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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 146 KB, 1023x731, rent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49801172 No.49801172 [Reply] [Original]

My landlord just raised my rent. I live in a major city and paid $1800 for a studio. Now with the raise the cost, service fees and tip come out to be $2300. Why do landlords do that? The place is paid off and something the landlord inherited. They make pure profit from me and 5 other tenants. Why can't they understand it's a recession and cut us some slack? How are people supposed to live like this.

>> No.49801209

Start complaining about more things that need to be fixed

>> No.49801243
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>2300 for a studio
The absolute state

>> No.49801250

Because he is based.
Now pay up wagie

>> No.49801263

This is the norm for most coastal cities and I bet San Francisco is worse

>> No.49801275

the average cost of rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in des moines iowa is $580
you know what you must do

>> No.49801279

It's nuts man I know. I hear things like that from people every day. I hear more and more people are moving back home. I don't know what people are supposed to do other wise. I wonder what things will look like by the end of the year. It's getting ridiculous.

>> No.49801301

Complaining about increasing rent yet continuing to live there and pay it is in the same category as people who complain about beer and hot dogs being overpriced at the ballpark, then buying them anyways

Prices will continue to rise until you remove your demand from the market

>> No.49801316

>and tip

>> No.49801331

>Why do landlords do that?
Because someone will pay that, either you or someone else. End of story

>They make pure profit from me and 5 other tenants
Property taxes and maintenance aren't free kiddo

>> No.49801342

This. What's the tip for? Using extra lube to pound your asshole with his "tip"?

>> No.49801345

It's because if they don't rent the place out for at least 1% of the property value per month they'd be better off selling it and putting it into the stock market because 1% of property value is the reasonable market rate.

>> No.49801349

Stop paying
Make them try and evict
Cement in the toilet

You're welcome.

>> No.49801364

I have been repeatedly ASSURED by morons in real estate threads that renting is preferable to buying because you don't have to pay property taxes, lmao

>> No.49801373

People need shelter, they don't need snacks at a ball game

>> No.49801384

I always tipped every place I rented. My friends and family do it too.

Property taxes and maintenance is a tiny fraction of the ~$14,000 he pulls a month in rent fuck off

>> No.49801394


>> No.49801405

they do it because you'll take it
all i'm saying, anon, is there are other places out there to rent, and other cities to rent in

>> No.49801422

I don't want to resort to this. Up to this point I was pretty cool with the landlord

>> No.49801434

Put all of your cooking grease down the sink

>> No.49801443

>Tips your fucking landlord
Goddamn Americans. Do you even try?

>> No.49801452

Those people are fucking idiots. Who do they think is paying the property tax? It's baked into the price of the rent.

You seem rather salty anon. How do you know the property is paid off, maybe he took another mortgage out? How do you know what he's spending on maintenance? Did he give you full access to the property's financials?
No? Then stop talking out your ass and crying about it.

>> No.49801481

>rentoid rekt by landchad
Don't forget the tip for your landlord.

>> No.49801501
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If you're gonna do that you better make sure there's not a clause that says any damage you cause that exceeds the security deposit is your responsibility...

>> No.49801508

should i charge rent for the troons that live rent free in my head?

>> No.49801511

>I'm a bitch and people are taking advantage of me, what do?

Stop being a bitch

>> No.49801510
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>votes to raise taxes
>pays them through a landlord
>"how could landlords do this to me?"
feel free to kill yourself. whenever you're ready.

>> No.49801514

>How do you know the property is paid off
He told me during small talk one day. Came up because he said he plans on selling it to his kids soon.
>How do you know what he's spending on maintenance?
I know it's a fraction of $14,000
>No? Then stop talking out your ass and crying about it.
You are a retarded enabler fuck off.

>> No.49801526

You have to tip your landlord? Wtf

>> No.49801554

I'm also american.
I pay about half that in rent, while not living in a studio, and ever "tipping" my leasing company.
OP is either a troll or his landlord knows he can take advantage of him because he's literally retarded.

>> No.49801555

I hope you're paying tips on both cost and service fees. Oh, and don't forget the tip tip.

