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49818279 No.49818279 [Reply] [Original]

real answers only. no LARPing!

>> No.49818316

around august 2017, bought and sold a few times on the way up and luckily managed to sell just after the top.

>> No.49818500

2021, I wanted to buy in 2017 and was talked out of buying it. now I feel it’s too late, I was in school still back then working a job aswell and had the market cap was much lower, I also had a few thousand to invest.

>> No.49818529

I had enough for a few btc

>> No.49818592

2022. I bought my first bit of Bitcoin yesterday. Already up $30 this is cool

>> No.49818921


>> No.49818945

2014, but only 0.1 lol.

>> No.49818947

2018 dip

>> No.49818965


>> No.49818972

Between March and May 2013. I think it was May. It's been a wild ride, almost a decade now.

>> No.49818993

mined in 2012, bought in early 2013
bsv is the real bitcoin

>> No.49819075


>> No.49819104

2018 to buy some LSD on the dark web

>> No.49819114


>> No.49819119

2013 but just to play also mined in 2010 and my father threw that computer.

>> No.49819204

lmao that pic


>> No.49819641

2002. I am rich

>> No.49819792

2017 august... sold some csgo skins for btc, but really small amounts maybe 30 dollars at most... was 16 back then

>> No.49819801

I think it was ‘14 or
Only a couple hundred dollars worth
Bought eth at $8 in ‘15 or ‘16

>> No.49819851

I think it was 2009, possibly 2010

>> No.49819886

I only found out about bitcoin because I liked playing online poker, after black friday most poker sites shut down. I was doing a search for online poker and found seals with clubs and they used bitcoin to get around the black friday bans so I would buy it to play poker online

>> No.49819942

late 2015. my goal was to get 21 bitcoin 1 millionth of the total supply

>> No.49819962
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2012 or 2013 I spent it all on drugs though

>> No.49819991

In 2013 I had .3 to buy drugs on black market reloaded. Used it all then bought it to "invest" in 2017. Cashed out April at 42k

>> No.49820014

i bought during the peak in 2013 and was mostly at a loss until 2017. since then i am up a lot

>> No.49820056

2015, I was interested because I could buy a vpn with it. Now I’m interested in Monero because I want to actually use crypto

>> No.49820085


I spent 2016-2017 being a leet epic daytrader when i should have just held. Then in 2018 at the top i got fed up and joined team hodler all the fucking way down. Bought more all the way to 3k.

Then 2020 came and i started selling as it rocketed up. Got out fully around 40k. I paid my taxes.
Held one bitcoin that i told myself id never sell until a million. Been holding it still.

Just started buying bitcoin again for the first time since 2018. I grabbed .2 at 22k

>> No.49820138

Received some in 2009. It used to be all over /g/. Guys would post about their gpu mining rigs in their garages for BTC and everyone would pile on telling them they would rope themselves and never recoup the costs of the rigs.

>> No.49820142

April 2016. Now ex-wife took everything, in the process I was able to liquidate some assets and put that straight into satoshis. Judge at the Court of Equity told me I wasted "what I had left" and that she would let me keep it.

>> No.49820206

September 2017 newfag

>> No.49820211

that's a win and a half, smart move

>> No.49820249

the year silkroad came about.

>> No.49820293
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i mined until i think 2013 then paid $900 or so after that, rather than commit like $8k for TH mining equipment. this turned out to be the better decision for only a very short while, so i should have gone for the equipment instead, but i didn't reailze it would blow up into that big of a fad in 2017. i sold the top tick and never looked back.
fads are capable of killing absolutely anything, no matter how good. as it turns out though, ten years later, no good has actually come. nobody has quietly advanced blockchain technology in any meaningful way. it's interesting but ultimately does not have real utility, and i think the reason for this is because it requires distributing the ledger and forcing all counterparties to agree and all that.
this simply is not consistent with how money works. this is a credit system, and credit is useful, but credit is ultimately best held in the hands of investment banks, ideally the free-market kind but literally even the US FRS is better than crypto is. truly a disappointment but i'm old enough to know when to let something go and move on.
in the time bitcoin has been collapsing, i've realized 3x gains on oil and am stacking REITs, a smidge of US tech, and transitioning into EU assets. eurozone gridlock will inhibit their ability to wreck their markets for the forseeable future. nothing is in the way of the US right now, we will skid right past them off the road and ride the dirt shoulder for a while.

