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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49803807 No.49803807 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49803872

Imagine being so poor that you pay attention to the price of gpu’s rather than just spot buy when needed. Stay gay op

>> No.49803932

you literally own only one modern GPU, if any

>> No.49804005

Where are these supposed lower GPU prices? You got duped by card manufacturers when in reality they just wanted to gouge you 200-300$ on top of MSRP. That's not to mention the already higher MSRP prices, so if you think this is the fault of crypto, the next 2-3 years will be fun. Enjoy your pyrrhic victory I suppose.

>> No.49804034
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>pretending crypto farmers didn't cause the GPU shortage

>> No.49804039
File: 75 KB, 412x580, mumudestroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it hurt?, you know the end is near.
you are about to be very poor very soon cryptoniggers. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.49804042

Imagine being responsible and not buying shit at artificially inflated prices. Oh, you can't, you are a crypto investor.

>> No.49804072

>imagine throwing money into the trash as though money was worth less depending on its proportion to your total wealth

>> No.49804078

i am already rich from this bullrun so...

>> No.49804086


>> No.49804098

nice master bait

>> No.49804113


>> No.49804132

where can i find these cheap cards?

>> No.49804174

if (big if) cycles continue it means in 4 years you will experience an even larger and even cringier blowup in crypto and you'll have to take out a mortgage to buy a used RTX 6090

>> No.49804194

cryptonigger cope

>> No.49804232

Why would you want to buy a new GPU
Every game nowadays is trash, everything is the same, no innovations
I can't imagine being pathetic to the point of still caring about videogames in 2022.
Meanwhile i stopped being a manchild, spent my time trading crypto and got money i am using to improve my life.

>> No.49804257

So /v/ has been whining on the internet waiting for half a decade to save $200 to play modded Minecraft? Do I have that right?

>> No.49804264

>Why would you want to buy a new GPU
VR, though I'm gonna wait for Valve's new Index before buying a new GPU since the current Index is too expensive for what you get, and I'm not buying Facebook shit

>> No.49804314

the majority of board activity was on proof of stake chains like BSC, MATIC, AVAX, FTM, Solana
like the pajeets here are going to pay $50 per swap on ETH

>> No.49804374

>ETH is responsible for probably 70%+ of all non-ASIC mining hashpower
>The most popular crypto outside of BTC, beating out all PoS coins
>'Mining totally wasn't responsible for a GPU shortage'

>> No.49804662
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>Why would you want to buy a new GPU
I wanted freesync and linux drivers that work damn near flawlessly. fuck nvidia.
my option was ancient mining cards for way to much with no real performance gain over my 970, a potato APU like a 5600G which my MB didn't support at the time (does now lmao, fuck intel), or a new amd card. I got a RX6600

>> No.49804763

Damn you get to have a gpu after miners already got 2-3x profit even without selling their rigs
Nice win there

>> No.49804821
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>gets fucked for over a year not affording a 30 series card
>"suck a dick crypto fags"
thanks for playing /v/irgin

>> No.49804828


>> No.49804836

>/v/ here
Don't forget to take your estrogen shot before bed OP

>> No.49804838

can I FINALLY upgrade my gpu?

>> No.49804855

kek who cares about vidya in 2022 anyway all the games are rereleases of the same shit I played through years ago

>> No.49805019

Graphically demanding games haven't been good for like 8 years, why the fuck are you still playing them

>> No.49805351

Part of me hopes the bear market lasts through Q3 so I can snake a Lovelace card
>before the next pump

>> No.49805427

lmao /v/ fags are so dumb. they don't know how to delay gratification for the bigger reward. these morons could invest the cost of a gpu or a console into literally anything in finance, wait PATIENTLY, and theyd be able to buy anything they wanted.

I literally sold my ps4 pro last year (like 300 at gamestop) for trading in ETH and NFTs and the money from it has grown to $55k

>> No.49805464

I'm so happy I can finally buy a gpu, I really need a few more frames to escape my shitty life

>> No.49805495

why do you need a top of the line GPU though? what game do you absolutely NEED to play that requires the power of a top tier gpu? most of the games people play are still more or less playable on 10 year old hardware....

