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File: 129 KB, 773x1024, redminote8dualcamera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49807292 No.49807292 [Reply] [Original]

Be grateful anon. You lost only money. There are people out there losing their lives.

>> No.49807319

These are Russians not people

>> No.49807329


>> No.49807346

i wonder what the pay is to pick up war dead. it would need to be high because the PTSD would be unfathomable

>> No.49807349

its a sad day when any white dies.

>> No.49807351

>be grateful your life is shit, because others have shitty lives too

>> No.49807359

What’s the difference?

Ones a fast death and the other slow

>> No.49807366

Ukraine literally loses around 200 man a day, Jesus christ. There was a video where they put them in truck

>> No.49807375

Not my problem.

>> No.49807382

other soldiers do it, they are used to it

>> No.49807383

Imagine being so retarded that you become a zogbot to fight a fake war for Billionairs instead of paying 1000 dollars to the border patrol to let you get into Europe.

>> No.49807404

Those are probably artillery shockwave deaths with ears nose bleeding eyes popping.

>> No.49807413
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>it would need to be high
>slavic countries
>high pay

>> No.49807418

They aren’t white

>> No.49807430

those are dpr/lpr conscripts that are used to hold frontline sadly they are wasting their lifes when putin could just nuke that shithole and end the war, what a retard.

>> No.49807439


>> No.49807441
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>> No.49807458


Pick only 1

>> No.49807473

>There are people out there losing their lives.
i only care about western white europeans

>> No.49807472

>just import immigrants bro, it will fix your economy and they will do shitty jobs for low profit
no thanks, have fun with bbc and arabs, i am rather poorer then you then have to wory not to get stabbed at night anywhere in london

>> No.49807513

speak english you fucking retarded esl currynigger

>> No.49807546

i would fight the person coming to make me fight

>> No.49807554

what a desperate counter argument, what a cuck have fun with feminists ruling your country hahahahaha

well, at least you earn 200 euros more than me, kek

>> No.49807664

they might not be full blue-eyed whites, but they still rank above every other race.

>> No.49807688

ok ESL

>> No.49807799

It's not that much really. 73.000 per year. But I don't understand wtf are they doing honestly, why the fuck are they moving trucks of corpses to morgues in hospitals. Bury them close to where they died as it's been done in every fucking war until now, mark in a map where the tomb is and when the war ends give them a proper burial.

>> No.49808178

It would be more berable to be in this situation.

>> No.49808263

According to hitler slavs are NOT white.

>> No.49808613

times have changed, and the unprecedented brown population bubble is too great a threat to humanity to start splitting hairs around blue eyes and brown eyes.

>> No.49808645

they have mongol blood

>> No.49808715

this. Oy vey! White is a social construct, my fellow 4channelers!!!

>> No.49808746

some but not all.
either way, the hierarchy still puts them above everyone else besides true blue eye'd whites.

>> No.49808809

>importing ivans and let them Tank your white economy and rob you at night is alright because I like getting touched by men

>> No.49808828
File: 421 KB, 790x505, 1655031857954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice that his eyeballs are literally popping out of their sockets?

>> No.49808849

A lot of slavs have brownish/gray skin. I guess you never were in latvia or hungary.

>> No.49808901

its almost like mongols didnt takeover ukranian territory as well

>> No.49808993

They also have over 500 wounded a day

>> No.49809035

Yes, must’ve been killed by a pressure wave from artillery or something.

>> No.49809050

he saw booba before he died

>> No.49809066


>> No.49809068

You do realise that is also white and clasification?Not every white is blonde with blue eyes.Those are rarest.
Alot of Germans are also just like that with black hair it changed nothing its not about hair,eyes,how white is skin that make you white.
They did classification by skull back then and facial features and family past.Today in modern day its easier with genetic and haplogroup.

>> No.49809118
File: 193 KB, 1680x1118, DSC-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0 days passed since white people of Russia didn't make niggers and shitskins /pol/ seeth and cope on daily basis.

>> No.49809168
File: 192 KB, 1720x931, 2448600D-291D-4428-A262-308F974A32B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This only further proves that Slavs are different from white people. In Poland they all have very round skulls and asian features like small eyes and bulbous noses with soft skin.

