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File: 65 KB, 575x750, A58B069E-B89E-41A7-842A-3268C2BB0943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49806426 No.49806426 [Reply] [Original]

>dollar collapses
>social unrest begins
>basedboy chud trembling from malnutrition knocks on my door
>offers to barter me his (((numismatically certified))) 1/10 of a (((troy))) ounce he bought for $2000 for a can of beans i bought for $0.50
>no one has had power for weeks so we cant phone up the (((numismatitians))) to confirm the validity of his precious metals
>turn 360 degrees and shut the door in his face

>> No.49806437


>> No.49806525

We’re not buying your bags of shiny rocks you old wrinkly balled boomer

>> No.49806540

>not just stealing shiny coin and kicking weak man out door
I admire you Bean man but you lack forsight. If we just beat up the weak coin man we can trick other weak coinmen into working for us and harvesting our Beans. They will think they can escape coinslavery but that is the best part they can't because we will have more coins but more then that we will have more beans.

Dumb coinman. What good coin no one can eat?

>> No.49806586

Those chocolate coins with the gold wrapping will unironically be worth more than the crap they have

>> No.49806593

everyone who has balls would know they are all wrinkley. checkmate bitch

>> No.49806650

>Hurrrr if there is any sort of long-term economic problems that means MAD MAX IS HERE
>Hurrr if you buy gold you don't buy anything else after all goldbugs aren't infamous for being huge preppers or anything

now move to your next cope about how you have tons of buddies who are TOTES NAVY SEALS WE WILL STEAL ALL YOU SHIT

>> No.49806666

>global liquidity crisis
>stock markets crash
>crypto crashes
>CBDCs rolled out
>I cum in your wife's pussy for 1 ounce of silver
>you thank me for my generous payment

>> No.49806690

Yeah, gold is not for bartering. Gold is for buying a ticket to a more safe environment.

>> No.49806701
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baka, basedboy should have been a silver stacker. Then bean man would be bowing at his feet, drooling over the chance to get a glimpse of an AG-3 mercury dime.

>> No.49806724

So satisfying watching zoomers who got completely wiped out by their crypto "investments" desperately try to attack gold

>> No.49806770
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>gold is worthless
>you can't stack gold AND canned food
>the opportunity cost of gold is that you have to give up all practical skills, tools, guns, and land
>one can of baked beans will trade for 1 ounce of gold
>gold is worthless
>also me and my prepper buddies will risk our lives in a raid to steal it from you

>> No.49806836
File: 2.11 MB, 3024x3024, 0C74F8AC-B40A-47CD-B7FD-9FF13FDB9626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if any of my mercury dimes are worth much? I have dozens.

>> No.49806841

>no one has had power for weeks so we cant phone up
landlines don't require power.

>> No.49806924

>landlines don't require power.
Of course they require power, retard. They take power from the same outlet they transmit signals into.

>> No.49806943


That's dozens of blowjobs my friend.

>> No.49806961
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>sure bud, one sec
>take coin
>rummage around in pantry
>"hey looks like we don't have any more, but a buddy of mine has some, and tell you what, we can bring it by your house later today"
>show up in the evening with my boys armed with shotguns
>take the rest of his coins and his food
>smash all his funko pops on the way out
>go home and open a can of beans

>> No.49807195

This is why silver is better and boomer's don't understand. It's cheap enough for people to use, and why it's always been currency.

>> No.49807261
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>you show up at goldchad's compound
>his attempt to barter for food was a trap, he has a bunker full of dried meats, pickled vegetables, and jam
>his superior gang of prepper friends kills half of you and ties the rest of you up
>you get raped several times
>then sold into slavery for 2 oz of silver each
>you die of exhaustion digging for gold in a slave mine

>> No.49807360

Silver is for normal transactions, gold is for large purchases like a horse or a 16 year old girl.

>> No.49807379

you're all a bunch of morons
PMs > crypto

>> No.49807400

you can use them when the power is out though

>> No.49807405

asset tribalism is gay, why not buy some crypto during bear markets and cash out for gold/silver when it moons

>> No.49807457

You can use the power provided by the telephone cable when the power provided by the main cable is out, because the cables are separate and the telephone one is more protected.
This doesn't work if there is no power at the telephone station itself and all the phone signal repeaters are off.