>> No.49805549

does this mean i can finally get a gaming PC at a reasonable price?

>> No.49805564

I'm kidding, gamers are fucking sad. If you play more than a few hours a week, you need help. Unless you psychologically torture people for fun, like in second life, then I approve.

>> No.49805680

>I'm kidding, gamers are fucking sad. If you play more than a few hours a week, you need help. Unless you psychologically torture people for fun, like in second life, then I approve.
i see now. well i'm not at all mad at /v/ for wanting to play games. hell thats what i plan to do when i retire. but like.... to have this giant grudge because you want to save $200 for, like you said, "a few more frames".

i still play terarria, gta5, ff14 on a machine i built in 2013... hell i play fucking browser games. as much as i'd like a new pc with higher gpu and a top cpu, since i also work with photoshop. i dont fucking need it. i can still do anything. the only thing i've done is buy a new case fan.

>> No.49805813

>Why would you want to buy a new GPU
Train ML models.
Bing bing wahoos are a waste of power and technology.

>> No.49805898

I'm kinda taking the piss, I get you anon. I see nothing wrong with playing some games for fun or for downtime, but it's rare to meet someone who has their shit together and plays 20 hours of games a week. It's just strange. I used to be that way and realized I wasted half my 20s. I think getting to a point where you're in your 30s-40s and playing something like second life religiously has to mean that you truly fucked up. Someone never gave those people a "talk" or a wake-up call. They probably had strange and cruel parents that didn't give a single shit about them. I think those people deserve to be bullied, not in a fucked up way, but because deep down, I hope that those losers can finally snap out of it and realize they are indulging in extremely absurdist escapism. Life is very precious and beautiful, no one is mindful anymore.

> to have this giant grudge because you want to save $200 for, like you said, "a few more frames".
That's just it, I side with miners at that point. At least miners are hustling and trying to make a little extra money. I see nothing wrong with that, but wishing death or misfortune because you can't play Crysis at 100 fps is fucking weird and pathetic.

>> No.49806006

>Train ML models.
Based tensorflow chad

>> No.49806007

yeah im one of those that enjoys the escapism of games because of shitty parents. i will prob miss out on what people think is important in life. but i do side with you about miners and shit. i respect people hustling and making money. not being able to get a top of the line gpu is very bratty. and i wish i could show /v/ fags that if they could just learn about finance, they would never again need to worry about buying a game or a console or a gpu. they could buy anything they wanted.

>> No.49806040

I would not phrase it that you had shitty parents, as is obvious I would say that your parents had a shitty child.

>> No.49806170

i wish that actually meant something, all anons in these discussions think parents can never do wrong. you CAN have shit parents.

>> No.49806231

You do realize that he can buy the gpus for cheap now and when crypto goes back up he can mine when he isn't gaming

>> No.49806305
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Don't try convincing /v/ of anything, they're actual gamers who burn their braincells 50 hours a week.
All of this is simpy a cope that things will get better even though prices will only have a slight bulge and then go back up as they usually do.

Just wait until this guy wakes up

>> No.49806370

Why is he shitty, because he said that his parents weren't good?

>> No.49806375

PoW fags more like it. Wasting energy for btc has consequences.

>> No.49806421
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Cool shit. Fuck you niggers and scalpers for real. Hope your asses got burned more than 69K BTC buyers.
I ain't buying your overused, overclocked cards either. Enjoy the paper weights or electricity bill.

>> No.49807509

you think you're being smug but you only attract pity. i made over $750k in 2021 from a $15,000 investment (mostly due to chainlink). we have this thing in stocks and crypto called selling. you just buy low and sell high. only complete retards hold the entire time even with million dollar gains.
if only you knew how easy it actually is. you missed the easiest and fastest money making opportunity of the century, literally. I made more in crypto over a 2 year period than you will wageslaving for 50 years. have fun playing your little computer games at your parents house while mum cries herself to sleep again lol.