>> No.49801561

Because Mao was right

>> No.49801586

Not all of us live in small bumblefuck towns anon

>> No.49801600

I really hope they dont start making landlords list line items for why rent is increasing if it goes above a certain amount. I feel like thats the next play they will have. I just raise it by 2% every year for no reason except mo money although there is one single mom I havent raised rent on in three years because shes really trying with her two daughters

>> No.49801611

Am landlord, never heard of this either

>> No.49801615

I'm also in a city though

>> No.49801635
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>be me
>tell my tenants building is paid off, barely costs me anything
>still raise rents $500/mo just because I can

Unfathomably based

>> No.49801665

pretty much this, its a free $500/month so why not. If not you, then the next sucker

>> No.49801687

Pretty soon the only ones who can afford the rent will be pajeets and spics who fit 5 people in a space meant for 1 and they will damage your apartments and force costly repairs. Retard landlord kikes can't think long term only short term

>> No.49801689
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>I want to live in your house for free.

>> No.49801695

>Cement in the toilet
This is a good way of having your ass handed to you in civil court

>> No.49801719

I know youre not actually a landlord, but one day they will be turned into paste for being the useless parasites they are. Even Adam Smith recognized this.

>> No.49801724

>Pretty soon the only ones who can afford the rent will be pajeets and spics who fit 5 people in a space meant for 1 and they will damage your apartments and force costly repairs. Retard landlord kikes can't think long term only short term
lol, just raise rent for costly repairs

>> No.49801743

Only high class people tip their landlord, if you don’t you’re trash. Probably European.

>> No.49801745

And yet you allow him to ass fuck you every month and still give him a tip. You really are showing him anon.

>> No.49801747
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Rentoids BTFO

>> No.49801752


>> No.49801764

I was thinking the same thing. How cycles do you have to be to pay tip on a rental property? You deserve what you get.

>> No.49801777

You have to tip otherwise they put pubes in your water supply.

>> No.49801780

>Adam Smith
Not capitalist enough for me.
Try Hayek

>> No.49801795


>> No.49801798

To be fair, I bet property taxes are the main driving force, he's probably just adding a bit on top for good measure. They've gone bonkers with property tax increases this year, at least where I am. They're trying to almost double them for one of my properties

Not happening anytime soon anon, have you seen rent availability in major cities right now? People are climbing the fucking walls to get anything they can.
Also, yeah, why the fuck are you tipping him?

>I know youre not actually a landlord
Your crystal ball needs recalibrating anon

>> No.49801819
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>inherit property
>sell it to your children

>> No.49801825

you aren't entitled to my shelter. either pay what we ask or go live in a tent/van.

>> No.49801853

[5 minutes of uninterrupted vomiting]

>> No.49801865

I m opening a massive real estate business at this rate

>> No.49801866

If general residential property values go up, rent goes up. That's all there is too it. Landlords are just trying to make as much money as they can.

>> No.49801920

Simple supply and demand. Now pay your rent.

>> No.49801927

> I want to live in a capitalist country that’s socialist specifically towards me

I cannot with these burgers

>> No.49801948

Pretty soon there isn't going to be a supply

>> No.49801958

>Why do landlords do that? The place is paid off and something the landlord inherited. They make pure profit from me and 5 other tenants. Why can't they understand it's a recession and cut us some slack? How are people supposed to live like this.

Because retards keep voting for morons that prevent construction with retarded regulations causing a lack of supply of real estate, on top of that governments are doing everything to keep wages down while increasing property rates according for inflation.

The state is milking everyone to hell even those more fortunate ones with assets.

>> No.49801967

I'd rather sleep in a trailer than have a landlord fuck me like that.

>> No.49801979

>I want to live in a capitalist country that’s socialist specifically towards me

That's called "libertarianism"

>> No.49801999
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>> No.49802018

you are not supposed to make it, the trends that started in 1971 are getting worse and worse.

The big problem is fiat inflating wages to hell, which makes capital accumulation hard for normies which means there is less individual investment.

People used to build their own houses but you can't do that if you need 9 years of savings and even then goverments authorizations and fees.

The entry cost of everything keeps going up relative to wages.

This all ends soon mass movement of normies to parents houses leading to people giving up leading to global wage spiral.