>> No.49809251

yes, some are mutts, they are non-white.
but they aren't all.

>> No.49809285

imagine being obsessed with color of skin, kys retard loser fag

>> No.49809309

Russians are niggers with the wrong skin color.

>> No.49809317

the average mediterranean looks nothing like the average nordic. image smells like med cope to me, you're a lot closer to russians than any full white human.

>> No.49809365

>arguing about whiteness of white people of Russia with a shitskin mutt
not very high IQ anon, you realize he is just trolling you.

>> No.49809374

Certified med cope, not that I have anything against you brown bastards (you spawned one of the greatest civilizations in history, your food is great, your women are hot). But you are brown bastards, and you should know this.

>> No.49809403

according to 4chan
>anglos aren't white
>americans aren't white (this is kinda true tho)
>meds aren't white
>nords aren't white
>krauts aren't white
>slavs aren't white

whites no longer exist bro

>> No.49809407

>EU shitskin mad because immigrants are fucking his white women

>> No.49809409

jeets having an entire system of racial hierarchy is like the cripples in the special olympics competing for gold.

>> No.49809453

this meme came from reddit and being pushed literally by only 5 people of shitskin color on this site.

>> No.49809509

What are you smoking.
Baltic are not Slavic and yes all four are subtypes of Caucisian.
You do Realise that French are also Alpine and Germanic have bunch of different types.
Ofc thats all from Racial Antropology and shits from Eugenic dont get me wrong i dont give 2 cents anymore about that bullshit (I used to be National Socialist in my youth sadly and was indoctrinated in that horse shit.

You keep forgeting that many Poles were about to be Germanized and babies raised as German.I been in Poland i and i didnt notice nothing of that sort but i been in rural places.Hungary also is not err Slavic.Its not about who is Slav who is not its about what i told you before this.

>> No.49809529

Maybe so but i am trying to say that his hate or shit is counter productive or just idiotic i dunno honestly why i am bothering haha.Not like i have anything else to do right now

>> No.49809550

>Poles were about to be Germanized and babies raised as German
The nazis sure would have encouraged race mixing of germanics and slavs. Stop pulling this degenerate shit out of your leftist ass.

>> No.49809553

it's just j*wish shills and their tranny legions. You should learn to immediately discard the opinion and filter the unique ID (if possible) of anyone who speaks like this.

>> No.49809654

You do realise that even in dear Fuhrer time it was known that Germans was mixed with Slavs cause anecestors in that time and that Slavs and Germanic tribes always fought before and you know what happens after that?
Do you even know origins of races and mixing trough history and classifications?
Obv not. Dont spill hate.Slavic Nationalists are very appreciated trough all other European ones.

>The nazis sure would have encouraged race mixing of germanics and slavs. Stop pulling this degenerate shit out of your leftist ass.

>Me being literally National Socialist with family and dad that used to literally jerk off on Dear Fuhrer for good chunk of his life.Till i became sane in my late adult years.Yes it is all bullshit.
Cope with that how much you want.

>> No.49809785

lol that is just some russian nigger. WHo the fuck cares. Kill more of them

>> No.49809799

Hitler is not white. There I said it. He just does not look white to me. Like he has a look to him that's just not fully white. I can't accept him as a pure white person.

>> No.49810103
File: 962 KB, 1491x2718, white folks on int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese literally more pale and civilized than Russians are

>> No.49810278
File: 179 KB, 1396x1047, Japanese_family_01-5792b4693df78c1734dab7df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russians have exact percantage of bright eyes and blonde hair as Germans.
>panty sniffing nation
If more civilized mean closer to extintion then yeah

>> No.49810313

No one cares about hohols dying for Israel anymore

>> No.49810326

Damn what did he see

>> No.49810333

It's more than 200, they've lied about so many things, no way that figure is true either.

>> No.49810340


>> No.49810383

Men are a renewable resource. As long as Ukraine does not put women on the front line, they literally aren’t losing anything. All the weapons are paid by the West anyway.

