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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 776 KB, 889x1195, 1651764701194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49820928 No.49820928 [Reply] [Original]

Look we all know once the bulletin starts, anything you throw at a dartboard will do at least a 2-10x.
So tell me retards which coins u think will actually do this. Extra points if u can back it up with research , market cap, ath etc ..

>> No.49820970

I forgot Kyber existed until I saw that image

>> No.49820971

redpill me on nervos network

>> No.49820995

Unironically MATIC will be $10 in a few years.

>> No.49821021

ICP will go to $2000 by EOY.

>> No.49821028


>> No.49821098

I have no idea. It's just a screencap from infamous moontard

It ain't me schizo

>> No.49821162

bad photoshop and cringe nazi dogwhistle

>> No.49821272

I know there's high net worth anons that have ties to the inner workings of society lurking. Come through and help fellow retards break free of societal slavery so we can be free as well.

>> No.49821528
File: 44 KB, 1000x563, first-things-first-bateman-has-a-personality-disorder-1601495573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If ROSE, which is currently trading at $0.04, were to increase to $2, it would increase by +4900%.

>> No.49821594
File: 155 KB, 800x662, World-Economic-Forum-you-own-nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GEN daostack, on Stansberry research ($5k subscription) top crypto list, down over 100x from ATH. Partnership with Chainlink with Lemonade foundation.

>> No.49821619

You will own nothing and be miserable. You are a peasant. The 'bullrun' was from 2010 to 2012. It's over. move on.

>> No.49821652

LUNC is going to moon to $1 by EOY.

>> No.49821729

That's a 50x from current price. Which is the best crypto so far in this thread.

This looks promising, but there is no legitimate exchange where you can buy and trade it. So liquidity isn't really there.

Strong poor mindset. Thanks for playing.

Still has potential yes

>> No.49821811

NO BEGGING: Begging or asking for 'free money'/crypto is strictly forbidden. Encouraging beggars, or posting any kind of 'free money' offer is also strictly forbidden.

>> No.49821840
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icy pee to 500 in 2025, if they can deliver integrations, that is.

>> No.49821867

Not to mention $2 is very conservative. It already traded at like $0.5 at its ATH even though barely anyone outside of /biz/ knows about it. I could see it going to $5-12 in the next bull run.

>> No.49821877

I'm not asking for either of those things. I'm asking for opinions. If you cant even distinguish between those two. You have no business or finance being here.

>> No.49821944
File: 76 KB, 1604x740, Syncfab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insider knowledge>Macro economic factors>Astrology>TA>Tea leaves>Divining rods.
Buy crypto that are backed by money ignore everything else, DCA into them and keep in cold storage so you are not tempted to sell for a couple of Xs. MFG Syncfab is also a great project which is literally partnered with the biggest defense companies in the world.

>> No.49821994

when this is over, truly over, there won't be 'coins' or 'tokens'. There will be anointed VC jew projects, neutered and regulated, looking for normies who remember Dogecoin and Bitcoin. And there will be bitcoin, unregulated but neutered through jew paper etfs and jews like Bankman-Fired who has been picked to sell a disneyfied version of crypto to the masses. Next to this, spot Bitcoin will have a niche as a currency. But nobody will be allowed to become millionaire off it without going through the jew.

>> No.49822208

Looks promising as well but no markets to trade it. Therefore illiquid

Wrong. As long as anyone can create a crypto there will always be places to put money and move it before prying eyes can look into it and tax it.

>> No.49822253

5 years doing a lot of things and finally coming to a point where they are decentralizing their sidechain and releasing products this year.
87 million coin supply max
19$ ATH 0.68$ current
team is rich af
they are consistently going to events and releasing news
relatively unknown
created something called " decentralized confidential computing" which will lead to massive technology innovation
Since it went to 19$ last bullrun there is no reason why it couldn't go over 100$ next time

>> No.49822261
File: 117 KB, 240x252, 304950469078211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which cryptos will do a 100-100x
>Which cryptos will do a 0x
All of them?

>> No.49822359

Hey! come on, any mention of a coin that will do a 100x is simply a shill. In this market no one can say for sure no matter the level of research a coin that will do 100x. I currently bought into an nft game project that I minted some nfts and staked them to earn daily leaderboard points, the traction I had was the paper hand bitch insurance that was in place so that the team will buy back ath the mint price any nfts that didnt have value at the end of the 1 days duration, and I only bought because I could do away with the amount I minted in case I lose it.

>> No.49822453


$marvin #marvininu

Public doxxed team led by Floki ex project leader which hit a 3 bilion marketcap. Marvin all time high was 30 mil mcap before the Russia / Ukraine stuff happened....the team is working gheir asses off and it's sub 1 million marketcap. Before you day muh dumb meme token..
this one has had steady top 5 social media presence on all top social media platforms for months now. It has a bitmart listing approaching followed by two tier one exchanges. The team is very experienced and doesn't fuck around. As soon as crypto gets a relief rally it's going to be the next big meme token run that biz will probably miss. Source...me an early top 10 Shib and Akita holder. Early floki holder as well.