This is why they want to crash the economy they think that if they crash everything people will be happy to wage for shit.

In reality it will get worse and worse.

>> No.49802029

If you were a landlord, would you charge below market rate?

>> No.49802047

>I live in a major city and paid $1800 for a studio.

Sounds like you were getting a steal. City ((landlords)) usually charge too much, for the smallest space possible, with last remodel happening in the 1920's. You could like in slum in china and live better.

get out of the city anon

>> No.49802049

>Property taxes and maintenance is a tiny fraction of the ~$14,000 he pulls a month in rent fuck off

it's basically lack of supply every moron post the record new house built but nobody posts the charts with record low listings in the market.

>> No.49802053

You mean demand? If theres no more supply, enjoying paying rents forever.

>> No.49802054
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>I live in a major city
There's where you screwed up. You get what you deserve.

>> No.49802076
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I pay $1,825 for a small studio and if I want to renew, I have to cough up $2,650. Any other place in my area is way more expensive.
Even in the small town where I'm from, 1-bedroom apartments are roughly the same price, so it's not entirely a geographical thing.

>> No.49802089

Tip guyse TIP hueheueheeuhuehueheheheheheeheheheheheeheheheh HURR HURR HURR UHHHH DAHHH DUUUHHHH *fart*

>> No.49802096

>small town
>ridonk rent

pick one, and only one

>> No.49802104
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>and tip
Do Americans really?

>> No.49802108

there is literally no more supply of even rents in the west, governments with their retarded regulations have destroyed everything.

The housing inventories keep going lower in every fucking country due to bretton woods trends supressing wages which means there is less wagie capital into real estate investment meaning the only ones building are companies to rent now.

>> No.49802119

this is what capitalism actually is. any protections for the tenant is called socialism

>> No.49802139

yeah but its costing so much lately i think next month I'll only do 15%. fuck landies

>> No.49802149
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>>small town
>>ridonk rent
Did you not read the part where I stated that rents in the small town where I'm from are also too expensive too?

>> No.49802150

>Small town
>1 bedroom apartment
>2600 per month

Honestly where the fuck do you live?

>> No.49802167

I would charge what is fair and also based on the current economic climate. If I could survive without raising rent I would

>> No.49802166
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$1800 for a studio

Absolute STATE of rentoids

>> No.49802180

capitalism is about capital accumulation the current keynsian system is all about demand side and stimulating it.

By destroying capital acccumulation there is now a lack of supply of everything from cars to real estate while demand is way higher in those.

The fact that wages are so supressed is not even funny even the most commie democrats are now very suddenly not saying shit about minimum wage because the entire system is based on taxing wagies via inflation reducing their quality of life and forcing them to wage more for less quality of life.

Raising the minimum wage would mean reducing the wagies inflationary tax.

>> No.49802246

The only reason I am living here is because I want to be an actor. I have 2 friends currently acting in major TV shows and Mariska Hargitay is a friend of the family so I am hoping that helps.

>> No.49802260
File: 13 KB, 695x75, the world is so bad it hurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure profit
There's a combination of inflation, demand and price gouging pushing stuff up but in the end your boomer is technically a businessman.

I hate it too but as long as oil production is low and the government keeps trying to tax 'oil company profits' as a scheme to push people into buying newer hybrid and electric cars, likely to create fake demand for the 'green new deal' which would create more inflation due to spending which would go directly towards stimulating the prices of building materials, shit won't get better.

Like just think- we have policies which encourage simultaneous deindustrialization, discrimination and destruction of savings but the government's like hurr durr burr. Probably because they can just print votes.

Keep in mind we were actually in a state of deflation in 2020, so a lot of the inflation now and the Fed's slow response is probably deliberately to 'make up' for low inflation in 2020 and 2021 by forcing it up abnormally fast to prevent wagies from getting any footholds from wage increases.

Anyway one big problem is that right now landowners can leave their properties vacant but as the housing bubble crashes over the next year and we see zillow properties valued at 1 million go back to 700k or so you'll see initial resistance as boomer slumlords scream "I know what I got".

