in the end...won.That's right,a hidden gem that will do away with rehypothicated,derivative based,ponzi,wash trading exchanges exists
The last category operates under the understanding that fast,cheap cryptographic assets become the defacto supranational currencies as a medium of exchange,after fiat collapses and we're forced on a sound money system,fully placing us in a best of both worlds sou

>> No.49830367

nd money digital future.Again,remember when I mentioned the added attribute of privacy?As the new digital sound money cryptographic metaversian high tech future filled with disclosure of hidden technologies and taboo subjects unravels...the need for privacy increases.These changes COULD happen all at once as people in the know get in before the herd,hence why all the aforementioned assets you must have NOW in preparation for the coming true price discovery and overall time of revelation...anyway,the present best private digital assets is
1. XMR
The current markets runner up in this category is of course
And the hidden more obscure gem in this category is a privacy coin that promises smart contract capabilities,think XMR meets ETH
>inb4 I get called a fed/glow for encouraging anti fed/glow assets

So all in all the best 3 assest to have in order to be able to own the future in the post fiat authoritarian clown world are
1. Physical silver
2. XRP
3. XMR

Bonus knowledge to research in order to fully understand the fabric(the overall rules that govern)of reality(the material existence)...this is the real "religion" of God,the real hidden mysteries of all secret societies and thus the source of all of our ancestors understandings/creations of philosophy...thus again the hidden reasoning behind all of our "moral" decisions
1. Atoms are mostly just empty space and information
2. How atoms make up molecules(thus are also just mostly empty space and information)
3. The double slit experiment
4.. Effects of observing the magic of quantum computers
5. The hundredth monkey experiment
6. The cyclical cataclysmic events
7. Psychology of high functioning sociopaths,schizos,autists,psychopaths,narcissists and sadists
Lastly, this will just tie up all of the aforementioned together somewhat nicely....the 7 Hermetic principles, just replace that last one with good vs evil,you'll understand by the time you get through this,IF you do that is

-Qriginalfag/the nobody

>> No.49830502

Currently there is a case, Ripple vs. SEC.

The SEC is about to get BTFO as Judge Netburn has effectively DEMANDED the Hinman emails relating to what is considered a security. The issue is ETH, as the SEC had favouritism for ETH for some reason, possibly GME related if you believe in the You Are Watching A Movie Theory.

These discussions that the SEC acted on from Hinman's advice and shilling will be brought to light. This kills the SEC. However, what happens to ETH next? Which the GME wallet is built on? I'm not sure.

If Ripple were to lose, the SEC would claim a large share of the reserve. (((They))) want in, but you can't tell a Rothschild that holds 8% of the supply as an individual to drop his personal assets.

It's a curious story. Google the Khazars.

>> No.49830534

>expecting me to read all that shit
Listen nigger, if your argument for why GameStop has shit fundamentals is “bruh society is collapsing, we’re regressing to the Paleolithic development-wise,” we’re all fucked and no stock is a good investment. Crypto isn’t either since that requires electricity at the least to operate and that’s not a guarantee in your timeline

>> No.49830639

You're original premise was GME never kicking off because of a marketplace that doesn't exist yet. If an economic crash occurs (which we're in the middle of) then the hedge funds that shorted gme has no collateral and gets liquidated. We're not talking about a simple "pump", we're talking about an actual short squeeze. GME marketplace isn't locked into some nft scam, it can also be used as a proof of ownership of a stock, should their stocks ever be recalled, which is a strong possibility if they initiate a stock split in the form of a dividend.
>inb4 it already squeezed
>inb4 they already closed their positions
If you say that, then I'd like to point out to a certain Hedge Fund that was recently liquidated because of gme (over a year later from the ""original"" squeeze) called Melvin Capital.

>> No.49830642


You forgot the part where the Fed implements deflationary measures and fucks over the rest of the world to keep the the dollar show going for 50 more years. Also the part where the government takes our taxes implements its public spending to reinforce the American economy while too many redditors get into creating social programs, jobs and better lifestyles all around. Meanwhile GME holders on 4chan start reinvesting and reform elite societies to create a better tomorrow for western civilization.

>> No.49830737

>The SEC is about to get BTFO as Judge Netburn has effectively DEMANDED the Hinman emails relating to what is considered a security.
Good fucking shit my dude. I want to watch the SEC and Gary the Gay Gensler try and squirm their way out.

