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49824755 No.49824755 [Reply] [Original]

Is it better to go to Uni or find a trade?

>> No.49824787

Trade 100%. Unless you know trillions of people in your city, uni is for faggots. t. MSCS

>> No.49824800
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Go to university. Major computer science. Stop being poor

>> No.49824804
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lmao good luck with your 100k of debt for a useless meme degree

crypto is a better option, not even joking

>> No.49824831
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t. Zero social skills to get a FAANG position

I graduated in 2018 with 10k in debt - you know you’re allowed to major in engineering stuff it’s not mandatory to major in bullshit right

>> No.49824847
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>waging in the current environment

>> No.49824860

I'm in the middle of nowhere, my guy.

>> No.49824861

For CS, EE, medicine, or law. Everything else is a waste
Go the heavy machinery route to not fuck your back into your 40s/50s

>> No.49824893

Just work in a supermarket and work your way up to manager

Honestly all Jobs are shit. Just do a low responsibility one

>> No.49824897

>middle of nowhere
Same! I live in Alice Texas. There’s something called remote work that’s gotten big lately guy, and top tier companies are all in on it

>> No.49824909

Go to trade school. See if you can get into a plumbing, electrical or painters apprenticeship. If that doesn’t work out go work for the border patrol or usps.

>> No.49824918


just get a local job

>> No.49824944

Imagine going to school to make less than 60k a year

>> No.49824971

I've been looking into it lately. Though I heavily prefer and miss on-site. Guess with few options I might have to

>> No.49824985

>he thinks social skills are what get you to faang
lol. lmao.

>> No.49825007

Amazon hires sdes with full remote starting in the 160s

>> No.49825035

>he thinks his autistic ass is getting hired anywhere without them

>> No.49825055

I'm leaning on CS. It feels like a general recession-proof field, that and medicine
This feels like final boarding call to get a job before the recession fully kicks in.

Obviously the time to strike was 2 years ago with 0% interest rates and you could get jobs you were stupidly under qualified for, but I feel like the options will be extremely bleak in 2-3 years

>> No.49825125

ironically faang is dominated by autistic pajeets and chinks who leetcode for fun. Technical skills >>>>>>>>> social skills when it comes to these companies.

>> No.49825160

CS you make 100-200k at 22, and 500k+ at 30. Medicine you make 100k at 30 and 500k+ at 40. I don’t get why anyone would go to college for anything except cs

>> No.49825191

If you have to think about choosing between uni and trade school just go become a welder.
The work sucks and you will have to deal with sub 3 IQ brainlets, but you'll never be out of a job and if you have any wit whatsover you'll make tons more than you spend.XSXDJ

>> No.49825194

I can see that you’ve never worked for one, although I’m sure you’re about to lie

t. Netflix SDE

>> No.49825317

As someone in the field can you comment on the uni vs. Self-taught debate? I get 50/50 opinions on /biz/ about the importance of degrees when cracking into the field.
Well I'm already a 28yr old boomer so I'd be 40 by the time I'd be a practicing doctor, kek. Jesus christ life is short. Im pretty pissed that I wasted so much time, that's why I'm scrambling to make the right move now.

>> No.49825320

Don’t know where to go but can tell you where not to go as I’ve done it : forestry. Pay is underwhelming for a 4-year "engineering" degree and conditions can be harsh (rain, snow, flies)

Im trying to find another career myself

>> No.49825323

I haven't but they are available for less than 1% of all cs grads. the average income for an experienced programmer is 90-100k, not 200-500k. to make that kind of money, you must live in sf, nyc, or washington, AND be an elite technical interviewer. also proof you work at netflix?

>> No.49825412
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Dont overthink it bro. People hate their jobs like>>49825320 and decide to switch careers and start over. I was a giga NEET before too and only studied bio lab tech at 27. Plenty of 30-somethings in my class, you'll be fine.

>> No.49825457

self taught makes it almost impossible to get an entry level job, and faang is basically out of the question. Imo, do a bootcamp, then work at a random company for a few years, then start applying to faang.