>> No.49807478

>>Hurrrr if there is any sort of long-term economic problems that means MAD MAX IS HERE
It's actually worse when you think of it because it just means we'll eat shit for years and the best days of your life are behind you if you're over 20.

>> No.49807482

not buyin your invisible internet mumbo jumbo coins

>> No.49807518

In the real world dollar keeps getting stronger

>> No.49807533

>now move to your next cope about how you have tons of buddies who are TOTES NAVY SEALS WE WILL STEAL ALL YOU SHIT
The government is the largest, strongest and omnipresent gang in the country. Never forget about that.

>> No.49807563

do you think they're gonna break into people's houses and steal their PMs? yes or no

>> No.49807602

can I capture the power from the phone line and store it in batteries for free power?

>> No.49807605

1. Release a law that all PM will be confiscated.
2. Confiscate all PM, prosecute those who hide it, execute those who resist.
>But muh human rights
Non-existent in the crisis scenario, see COVID.

>> No.49807675
File: 330 KB, 1200x900, heinz-baked-beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my stacks PMGchuds. Oh you want some? How about all the Gold and Silver in your vault for 1 can. Not fair? Haha I have a private army funded entirely with stacks of beans take the offer or I take it by force.

Your preperr friends?! Hahahaha a few of them tried the same thing last week they are toiling in my bean canery the others are working the bean fields. The truth is you were never leaving here with your freedom. Men seize him and put him in the Bean Cage for a weak that'll break him.

>> No.49807683
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yeah sure thing

>> No.49807695

This situation is very complicated.
In all of modern history theres been situstions where the economy collapses and everyone suffers, yet never a true "mad max" scenario where the government loses all its control and its a true lawless free for all...
Weimar, great depression and venenzuela all had monetary collapse yet people still obeyed the laws for the most part. There was no lawless raiders going around.

Metals bank on the situation where its bad and people are suffering, yet still civilization remains intact. Fundamentally humans are social creatures, and have always kept civilization together.

So if you civilization is still alive, gold will ve valuable because people who want it are betting on the fact that the situation will balance itself in the future and they will have lots of gold in the new civilization system.

Generally humans are good, people are called sheep, not in a derogatory way but as in they are generally good natured, most people wouldnt just kill someone randomly just because they could get away with it, only the psychopaths. Which make up 5% of humanity would do that..

>> No.49807710

FDR already did exactly that. If you’re asking whether they’ll try it again, I don’t know if that’s something anyone can say for certain

>> No.49807758

They never broke into people's houses. They managed that because trust in government was high enough that many people willingly gave up their gold, and seized bullion held in bank custody. A significant portion of privately held bullion was never turned in.

>> No.49807763

>can I capture the power from the phone line and store it in batteries for free power?
>A corded phone will use between 2 and 3 watt of power per hour during active usage.
Yes, if you collect the energy throughout 1.3 days and don't lose any, you can boil 1 litre of water (0.1 kwh).

>> No.49807775


>> No.49807818

Americans are largely descended from farmers so they think the answer to everything is to produce food. They don't understand that gold (especially ounces) is worth way more than food. during hyper inflation you trade gold coins for stable currency and if you have enough coins you can buy real estate. The idea of trading 1oz gold coins for beans is pure idiocy.

>> No.49807849

imagine thinking you can hire a mercenary army by offering to pay them in beans. At least ZOG pays the amerimutt goy soldiers a wage and pension.

>> No.49807881

In an era of high institutional trust. Also, no door-to-door raids involved. Cope.

>> No.49807900

I feel like crypto is more useful for the modern digital world. Gold is analog btc.

I dont contest that the majority of cryptos are nothing but scams. But you have to see the utility of being able to send wealth anywhere without a thrid party, and beinng able to store potentially trillions of dollars in your brain..
Gold is very nice but it is just simply too cumbersome to use as a monetary unit in the 21st century where everything is digital.