>> No.49830781

But why XRP over LRC when Loopring is already so far along and backed by the soon to be richest man in the world? Ryan Cohen is going to initiate a death blow to the old khazarian mafia in this jewish power struggle and he's taking us along with him because Khazarians don't excel at anything other than being psychopaths. Schizophrenics and autists are about to reshape the world.

>> No.49830896

That's not what I said at all. Kys shill faggot.
No I said it doesn't have long term fundamentals. Or rather, there are better assets for that. Then I even alluded that it could moon, however I then stated that in order for this to truly be a winning move you have to take your gains to things that have real world value and are not in the stock market which is extremely overinflated and had much less real world value than their current USD "representations of value."
I'll even greentext it.
>GME has no long term fundamental play, if you were to make money on a pump in the near term your best course of action would be to sell immediately and buy 3 assets for the post fiat collapse when true price discovery happens.
Dude you're talking such, no offense, low level stuff that the magnitude of the above 3 posts went totally I very your head. I'm going far far past the "stock market" lol. Anon I am speaking to you about the fundamental nature of measuring value in the human form. I just gave you something much more grand anon..... in short, FUCK the stock market. FUCK using USD/any fait to MEASURE THE VALUE of anything for USD/fiat is VOID OF FUNDAMENTAL VALUE.

Anon, fuck short squeezes, the fucking debt market has been on the brink of causing a system catastrophic system failure exposing the truth that central banks have quasi enslaved the world's populace for multiple generations FOR YEARS. The infinite chart upwards will come to a close by 2025 AT MOST. And at that point you will see the real value of things.

Just ask yourself, does the sheet of stock that I own provide anything?
Of what?
>gamestop, a game company
How will that go up?
>best case scenario they make a game, it's some VR/AR/MMO super ultra hit
Is that better than physical silver, XRP and XMR?
If you say yes, well then you are wrong and I am sorry.

>> No.49831157
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On Demand Liquidity. Ripple holds the patent. That is the tech that prevent volatility so violent all over the world that the hurricane knocks down everyone's house. It's A LOT more complex than that.

>> No.49831173

>the fed is magical and other countries
>will just allow their citizens to starve
>their rule collapse and their families in danger
Stfu idiot, you know nothing of the true dynamics of geopolitics, Sri Lanka just showed you what happens, THE PUBLIC GOES TO THE PLACES WITH PRIVATE SECURITY AND LAMBOS AND THEY WILL DO AS THEY WILL. And no, the private security didn't save them, just like how it wouldn't anywhere else, a massive angry mob composed of your own fellow citizens is nigh unstoppable.

Also, Russia is already fighting back, and they will win, fuck the Ukrainians and their Jewish endeavors, Russian commodities will uphold ruble, this alone would kill fake ponzi fiat in a decade, them even mentioning their central bank got a fortune cookie that said gold on it is the biggest threat the fed has had since JFK said there were secret societies trying to control and enslave everyone. Then China will take Taiwan too, they will centralize mass production EVEN MORE, and ALSO make a statement referring to gold and the yuan. Mexico will nationalize silver too, Canada with their water too even, maybe, a commodities market supreme kills the fed and a silver rise rewrites the entire order with the tried and true rules of old and there is nothing the FED or any other central bank could do to stop it.

They dug their own graves.
Shouldn't have allowed Greenspan to put in God's intended "backdoor hack" to their system.
Greenspan allowed for all the rigging, all they had go do was not use money printing to solve their issues which would in turn cause them to have to print more and more and more..... causing an infinite unsustainable loop..... but guess what they did? :D

They never thought they would lose.
Now they all lose.
The more you know.
So make your choices,
Good, or evil.
Nothing more, nothing LESS.
Do as you will!

>> No.49831187

I guess I can see where you're going. In a way I agree, the Feds have created a society entirely reliant on debt, with no recourse except for its total collapse.
But the point where I disagree is a complete dismissal of the short squeeze. I don't know if (((they))'ll ever allow it to reach "infinite" risk, but that's not why I'm in gme. I'm not in it for the marketplace, though its potential and many uses is pretty large, I'm in it because I know for a fact that hedge funds are backed into a corner and the Feds can't bail them out without causing hyperinflation.
When the short squeeze occurs, I'll have the resources to pump it into the markets you've mentioned.
It's not that I think the resources you've posted should be discredited, but more of something I'll play into after I've "made it"

