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49798561 No.49798561 [Reply] [Original]

>Poor people: I need a place to live and can't afford one. Can rich people maybe spend less on their houses and help us build housing for us?
>Rich people: No, we (((worked hard))) for our wealth, you can't have any, go work hard yourself.
>Poor people: We're poor, not stupid. Under current paradigms, it is impossible for everyone to be housed without rich people giving jp some of their wealth without expecting it back.
>Rich people: Tough titties.
>Poor people: That's not fair. We're giving you a way to make it fair. The other option is burning down your house. Then we can be fair in ubiquitous homelessness
>Rich people: *offended*
Does money just make you less intelligent? Is that why they delegate so much?

>> No.49798590

are all you rentcucks commies or something? get a better fucking job you faggot.

>> No.49798650

Poor people keep appealing to the government for help, without realizing they're only going to get scraps thrown at them to shut them up. The huge social upheaval they're asking for only comes from war and guillotines, neither of which historically work out for the poor.

>> No.49798669

The jews are literally fucking you sideways cunt

>> No.49798673

You got it all wrong but it's true that certain rich folks (not all of them) have made things unbalanced. Such as regulation on new housing by zoning laws and pro migration. Migrants are unaffected by housing prices because they live 5-8 people together.

>> No.49798739


Rich people found a way to control populations, and get them to fight eachother instead of looking into who is really behind our failed democracies, the majority is too dumped down to succesfully conduct a civil unrest without atarting to kill each other

>> No.49798773

The State is the one that declared certain forms of housing illegal. They would rather you have no home at all than live in a "sub-standard" shelter. Various arbitrary laws were enacted regarding the angle of a drain pipe or the size of a nail, and it all comes together to mean you have to sleep on the sidewalk if you can't afford an abode that meets these restrictions.

Why is the solution to the State's mandate that we petition "rich people" (you actually mean the average taxpayer) to build houses that meet their arbitrary restrictions?

>> No.49799434

lol imagine spending 5+ million dollars on a house and having neighbors houses a few meters away

>> No.49799460

its all one house
can't you tell

>> No.49799902

the state is a consortium of the rich, laws are their contracts and bureaucracy their employees
you're framing this in a dumb way that doesn't make anyone want to help you and doesn't lead to a solution

>> No.49799933

Based and frenchpilled

>> No.49799959

The separation between segmets is retarded

>> No.49799960

>We're poor, not stupid
I don't believe that at all

>> No.49799975

ur playing puppet shows in ur head

>> No.49800019

>The Hamptons
>Atlantic coast islands

>> No.49800026

>Why is the solution to the State's mandate that we petition "rich people" (you actually mean the average taxpayer) to build houses that meet their arbitrary restrictions?
No, you misunderstand. The solution isn't to petition rich people to build, it's to requisition their money so the government can build, WPA-style. We're about to go full commieblock.

>> No.49800043

BTC crashing was my only entertainment for the next three days. What am I going to do now

>> No.49800049

Even if I was Musk I wouldn't get one of those ugly ass "houses"

>> No.49800067

Name one job

>> No.49800128


>> No.49800139

No, it's simple. And rich people hate simple because there's no wiggle room, or room to skim off the top. "Tax rich people, government builds houses."
>But a wealth ta-
>Can't we do a public-privat-
>This is only feasible with contracto-
Give us your money. We will hire people and they will build houses. Your property will lose value. This will be a good thing. America will become fair and efficient.

>> No.49800217

Rising IQ, educational attainment, and internet access wrt Millennials and Zoomers vs X and Boomers say otherwise. The equivalent of us complaining about olds watching too much cable TV is them complaining about us using Wikipedia.

>> No.49800484

Read Marx please. It's a matter of class struggle.

>> No.49800515

We don't ask nicely, we take control of the state, make it a worker's state, and simply stop giving wealth and resources to the rich. Their bank accounts are all digital.

>> No.49800545

Can't hear you over the sound of your mcmansion burning

>> No.49800609

When people say words they need to be attached to reality. It's impossible in the intentionally manufactured economic climate for everyone to get a job, let alone a good job. A certain unemployment rate is DECIDED and set. Access to work is a universal human right that the US and most capitalist countries do NOT provide. The Soviet Union did provide it on the other hand. No wonder they had no homelessness and better quality of life than comparable capitalist countries.

>> No.49800689

I mean, sure, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of saying it's okay that some people can't have a house, but then getting mad when they say you can't have a house.