So anyway once they really get squeezed by the big funds being forced to dump their houses all at once there's going to be a lot of bottom exploration and we'll see rent costs come down by up to 50% in a lot of areas. The 2020s will be a 'good' time if you're a rentcuck, once we get past 2023.

>> No.49802259

I'm currently paying $2,550/month for a 2-bed, 800sqft apartment in Hoboken. I got it during the peak of Covid for $2,500/month, and it's rent controlled. Ended up breaking my lease early for a job in the suburbs of Pennsylvania; will be leaving end of July.

My landlord listed the apartment for $2,950/month. Apparently that was so low in this market that a bidding war ensued between applicants. He ended up getting a lease signed for $3,300/month. I literally made him tens of thousands of dollars richer just by moving. This current market is insane.

Btw, I'll be moving to a 3-bed, 1600sqft house for $2,500/month, with a lawn, 2-car garage, lawn care service, and it's bikeable to my new job. I think I'm done with the NYC metro area.

>> No.49802268

most of the money given away has been towards the top, which is hardly keyensian, and hardly stimulus for the economy, it's just rich people getting more money.

what kind of drugs are you on/ Keyensianism is about supplying the bottom with money... frankly after a decade of topheavy "quantitative easing", and two decades of war profiteering some serious questions have to be raised about the narratives you're pointing to.

why is it only a problem when ordinary citizens are given money?

>> No.49802422

I hope you dont have to but there is a good chance you will have to suck some cocks and spread your cheeks and even that might not guarantee your success.

>> No.49802432

>I want to be an actor
Oh dear...

>> No.49802470

It's still monetary demand remove qe and the economy stagnates because they been giving gibs to retarded shit for too long.

The only reason they did it to the rich via market is to add another proxy and have some control on money velocity by using stonk fomo as a way of getting richfag wealth in the financial system.

It's all keynsian bullshit, qe ,ycc , chavist tier money printing, different names for the same shit.

look at money base of the usa and the uk and tell me this is normal.



you can sell me the rich are buying real estate to rent but the same shit is happening in things like cheap cars, the rich are not bagholding the cheapest cars that are being built and yet they are growing up in price like 20% per year since 2008.

>and two decades of war profiteering some serious questions have to be raised about the narratives you're pointing to.

forget about two decades, 5 actually.

>why is it only a problem when ordinary citizens are given money?

it's always bad and inflationary there is a lot of truth to socialist ideas some times, but a lot of thing we give as normal is post new deal propaganda in the west, the starving farmers images were literally marketing photo operations for fuck sakes.

Go check how much a worker needed to save to buy a home before the fed existed.

It used to be 9 months of the lowest wages, then after income tax and the fed it was around 12 months, then after bretton woods 16 months, and after bretton woods collapsed this number started to grow every year non stop.

The system is so fucked up it's disgusting to even look at the problem.

>> No.49802507

TV shows are different than movie roles. Both my friends got their roles the same way. Grind out background roles. Make people above them remember their names. After a while they get a speaking role and then hopefully someone sees that and gives them a significant role. With my contacts I jump ahead of the grind phase hopefully.

>> No.49802570

have you ever met Jared Leto or Joey Tribiani?

>> No.49802589

How many years have you been on this grind?
How many reoccurring speaking roles have you landed?
Are your parents still paying your rent?

>> No.49802621

you're too used to billionaires existing when frankly they just shouldn't. you're too brainwashed into thinking profiting off of basic needs like food and shelter is how things have to be when they don't.

>> No.49802623

I have not met anyone famous other than Mariska Hargitay

2 years but Covid has made this really harder than it should be but that has calmed down thankfully.

>> No.49802638

Can you answer the the other questions?

>> No.49802668

Sorry I missed your other two questions.
7 speaking roles none of them reoccurring 2 in local commercials.
My parents do not pay my rent I have side jobs like right now I bar tend

>> No.49802680

>tipping his landleech

>> No.49802714

if there was a free public option for studio apartment housing provided by the government with no attached conditions, how much do you think you would be charged for rent in a private building

>> No.49802789

By the way I am giving myself 3 more years. If it doesn't work out I will probably look to teach at a college some acting class but I hope it doesn't come to that.