>> No.49810392

japs sit atop all other non-whites, this is true, but out of scope.

there are ultimately only two kinds of whites. full, pure whites (blue eyes, consistent fair/pink skin when untanned [no brown nipples], non-black hair) and the rest of the colloquial whites, without any or all of those qualifiers.

in a world already bursting at the seams from non-white overpopulation both whites must stick together, as they are ultimately genetically compatible. if the shitskin problem is ever solved, then we can look to the evolutionary stragglers, but the shitskin problem is the most pressing issue to humanity and takes precedence.

>> No.49810412

And who gonna breed those woman after war?
Russians i pressume?

>> No.49810442

>lose money (for israel)
>lose life (for israel)
>lose foreskin (for israel)
is there ANYTHING americans dont give to israel?

>> No.49810471

I appreciate the pan-aryanism or wathever the fuck you call it, but to each his own sub-group preference.

>> No.49810473
File: 382 KB, 750x526, brexit world powers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs unironically sit above most Europeans. White is a pretty shitty meme from days gone by when Euros actually had some power.

The strongest powers today aren't even """"""""""""""""""""""""white"""""""""""""""""""""""".

US is mixed and blended
China is Asian
USSR/Russia basically Eurasians/Hapas
EU might have some economic numbers, but can't agree to shit or get shit done and begs the US to save them every time something happens.

Japan has a higher GDP than any single European nation.

>> No.49810497

>red band
No better way to go, than in a fight against evil.

>> No.49810511

There are enough men to breed women, always is.

It’s like a cow farm, the number of bulls does not determine the number of baby cows.

>> No.49810512

EU is just a proxy state for the US anyway.

>> No.49810518
File: 61 KB, 1000x500, 1623831357627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the wombyn are living the high life in western europe, fucking white 6'5" chads on tinder while mikhail is an incel who gets torn to shreds by a drone

>> No.49810532

>Slav mongoloid

>> No.49810545

They literally conscript women in desperation right now.

>> No.49810584

>jabs can't breed
>chinks have black lungs
Fuck off and make more liveleak videos for me chang.

>> No.49810611

Every dead and gutted Russian is a blessing. Truly a subhuman mutt race not worth keeping around

>> No.49810614

Russians never haul their dead back.

>> No.49810632

ultimately a race of nothing but black hair'd brown eye'd humans have seen less evolution than those who managed to sexually select for long enough to breed non-animalistic attributes.

>> No.49810660

Russians are just white niggers. Nothing of value being lost.

>> No.49810729

>dead neo-bolsheviks
The 500 ukrops dead a day? What do you mean only 2000 ukronazis die per day? it’s 15000 hohols dying a day, you dumb CIA agent

>> No.49810801

I will say more: russians in ukrainian didn't resist to mongol horde and almost become assimilated, then they was liberated by eastern russians
Thats why Moscow is now a capital of Russia

>> No.49810831

> They literally conscript women in desperation right now
Nope, there is 0 desperation. 40 mill Ukis, like 300k soldiers.

Nazi Germany had 70 million people, at the peak 8-9 million soldiers, all men. Ukraine isn’t even close to total war, let alone drafting womenz.

>> No.49810835


>> No.49810847

Lmao slavs are over 6 foot, westren man are 5'10

>> No.49810857

15 rubles have been deposited to your FSB shill farm account

>> No.49810898

Are you fucking mental bro?
Do you realise milions fleed to Russia?
More fleed around world too or dont wanna go to war.
300k soliders is literally nothing.

>> No.49810909

And how did that work out for soviets?
Their def general said this retard
They conscripted all the men that wanted to fight, anymore and thier economy will pay the price, this isnt hoi4.

>> No.49810913

>They literally conscript women in desperation
Good luck with that, women do no fight for an evolutionary reason, there are some exceptions to this but it's when everything is fucked and the enemy broke into the village.

They generally kill themselves in the first like to not get raped when defeated.

>> No.49810919

FSB aren’t bringing their brightest to shill on a samogitian horse riding forum

>> No.49810968

> They conscripted all the men that wanted to fight, anymore and thier economy will pay the price, this isnt hoi4.