>> No.49822548

you weren't planning on dividing any of those numbers, were you?

>> No.49822646

there is no way you can accurately predict which coin will 100x next cycle, some of the most fundamentally stupid projects like LUNA and NEAR had the most hype last year while some really impressive projects were left with meh returns

that said though ill play that game too anyway lol, ive got my eyes on (ranked):
wouldn't necessarily buy in for a while but worth paying attention to how these get built up over the bear market, if it's a good project the devs will keep at it despite the token being down 95%

>> No.49822661

This is the level of research right here.
In order for it to do a 100x. Would need to have a 5.5b market cap from here. Easily tradeable on many markets though. Best one so far.

I like what you're saying. For those with higher risk tolerance this would be a good play

>> No.49822784

enjoy the free gains fren, i'm all in for the long term because it can easily get in the tens of billions in mkt cap so i don't care to shill.

>> No.49822789

how is that even a nazi dog whistle
it literally has a nazicross and 14/88 in it
you fucking lefties are such buzzword spouting caricatures of actual sentient beings

>> No.49822842

The only reason ROSE was so high was because the returns were insane for the first year

>> No.49822879
File: 306 KB, 500x375, 6A9A3F84-A262-4B18-B4F5-59A20494E97B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of my dca goes in BTC and ETH, mainly ETH. We will see ethereum at 10k next run so that’s a 10x right there. Low risk high reward.
Besides that I buy some ADA, it’s vaporware but for some reason has a dedicated shizo community that will drive the price up. It’s basically for normies who think they are smart. Also buying some link, if it ever reaches its previous ATH again that will result in very nice gains. Not buying anything else. Still have a giant Lisk (lsk) stack but I doubt that will go anywhere soon.. it will survive the bearmarket tho so that’s that

>> No.49822983

New hyped ones that don't exist yet

>> No.49823047

Most of these are good.

I would not buy SOL purely on principle though.

ALGO, MATIC, HBAR and LINK are my favs out of the ones you listed.

>> No.49823077

CryptoXpress, Qredo, Metagamehub DAO and Dogbat

>> No.49823155

Xmr, Waves, Flux, Atom, Qnt, Icp, Near, Iota, Xtz, Lunc

>> No.49823258


>> No.49823292
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 868C96E0-EB17-4007-ADAF-2A1C41F27AA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck are the gunners in this thread? Am I the only one who think RAIL is gonna be insane in 2-3 years?? Buy in price is 1.20$ right now it’s never gonna get better unless we really do go to 10k btc.

>> No.49823446

From what ive read about it just now, the only real idea they have as of now is gambling on it getting just big enough for Elon Musk to start investing in it and the cloud he brings with him is supposed to skyrocked the coin.
Not sure what to think about this if im being honest with you anon.

>> No.49823544

quick rundown?

>> No.49823598

this. Don't get left behind, it will flip BTC after the integration and will be a key component of the US CBDC.

>> No.49823945

I believe ya MATIC TO $10, ETH to $5k, ORE to $2 and BTC to the fucking roof by 2025.

>> No.49824007

Go kys pajeet.

>> No.49824072

matic dead in 2 years

>> No.49824271
File: 74 KB, 640x632, Anne_Frank_passport_photo,_May_1942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cringe af.
Drawing little swastikas to shill your larp bags, and retards lapping it up

>> No.49824280 [DELETED] 

>They don’t know…

The Swedish insiders have already picked their next winner.

Let me give you a hint:

Breaking Bad S05E04 "New Car Scene"

>> No.49824319
File: 899 KB, 819x1280, 1621586061475[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are in the middle of a dip and you want a 100x? Lmao you must be new around here anon.

>> No.49824396

PRQ, infrastructure play.
ATH $2.60, currently $0.11, chart looks bottomed out, but set some bids below 10c just in case.
"Tsunami API" launching next month which will supposedly feed data to multiple defi platforms and whatnot.
Also spawned a side project by the name of IQ Protocol whose token has yet to launch (IQT). Essentially subscriptions-as-a-service for blockchain.
A long hold for sure though.

>> No.49824416


>> No.49824551

The market has always been about hype even if the project is complete shit, we were warned about LUNA to be honest. Next bullrun I aint taken chances on that hype but investing in project with long term prospects with good woking products like ALBT, ORE, AVAX, and more.