>> No.49807598

2 year old technology has gone down in price. I'd never.

>> No.49807768

Can't wait to play some CUDA with the lads

>> No.49807805
File: 605 KB, 2000x1333, ukraine crypto mining farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard did mining crash this time?

>> No.49808321

Merge finalizes, gpu prices drop 5-10%, inflation goes to 30%, yeah

>> No.49808433

you seem triggered shitty parents exist faggot

>> No.49808804

You are poor IRL, KYS

>> No.49808833

the projection in this post lmao

>> No.49809455
File: 96 KB, 802x840, 1655539295673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt read, dont care.
seethe and cope.

>> No.49809790

Fucking where? It's still double & triple the MSRP in all the stores here?

>> No.49809966

>started working out
>got a job
>started investing in crypto
>still play video games
you don't have to sacrifice fun things and become a boring old fart anon

>> No.49809971

>money was worth less depending on its proportion to your total wealth
uh, it is retard
otherwise you'd eat rice and beans for every meal, walk to work, and be a faggot
well you got one of those covered

>> No.49810015
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>mfw i had to change my gpu a month ago when my old one decided to die and i had to pay the max price for a 3080
i'm fucking seething

>> No.49810037


>> No.49810080

Why would prices drop though? Manufacturers clearly can sell out of any half-decent card at way over MSRP thanks to botting scalperfags and impatient retards. They’d have no incentive to increase supply.
Plus inflation is basically going to negate any price difference to begin with.

>> No.49810121

>At least miners are hustling and trying to make a little extra money
That's literally even more soulless than being a /v/ drone kek.

>> No.49810163

Fuck gamers

>> No.49810211

what will happen once eth reaches $700?

>> No.49810390
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This desu. I just checked up to see if i'd pay significantly less now than what i paid for a month ago, and the prices didn't move by an inch. The only difference is there are somehow even more out of stocks GPUs even tho when i bought mine last month already 80% of the offers displayed online were OOS/unavailible.

Tbf it simply sounds like China/Taiwan have had enough being paid with our toilet paper fiat and now price gouge the shit out of everything they have a monopoly over and export to western nations. The time for quasi-free stuff is over. They gave us a temporary pass for giving them all our manufacturing, industries and patents, but of course they wouldn't let us profit off it forever.
Especially now we entered a quasi-WW3 over commodities, where the game is to export the least and import the maximum of it, dumping our monkey money while it still have any semblance of presumed worth in the process.

How could the boomers be so fucking gullible when the kikes told them it would be a good idea to become a "society of services"?? that industries and manufacturing was a thing of the past for the peasants, and worst of all : they now entered the "post-scarcity world"...
Seriously this is so fucking obvious it was to fuck us over. Fucking retarded old pieces of shit. Now we don't produce anything anymore, we are losing our geopolitical grip over every matter because nobody fears a country who can only produce entitled niggers, food stamps, onlyfan thots and soibot bottle-openers for fragile plebbitors.

>> No.49810417

No one can explain anything to a /v/ tard.

>> No.49811256

We have waited long, brothers. Too long.

>> No.49811387

>falls below MSRP
Still not buying, I'm still very comfortable with my RX570 8GB. The last "newest game" i bought that uses intense graphics was back in 2019 and i didn't even buy any new games since then. I got my RX570 8GB sub $120 back in 2019.

>> No.49811911

Now you only have to sell low

>> No.49812093

>see thread
>oh shit maybe I could buy a good used card! let's go check!
>wait a minute, I don't even play AAA games anymore, they are all shit

>> No.49812146

This. You can buy a 10 year old GPU and play literally every game on it, even the AAA garbage /v/ loves if you just lower the settings. But /v/edditors HAVE to buy new thing because they are brainless consumers.