>> No.49820312


>> No.49820321


>> No.49820389

February of 2017 but went pretty much all-in on ETH at 15 just before the EEA was unveiled.

>> No.49820399
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this is probably still a viable business model for the future. you can create a whole fake casino online, ask people to deposit to play, and just skirt every remaining law that exists around giving them their winnings back, indefinitely stringing them along, and still not have broken any law in the end after you've gone bankrupt and vanished.
last game was called "celsius" unfortunately the servers are down.
kick the habit, man.

>> No.49820426

hope this is a lesson for everyone. i've done this on shit before too. whenever this happens, you weren't smart, you were an idiot. you got unbelievably lucky.
learn to recognize the pattern of your own behavior which you exhibited while going into the asset in the first place. if you see it again,

>> No.49820487

I don't remember the year but it was back when the price was around $300.
Unfortunately I didn't buy much and sold early too so I didn't actually get rich. Bought and sold over the years and my biggest investment was when it was around $40,000 and I didn't sell when it went to so I guess I'm just waiting for the rebound now

>> No.49820495

2014 on coinbase. technically i had around 1 btc or so but i just used it to buy drugs. i tried to trade around that time and was totally clueless, didn't start again until 2 years ago. i remember seeing the btc whitepaper posted on reddit before the corporations turned it into a cat picture/onlyfans whore emporium

>> No.49820557

April 2011

>> No.49820611

2021 but I first owned it in 2010.

>> No.49821858

Been buying monthly since around 2014, mostly to buy drugs. haven't actually saved a single fucking bit of it though. i reckon i have spent around £20,000 on drugs in that time, and have literally 0 net worth. I hate myself a good bit.

>> No.49821876

owned about 5 btc at peak
lost about half gambling
made most of it back trading peercoin
parked most of it in peercoin
worth about 2 btc in 2016-2017tish
in the midst of trading on btc-e, exchange freezed
get out with like a 90% haircut
flip the ppc back to btc for another 90% haircut
left with like a hundred bucks
would've sold btc forever at $10k for sure
always thought it was disgusting that btc was pumped as high as it was
My only regrets are that I almost maxed out my credit cards to start mining in 2014 but parents talked me out of it. And I also wrote off ETH as just another shitcoin - which it is but never thought it would be so valuable. Will never buy crypto ever again but am happy to watch it collapse. It is a cancer on society.

>> No.49821888

Literally bought the top when it hit $1000 because I was 18 and had no idea what I was doing.

>> No.49822199

2018 and i will get more in 2023 when we see the noice flat bottom!

>> No.49822230


yea, I bought the top. laugh at me

>> No.49822277

2021, bought for 31k, sold @ 60k, then bought again @ 30k and sold again at 65k

>> No.49822440

Never have.
I collect BAT through Brave.
I had a small stack of XMR that I sold at about $400. Made over 100%.
All in GME. Salivating over XMR price now.

>> No.49822667

2014 top, been bagholding ever since

>> No.49822818

omg you fucking retard, i bought because i saw the potential and i could afford it. got nothing to do with luck you nigger.
with bitcoin, buying tops is a viable strategy, it always bails you out.
the important thing is to buy in at some point.

>> No.49823031

>i saw the potential
no, you didn't. there isn't any.
>it always bails you out.
you're going to suddenly be poor at the worst possible time.

>> No.49823039

April 2017

>> No.49823085

I got .05 from a fountain back in the day

>> No.49823184

Maybe 2012 to use silk road. The fbi seized one of my bitcoin I left on there when they shut down silk road. I have only ever lost money in crypto overall.

>> No.49823297

June 2011

>> No.49823359

No LARPing.
I spent tens of millions of $ in today's money on drugs, mainly on weed.