Also why do people act like its always one or the other.. Goldfags viciously attack crypto when they both share the same libertarian ideals, crypto is not your enemy, crypto wants "fair money" just like you, I own both..
Metals to cover the physical, crypto to cover the digital.

Imagine if fiat collapsed today, what would you use for online commerce? Lets say you want to buy something from amazon.. Gold would be a huge pain in the ass,
>measure out flakes of gold to the exact amount
>mail it to amazon
>they have to weigh it and test purity
>then they ship the item
Vs just sending crypto.
But gold is really special it is just pure condensed wealth, owning gold = wealth which cannot be corrupted. Yet it is dangerous because anyone can steal it from you, if you had to cross long distances with 1 million dollars of gold you would be open to extreme risk.
Crypto can have teillions of dollars on a piece of paper, encrypted in a book, memorized etc.

>> No.49807904

>Gus Farber, a diamond and jewelry merchant from San Francisco, was prosecuted for the sale of thirteen $20 gold coins without a license. Secret Service agents discovered the sale with the help of the buyer. Farber, his father, and 12 others were arrested in four American cities after a sting operation conducted by the Secret Service. The arrests took place simultaneously in New York and three California cities: San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland. Morris Anolik was arrested in New York with $5,000 in U.S. and foreign gold coins; Dan Levin and Edward Friedman of San Jose were arrested with $15,000 in gold; Sam Nankin was arrested in Oakland; in San Francisco, nine men were arrested on charges of hoarding gold. In all, $24,000 in gold was seized by Secret Service Agents during the operation.[13]

They literally did break into peoples houses and seized their gold.

>> No.49807931

>In an era of high institutional trust.
Are you telling me with a straight face, that the NPC meme is not true and people haven't taken four shots of the experimental vaccine against flu, while also obeying the most ridiculous of rules (no walking in parks, wearing three masks)?
The institutional brainwashing is peaking right now.

>> No.49807938

The solution to this is jewelry.
The gov cannot confiscate grandmas family heirlooms, that has 0 social support

I only stack jewelry its infintely better and you can actually enjoy it rather then collect dust on a paper weight in your safe.

>> No.49807965

Yeah well when my Bean Based Militia is sacking another compound and seizing their lands I'll think about how if only I invested Gold and Silver I could have gotten ripped off by a monetary exchange and maybe bought real estate.

>> No.49807971

criminally underchecked
hail satan

>> No.49807977

You're acting like goldbugs dislike crypto because of irrational asset factionalism. False. I think crypto is a scam because nobody can explain what I actually get when I pay for 100K worth of crypto. If I spend 100k worth of gold I can buy a decent amount of a real, tangible commodity that can be in bullion, coin, or jewelry form. That's the same bullion held by central banks and the same jewelry that people wear when they want to flee their country with wealth. When you pay for crypto -- what do you get? You don't get a commodity. You get - what? A digital asset... a promise... a dream. Hard pass on that, friend.

>> No.49808000

>You guys Bitcoin is super important for all these imaginary international trips I'm gonna take
>Oops the price crashed guess I can't flee the country anymore

>> No.49808003

>dollar collapses
>you still have to go to work
>I just buy food with my inflation proof money
Nothing personal kid

>> No.49808066
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In case anyone missed this gem from the other day

>> No.49808101

mutt Americans honestly think that:
1. the value of a currency is related to whether or not you can it it
2. 1oz of gold is worth less than a can of beans
3. during hyper inflation gold and silver are used for barter when the reality is that during hyper inflation a new currency is typically brought in and gold and silver are the bridge to the new currency.

>> No.49808152

Well an asset which is cryptographically secured and has a fair and transparent supply and function, to me is better then fiat.
I get where youre coming from though.
Its tough because compared to the traditional view its "nothing".
Ultimately its just 1s and 0s and software, but google is also physically nothing yet every one knows and understands that its one of the most valuable companies on earth.
Technology itself is ultimately nothing but knowledge, it is just information about the specific combination and ordering of matter.
Philosophically the most valuable commodity in the universe is knowledge, lets say there is a true method to creating gold from base metals(alchemy), just that knowledge alone is worth more then all the physical gold in the universe.
In occult traditions the spiritual / mental is viewed as superior to physical material

That is the best way i can put it.