>> No.49824648

>write some shit on a piece of paper
>go to computer
>search for beach
>click on the picture of the nicest beach
>hold paper in front of computer and take a photo with your phone
>be careful not to get any of your computer in the frame so you can pretend you're actually posting from some tropical island
>post to /biz/
>retards believe it

>> No.49824686

>watch ICP dump over 90%
>everyone bought it because of your retarded shitpost

>> No.49824695

Lcx and nii/niifi

>> No.49824888

Long term projects are ones with usecases that will shape up the crypto space for seamless mainstream adoption in different niches especially Defi, privacy, Identity security and web 3.

>> No.49825113

Does ROSE actually bring in protocol revenue? If not then you’re hopium is outdated as alt L1 narrative is dead.

DYDX brings in a ton of protocol revenue. Will probably 50x minimum in next bull.

>> No.49825166

BTC, guaranteed 100x, I won't tell you which direction

>> No.49825334

Dog bat

>> No.49825468

you are memeing



shut the fuck up

>> No.49825542

Definitely off your meds, ahmad.

You have nothing to offer this thread GTFO

>> No.49825785
File: 279 KB, 300x577, 1624555672394[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defi - too many scams still tyna understand it
>Privacy- XMR or nothing
>Identity security- ORE protocol (spaersely dense industry)
>Web 3- Not ready.

>> No.49826389

Dead already

>> No.49826429

ICP is complete bullshit, internet lies

>> No.49826509

Anyone fuding this list is fuding their own bags

>> No.49826635



Buy bitcoin ONLY.

>> No.49826920

Actually still hold this kek. I think it’s worth about 100$ now

>> No.49826961

how much did you put in and when?

>> No.49827016

I'm not spoonfeeding you

>> No.49827359

Just another dumb shilltard, zero working products from them, and you think they will ever pull this off?

>> No.49827385

Complete retard even in a bullrun BTC aint doing 100x in any direction. Only Doge shilled by Elon and some other lowcaps with strong community and real usecase like FTM and ORE will have the opportunity to do such returns.

>> No.49827436

So sad a couple of traders don't still understand the role of working products in how big a project will get.

>> No.49827503

the majority of low mcaps wont survive this phase so its kinda hard to tell anon

i think the ones with high enough liquidity like BitDAO for example will make it and the pump hella hard once the bull market starts

>> No.49827506

Dogira after they get a few more games out

>> No.49827538

They are so used to shitcoins coming with promises and pumping that they don't know the current market conditions is different, only projects worth keeping an eye on now are those building through the bear.

>> No.49827561

that's it. that's literally it.

>> No.49827563

Which? Lcx or nahmii?

>> No.49827797

One that has caught my attention is Alliance Block, as they recently launched their DEX which reduces IL to the barest minimum.

>> No.49828075

This has to be the first in the industry, considering how IL has always plagued investors this is certainly a game changer.

>> No.49828148

Well most people are out to make quick money and shitcoins always look appealing just before they rug. Some couple of projects are not relenting tho and I respect that,BNB already marked its grounds and its staying for a long time, MATIC seems like everyone's fav to survive, DOT is quite, TXA is building through with activities concerning the hybridDex and DAO system, ETH and BTC are being themselves.

>> No.49828151

Recent reports says about 66% of crypto investors lose their assets to IL, which is really sad.

>> No.49828192

Defi shortcomings already rendering investors poor I guess?

>> No.49828559

Based. It absolutely will. It’s the scaling solution for btc

>> No.49828566
File: 32 KB, 639x480, images[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so?
Though from my brief research DEXes and projects with tools that can upgrade already existing DEX platforms with new features are th next big things and I have seen a couple of projects like that springing up like te Tacen HybridDEX and its integrated decentratlized settlement layer, now an Alliance block DEX.

>> No.49828626
File: 11 KB, 252x255, IMG-20220203-WA0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about polkadot?

>> No.49829297

Liqudity is a factor to survive truly but usefulness of project or product is also as important as liquidity and community strenght. In term of lowcaps I have just a few left in my folio and to be honest they arent doing well except for TXA and not about price action but project activities and updates like the just concluded buyback program and incoming DAO system.

>> No.49829368
File: 8 KB, 196x257, images - 2022-06-06T040153.213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go with Otto blockchain bad boii. It resolves regulatory challenges and prioritize security. That's my short and concise back up research.

>> No.49829693
File: 38 KB, 500x499, 1648667225519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if Kek wills it, LUNC

>> No.49831019

AXL INU for the decentralized AXL platform and Launchpad. don't sleep on it.

>> No.49831063
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images - 2022-06-06T040034.853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equilibrium is your one-stop defi app so you don't need to look for another platfom to utilize. Reefchain will release their debit card soon.

>> No.49831283


U want an answer, Nobody knows, now get lost fag

>> No.49831601

Fantom and it's alt coins, BOO, Spirit, Tomb.

Very stable L2 with great tech, very cheap, and very fast.

>> No.49831785
File: 28 KB, 485x485, images - 2022-06-06T040133.026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freeway is the answer, don't complicate your life anon. My back up research should be enough for you. Their layer1 chain will launch soon.

