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49822647 No.49822647 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49822672

Why are you screaming? Please keep it down.

>> No.49822693

did the whale vote no?

>> No.49822702

They can do whatever they want. Welcome to decentralisation.

>> No.49822722
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I think "defi" is scam

>> No.49822741
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nice defi you've got there

>> No.49822742

Or is democracy?

>> No.49822821

Why didn't the whale just rug as soon as he heard about this?

>> No.49822868

The minute they even considered a vote they froze the account. Like yeah lol just show up to your court hearing but we won’t charge you, look for you, or send police.

>> No.49822928

Juno did it first. PoS isn't immutable or all that decentralized even.

>> No.49822945

>The minute they even considered a vote they froze the account.
Sounds like centralization to me. Account being frozen isn't something allowed under decentralized environments.

>> No.49822957

>Jamaican FUD
It's unequivocally over

>> No.49822991
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>> No.49822995

Most based jew in crypto. Prove me wrong.

>> No.49823030
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>It's your keys
>Still not your coins
Fucking toppest of keks

>> No.49823070
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well, he is true to his jewish nature. so I guess he is based.

>> No.49823080

this fud is bullish af

>> No.49823125
File: 729 KB, 540x897, 1655624877167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>load ze Jamaica fud

>> No.49823130

>unregulated market

>> No.49823160

No shit, sol is a centeralized VC scam. The whale is probably an insider that got on the other insiders bad side and they're going to fuck him. Any outsider buying this garbage that restarts its blockchain once a month is a complete retard, even dogecoin is more of a legitimate project than sol is.

>> No.49823175

>that pic
fuckin kek

>> No.49823188

Solend has fuck all to do with the blockchain. This is basically the drawn out equivalent of BNB or ETH being responsible directly for rugpulls because of people who issued these tokens. You cant have a blockchain without protocols having the freedom to build how they want. This includes protocols that are centralized on a chain.

>> No.49823221

Does a tool like that actually exist? lol

>> No.49823268

Imagine owning Solana or supporting anything to do with that guy. You are contributing to the destruction of crypto.

>> No.49823288

Anon I...

>> No.49823291
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The whale wasnt allowed to vote

>> No.49823328

The problem is it's a centralized lending service, Solend, built on top of a decentralized environment.

People have this illogical belief that as long as it's happening onchain, then it's decentralized. In reality, with all defi lending protocols (that I'm aware of), you're depositing your crypto into pools that are out of your control. Meaning that the moment you deposit, you take it on faith that the devs won't rug you like this.

>> No.49823364
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It has nothing to do with Solana kek. Can't you read? SOLEND. It's like blaming Ethereum for something happening on Aave. If some whale decided to deposit their funds into a smart contract, it's not theirs to begin with. Smart contracts can be censored and manipulated.

>> No.49823394

>Decentralized environment
Nobody tell him.

>> No.49823412
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spectacular shitshow
btw the 'dao' was created specifically for this vote a day ago

>> No.49823430

I know

The point is broadly applicable to all of defi though

>> No.49823497

>the 'dao' was created specifically for this vote a day ago

Kek, that's fucked!

>> No.49823573
File: 49 KB, 720x707, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this a rare sam pics thread, post em

>> No.49823602

Is that shooped?

>> No.49823654

literally coming out off your ass

>> No.49823656

Why do Jews have that hairstyle?
Is it a semitic thing?
Because if you look at the Arabs they don't have that curly hair, it seems to be primarily Jewish trait.

>> No.49823680

If i were that whale inwould make sure their shitty network stays down permanently.

>> No.49823732

when you are inbreed you have defects
their follicles are not round but elliptical
so the hair comes out curly

>> No.49823841

Actually true, at least nobody can make a fake vote to steal all your Dogecoin, kek. Solana is so fucking retarded

>> No.49823895

You will never see a truly decentralised blockchain working at scale in your lifetime.

>> No.49823897
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>> No.49823993

not your keys…

>> No.49824071

>he doesn't know Radix
RIP (rest in poorness)

>> No.49824626


lol lmao.

>> No.49824723

reminder that any crypto that has "governance" means that your funds can be taken at any time through a governance proposal. cash is king

>> No.49824763

Looks like a pajeet more than a jew

>> No.49824927

Solana should have died months ago, fuck (((them)))

>> No.49825021
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looks like solana is going down again
>tech sucks
>price will collapse anyway
people unironically holding this crap deserve death by firing squad

>> No.49825417

Shorting Solana right now. Once the word of this spreads out and whales realize what's up this scam will die

>> No.49825465

I have a feeling theres a lot of scheming and manipulation behind the scenes with cliques and allies and the whole bit. A plot that wouldn't surprise me is that Celsius is the single largest holder of SOL and is looking to enact revenge on gigajew Sam by obliterating SOL on the market. Thus they did this to prevent It.

