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File: 23 KB, 256x256, Shiba_Inu_coin_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49823798 No.49823798 [Reply] [Original]

SHIBagholders, it's time to stop SHIBagholding. It doesn't matter how much you SHIBaghold, your SHIBags are going to zero.

>> No.49823913

still bagholding. what nigga?
just bought 12k bone too

>> No.49824008
File: 42 KB, 540x540, 1635368254173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still hodling. Actually want this to go lower so i can slurp more.

>> No.49824151

SHIB will be $10 per coin in the future, you'd have to be insane not to pick up a bag now while it's so cheap

>> No.49824238

of all the stuff out there that's down 90% and actually has a future, why would you decide to baghold shib?
it's a two year old pump and dump meme trash that we used to milk money from reddit.

>> No.49824415

>how does market cap work

>> No.49824452

oh shibaggiesssss you are shibagholding all the way to zeroooo

>> No.49824528

SHIB is currently very undervalued, there's no reason it can't go to $10 per coin and from then on even more than that. Don't be surprised if you see $100 SHIB in a few years. You could have been a multi-billionaire for a few dollars but you're too stubborn to support SHIB. Have fun staying poor, I'm going to be more SHIB

>> No.49824530

>that reddit used to milk money from us.
Ftfy hth.

>> No.49824561

I'm just wating for it to go up a bit so I can sell and make some money desu

>> No.49824588


>> No.49824790

Nothing to say? I've already added more SHIB to my stack. You will rope when you see the price next year and realize you could've bought but didn't.

>> No.49824869
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>> No.49825219

It can't go to $10 because its going to $0.
Shibaggies. Kek.

>> No.49825404

SHIBagholders, stop SHIBagholding, your SHIBags are going to zero.

>> No.49826136

Took 10k profits in October and sitting on 30million SHIB because who the fuck cares. Welcome to the casino faggot

Would not surprise me if all this FUD was coordinated by Musk and his goons to protect a precious dog meme vs another dog meme. Might as well be a retard telemarketer cage match at this point. KYS

>> No.49826312

Elon is definitely getting people to make these threads, every day a new "SHIBag" thread? Who hates SHIB this much?

>> No.49826353

there's no reason it should grow in value

>> No.49826385
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>> No.49828029

it is mathematically impossible for shib to go to $0

>> No.49828136

1) I believe in meme magic
2) Already took profit so I don't mind restarting my pile
3) All the FUD on SHIB just makes me want to buy it more. If SHIB was truly dead there wouldn't even be FUD threads on it, it would just disappear.
4) SHIB is so dirt cheap that low gamble of 100 bucks is fine enough price of admission to the carnival.

>> No.49828817

no reason it shouldnt faggot

>> No.49829684

rofl, it's already worth nothing, what's even the point of selling? Holding to 0, thanks