>> No.49825508
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Grind a degree from WGU, it’s only 3500/6 months and you can take as many classes as you want for free buffet style. You just have to pass 1 test and you pass the class and move on. Nobody in the industry will take you seriously without a degree because of all the “coding boot camp” faggots running around shitting up the industry. My university hooked me up with Amazon, worked there for a few years, and transitioned to Netflix last year.
>already 28
It’s very doable to graduate WGU in 1-2 years, so by 30 you could be making 200k ez full remote

>less than 1%
College hooked me up with Amazon and I got hired no problem. Try harder?
>you have to live in sf nyc or Washington
I live in rural Texas and make 290k, full remote
>elite interviewer
Nigga you have to solve a leetcode medium or two, the fuck are you on
>dox yourself
Fuck no

>> No.49825529

I'm your age and finished a shitty bachelor's degree, now I've been jobless for 4 months. Uni is a legit meme, you're better off going to some trade school or going into digital marketing or some shit.

>> No.49825584

Either do a 2-4 year mahcine programming/ automation or do 6 months of practicing welding (or any trade that you can work your way up and learn easily) then go get a job and become the most valuable guy there

>> No.49825603

or just pick a better degree to get from uni. If you wanted 300k you didn't need to study contemporary dance

>> No.49825687

He’s too old to be a tradie he’d be in his 40s by the time he’d make any significant money

>> No.49825693

trades no question
IT if you don't mind computers

>> No.49825706

>College hooked me up with Amazon and I got hired no problem. Try harder
and there we have it, where did your social skills come to play? you still had to do the interview like everyone else, except you passed because you stood out technically and got the job. the average cs grad goes to a state school recruited, where only local companies show up to career fairs.

also also you dont have to dox yourself, you can censor or crop any info that would identify you.

>> No.49825743

Pray about it to Christ until you feel you've settled into the right answer. It's going to depend on your personal situation.

>> No.49825787

Where did I complain about money? I'm just telling him that there's going to be 250 applicants to the positions he'll be applying for if he goes to uni, and he'll be at the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.49825866


>> No.49825978

you answered your own question. If you have 250 people for one position than your pay is going to tank.
Literally every position in STEM is understaffed and is worth going to uni for if you have the brains and finances for it.

>> No.49826019

Your job will not stop you from being a loser
Your job is only to get you more money and to a lesser extent fulfill your human need to work for goals which you perceive to be real and worthwhile
No one cares about your job if you have money, no one cares about your money if you have clout
Clout comes from being able to make people feel like they have status or that you're giving them worthwhile gifts

What will stop you from being a loser is living in a community with other like minded people with actual 3rd spaces and doing good things for that community
And by that I mean a local town in a small as-yet unofficial ethnostate

>> No.49826208

>state school
State school is more prestigious than WGU kek, WGU is meme college. Your college will have a recruitment board and big companies will be there. You still have to interview the normal process and you still have to have social skills

>> No.49826290

where did that anon say he went to WGU?

>> No.49826297

Just read books about esoteric money wisdom. That's what I did and I would never go back to wagie life.
There I just gave you a link to arguably the best book on how to succeed in life ever written. No purchase necessary you can either listen or read the book using this video, your choice.

>> No.49826299

there's nothing you can't teach yourself for free if you have the right grindset
however good luck breaking into anything CS related other than webdev shittery without a degree. maybe grind out some certs and try for cybersecurity

>> No.49826346

Corpo IT is fucking depressing.
I'm developing in a small company where everyone I know is my friend. The pay is slightly below average, but at least I enjoy going to it.
My friend went to corpo and he does make more money but ever since he went there I feel like I'm talking to a psychopath, like I lost a friend I once knew. I fully support him though

>> No.49826349

Sorry, I’m that anon, I went to get dinner so id change. I went to WGU

>> No.49826364

certs baby

>> No.49826409

It’s a different type of autism holy fuck
How are biztards still not being able to realize this

There is a type of quirky self deprecating type of autism. Ask this person what they are looking for doing at the weekend. Some kind of Ricky & Morty Marathon with their 3/10 partner

Then there is a reclusive functionally depressed type of autism
Ask the person what they will do on the weekend: getting drunk in their room, shitposting 4chan, no contacts in their phone