>> No.49802803

>you're too used to billionaires existing when frankly they just shouldn't.

you can't just tax wealth on x number 100 years ago millionaires had the same purchasing power than today billionaires due to inflation the number got big but it's the same social class.

You start to do that shit and you end like here in argentina where they created luxury good taxes that now start at the cheapest used car you can find, fucking rich wealth tax starts at 10k usd now it used to be millions but due to inflation you enter into that bracket now.

>you're too brainwashed into thinking profiting off of basic needs like food and shelter is how things have to be when they don't.

This should not be done, but there is no solution if you don't increase supply, if you increased supply the landlords would dump real estate.

Look into bulgaria depopulation due to soviet fucking their demographics they experienced a population bust and real estate excess apeared which forced landlords to dump the real estate the last years causing cost of living to go down.

The problem in the west is that construction and building shit is overregulated and full of fees now and governments are not even investing in infrastructure like subways or railroads despite having record levels of spending all spending is going to gibs.

>> No.49802881

I'm pretty sure they don't hire people with only 5 years of extras experience at colleges.
Do you have any type of bachelors degree related to drama or teaching?

>> No.49802918

>you cant just tax wealth
read an american history book. the US had a 90% wealth tax in the 50s and its what made america a great place to live. it was Nixon and Reagan who ruined that.

All our tax dollars should go to free food and housing, instead of war and corporate subsidies. america is the richest country in the world. Billionaires shouldnt exist.

>> No.49802961

>I'm pretty sure they don't hire people with only 5 years of extras experience at colleges.
You would be wrong and like I said I have connections.
I have a Bachelors in Theater Studies and a Bachelors in English.

>> No.49802989
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Don’t worry. I’m sure if you bring this to your McBoss’s attention he will increase your salary to compensate. :)

>> No.49802995

you dont pay tip for your rent?

>> No.49803186

why is this such a big deal? People tip their maintenance man in bigger buildings.

>> No.49803304

imagine not tipping your landlord for a place to live every month pretty fucking selfish if you ask me esp if he makes sure there's hot to luke warm water, A/C working 80+% of the time, and minimal roaches. Ofc he has to raise rents his cost of living is going up TOO!

>> No.49803305

>read an american history book. the US had a 90% wealth tax in the 50s and its what made america a great place to live. it was Nixon and Reagan who ruined that.

Commie lies i did read and recheck them, us top corporate tax was 48%

Individual tax was indeed high but top was 70% and mind you it was at the level that you were earning 6 houses per year, so it would be at 3m usd today.

Literally nobody earns that as a wagie you form an LLC and are at the 40% tax rate of corporates.

>> No.49803607

Except the landlord does none of that, that's all the job of maintenance worker.
Landlord collect money, hire people to maintain their properties, and pay the required taxes.
Tipping them is the equivalent to tipping the franchise owner of a restaurant after having a meal.

>> No.49803698

>Except the landlord does none of that, that's all the job of maintenance worker.

landlord also takes up the brunt of the financial risk

>> No.49803738

Do people seriously tip their landlords? I'm American and I've never heard of such a thing. I can't tell if people are being ironic or not.

>> No.49803739

Tfw my mortgage for a 3bd 2ba with a fenced yard, 2 car attached, 9000 SQ ft lot, and in a quiet neighborhood is $1575

>> No.49803764

Also the OP is blatantly trolling, anyone who's been to /fit/ for a while would be aware.
>Not tipping the front desk girl

>> No.49803768

So what?
They already getting money from the tenants. Their job is literally to manage that money.

>> No.49803818

>9000 SQ ft lot
I wouldn't include that bro, that's actually small as fuck. I'm at a 1/3rd of an acre and even that seems small.

>> No.49803822

>and tip

>> No.49803917

It all depends on the market retard

>> No.49803920

>This is why they want to crash the economy they think that if they crash everything people will be happy to wage for shit.

That's a clever take. It's weird though, because recent wage increases seem to be making work more tolerable. Now they want to cause a recession because "higher salaries are the cause for inflation".

