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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 8 KB, 300x300, request.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4978960 No.4978960 [Reply] [Original]

who here getting REQ'd right now?

>> No.4978969

I bought at 38k thinking it was the dip.

>> No.4978984

Me I bought in at the ath™ and now I've lost everything.

>> No.4979002

where do I long this with 100x leverage?

>> No.4979009

Why, it'll get higher and higher, this coin has potential

>> No.4979019

stop shilling im not buying your req bags

>> No.4979025

It's actually holding up well.. how new are you?

>> No.4979031

If you bought with ETH I guess you're getting reqqq'd if you bought with BTC, it's been pretty steady

>> No.4979033

>who here getting REQ'd right now?
people who don't own any req

>> No.4979035

It's doubled from 3 days ago, what the hell are you even talking about

>> No.4979036

$14 by 2019

>> No.4979050

I bought at 0.11 because I'm not a retard.

>> No.4979068

Q4 2018

>> No.4979119

Wow me too haha
I fell for the memes. Link and req. So I bought both.
Look for an entry into link at 22 cents though. I wonder when it dips.

>> No.4979121

how the fuck do you get rekt on req? Literally just don't sell you retarded newfag.

>> No.4979506

You lost everything on a one cent dip?

>> No.4979708

I bought at 0.06

>> No.4980521

Ya'll are idiots. This coin has been holding pretty steady. Wait till testnet drops fags.

>> No.4980560

You guys think this will dip after the next news drops like it did on Friday? I want to buy more but don't want to buy high like a fool.

>> No.4980563

Bought at the ath

>> No.4980565
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Just wait until the chinese wake up.

>> No.4980757

just stfu it's just following the 18c line in satoshis. It will moon with next or the next pump and dump. Which is probably tomorrow and probably the reason for this FUD, Pajeet.

>> No.4980806

you fuckers keep saying its gonna pump, pump from what

testnet isn't gonna drop this week

>> No.4980870

you dont know this faggot, shut the fuck up

>> No.4980895
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my cock is going to req you non req holding cucks

>> No.4980925

neither do you, fucker

shit's gonna be bleeding all week, you must be new to REQ

>> No.4981046
File: 76 KB, 504x767, 1512030188958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't invest because my verification hasn't gone through

>> No.4981091

It's not falling... I think smart money is competing at trickle accumulating from earlier bagholders and buyers who are selling with the mentality of "I got 50-100% gains have to sell!". Eventually sell pressure will ease up and it will break out. It had several downwards trends and it was caught every time. If it was going to crash into the dust then it would have happened already. There are people who are trying to wait for a big dip but there's too much interest and some of them fear missing out so they buy any microdip of 5-10% instead of waiting for a hypothetical 20% dip.

I doubt accumulation pressure will cease before sell pressure ceases, and once it starts rising again, those accumulators are going to want to buy as quickly as possible before it rises even further, causing another big spike the one over 60% in 24 recently.

>> No.4981121

another big spike like the one over 60% recently*

>> No.4981122

if your bitch saw my gains so far, she would fucking suck my dick infront of you cuck faggot

>> No.4981155
File: 12 KB, 228x219, 1513041578275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has nothing to do with the test net, there are P&D groups actively working this coin atm! The news just gives them fuel to fomo, the fud is to get you to sell so they can rebuy. Fuck you are dense.
FYI the test net news might not do much, if the pajeets stop P&Ding REQ then we will see what happens t the price, for now it is getting a lot of attentio9n and fake volume from it. Hopefully, it doesn't die once they leave, some do, some don't. POWER had the same thing happen for example.
Either way you will get a lot of ''buy the rumour sell the news'' posts the day of the news as we know the news already from their roadmap and this great if they succeed in achieving it but might not make it moon. Maybe it will though! Crypto is weird, depends how much attention it has, a fair bit from the blockfolio news feed and things but half of that was pajeet fomo. we shall see, it will definitely be a 500mil market cap coin by Q2 of its roadmap. Especially if it gets more partnerships and real-world use cases in the books. If not sooner if it provides some partnership/use cases with real-world things. Now stfu and stop giving the pajeets cheap bags. Actually no, give them cheap bags or they won't pump it for me later :P they have numbers to hit, if the maths doesn't add up they bugger off.

>> No.4981174

Keep selling off new fags! I'm trading up my stack :)

>> No.4981175

If by smart money you mean pajeets prepping for a P&D then yes.

>> No.4981185

she aint suckin on no tiny little shrimp dick, bruh

>> No.4981231

yeah must feel shitty when she rejects you every night, then comes to my place and licks my nuts faggot. have fun being poor.

>> No.4981250

sauce on PnD group

>> No.4981409


You post absolute crap.

No pump radar that I follow has detected a $REQ pump.

As per cryptometrics website + redditmetrics, request network has one of the largest growing communities in the WHOLE of crypto. It's organic as well.

You're just a cunt desu.

>> No.4981463

I’m holding a few thousand req for the long term. It’s a gamble but I think the tech behind it is legit long term. If these god damn dotheads would stop fucking with the price it would be a steady slow growth imo

>> No.4981476

yeah this cunt actually got me paranoid for a sec. turns out hes just a homo.