>> No.49826416

I don’t care about the other people at work, work exists to provide funding for my life nothing more. I want to extract the maximum amount of money for the least amount of effort, remote dev seems the best choice

>> No.49826447

what is the amazon to wgu connection? Ive seen 2-3 other people claim they went there as well. Since you are that anon:
> Your college will have a recruitment board and big companies will be there
Yes, a ton of big companies recruited at my state school, most of them were Fortune 30-200. None of them offered faang salary or faang benefits. Starting pay is 75k with 10-20k promotion after 2 years. I suspect this is the case for most state schools outside of the tech bubble.

>> No.49826482
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I had no friends after I left high school and university, you have no idea how much it revitalized my social life. Sure you can hang out with corpocrats but they will backstab you when there is a chance. You don't get the same level of brotherhood. My coworkers and I meet after work and we repair my car together, this is some very valuable stuff you don't always get in life

>> No.49826488

>what is the Amazon to WGU connection
No idea but they recruited the shit out of me, I had like four Amazon recruiters hitting me up at the same time
>none offered FAANG salary or benefits
Damn that sucks, maybe apply then?


>> No.49826496

I picked up a seasonal trade and in my spare time do a degree.
The trade isn't back breaking but will take it's toll and with my degree I can transition out at any point to managerial work in the industrial sector with both experience and education.

Figure out what's in demand where you live and the surrounding areas and latch into it. I picked a trade I can either coast on until I'm dead or lead.

>> No.49826505

I don’t hang out with corpos, I sit in my room and send emails and code, then I turn off my computer and hang out with my actual friends

>> No.49826531

I'm happy for you. You're spending half of your life with people you don't care about. But I don't want to tell you what to do, this is a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.49826554

Most people spend 90% of their life with people they don’t care about anon, it’s not a big deal

>> No.49826581

applications, even with referrals, barely matter at the entry level unless you stand out.
>Damn that sucks, maybe apply then?
Who isn't applying to these companies? Literally every CS grad in the country wants in on these jobs, its simple supply and demand.

>> No.49826590

There are teenagers that made millions longing Eth and Matic with a couple thousand dollars

I dont know any university friend that stuck to their major and made any life changing profits

>> No.49826594

My understanding is everyone who applies and meets minimum qualifications gets an interview dude

>> No.49826660

there are millions of applicants every cycle, they have to filter out 99% somehow. they do not have the manpower to interview everyone, especially at the entry level.

>> No.49826707
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You're going the wrong way anon, don't decide the next step to take. Instead decide the goal you want to achieve. Build the life you want to live in your head, then work backwards from there. Begin with the ending in mind.

>> No.49826716

if u can do math go to college.

>> No.49826743

The filter is the automated coding test and work simulation you have to take after you apply kek, are you just making shit up?

>> No.49826815

i think its worthwhile to get a degree, if only to avoid the awkward moment when someone invariable asks you where you graduated from. it won't happen very often at all, but sooner or later it will, and while nobody will judge you for the college you graduated from they _will_ judge you if you haven't graduated anything.

>> No.49826813

the filter is the resume screen dumbass, that alone denies a huge % of entry level applicants.

>> No.49826840

>requirements are xyz
>if meet requirements send automated test
>if not meet requirements reject

>> No.49826859

Who cares?

>> No.49826996

switching jobs in in your 30s should be normalized. im 30 and been working in banking for 7 years doing various auditing and regulatory type stuff. recently switched to a more junior role as an underwriter because i thinks its more fun and interesting and couldnt fathom getting pigeon-holed into doing the other stuff for the rest of my life. when i broke the news some people were surprised and thought i made some big career leap when in reality its same bank and same industry.

>> No.49827001

and what happens when there are a million applicants with similar requirements?

>> No.49827020

They send out a million automated tests which most retards fail because they can’t code (this is you)

>> No.49827027

i will judge you if you went to some shitty state school tbqh

>> No.49827134

i've worked in FAANG and some of the best devs ive ever worked with came from some nobody ass schools lol. but every dev from an ivy or w/e was really good. 100% guarantee

>> No.49827490

alright assume every single applicant gets the test, where does "social skills" apply? At this point, you've never spoken with an interviewer at all so being an extrovert means nothing.

