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49799961 No.49799961 [Reply] [Original]

How is this economic system sustainable in the long run? Why is no one revolting considering the absurdity of pic related?

>> No.49799994

It's not. The vice grip will continue to squeeze. When the poor revolt the rich will retreat to their bunkers and watch us kill eachother on TV.

>> No.49800000

>Why is no one revolting considering the absurdity of pic related?
i'm not hungry
still have internet
still have a house
still have heat

you're right tho its fucked but everyone is still too comfy

>> No.49800016

~80% of people are unironically NPCs incapable of thought. Once you accept this the world starts to make a lot more sense.

>> No.49800061
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>> No.49800091

Digits say it all. People are too comfortable nowadays.

>> No.49800108

Short answers:

- No, and everyone knows that who is above NPC level and looked into basic economics

- because all elites are on board
- and tools are in place to keep the plebs in check until it’s too late (media, entertainment, Unis. Schools)

>> No.49800189

Romans were right when they said bread and circus are the only things needed to keep the masses on a leash.

>> No.49800209


>> No.49800219

well fuck, what else does cattle need?

>> No.49800387

>How is this economic system sustainable in the long run?
It isn't, even if we become a thpe whatever civ there is a hard limit on the amount of energy we can capture and use pee unit of time. Growth therefore has a similar hard limit, even with efficiency gains.
>Why is no one revolting considering the absurdity of pic related?

>> No.49800439
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>> No.49800500

>>Why is no one revolting considering the absurdity of pic related?
>i'm not hungry
>still have internet
>still have a house
>still have heat
>you're right tho its fucked but everyone is still too comfy
working 40 hours
then your wife is working another 20 hours
then your working 55 hours and your wife is work 40 hours
then your working 80 hours a week and your wife is working 60 hours a week and your teenage kids have to get part time jobs
but you still have internet and food and a pod and 6 hours on the weekend to be with family to take care of house hold chores

>> No.49800518

The bottom 90% are progressively less able to take action

Look at the history of the roman empire - income inequality that lasts for centuries eventually becomes simple feudalism

>> No.49800544

its funny becuase as soon as we get to that point of uncomfortableness, those who dwell above will already have counter measures in place.
jan 6 th was prolly the last time anything could have happened, and the system is working in over drive to ensure it never happens again.

>> No.49800604
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>jan 6th
>something could have happened

>> No.49800737

Idk bro Michael Burry doesn't think so.

>> No.49801141

honestly the SOCTUS is making moves to address any potential revolt by removing Miranda rights and using the abortion decision as cover.

>> No.49801285

>its funny becuase as soon as we get to that point of uncomfortableness, those who dwell above will already have counter measures in place.
can you name a single countermeasure that could remotely counter an angry, hungry mob

>> No.49801388


A swarm of drones with missiles.

A flamethrower.

An APC with an auto cannon.

Have you never seen a person get vaporized by heavy weapons fire? The people around them panic and flee.

>> No.49801417

It's a misleading plot. There isn't a fixed pie. The story looks different if you plot total wealth of top 1% and total wealth of bottom 90%. Both groups have gotten wealthier in an absolute sense, but the top 1% have gotten relatively more wealthy.

>> No.49801475


>> No.49801522


>> No.49801556

Feudalism was invented by Germanic barbarian apes to oppress us. Jews took it to another level. Jews love Germanic people and invented neo-Protestantism and the Protestant work ethic (neo-slavery).

>> No.49801559

There is a fixed pie at any given point in time, and that's what the graph shows, reagan

>> No.49801649

It's called capitalism, faggot. Commies need to go back to plebbit.

>> No.49801700

>it's called capitalism faggot
Is that when they government prints money to buy its own money and collect money from that money that they got from that money

>> No.49801748

The pie isnt fixed dumbass.

>> No.49801756

I used to care about this too until I finally realized the average person can't rub two braincells together.

>> No.49801774

The growth of the ultrarich is primarily fueled by the fed and government protectionism. It is sustainable as long as the bottom 90% believe this will be solved by more expansionary monetary policy and government protectionism.

>> No.49801837

>they government
You mean the global banking cartel? Pure capitalism means monopoly which means plutocracy. If you feel disempowered it's because you're not rich enough.

>> No.49801892

I can't tell if you faggots actually believe this shit; the stories for why you are failing at life and the Jewish conspiracy get some hopelessly complex i can't even follow the conspiracy lore anymore. Like read what you wrote out loud to yourself, are you honestly that fucking stupid? What happened in your life for things to get to this level? Did you buy Doge when Musk told you to at the top or something? How do people who are literate enough to speak and write english sentences so stupid to believe this drivel

>> No.49801907

>pure capitalism means monopoly
you’re an idiot

>> No.49801930

>every leader is either coopted, discredited, or assassinated.

every movement, no matter how small, no matter how minor, is going to have some FBI or undercover cop assigned to monitor it..

it does not matter if it's minor shit like "Patriots for Better Lawn Care", "Transwomyn Temperance", or more serious stuff like Black Block, Occupy, Proudboys, etc. etc. etc. the method is similar;
>leaders are either assassinated, arrested for drug/weapon/etc. charges, or find themselves suddenly leaving the organization to work at some nonprofit or think tank where they make $100,000.00 a year occassionally giving speaches or writing op-eds telling everyone to calm down.

or if the agent in charge thinks they might be up for promotion, and the people in question belligerent and stupid enough; they do something stupid like January 6th and get sent to prison while the agent in question gets a bunch of media deals, or budget increases in whatever agency they're working in.