>> No.4981516
File: 87 KB, 1392x686, pumpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from yesterdays one, you literally had people saying they were doing it in threads on here. there was also a thread earlier saying they are doing it again later or tomorrow. Maybe its all bs but it sure looks like P&D to me! whether they do another one I can't say but REQ is good either way. It is just nice to flip stacks. the price might go down if/when they do abandon the coin though. Maybe this is why its going down now, you can't really tell. It should go up in the long term though. Lots of fomo on plebbit and its hit blockfolio news feed a few times so and its plebbit group is growing.Looking good whatever happens. not to mention its roadmap is for 12-year-old and civ5 players so yeah. Its kid/bazinga friendly :P
t. I was going to sell at the top earlier but I had to go to sleep, now I am up again and cant sleep holding bags hoping it doesn't go down. I expect another P&D or ill have to wait till news but either way it will probably go up eventually. Shit happens. Bullish REQ is bullish but thterre is such a thing as too muc fomo, especially on here, look at LINK and the state of that now. I'll sell if it hits 800 stats again with reduced volume, if the volume stays high (above 750btc/24-hour) im holding as it will probably go up. Might sell the news as it could do a POWR.

>> No.4981549
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>> No.4981562
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>> No.4981617


God, you're such a freak.

>> No.4981619
File: 207 KB, 1355x988, 1512967646744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they had 17btc walls up and they put some 1million and 500k exactly after laughing about it in chat. They were obviously taking the piss on discord about it for lulz.

REQ is awesome, sell your bags to the pajeets so I can get my pump on.

>> No.4981665
File: 199 KB, 740x696, 1512255675516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, nobody listens. You will still get your bags ;)

>> No.4981762


So what do you want people to do? Keep pulling in and out of positions? It's IMPOSSIBLE to time the market. You pull out of a position now, in 3 days time it could spike up. You're better off leaving your money in good coins and just letting it ride.

The only other way is to spend 16 hours sitting in front of your computer watching graphs on binance, which is pretty depressing, lonely and incredibly stressful.

You could've spent every hour of every day for years trying to trade ETH when it was $5-10, then suddenly it just blows up to $40 and then $400. What would you have done in that case? Bet you're an expert trader and would've managed to find every dip huh?

>> No.4981766

God, I love that pic. Wish I had one that worked with phone background

>> No.4981773
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>> No.4981826

I do the 16 hours a day watching charts thing. Bit of an autist. Charts looking a bit green up until that 1150 sell wall atm. Guess that's a good buy range 1150-1050. Pretty small wall though. I think you should all buy and break through!
Looks like more accumulation rather than big pump.

>> No.4981901
File: 116 KB, 635x635, 1506891360614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, but yeah I mostly just hold. I sometimes flip the pumps to make some satoshis. Mostly I watch them for fun. I will get bored and find a new hobby next month most likely.

>> No.4981946

Right, I am going to watch and learn, you ass burgers are on your own.

>> No.4981955

yeah, ok nvm, you are a faggot

>> No.4982021

Anybody knows why are we dippong this time? No? I guess I gonna hold then

>> No.4982057
File: 70 KB, 1170x742, 1512949925617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4982119

People fomoing into LTC and ETH

>> No.4982217
File: 613 KB, 1024x1024, dont-panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the btc chart. Accumulation between 1150-1050 going on. buy ~1050 and sell as close to 1150 as you can get is whats happening (i'm holding in case it turns out to be a genuine breakaway or a big pump, will sell at 950 stats or 1200 ish maybe). ETH chart is just mirroring that but with the rise in price of ETH being factored in. How much of it is natural idk. binance bots balance the ETH and BTC exchanges so the price doesn't vairy too much plus you will have some wolves and whales accumulating. Could just be a few whales and not a group. The 17btc buy/sell walls were a P&D group yesterday most likely.
Anyway fuck it, I am going to go and shitpost somewhere else. Ya'll watch out for them whales and don't fomo! HODL :P

>> No.4982274

BTC keeps shitting itself and the market is crazy.

REQ wants to break away.

>> No.4982396
File: 80 KB, 540x568, popcorn_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism. I think you are probably underage.
>he called the file name pumpy.
time for bed you little bitch

>> No.4982404
File: 19 KB, 400x386, fat_guy_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does, BTCs being a cock and there are obviously some pajeets accumulating req, whether its to dump it or for REQs IOTA/XLM like moon mission idk. REQ needs a few more steps on its roadmap if you ask me but even a successful colossus will give investors a lot of confidence and who knows what else is in the works. We shall see.

>> No.4982437
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34 and at least I can link properly ;)

>> No.4982448

DCA at $.06

So no, I'm comfy.

>> No.4982530

Looks like another ETH shitstorm brewing.

>> No.4982630

You guys fucked with Oldfag, and he pushed your shit in. Simple as that.

>> No.4982671

Is it safe yet?

>> No.4982678
File: 60 KB, 1014x1024, 1508328262509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 15 and 16 ETH sell walls are probably binances to stop ETh shooting up past `19c as ETh itself rises in price. Otherwise, the ETH chart would give better sell value than the BTC one so you just buy on btc and sell on eth then sell your eth for btc and then buy more req. Free money if they don't regulate it with bots and huge walls (and all those multiple transactions of the same amount maybe unless that's somebody's bot spread betting), even after the transaction fees. There prob will be whales using it to their advantage somewhere in the mix. SO MANY NUMBERS!