>> No.49827549

Please don't fall for the trade meme, not that I actually care, but you will live a very depressing, insanely hard-working, literal back breaking life and I don't wish that on anyone. How's 25-30$ hr sound in blistering heat or trading your knees and back after only 10 years of work? It's fucking terrible.

Go back to school and get a GOOD DEGREE (CS, Nursing, Engineering, etc.). I've known people who went to school for shit like Biology and end up working in a lab making 25/hr in so-cal, it's fucking terrible. Do your research and get a decent degree, you are not too old. I went from Nursing to CS and I met cool people that were in their late 30s in the RN program that didn't really have much going for them up until that point. Stop treating yourself like shit and do something, you have to change your work ethic and habits. It's the only way to truly change and turn your life around. I repeat: THERE ARE PEOPLE IN SCHOOL IN THEIR MID 30's. Stop listening to faggots like Sam Hyde who tells retarded NEETs to become plummers, it's absolutely insane. He genuinely tells people CS is a terrible thing to pursue, he's rich off crypto and insanely sheltered.

CS is the best degree you could possibly get, now and for the next few decades, that being said. It is fucking hard, you have to put in the work. You don't have to be a genius, but have the will and work ethic to grind the fuck away.

>> No.49827631

Been teaching myself web development for almost a year now. I think I might go back to TAFE and get a diploma in cyber security. I’m 22 so I don’t really want to go back and study for a year, I’ll be 23 1/2 when I finish it. Thoughts?

>> No.49827668

If you already have none of those then you are already a loser, I think you should buy a land in the metaverse so you get buried there maybe you get some money in your grave when the market is back to gains kek

>> No.49827672

better late than never

>> No.49827705

You're 22, you're so young, you have no clue.

>> No.49828046

After you’ve proven technical competency via the tests, you get a several hour long interview 75% of which is behavioral

>> No.49828364

Start your own small service business you own and operate yourself. Steamcleaning, lawn mowing, pool cleaner, fence builder, shit like that you can do yourself, get paid cash, build your customer base, expand or stay a one man shop as you see fit. Just do your own thing, don’t work for anyone else except your customers.

>> No.49828431

Degreecucks compete with degree factories (Europe, India) for entry level positions. If you're a mutt, you will be a debt slave.

Tradescucks compete with high schoolers and illegals. You'll likely need education if you want to earn above $40k/yr and not be worked like a mule.

Both can be comfy if you know how to get away with being lazy at work. The best case scenario is a high paying job where you do little; those opportunities are more commonly found with college degrees, but even a tradie with a dedication to being lazy could achieve such a luxury if they learn the right skills and make themselves valuable.

TL;DR- Do some research on a job and find out how to be the most desirable. Work hard for a year then slowly taper off while still having needed skills and knowledge

>> No.49828694
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CS degree
Electrical engineering

These will always have worker shortages and you'll get paid nice. Fuck trade wageing unless you're operating machinery. Save your back

>> No.49829349
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trade, don't fall for the millennial trap

>> No.49829729

>worried about finishing at 23
lol. lmao.

Dude, I'm nearly 30 and I still have zero idea what I want to do and I have no kind of degree or anything. If you're only 22 and you actually have a solid idea of wanting to go do something like that (and have the follow through to do it) then consider yourself lucky. Go do it if you want, man, you're young as fuck. Don't coast on the idea that you're young though as 25 comes quick as does 30, but my point is that you're hardly going to be middle aged when you finish at 23.

>> No.49829882

Go for a trade and become a sparky. They honestly live such a fucking crazy life. Half of the ones I know make absolute bank and go to the pub every 2 days and buy $300 bags for shits and gigs.

>> No.49830476

who gives a fuck i guarantee all your 'friends' at work are grifting leftist shit cunts who would have a denunciation rally for you if they knew you posted on 4cahn

>> No.49830593

Ultrasound technician.

>> No.49831308

do you think you are intelligent/cunning enough to stick out among your peers?