>> No.49808161
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>Haha I have a private army funded entirely with stacks of beans
Ponder the aroma

>> No.49808221

Feared across the land. The Bean Marines march across the wastes. Heralded by a vast wafting aroma non can comprehend or imagine.

>> No.49808231

if crypto has intrinsic value, why not make a gold backed crypto that is convertible into gold without hassle? Bitcoin and ethereal are both not gold backed and they are going through an exchange rate crisis. I fail to see how those currencies make sense.

Put a trillion USD worth of gold in a vault and create a crypto backed by that gold and exchangeable in banks in every city in the world. THEN I'll buy into your crypto, but not before then.

>> No.49808281

Value is whatever someone is willing to pay for it
What underlines the value of bitcoin is the exact same principle which determines the value of gold, what someone is willing to pay for it.

Gold is only valuable because people Deem it to be,
>you can make jewelry with it
>its used in tech
True, but every single physical material has some use,
Copper is used in many similar situations as gold, yet its price is a fraction. All of this is arbitrary and created entirely by the human psyche.
In a native american society that uses sea shells as currency, the sea shells can buy pounds of gold, because the shells are valued as more.

Philosphically speaking, guns+ ammo is the most useful commodity because it can be used to acquire any material you want

>> No.49808300

But that was because there's totally a super deadly and contagious virus and we need to stop the spread, guys. In an era where currency is divorced from gold backing, what story could they tell normies that would justify gold seizure without admitting that it is in fact a massively valuable underpinning of the economic system? It just doesn't check out.
Huh, interesting. 13 whole people.

>> No.49808346

I agree that would be the best of both worlds.
Its a simple upgrade to fair currency that was used by all of humanity before they were scammed...
You already know why they wouldnt allow this..
I hate the central banking fiat scam so much ..

>> No.49808382

>In an era where currency is divorced from gold backing, what story could they tell normies that would justify gold seizure without admitting that it is in fact a massively valuable underpinning of the economic system?
Oh, that's pretty easy.
>There is COVID 2.0 - 100x as deadly, 1000x as virulent.
>The scientists developed a cure - it requires gold for its production.
>Everyone is quarantined until the last goldbug obeys and sends his gold to the government.
Yes, it sounds dumb. Yes, NPCs don't care.

>> No.49808406

the current monetary order will fizzle out because eventually people will get sick of endless inflation as central banks print money out and everyone passes them around for real goods. eventually gold will come back as the bedrock of the global financial system. that's why I hold gold. I know the fiat system is not immortal. the financial system always drifts back to gold.

>> No.49808411

Now that’s a cute coin, I’d buy it.

>> No.49808420
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Go drink your Metamucil, old man! Here, we gamble on crypto.

>> No.49808548

>Check out my stacks
>work in a supermarket

>> No.49809969
File: 6 KB, 196x257, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dollar collapses
>social unrest begins
>become shamanistic cult leader and build a warband of young aggressive males with nothing to lose
>kick your door
>loot your canned food supply
>let my henchmen do whatever the fuck they want with you while I eat your beans

>> No.49810124

based chieftan, i would be honored to join your clan

>> No.49810299
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>> No.49810348

Each is worth a double "premium" BJ.

>> No.49810362

I need the pic of the zoomerfied silver coin

>> No.49810781

Amerimutts assume there is no middle ground between absolute prosperity and a nuclear hellscape. Guess I can’t complain, they fund my comfy life in Guatemala through patreon

>> No.49811376

>>dollar collapses
>>social unrest begins
>>basedboy chud trembling from malnutrition knocks on my door
>>offers to barter me his (((5,000,000 Cumcoin))), (((10,000 Link))) or (((0.2 Bitcoin))) he wage slaved for ten years to buy for a can of beans i bought for $0.50
>>no one has had power for weeks so we cant use the (((internet))) to access his (((trezor)))
>>turn 360 degrees and shut the door in his face