>> No.49803924

I have a spare room in my house, you can live with me. But I may rape you in the middle of the night, just a heads up

>> No.49803964

>that pic
Fuck i dislike women and how they turn things to shit. How do i get a gay boyfriend and get gay married? I dont ever want a chance that a gold digger tries to steal my familial property.
Hardmode:please tell me how to do this without getting HIV or monkey blisters?
>captcha thinks my post is spam
Fuck you japmoot

>> No.49804002

>he doesn’t tip his landlord
No wonder 3rd worlders don’t even have basic modern appliances like Air Conditioning

>> No.49804083


pre-COVID I would say 10% per month was standard tip. Now with everything going on in the housing market and global economy 15-20% minimum

>> No.49804125

Hopefully she pays you back in “other ways”

>> No.49804176

I'm paying $500 for a 2bd apartment in nebraska. Left a job in california that paid $16.45/hr and just got an easy job that pays $17/hr. I'm fuckin set, I'm bout to slurp up all your misfortune.

>> No.49804179

bro single mom's are the ones you raise rent on first they are just going to blow the money on hair, nails, and clothes they dont need anyway. get it together man

>> No.49804180

Sure thing rentoid

>> No.49804189
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>i should able to name whatever price i want. i am entitled to other people's property
pay up or get out

>> No.49804207

you heard him jews and nogs invade Nebraska stat

Rates need to 2x by JAN2023

>> No.49804266

0% in standard

>> No.49804272

B-but what about the hustle and bustle???

>> No.49804853

People need food, they don't need snacks at a ball game
People need shelter, they don't need $2500 studio apartments

>> No.49805992


>> No.49806056

just eat them retard. don't want to eat? then pay the fuckin and realize you're crying about some asshole who gives not one fuck about you to a hundred other assholes who also don't give not one fuck about you

>> No.49806099

wait you guys don't tip your landlord? how else do you keep them renting to you?

>> No.49806620

Get america'd

>> No.49806653

Just buy a house of your own retard

>> No.49806881

WTF prices are those. You live in Jewark or Jew York?

>> No.49807957

These threads are only good for shit posts and larping. There are still plenty of reasonable rentals. The problem is a lot of zoomers and malinals would rather rent in a trendy area vs buy/rent in the suburbs driving prices up in central areas. Most of the bitching is related to people trying to live in those trendy areas. Heaven forbid they have to live five miles down the road.

>> No.49809097

The enemy of the landlords is the live in Idaho, Remote work for Manhattan. That's why everyone wants you to get back in the office. They don't want you to win. They want you to stay a renter.

>> No.49809213

I want to know what makes you think you were "cool" with your landlord anyway? He wasn't a dick to you? My landlord praises me for paying on time... we aren't buddies though. In fact, I literally only talked to him once the first three years I lived here. Except lately he's been bitching about if rent is in the mail to me over a week before it's actually due lol, wonder if he lost a bunch of money in crypto.

>> No.49809595

You couldn't buy a house if people were only allowed to own one
Go try and buy a house then get it repossessed within a year

>> No.49809649

>Did he give you full access to the property’s financials?

Do you think a tenant should have a legal right to this information?

>> No.49809676

What is inelasticity of demand

>> No.49809738

Lol they can't raise rent once sighed contract before raise

>> No.49809762


>> No.49809772

thats what you deserve for voting democrat/biden

>> No.49809803

>The problem is a lot of zoomers and malinals would rather rent in a trendy area vs buy/rent in the suburbs driving prices up in central areas
in major west coast cities, if you work downtown and live in the suburbs, your adding 1-2 hours of commuting each day, thats an extra 20-40 hours a month, how much do you value your free time?

>> No.49809817

>Lol they can't raise rent once sighed contract before raise
unless he was renewing an anual rental contract

>> No.49809832

Start learning a trade, bro

>> No.49809852

>and tip
The fact people don’t catch onto this shitpost or think this is legit is why crypto is crashing and you’re losing money you’re all fucking idiots

>> No.49809857

No one 'tips' anyone in any part of the rent chain in the US. Fucking weak ass LARP

>> No.49810014

to all "tenants" just het your own house and stop complaining.
that isnt complicated.just find the one you like, get it, renovate to your styl and move in.
need to tell people everything

>> No.49810085
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>I don't know what people are supposed to do other wise.
I do....

