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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49804973 No.49804973 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this illegal /biz/? If some retarded broker hopped up on cocaine accidentally deposits 1.2mill of the companies funds into a random unsuspecting persons account the random person shouldn't be punished for keeping it. All transactions are final. Businesses have rules in place refusing refunds and they have that right. If something is mistakenly transferred to my account I should have the right to keep it. Maybe next time get the numbers right.

>> No.49805116

she got arrested but did she have to give it back?

>> No.49805167

Crypto solves this problem.

>> No.49805206

I accidentally paid a hospital bill twice and it took 3 years to get my money back

>> No.49805240

i went to the er once and when the bill came up i told that bitch nurse to send it to collections, never heard about it again

>> No.49805266

Apparently she had transferred it to another account, and had paid off part of a house bought a car etc with it. They're recovered around 75% of the money. Apparently in the bank agreement statement or whatever theres a nice line about the bank being able to recover any mismanaged funds. To cover only their asses Incase of a royally bad fuck up of course.

>> No.49805268

Here is the kicker, mistakes happen. Therefore transactions can be reversed
If you get to keep accidental 1+ million, you would also have to pay accidental -1 million too. The sword cuts both ways

>> No.49805286

Apparently it's common place in the ghetto to give a fake name at the ER without bringing their ID and pretend you don't have an ID or forgot it.

>> No.49805298

Supremely based

>> No.49805310

Yeah, you can tell by how many times people who got burned by this kind of thing--which happens weekly at this point--throw an immediate shitfit and get it reversed if at all possible.

>> No.49805319

>you would also have to pay accidental -1 million too.
Yes but I wouldn't make such a retarded mistake. I also don't have 1 million to accidentally pay someone.
Maybe you should be more careful when handling large sums of money Goldberg

>> No.49805393

By OP’s logic you shouldn’t be able to dispute fraudulent transactions on your card either

>> No.49805426

Except this wasn't fraudulent. The person arrested did nothing wrong but use money given to her.
The broker made a mistake and fucked up. The company whose money it was should be insured by such mistakes and the person who received it should keep it.

>> No.49805428

The legal reality is that banks are supposed to work to recover your funds if you have a mistaken transaction as an individual. The stuff companies put in a contract isn't law, and they know it isn't law, which is also why there are bits in there about arbitration preceeding any and all legal suits. She has to return the money and you shouldnt let yourself get dogwalked when you make mistakes in the current system either.

>> No.49805438

She should have bought crypto and hidden the key numbers.
Nothing they can do to get it back.. right?

>> No.49805566

The judge can put you in jail indefinitely for contempt until you give in.

>> No.49805598

Now this is based

>> No.49805602

She should have withdrawn the cash, left the country for somewhere with no extradition treaty and liquidated her US holdings from abroad if she wanted to be a thief.

>> No.49805630

i acidentally sent eth to the wrong address can i have them arrested somehow?

>> No.49805645

This isn’t crypto, in the real world there is laws

>> No.49805668

The real world's whose laws only exist to fix the mistakes of Jews and screw over the normal buyer into the system

>> No.49805697
File: 106 KB, 401x401, Awoo_Tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The judge can put you in jail indefinitely for contempt until you give in.

Claim you do not know the keys and that you will never remember them
Become a tranny and claim judge and bank are transphobic. Jail is filled with people that want to hurt you... cry in every interview that you fear for your life... you have committed a non violent crime... trannys will come to defend you

>> No.49805701

If by ghetto you mean everywhere except white suburbia, yes. Thank you based illegals for dabbing on wagies.

>> No.49805748

sounds like you already have your answer if you know it was in the bank's TOS. you're not retarded are you

>> No.49805770

nonbinding if they didn't properly explain it to me before I bought the account

>> No.49805793

pfft whatever, trivial amount, company should have just printed more

>> No.49805800

>Claim you do not know the keys and that you will never remember them
They will literally just leave you in jail. It's highly illegal, but they there's nothing you or any lawyer can do about it. The only way to successfully fight the illegal system is to have fuck you money and throw it around to either pay off or intimidate the people in charge.

>> No.49805845

>bank contracts are nonbinding
yeah ok Mattlock

>> No.49805882

Throw you in jail for life because you can not remember a number... convicted murderers usually serve about 7 years

>> No.49805895
File: 532 KB, 250x251, shinka laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically the best insurance plan.

>> No.49807136

>They will literally just leave you in jail.
wrong. 72 hours is the longest you can be held without charges. If they charge you, then you can request a speedy trial which usually pisses off and fucks up the prosecuting team as they then only have 70 days (instead of 6 months) to gather evidence and try you.
Throwing you in prison and saying "whelp. you can stay here until you die of natural causes or give up the key" violates so many local, state, and fedeal laws. Unless you can point to just ONE case where someone was locked up for life on a financial charge but never went to trial.
>pro tip. you cant. so stop being an internet lawyer and go back.

>> No.49807419
File: 684 KB, 639x617, 2022-06-08--1654676045_639x617_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>due process
>hold indefinitely
Man the Constitution really is just a piece of paper isnt it.

>> No.49807477

I'd be instantly fucking out of the country immediately if a mil randomly popped up in my account. Instantly transfer it to crypto while getting the fuck out.
Probably raise too many questions by doing so and get caught, but hell why not try.

>> No.49807535

That pic be glowing my nigger

>> No.49807544

wire the money to binance and run to mexico. how hard can it be?

>> No.49807559

What exchange would accept 1 million without a warning bell going off anyway

>> No.49807578


>> No.49807592

Yeah that's what I mean. And then they won't let you just cash it out to a wallet either, I'd bet good money on that.

>> No.49807623

Citi did this to a fund and the fund didnt have to pay them back bitch just needs a better lawyer
Oh you made a mistake?
Well how is that my issue?
Give me back your money? Why?

>> No.49807730

>the random person shouldn't be punished for keeping it
deposits in a bank don't belong to you, they are property of the bank - read the fine print. you merely avoid being called for theft when you withdraw money as it's agreed upon exchange - accurate bookkeeping for your money out, you already don't own anything and are blissfully unaware.

>> No.49807815

one time I I was at the shop and they accidentally gave me a 20 instead of a 5 as change
made 10 bucks nice

>> No.49808002

bitch should've used monero

>> No.49808168

She did withdrawal it dumbass
The bank fucked op and a good lawyer would get her off
She should have saved some for legal fees

>> No.49808299

One time at the gas station some boomer had his gigantic rv waiting to fill up off to the side, he walked in to pay for his gas (I didn't know at the time) and when I saw my gas pump it said $300 prepaid so I was like wtf so I just started pumping and I filled up my whole tank. Right as I was almost done I saw him yelling at the wagie inside and put two and two together and noped out of there lol

>> No.49808418
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good lad.

>> No.49808432

A mate of mine from university did this in America. I held onto his wallet and ID and he gave the ambulance a fake name.
Thanks for the free healthcare Americucks.

>> No.49808478

It's not cocaine that would cause a mistake like that op. It's plain old alcohol. Learn the basics on drugs

>> No.49808513

Feel free to get educated and educate others on how to say fuck you to the laws that you don't think are good.