>> No.49826114
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Bros the old crypto community would never let this slide. They would be blacklist completely.
Its a shame crypto lost its soul and all these midwit newfag retards are cheering this on as long as their bags pump so they can get le lambo.

>> No.49826137

ye olde crypto community forked ETH

>> No.49826168

who still unironically uses this chain KEK
this is why you stay on Ethereum. And whoever complains about gas fees, Matic is a thing retards

>> No.49826178

hold up, how is this possible? any giga brains out there that explain how this happened? are they forking solana? i don't get it.

>> No.49826408

lol this is Juno all over again
nice DeFi(*)

>> No.49826522

the whale didn't own the chain.

Solana is "decentralized".
If the few participants committed to the network say what goes, it goes, whether or not it is good for the network.
The idea is, they will at least in good faith do what is good for the network because they're resource commitment would be negatively affected otherwise.
Well, those node operators basically just decided that a single hand (wallet) holding XX SOL is now just S.O.L. and the potentially negative press of a cyrpto network being centralized enough to lock down wallets is more healthy for the network than allowing that wallet to do ANYTHING other than hodl.

Not your chain, not your keys.

>> No.49826564

Democratic socialism in action folks. Bitcoin's days are numbered. Anarchist coins just can't compete.

>> No.49826572

i dumped all my solana today, better safe than sorry. (I put it in chainlink short squeeze)

>> No.49826955

Here's the poll:

>> No.49827026

>hell yeah unregulated financial products
>fuck paying taxes and stuff

>> No.49827170
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This is why Algorand will kill solana, avax and cardano.
This purge was necessary

>> No.49827592

Just bring normal staking back.

>> No.49827634

It's literally decentralized finance, democratic vote determined the outcome. I know you trumpchuds don't understand democracy or voting but this is how it works, BIden won by the way, there was no fraud.

>> No.49827640

kek decentralization sisters what is happening???

>> No.49827778
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commie coin confirmed

>> No.49827815
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Oh jamaica bros

>> No.49827816
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alameda is into some weird stuff

>> No.49827832


>> No.49828008

This. Not sure why ppl can't read

>> No.49828188
File: 80 KB, 1275x751, 1651047061140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

integrity beyond reproach, Biden would approve

>> No.49828218

What does Solana have to do with any of that?

>> No.49828321


Because SoLEND is run by Solana Labs. It's the same entity.

>> No.49828480

>decentralized btw
i'm short till GMT has a $1M market cap

>> No.49828593

>literally decentralized finance, democratic vote determined the outcome
Nice democracy you’ve got there when out of 1.15 million votes , 1 million are from a single account kek but i guess your smooth liberal brain can’t compute this much…

>> No.49828733

commies are going to eat the rich ie the biggest supporter ie goodbye project

>> No.49829016

Seethe trumpcucks, he lost and you lost this vote too. You fuckers don't seem to understand how democracy works, theres no rigged electoral college to bail you chuds out here either.

>> No.49829204

is this real or made up

>> No.49829256
File: 384 KB, 1080x2400, vote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One guy with 84% voting power literally sealed this turdfart on his own

>> No.49829307

>Celsius is the single largest holder of SOL
it’s like 2008 all over again. Except it’s more than just Bear Stearns going to the wall this time.

>> No.49829690

curly hair is really the result of elliptical follicles. its why pubic hair is universally curly regardless of your head hair. those follicles are elliptical.
unsure what this has to do with inbreeding

>> No.49830296

This is how democracy works anon. Are you against democracy?

>> No.49830316

Niggers also have that kinky hair. Jews must have some African admixture.

>> No.49830330

I cant remember who, was it Gann? Got called into the president's office and asked nicely not to crash the grain market via winning trades

>> No.49830349

Literally european neanderthals headed south mixed with africans headed north in israel in prehistory

>> No.49830444

that's why i hold dinosaur coin. i don't care if it forks out a thousand times

>> No.49830493
File: 31 KB, 680x686, 1626892016514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what would make this even funnier? if that guy dumps his whole stack now KEK.

>> No.49830554

>Bank of Jamaica
KEK. Who's the bank Governor, Ja Rule?