>> No.49810183
File: 19 KB, 256x400, mariska-s-life-61786903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mariska Hargitay is a friend of the family
>Oh yeah, that's one more for the cringe folder

>> No.49810286 [DELETED] 
File: 624 KB, 1466x997, mariska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me she's not an asshole

>> No.49810315
File: 624 KB, 1466x997, mariska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me she's not an asshole

>> No.49810598

Not tipping your landlord, I can’t even imagine… that would be like not tipping your doctor. Health and shelter are kinda important.

>> No.49810756


Imagine living in a major city lmao. Enjoy the hustle and bustle, pseudo-culcha your surrounded by, and the smug satisfaction of not being living in a flyover state.

Spoiler: you're paying 2 grand a month to live in a room while I live in a house like a civilized human. If you're not making 100k+ a year leave the fucking city.

>> No.49810826


Bumblefuck > big hustle bustle city that's bristling with crime, unlivable conditions, and etc. All to the live out the meme that you're sophisticated and educated because you live in McCity number 1

>> No.49810931

>it's another "landlords ghey" "NO U GAY FAGGET BUY YOUR OWN SHIT DEN" thread
Absolute troons, everyone that has posted ITT.

>> No.49810984

nobody cares
you aren't owed anything
either pay up or leave

>> No.49811035

It might actually be illegal for him to do that. Get a lawyer.

>> No.49811220

ok so what is the unit you live in worth if the landlord sold it today?

property taxes and utilities are only a small portion of the calculated rent. for instance I am a landlord, I own a couple of houses that i rent, one i use as a business office. I have one house worth 300k that I rent for 1000$/month. For my 300k asset I receive 1000$ month. If i sold it and invested that 300k how much could i get in dividends, well approx 1800/month. Thats why i just put that house up for sale last month. its just not worth it.

When a tenant approaches me, they are basically asking to borrow my lamborghini, and for a 500$damage deposit, and 1000$ month, they can drive it anywhere, I have to pay the mileage (maintenance, normalwear and tear), I have to pay the taxes.

Would you rent out your lamborghini for a 500$ deposit and 1000$ a month? Then why should I? you are basically asking me to make you a 300k loan for a damage deposit and 1k a month. and if you burn my house down, and you dont have insurance (which you dont), then i get nothing, cause its notworth sueing you, cause you got nothing.

Right now Im dumping any real estate that has a mortage, and any rental units. I started selling rental units when the commie government of Canada decided at the begining of Covid that they werent going to honour 1000 years of english common law and enforce contracts ('member the eviction freeze). When the government arbitrarily decided that rental contracts were the one contract they would not enforce, I decided to get out of the landlording business.

I hope you can afford to buy anon, cause the good landlords are getting out of the business. entitled fucks like you can go suck Avi shekelsteins dick. See how he treats you.

>> No.49811246
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Time to start getting your monies worth.

>> No.49811277

Don't like it? Move out. Not your house, not your rights.

>> No.49811294

Based summary.
Same here in Europe. Instead of eviction freezes we got price control for rent in many countries.

>> No.49811365

>renting out a busted 122 Corolla that you borrowed money to buy using your other busted 122 Corolla as collateral that you borrowed money to buy using a busted Yaris as collateral
"muh lamborghini"

>> No.49811397
File: 119 KB, 955x1024, feel bad for america who does not speak english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do landlords do that?
Because their bet is that there are other people out there willing to pay $2,300 for a shitty studio apartment, so if you don't pay up they're relatively sure that in the current economic conditions they cna find another sucker to replace you who will pay the $2,300 and shut up like a good little bitch.
Landlords don't give a shit about you and you're a replaceable little piglet to them. Go live in a tent with the other hobos. Shoplifting is legal in San Francisco anyway, so you are not gonna starve.

>> No.49811421

Based trips tips

>> No.49811495

and then theres assholes like you.i had this geriatirc old bitch living in one of my rental units clogging up her drains. of course I have to pay to fix it, and the plumber digs out fucking chicken bones. who the fuck tries to flush chicken bones down the drain?