I mean a lot of the islamic terror stuff and Mass shootings are probably just some weirdo schizo (or schizo's) being pumped up by an agent.. The guy who built the boston bombs was basically never charged, and instead I think they've sentanced a kid who was basically just a stoner-brother of some CIA asset who did work in Chechenya to death.

>> No.49801935
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All that's missing is a gf

>> No.49801983

KIKE spotted. You’re angry because what I said is too close to the truth and it hurts.

>> No.49801995

It's not about being right in the absolute sense, it's about fostering an implicit understanding within yourself that whatevever information is being fed to you for free through schools and screens and targeted media marketing has been manipulates and warped so much that adopting contrarian positions, even if just out of spite, will end up making you more right than wrong.

that's what we mean when we say /pol/ is always right.

>> No.49802056
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>> No.49802081


why are people who lick rich boots always so retarded? wanting less wealth concentrated at the top has nothing to do with being a failure. i make 225k a year so by all metrics i have succeeded. that's top 10% HOUSEHOLD income (keep in mind i am a single person, not dual income household) so 9/10 HOUSEHOLDS in the US are poorer than i am as a single guy (fyi top 1% household income is over 500k a year at this point). income concentration at the top 1% is not about being a successful individual. it's about exploitation, and it's mainly driven not by normal individuals but multimillionaires and billionaires

>> No.49802197

Eat shit poor people deserve it. Fuck em all

>> No.49802232

so you're 100% serious and actually believe what you wrote lol?

That's fine and totally acceptable, but that's why I asked him to re-read what he wrote out loud to himself to see if he realizes how fucking retarded he sounds. There's a difference between have strong skepticism of the fed narrative of things, and literally just pulling shit out of your ass strung together by buzzwords> It's unintelligent and worse than the shit being fed by mainstream media

literally nothing in my post has fucking anything to do with what you said, did you respond to the right post? I am talking about the absurd and incoherent post about Jews worshipping the Germans and adopting feudalism and protestant work ethic as a means to global domination; something so absolutely unhinged and fucking stupid I had a hard time believe the person who typed it was actually dumb enough to think it makes sense let alone believe it, but alas they did.

>> No.49802287

FUCK poor people

>> No.49802292

This graph should be shown together with a graph of living standards for the bottom 90%, which keeps going up (not just iphones, but bigger houses too)

>> No.49802338

What would you know you dumbfuck subversive KIKE. Feudalism is Germanic slavery, kikes reinvented Protestantism after the counter-reformation (kike op) and invented Protestant work ethic which is by far neo-slavery of the worst kind and is now applied every where. Go fuck yourself kike, you will burn in life and in hell just wait.

>> No.49802366

5 kilometers

>> No.49802452

I don't think you even know the definitions of any of the words you are using, stop seething online and learn to use english properly instead of regurgitating buzzwords. The fact I am on a website with someone with such an unbelievably low iq fills me with rage; you think the reformation was a jewish operation? you thik germans invented feudalism? Do you even know what protestant work ethic means. How fucking dumb are you? By all means keep screeching "kike" when met with any serious critiques of your unhinged and comically unintelligent drivel

>> No.49802462

right, so that's why someone with a 9-5 job in Los Angeles can't afford an apartment despite there being empty/unoccupied units?

or why there are a shitload of suicides and heroin overdoses throughout the rust belt?

>> No.49802480

I know more than you kike. You can’t debunk anything I’ve said because it’s all true.

>> No.49802532
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>> No.49802719

predictable and boring response; there's nothing to debunk; feudalism existed in many places and long before it ever happened in Germany; Jews had nothing to do with the reformation; Jews are not controlling the world nor invented protestant work ethic; you realize protestants are a much less friendly organizatio to Jews than the Catholics right? OF course you don't you've never rea d abook in your life or anything factual. Your entire worldview and personality is like a lazy caricature of the bottom percentile iq /pol/tard, not even and average /pol/tard. You will continue to fail in life and amount to anything, and you will continue to seethe and cry online about big conspiracy being the reason your life never amounted to anything.

>> No.49803219

It doesn't mean monopolies backed by government guns

>> No.49803268

>bigger houses
>less homeowners
>bigger houses
>less homeowners
Sounds like inequality to me

>> No.49803350

>but it's not REAL capitalism

>> No.49803519
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i figured out how to fix everything. everything will be fixed. only, most men do not want things to be fixed, they want more comforts and freedoms with none of the responsibility. these men will perish in the horrors that are to come which are necessary for the cleansing of the world, horrors which will not come from man, but will reign down like fire from Heaven. it's all been foretold and it will all come to pass. if you want to make it, the only thing you must do is repent and sin no more. if not, you will be washed away like dust in the rain.

>> No.49803552

I don't want either capitalism

>> No.49803557

>checked and not wasted
I say this all the time, as long as we have endless entertainment we aren't doing shit

>> No.49803627

He is right. Things are RELATIVELY worse, but NOMINALLY better in a material/financial sense.