>> No.49831372


>> No.49831464

Then what the fuck are you saying? It’s not 2019 anymore, GameStop is turning itself around, and I would encourage you to do some actual research on what they’re doing (specifically, why dozens of execs from top tech companies would want to join a dying Rick and Morty Funko retailer, and taking compensation entirely in shares)
But again, none of this matters because the only important factor is that they’re not going bankrupt. And as far as your claims that stocks are shit because they’re overinflated, a short squeeze where hedge funds have no choice but to liquidate other assets is exactly how you deleverage it all. Sucks that it has to be your grandpa’s pension that ultimately takes the hit though

>> No.49831471

Well I have 50 ounces of silver and 1 ounce of gold, how's that so far? I'm not selling my GME and I am where I am with that so I'm along for the ride because I still believe in MOASS theory. After MOASS I will get into XMR, XRP, HBAR, LRC and more silver along with guns ammunition, tools, food, water, antibiotics and other supplies. Also another thing about the "true dynamics of geopolitics"... We watched our election get stolen and no one did anything about it. And if war is an inevitability, why not still just declare a big "fuck you" to everyone.

>> No.49831541
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People don't seem to realize how heavily short this stock is. You seem like someone betting on the collapse, which I respect. Some may say this is schizo tier assumption, and that there's absolutely no way there can be this many shorts placed against the company. But we both know how greedy they are, they've used shorting tactics on other retail stores before (look at what they did to Sears), they don't want the price to just go down, they want these companies to be liquidated.
A short squeeze of this magnitude either forces the feds to (((shut it down))) which in turn makes people and other countries lose faith in our markets, or let it play out and speed the collapse.

>> No.49831657

>After MOASS I will get into XMR, XRP, HBAR, LRC and more silver along with guns ammunition, tools, food, water
This. Get the money you need now for the resources you'll need later. I'm not saying he's wrong, but the argument leans towards a "why bother participating in the stock markets?"

>> No.49831806

I just really hope we actually do go deflationary so people aren't mad sprinting to commodities and everything else. And let the dollar do it's thing for about a decade or whatever and all the while me and smart people will be preparing for the transition period into a CBDC or whatever

>> No.49832040

Risk.I see your game, but the reason why I don't play it is because once the "event" happens, I don't think ANY market will be liquid, as in; you won't be able to shuffle your assets around
So you have to in the assets to moon post fiat BEFORE the "event" happens. Once the moment in which something massive enough to rock the system happens, you HAVE TO exit your short term positions and enter all your long term. If you miss this moment YOU ARE FUCKED. And that's IF I'm wrong and you're able to exit because the market you want to sell in is still liquid.
Granpas pension doesn't exist, your 401k is bullshit, the stock market is bullshit, non of what you said matters. Only things that have real world use cases and or innate value are good investments and that is NOT in the stock market because stocks are all so overvalued that real price discovery would have them drop 50% at least and by extension the people will dump out of fear dropping it another 20-30%. While silver, XRP and XMR can only go up for they are all immensely useful with innate value.
>not selling GME
Do what you want. XRP imo will be at minimum $500 in new USD, silver will be $1k at least, and XMR will be in the 10s of thousands. All in new USD that will be gold backed of course.
I agree. In our schizo threads and other I'd say "higher level" places much had been spoken about in terms of GME. I side with the idea that the reddit GME stuff is an operation to get people into the reddit silver stuff if they're wise enough. The GME people will make some money too, and they will say "we took down the fed" even though the fed took down itself and for this sacrifice silver, XRP and XMR will moon. GME people are IMO the "sacrifice" for our gains, though so are all investors not in real world value assets. Even fabled real estate "geniuses" are no more than credit score farming bank lovers who have no idea what the game of money is in relation to the material plane

>> No.49832121
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This thread sucks. Ligma balls.

>> No.49832142

Why? Seems like some genuinely good discussion was made.

>> No.49832346


It's Ryan's only portfolio.

>> No.49832424

if thread was good then "thread sucks" comment would like like a joke. Nobody would even care to engage with it, but here you are defending this very thread. Therefore anon is right, thread kinda lame.

>> No.49832468

>if thread was good then "thread sucks" comment would like like a joke
Jesus Christ Pajeet, learn some English.

>> No.49832748
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Every. Fucking. Setences.

>> No.49833099

Yeah we need more tedious fucking threads tracking Bitcoin's desperate attempts to not shit all over itself and die you fucking cretin.