>> No.49823669

i was a gold pilot for a WoW account and got paid in bitcoin and thought it was a another games currency

>> No.49823982
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>> No.49824410

Never have. I will only buy when it hits 1$.

>> No.49824464

Holy based

>> No.49824479

late 2021

>> No.49824635

June 2017 or something like that. I have sold it and haven't bought any since 2018, preferring ETH.

>> No.49824659
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Man i wish i had money or access to this shit back then, i've been wanting to buy in forever but was dead broke until 2017, first got into eth,ltc,btc,xmr, after 2020 i sold my bags and bought link,ada,bsc with 50% payed taxes and have some money left to invest in other things after the recession.

>> No.49824703


>> No.49824750
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>> No.49824906


>> No.49824982

ahahahaahahaha gj.
Ex wife texting you at all about it?

>> No.49825943

March 2020.

>bought very little because as a newfag I expected it to not go up too much.
>bought a bunch of shitcoins instead.
>saw BTC rise and rise and my shitcoins barely moved
>sold my shitcoins for BTC December 2020
>next month alt-season started
>the relative price of that btc became +120k (now +33k)
>lucked out by buying cake for 40-50 cents and bnb for 40 bucks
>made out even in relative terms
I have learned nothing btw.

>> No.49826025

>bought 5 bitcoin at ~$2 each in like 2012
>traded them for a fallout new vegas key on a key website that started accepting crypto

>> No.49826046

based intentional schizo disinformation spreader. it's the only way to escape the botnet.

>> No.49826122

who's the guy from picrel

>> No.49826158

>and transitioning into EU assets.
kek. Ray Dalio just shorted europe with 5.7 bil
god luck anon

>> No.49826712

April 2013. First buy was around 30-40$

>> No.49826721

December of 2013.

>> No.49826739

i bought a few in 2014 and 2015. sold at $1k

>> No.49827044

2013 and buy some weed

>> No.49827094

In January 2013 I bought multiple BTC and spent it all on hash, not keeping a single satoshi. I had 7-8 BTC at one point, not exactly a million dollars worth today but would have been life changing money either way.

>> No.49827106

i wanna say 2011
but 2012/2013 is more realistic

>> No.49827132

2012, didn't buy but mined

>> No.49827181

I bought at the same time and had the same goal.
I would’ve got there easily if I hadn’t got wrecked by a bunch of shitcoins.
Even now I’m holding a bunch of Link in the hopes that I’ll catch up in sats eventually.
I’m also starting to DCA BTC again now that it’s at 20k again.

>> No.49827236
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>> No.49827284

>Judge at the Court of Equity
What unholy white cuckoldry is this

>> No.49827383

I saw it being talked about on /b/ probably sometime between 2009-2012. I think it was about $3.

Anyways, I was adamant that they were all a bunch of retards and completely wasting their time mining that shit. Then a few years later I bought some BTC and spent it all on 25i-nbome and tripped my balls off.

>> No.49827622

Bought like 5 in the 2015 dip, held it all the way to the 2017 peak and sold at 16k. I wasn't even happy because I could've bought so much more. Only have about 9 now.

>> No.49827670

Bought? Never.
I mined 2 btc back in 2011.
and sold it in 2012

>> No.49827696

Was thinking of buying it in 2015, but I was lazy and too stupid to figure it out, so I ended up buying it later in 2017

>> No.49827896

Around 2013, I was studying economics in college and wrote a short paper on Bitcoin and "virtual currencies." If only I spent my job money on BTC instead of weed... Probably never would've needed a job post college

>> No.49827982

2012... and I didn't buy enough

>> No.49828311

2017 when some kid in my highschool was telling everybody to buy bitcoin right before it exploded
hope you’re doing good Chris, thanks

>> No.49828644

take your toys and go to the other sandbox to play. This is for big boys. Unless you are a LARPing NSA

>> No.49828653

2016. But I sold and bought back in

>> No.49828860

2017 for like 3k

>> No.49830055

DCA'd 2020 Aug-Nov. Holding