Fact is, if Ukraine wanted to actually win this war, they could do total war. Watch some Youtubes from Kiev right now, there are still people doing office work or sitting in restaurants and cafes.

Total war means the whole economy is geared towards war, with millions of soldiers at the front. But it would also mean that instead of 100-200 dead Ukis a day, we are talking about 10,000 dead a day because of just brute force attacking Russia.

This war is not really different to the situation 2014+ right now.

>> No.49810979

Do you know how world work at all or been in army/war?
What are you 10?

You are moron and out of reality.Possible troll too.Please choke and die if you are.
War is not game.

>> No.49810982

Hitler mass murdered more white people than Jews, cope

>> No.49811014

you are literally retarded. Losing trained and experienced soldiers is a real loss. Especially true in modern warfare where you are doing special ops and not engaging in mass firefights or trench warfare as much. Once you lose enough skilled labor your effectiveness drops dramatically. Its why they in ww2 they stopped letting pilots from going on risky missions after a certain number of flights. They need them to train the next gen effectively.
>muh breeding
what a fucking retard hahah

>> No.49811024

Say hi to prigozhin for me, brown mongol. Your government would rather have shill farms for posting on anime websites than building roads or making your life not shit. Really makes you think what we’re dealing here with

>> No.49811029

>if you kill white golems you lose

>> No.49811042

>0 desperation

>low on artillery
>low on tanks
>no airforce
>low on ammo
>military factories destroyed
>railway system partly disabled
>Russians breaching through defense lines like it's 43
>President in conflict with head of military because he's a literal puppet who will sacrifice every single Ukrainian just to save his own ass
> West delivering 10% of promised weaponry
> dozens of videos and hundreds of reports of Ukrainian soldiers deserting or just letting themselves get captured
> Own state secretaries admitting the situation looks dire


>> No.49811063

And you think Russia would not do the same?
No Ukraine cant do total war cause majority of population dont wanna fight or escaped contry while could.
They had to put blockade so even more dont leave.Sitting in cafes yes does that tell you anything?Few km away from them people are dying and they sit there in comfort.If they wanted to go and fight they would do it already.

Ukrainians surender en mase.However same thing and Russians do and alot.Not much people want to fight actually and on both sides.

Milion of soliders...And supply them with what?Forks?West dont send enough of arms and supplies for this number of army right now let alone more...

>> No.49811066

Silence, historylet, Suzdal, Vladimir, Rjazany, Kolomna fought like lions, Mongols never made it to Novgorod, the strongest of the northern towns
Meanwhile Kyev was rated to the ground literally

>> No.49811069

This post was paid for by ruZZian tax payer money

>> No.49811076

>two weeks

>> No.49811081

You are moron its offical right now.
Go kill yourself cause life is not for you.
I am German u piece of shit.

>> No.49811094

Sure you are, mehmet magomedov

>> No.49811122

> Milion of soliders...And supply them with what?

The US literally approved 40 billion in military aid. At 1 million Uki soldiers, that’s 40k per soldier. I am pretty sure you can buy guns and ammo for them.

>> No.49811123

Please kill yourself :)

>> No.49811124

ITT /int/niggers

>> No.49811141


>> No.49811146

You will never be an empire. Now go die in Ukraine in a T-64

>> No.49811189

And what with tanks,airforce,rockets and ammo for those things combined?What with training?
Even it training is free do you know how much time they gonna need to be to train them and to be efficent.
Simple guns and ammo is useless-infantry.

1 milion of soliders not gonna cut anyway Russia will send just more.

>> No.49811190

Ukie here, stop being an retard, why do you think all those high casualty numbers are posted on specifically western news resources?

>> No.49811206

Kill yourself muslim shit or whatever you are be quiet big boys are talking here :)

>> No.49811208

Tanks and airforce support is retarded in Ukraine. Those are suicide machines.

You need small arms and manpads and anti-tank rockets. You win this war with infantry, not tanks or jets.

>> No.49811219

It's not like they didn't choose to do so. E ty of forest in the Ural. Where mother Russia won't find you. Fuck the military and fuck you in particular!