>> No.49812201

ripping on /biz/ is funny but you guys are still based in reality. People just wanna make it, I get it.
Look at /v/cels right now, grown men playing with toys, coomer threads on cartoon girls (questionable age). Fake achievements. It's close to /r9k/ is terms of patheticness.

>> No.49812263
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sorry not sorry

>> No.49812429
File: 358 KB, 2016x897, 20211215_162312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smart miners use this time in the cycle to load up on GPUs. They might not be super profitable right now, but I'll mine with them for the next year or two and then sell them for double what I paid during the next mania phase.
I could smash all of the GPUs that I bought in the last year with a hammer and still be so deep in profit that it wouldn't matter, but as I said, the real money is made during the bear market. Plan accordingly.

>> No.49812469

Oh yeah it was the gpu miners and definitely not the manufacturers that conveniently did nothing to improve supply since 2017

>> No.49812476


>> No.49812484


>> No.49812494

Y-y-you'll be sorry when BTC hits $100k

>> No.49812515

You soon will be that poor. Ronald's hiring.

>> No.49812516

The supply is rising, line is at 45 degrees upwards on the graph since January.
Thing is the desperates and the consumers bought even at insane prices.
Buying one gpu at $ 200 more is not really that much of a problem even for destitute nerds.

>> No.49813092
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>> No.49814973

Yeah I lost some money due to the crash, but at least I am not an anime gaymur coomer pedophile who cannot get a girlfriend who shows off to everyone that he exercise to hide the fact that he is a loser LMAO.

>> No.49815034

Read his post again retard.
You are screeching at the wrong crowd.
Go screech at reddit and twitter if you are upset about ETH.
This is a shitcoin gambling board with some strong-conviction altcoin bagholder support (cope) threads.

Why is every single /v/irgin unable to understand simple concepts? Why is their ability to read so dreadful? Do videogames really rot the brain?

>> No.49815045

too bad for you, the price of your goyslop and golemgames will go way up with inflation forever from now. ejoy your cheetos and fapping

>> No.49815069

They've been crying and screeching, and "HAHAHAHA"ing about muh GPUs for like 5+ years now yeah they're retarded.

>> No.49816640

Eh, new 3080s are still over a thousand euros on amazon, and ~700-800 used on ebay. Still too expensive.

>> No.49816668

Why would you mine when crypto goes back up? You want to mine when nobody else is mining so that your money can go up in value. You game fag zoomers can't handle life without your constant dopamine hit. No cap frfr.

>> No.49816674


Who needs gpus whrn u run stake pool on POS blockchain, fuck off POW u'be been oudated

>> No.49816836

not in my 3rd world country tho
good morning sirs

>> No.49816876

Reminder: Joe Biden crashed the economy and Russia has prospered from his sanctions, Joe Biden is a russian puppet

>> No.49816953

LMAO You guys are seething, he fucking made you seethe.

>> No.49817520

Same here, eastern europe stores gonna cling to highest prices forever to milk people thanks to EU taxing the fuck out of any imports.

>> No.49817552

But the rtx3080 isn't below $800?

>> No.49817573

You're going to work at McDonald's soon you know that?

>> No.49817898

They didn’t. They concurred to it, but the main causes were the supply chain fuck up during COVID and inflating prices of raw materials needed for their manufacturing.

>> No.49817944

Few people here mine. Not enough leverage or gambling involved.

>> No.49817987
File: 107 KB, 1406x381, my wifes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still way overpriced, also grow up you faggot

>> No.49818267

why is she of different skin tone? What is this image implying?

>> No.49818348

Gamers that complain about GPU prices will never go through with buying them anyway

>> No.49818412
File: 968 KB, 640x360, liru.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to take a look at vee after 5 years of not visiting it, and holy shit it somehow got worse. Not only is there nothing to play but you fuckers keep talking about the same fucking games from 10 years ago. How do you people even stomach such a trash hobby?

>> No.49818572

Kind of disrespectful to shove the bottom of one's shoe onto someone's face. Her father didn't do a good job raising her.