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49808925 No.49808925 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way to make money off foot cucks and other weak men that these easy times have created?

>> No.49809123

Have sexy feet
Learn basic photography and lighting

>> No.49809130

The market has already been cornered

>> No.49809156

She looks so much like a blown out party slut. I feel bad for everyone that has to live as this as their first crush

>> No.49809157

god teachers are such whores. every time

>> No.49809172

She definitely fucks her students.

>> No.49809210

Looks like elementary. She fucks their Chad older brother

>> No.49809215

why wear yoga pants if you're a teacher. Why not just wear normal pants when you teach kids? Why would the admin even allow it?

>> No.49809290


Its everywhere now. Just a complete collapse of standards. I work with PhD's who wear leggings 3-4 days a week.

>> No.49809314

At worst, too afraid to be accused of sexual harassment if they bring it up, at best afraid of being accused of somehow being misogynist or a "slut shamer" or some bullshit. Many such cases.

>> No.49809315

Nah female teachers fuck younger students because they're the alpha in the relationship. Makes them feel powerful.

>> No.49809565

t. right wing homo

>> No.49809596

those are skinny jeans, not yoga pants, incel

>> No.49809620

t. left wing tranny

>> No.49809636

>t.left wing groomer

>> No.49809670

>getting fucked in the shit pipe by a fat dick is le based
Stop worshipping manly men

>> No.49809730

Yes, being homosexual is abhorrent. Tell me more.

>> No.49809732

but why? Why wear clothing that accentuates your ass and inner thighs when you're teaching kids? What's the point? Is she such a whore that being a whore is just her default mind-frame regardless of the environment or situation? Like, she can't even conceive of not being a whore or imagine what a non-whore would do in professional settings? Imagine having a daughter and this thot is influencing her, giving her the impression that it's normal for female authority figures in professional roles to display their asses in tight-fitting clothing

>> No.49809992

Low test cuck

>> No.49810064

>What's the point?
Women want to feel they are attractive, they are narcisistic
They are desperate for attention

>> No.49810069

Are you literally one of her male students sitting in her class? So how would you even get a chance to see her ass, retard?

>> No.49810099

Because they're comfortable chud

>> No.49810177

Why should men be allowed to wear loose pants that show their cock swinging around

>> No.49810263
File: 2.52 MB, 498x426, mr wonderful.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll manage your socials, ideas, lighting, etc for 30% ownership and a used pair of your smelliest socks every month

>> No.49810270
File: 134 KB, 869x900, 1649834672002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cool, senpai. I found her onlyfans. I take back everything I said

>> No.49810290

Actually yes. Go to the findom threads on /trash/

>> No.49810399

The weakest men congregate on /pol/. Warmongering from the comfort of their screen lit rooms, truly the last evolutionary step that will create hard times again. To profit, maybe try getting their addresses and submit them to the police for inciting civil unrest. Perhaps there is a reward for this, but satisfaction should be enough anyway.

>> No.49810464
File: 650 KB, 880x539, Kevin Cum'Queery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on second thought those soles aren't really attractive, for these reasons i'm out

>> No.49810467

those are skinny jeans. touch grass nerd

>> No.49810469

kek is it really that easy to shave my legs and just post feet pics online? sounds easy as fuck and i already have a good DSLR camera

>> No.49810499

where do i find desperate faggots to pay me for my twink feet pics

>> No.49810520

You can't be right wing and gay.
Only Christians can be right wing/conservative and gays should be stoned to death according to the Old Testament. Jesus never said it's okay to be a sodomite

>> No.49810540

Because women like to flash their pussies and ass.

>> No.49810561
File: 107 KB, 735x900, 1652768618474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and these?

>> No.49810577

imagine strangling her

>> No.49810590

giving her the impression that it's normal for female authority figures in professional roles to display their asses in tight-fitting clothing

>Female authority
No such thing as female authority kek.

>> No.49810758
File: 240 KB, 1368x1688, gt2i1oh97dq21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'm more concerned about the whore pants or the stupid shirt and drugs in a classroom for infants.