And you idiots wonder where all the good landlords went? You wonder why your dealing with black rock and Avi shekelstein? Cause you dont get it. Even a small apartment represents hundreds of thousands of dollars of capital. Why would I invest my money in a rental unit, get a 3% return on a capital asset, get lied to by niggers, have people flushing chicken bones down thier toilets, setting fire to thier apartments, using them to deal drugs, meth labs, grow ops etc etc etc. And none of you cocksuckers have any money, so your not worth sueing. I had one stupid roastie bitch living in a apartment, who burned a giant hole in her living room floor, passed out drunk and a candle caught her suite on fire. She "midnight moved" at the end of the month, leaving her apartment full of trash. thousands of dollars in damage, and what do i get, her fuckign 500$ deposit (and I lose a month of rental income).

I am so glad to be liquidating my rental stock. You fuckign assholes can go ask black rock for a place to live! See if the banksters care, cause i dont anymore. Ill put my money in bank stocks,blue chips,amazon, microsoft and collect a nice easy 6% dividend every three months, twice the income, none of the hassle, and none of the hate, and no real risk.

>> No.49811536
File: 22 KB, 480x360, too simple sometimes naive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and no real risk

>> No.49811552

300k is 300k poorfag.
If it's so easy, then why don't you save some money to build your own house to rent out? Should be a safe way to become a multimillionaire

>> No.49811558
File: 43 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COPE!! It is all part of there PLAN!

>> No.49811574

rents going up wagie. maybe Avi Shekelstein will let you suck his dick for 20$ off. only one of my properties had a mortage, and I sold it. interest rates are going up, up, up, ..... the only rental house Im keeping is the one I rent to my sister and her four boys, and I dont care if she ever pays the rent.

>> No.49811617

Avi Shekelstein

>> No.49811669


when will they learn

>> No.49811696

its not as risky as rentals. man ive had people just trash my rentals and I get zero, zip nada. no investment is without risk. companies like J&J pay great dividends, and have been paying at 6% for decades. i always look for dividends, not capital gains. i like cashflow, its why i thought renting would work out.but renting is a hassle. you have to deal constantly with liars. most of my tenants have been awesome, but it only takes one to spoil years of profit. rental is more risky then stocks, or commodities.

>> No.49811778

As a landie in Europe the profit on apartment is about 2-3% of the price per annum. Basically you can renovate apt for free. And that only in case your tenants are white. Otherwise the attrition exceeds any possible profit and you're better off letting it sit empty.

>> No.49811858

Unless you live in a shithole like Germany where that is illegal in many cities.
Also If you can only increase rent by X% every Y years, you will get rekt by inflation. Yet realestate prices in Europe are still insanely high. I guess most people are just bad at math

>> No.49811882

get one of her daughters as collateral, pick the cutest one

>> No.49811962

We understand. We just don't care. Get your vax. Eat the bugs.

>> No.49811973

>an overpriced food item that you have the option to not get at a one time event = your home that you need to be at every day becoming overpriced that you cant not have
You are an bot. Any human being with any level of reasoning ability would be able to think of something more complex than a hot dog, or the nuance of how not having a hot dog wont kill you while not having a home will very much kill you.
No human would make such an inane insensitive post.

>> No.49812011

>renting apartment for $1700
>get lease renewal
>new price is $2250
>tell kikes I’m moving out when lease expires
>they list my unit for $2150
Kek. They also have about 8 vacant units that they haven’t been able to fill. I hope mine sits vacant forever when I leave. Fuck em.

>> No.49812015

>Property taxes
A YEARLY cost that is calculated at a small fraction of the overall worth of the property
Maybe if you have trashy niggers that will fuck the place up. Any normal white person wouldnt have any issues other than shit just getting worn out which is your fault for not keeping up on it anyways, but thats cheap and preventative. Quit being a nickel and diming nigger faggot.

>> No.49812046

Property taxes are like 1000 bucks a year. rent is at a minimum 7000 dollars if you find a cheap place.

>> No.49812179

based. most rentfags are literal down syndrome losers or nigger criminals

>> No.49812189

I get not tipping a waiter at a resturant but you really should tip your landlord.
That's like not tipping your boss whenever you get paid.