>> No.49811437

>economic collapse
>werewolves everywhere
>literally the antichrist
>didn't stack holy silver
>become a fur fag and yiff in hell on earth forever
All could have been avoided with just 1oz of silver bro

>> No.49811480

>Imagine if fiat collapsed today, what would you use for online commerce?
You wouldn't be using anything for online commerce you absolute idiot, it wouldn't exist

>> No.49811579
File: 277 KB, 582x498, TwoEmaciatedspointing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People imagine collapse situations as like a return to Pre-Mercantile european feudalism or some shit, But random manure shovelers with their nose to the grindstone didn't even use gold coins, they were mostlytransacted between Merchants, Nobles when they either want to sell or buy with merchants or with people in (((cities)))

>>basedboy chud trembling from malnutrition knocks on my door
Reminded me of pic related

>> No.49811613

It's true, here people either think things are going to be full out Armageddon or just a "mild slowdown". I know many people that are secretly preppers so that people don't make fun of them that they have crates full of canned beans. Arguing they'll trade beans for goods and services.

>> No.49811832

Cans of beans seem very space/weight inefficient, I just have a bunch of rice and other dried stuff, plus some basic supplements.

Though I guess not having to cook stuff in water has some advantages.

>> No.49812041

>not having to cook stuff in water has some advantages.
Grains don't require cooking, you just need to soak them in water for several hours. And you need to keep water purifiers/bottled water anyway.
The real advantage is that prepped food is, well, already prepped, so in winter you only need to unfreeze it (with your body heat) and you can immediately eat it.

>> No.49812514

>do you think they're gonna break into people's houses and steal their PMs? yes or no

why would they bother to go to so much effort taking something useless.

>> No.49812713

i would have liked if it even more if it ended with a roundhouse.msi

>> No.49813120

>turn 360 degrees
Haha you retard you would end up looking in the same direction

>> No.49813394

The mains power to your street can go off and the telephone will still work, because the telephone exchange will be fed from a completely different part of the network and probably have a backup. The phone lines don't require much power to run, so the same line carries the phone signal and power. A nationwide outage would still take the phone out

>> No.49813463

checked. retards on suicide watch

>> No.49813856

historical precedent says otherwise. cope more no pm holders.

>> No.49813874

a mad max situation wouldn't happen. society always corrects itself back up after any catastrophe, especially one that's just economics or a war.

>> No.49813938
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Impressive based prophet. Sign me up for gov issued digital wallet tattoos

>> No.49813996

That everyone associates Gold with Mad Max doom scenarios is hilarious.

>> No.49814011

Based pm chads

>> No.49814051
File: 2.47 MB, 3024x3167, 20211001_172426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey boss. I'll trade you a box of birdshot for a gallon of gas.

>> No.49814118
File: 153 KB, 1440x810, 1592290687827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men with guns from the gubment knock on your door
>hey aaanooon, about those shiny rocks...

>> No.49814145

historical precedent says "your" shiny rocks belong to the government you fucking deluded retard.

>> No.49814302

The US government is the most incompetent, bungling bunch of pussies imaginable. And any elite force within the organization that actually could do something like this is more likely to turn on the corrupt government than turn on the people.

>> No.49814320

You are a very wise man.

>> No.49814351

An entire police force can't even confront a teenage tranny gunning down children in a school. You think they are going to be confronting schizos in their bunkers just to take their PMs? Police are not going to die for the central bank.

>> No.49814363

Invest in precious metal validation services.

>> No.49814369

The "elite forces" controlled by the US would slaughter kids in daycare all day long if their masters told them too. I don't what kind of fantasy world you live in.

>> No.49816026

Why shouldn't I mint a collectible gold coin worth 100,000x gold?

>> No.49817971

This was true for many years but as companies rip out copper and replace it with fiber (fiber is data only and can't carry electricity, for you retards out there) landlines are powered by the homes electrical system and they have a 7amp hour battery in the dmark for if you lose power at home, but it only lasts for a day or so.

t. 80s phone phreak

>> No.49818060

So stupid you didn’t understand the point of the post
Both a shame for you and OP

>> No.49818070