>> No.49811225

> 1 milion of soliders not gonna cut anyway Russia will send just more.
If they wanted to, they would have already done so.

Same as America never sent 1 million soldiers to Afghanistan or Iraq to win.

>> No.49811238

>german immigrant
Clean ze toilet lukasz

>> No.49811243

Yes but they will get obliterated without air and arty support also drones if they started using them yet en mase.

>> No.49811255

Read up

>> No.49811267

Made for bbc. Perfect harem for a Blvck BVLL

>> No.49811272

> 40 billion dollars that will have to be printed by the fed during an inflation crisis

You must be absolutely retarded to believe the US will give the Ukrainians more than ammo and heavy weapons.
Besides that, who should Ukraine buy the weapons from, the same guys that gave them the money to buy it with? Jesus fuck biz is unironically full of retards

>> No.49811281

I dunno i think Russia will send they cant allow to lose this.

>> No.49811303

eh I still feel sorry for them
nobody really has any control over their information bubble, everyone is a victim of propaganda, so are we. they most likely had the best of intentions and really thought they're liberating civilian population from under murderous nazi regime. and even if they didn't want to go fight that war, they didn't really have a choice

Fuck Putin, fuck Zelenskyy, fuck all politicians all over the word.

>> No.49811306
File: 12 KB, 488x488, F4DB6F98-5FD0-6160-348D-0BC34F192F49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i had 17k unrealized gains which is enough for me to survive for the next 4 years
>i kept bag holding
>it's now worth 402$

>> No.49811358

>fuck Zelensky
why?, he's just protecting its country.

>> No.49811384

Again, not that much either, in wwi 2/3rds of injured soldiers were patched back to the trenches. This was pre-antibiotics.
Don't get me wrong, Ukraine is going to have to capitulate if it continues this way. But not because the casualties are unsustainable but because they lack any offensive capacity so they are fighting without any hope of retaking the lost territories, so why die for nothing.

>> No.49811429

It is not zelensky's fault that putin wants a popular war to distract from the plummeting price of snow or whatever else Russian problems exist. In free countries people can be conscientious objectors to war, sadly this is unlikely to be the case in the motherland.

>> No.49811474

>he's just protecting its country
He didn't do a very good job preparing it for the war though, too focused on fighting his internal politics battles, going after people associated with democratic opposition parties, not focused enough on preparing the country for actual invasion that was being prepared in plain sight. Did you know he only gave the order to mobilize the operational reserve forces in the evening of February 23rd? If he did that a month earlier - like the military leadership, Ukrainian and western intelligence all suggested, Russians would have never been able to make such progress. Kherson, Melitopol, Izium and many other cities would still be under their control.

Don't get me wrong, since the invasion he's been playing his part quite well (for the most part), but still. A lot of this pain and suffering could have been avoided.

>> No.49811652

he's not doing shit, he's just sending men to die in his name. what gives him the right to force others to go die?
the guy's going to have nightmares for the rest of his life and go to hell when it's over. his soul is FUCKED.

>> No.49811711

You're unironically retarded if you believe anything official Washington says. Zelensky is a fucking puppet following US orders. Of course they're gonna pin it on him in hindsight, just as the Bide admin is trying to blame Putin for them ruining the US economy.

>> No.49811761

theres a lot of mercenaries or pmcs.

>> No.49811777

Wtf are you talking about? Iam from latvia and whiter than you(finngolian but still my sking is definitely white than yours)

>> No.49811823

no bro 700 casualties for Ukraine is high, the more they lose is easier for Russian to lunch an offensive, besides all those families now will need money for food. I think if they lose around 25 % of manpower they lose war.
ukraine mbt is t 62 lol
you don't know anything about war or how the economy works, Jesus christ just stop.

First of all russia would do the same and russians are the one that would win this should be obvious why, second of all you dont increase more than 15 of your GDP for the military unless you want huge unrest in your country, no economy means no morale, no food, no fuel, and no ammo. Like i said this isnt hoi4, i recommend you learn how an economy works before you watch it and think you are now a general.