>> No.49832681
File: 29 KB, 554x554, images (57).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFT gamings gonna survive. This will apply to a platform with a product already and have a good community. Honeyland is a candidate for this plus the gaming incentives are dope.

>> No.49832754

I sold all my crypto today.
I'm finished.

>> No.49833117 [DELETED] 


have you seen what HBAR foundation has been up to? they allocated more than half a billion solely for developing the Hedera ecosystem

>$250 million for metaverse development
>$155 million for DeFi development
>$100 million for sustainable project development
>$60 million for Fintech development

This will definitely have a huge impact on the HBARs price when the market goes parabolic

>> No.49833172

here we go
why would you need a token for this service when you can pay with fiat?

everything metioned here don't need a token

>> No.49833410
File: 23 KB, 547x560, images - 2022-05-23T005827.630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea but don't close the opportunity in investing newly launched platforms. KOLnet will still conduct its 3rd IDO on Gamestarter. They're solving the marketing failures of certain launchpads.

>> No.49833428

$jasmy idiot

>> No.49833727

Utrust with the burn mechanism ignited is expecting a market cap at 250mil in few years which will be a really good imo. I thing my bag will be looking good then with UTK in my bag.

>> No.49833779

When did utrust get a Deflationary tokenomics? anon are you sure?

>> No.49833828
File: 5 KB, 250x214, 1653871303722s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utrust is now a part of the elrond network so with the new tokenomics the burn mechanism is brought in but it's not yet started though desu

>> No.49834569

I have always know MATIC to be a solid projects but not looking out for a 100x atm, wouldn't mind a 2x though and conveniently ORE should be able to do that considering the green I have been seeing in the market

>> No.49834961

> The Swedish insiders have already picked their next winner.
Okay now I’m interested. One of the team was a former banker.

>> No.49835111

Wow, what a normal and organic conversation. The thumbnail of a frog really convinced me that this isn't jeet astroturfing.

>> No.49835196

XLM (If it becomes the CBDC chain; So far it is the best contender)

>> No.49835289 [DELETED] 

unironiczlly this shit https://opensea.io/collection/alt-keks

>> No.49835301


>> No.49835339

BSV is a scam you idiot

>> No.49835365

EthernityCloud does the exact same thing and anyone can make a node, making it far more decentralized than iExec.

>> No.49835412

Anything will be able to start workers on iExec this year so no, your shitcoin isn't and now one cares about decentralization anyway

>> No.49835493

Considering iExec is just using APIs from intels SGX, they aren't any thing special and it's been done before.
>Two more weeks
lmao EthernityCloud already has that ability for anyone to join. whatever done care. iExec is not special and too slow to the game.

>> No.49835544 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 828x838, 197105D6-E0D7-4CB4-8820-58C3E32BEBBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEV Protocol

Ticker DEV
400k marketcap.
Doxxed japanese team.
Tapping into the creator economy but with a twist.
FRAME00, the parent company, has ties with Microsoft Japan and key players of the music industry.
Staking mechanism with 40% APY, but what differs from your run of the mill staking is by staking with a creator of your choosing, you will also get rewards with perks/NFTs/or tangible goods. The staking dapp is stakes.social

>> No.49835806

to be realistic, a 2x in the current market is a lot

>> No.49836139

yeah it means a lot and ORE is likely to deliver though, it has really been growing and making partnerships even amidst the bear

>> No.49837368
File: 181 KB, 650x450, jsndvjvnsd,vjdnv_qan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget those shit coins you listed there. QANplatform is the real deal.
Devs will run to the blockchain like crazy because of royalties and also how they can use any language they want on the QVM.

>> No.49837489

Fringe Finance (FRIN) and Union Finance (UNN) will 100x next bullrun

>> No.49838079

most based response in the thread

>> No.49838159

a really nice one tho. kudos.

>> No.49838696

All this ORE posting really organic, seen it from a few posters

>> No.49838709

Fringe finance is currently under 1c and is programmed to hit $1 this year

>> No.49838734

How do i know youre not just making that subscription info leak up?

>> No.49838950

redpill me on ALGO. i still dont know wtf im looking at.... the site looks like a hookers vag.

>> No.49838999

you may want to work on your lighting anon

>> No.49839429

Fringe yeah, UNN definitely not lol

>> No.49839802

I'm only holding ICYp from that list, the others aren't going to make it.

>> No.49840217 [DELETED] 

Majority of crypto that will survive the bear market will go that. Scrt for sure will do because the network will be so huge in the next bull run as more developers are coming into it.

>> No.49842040 [DELETED] 

We should be focused on projects making things easy for web3 developers like Subsquid. Their ambassador program seem to be one of the best though.

>> No.49842101


>> No.49842617

And how do you convert your shitcoins in anything tangible.