It ain't even about some people being able to have better houses than others, it's simply about everyone being secure in aome basic standard of housing, or no one being so.

>> No.49800761
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Nobody else should have to help build housing for you because they are not slaves. Instead, you should pay fair market value for construction services.

What is actually fucking you hard is a combination of zoning law, construction codes, taxation across the supply chain, mass immigration (competition for shelter - although to be fair it can also help bring prices down when illegals work under the table for construction companies), minimum wage law for legal construction workers, a general desire for all poor people to force a life in the cities (competition amongst each other for physically limited space), and worst of all: a desire for other people to fix things for you, and an expectation that better days will come if you prostrate in front of the right person instead of taking things into your own hands.

You'd unrionically be better off if you didn't graduate highschool, avoided debt, and worked a field in Kansas. Had you done that, you'd probably be a homeowner by now and if you bothered to invest on top of it, you'd be on track to retire by 55. The problem isn't the rich. The problem is you, your politics, and the way your brain works. The same problem applies to most normies.

You're all basically built to be cattle, and thanks to your fear of change, that is all you can ever hope to be.

>> No.49800771

Poverty is good for you anon. Learn to enjoy it.

>> No.49800777

It's literally illegal to be poor, if you are so downtrodden by society that you have to set up a tent on the side of an empty road and try to live undisturbed the cops come and take your tent and put it in a fucking dumpster along with all of your possessions

Anyone who defends this system is either a cuck who loves being fucked up the ass with the long cock of the capitalist serving "law", or someone who is rich and benefits from it, and therefore has an incentive to continue maintaining this system which benefits them so much, no matter how much it hurts others

>> No.49800782

try to burn down my house you commie faggot

it will be the last thing you do

>> No.49800784

No, your dialectic is all retarded. You're just saying words without understanding what they mean. When you direct this at "rich people" you demonstrate to me that you don't know who you're talking to. When you say "give us money" you demonstrate to me that you have no knowledge of the monetary system. When you say that *you* will hire people who will build houses, I don't believe you. When you tell me that *you* will make America "fair" and "efficient" I definitely don't believe you

>> No.49800799

I don’t need help
If zoning and building code didn’t exist I’d build my own house

>> No.49800803

>Nobody else should have to help build housing for you because they are not slaves. Instead, you should pay fair market value for construction services.
Interesting, I think what you don't understand is that it's the rich having people build housing for them. You think the construction workers of large mansions receive payment scaled according to the price of the house? No I routinely see poor Mexicans being the ones doing the real work on these mansions, getting paid fucking nothing in comparison to what the real estate development capitalist is profiting. Nice job justifying your own cuckery. You think any wage slavery job is different? Every wage slave deserves their enslavement?

KYS cuck

>> No.49800827

you won't do shit, faggot. post your address.

>> No.49800843

>Nobody else should have to help build housing for you because they are not slaves. Instead, you should pay fair market value for construction services.
We are. We're going to pay them with money we taxed from rich people.

Nothing else you said matters. :^)

>> No.49800844

>What is actually fucking you hard is a combination of zoning law, construction codes, taxation across the supply chain, mass immigration
these are all anti-competitive practices intended to raise the cost of entry for plebs so only large landowners can efficiently develop property. they are put in place by those landowners because they exercise power over the government

>> No.49800882

Threats of violence from non achiever's are hard to take seriously.

>> No.49800883

Oh no, it's a liberal. You want to tax rich people rather than expropriate all their wealth? Please read Marx

>> No.49800886

>No, your dialectic is all retarded. You're just saying words without understanding what they mean. When you direct this at "rich people" you demonstrate to me that you don't know who you're talking to. When you say "give us money" you demonstrate to me that you have no knowledge of the monetary system.
Prove it.
>When you say that *you* will hire people who will build houses, I don't believe you. When you tell me that *you* will make America "fair" and "efficient" I definitely don't believe you
I don't care.

>> No.49800902

None of those things matter and IQ would only matter if you could prove poor people have higher IQs

>> No.49800903

childish, powerless larper

>> No.49800943

>Be more violent
>OP literally says burn rich people's houses down.
Not only do you glow, apparently you can't read.

>> No.49800950

Yes, they were better. That's why everyone in America was rushing to immigrants into the Soviet Russia.. right?

Remember you filthy collectivist, you don't have a right to anything that has to be taken away from someone else. That's an agreement.

>> No.49800965
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>we we we
You're not the u.s government. You do not have a monopoly on violence. In a way, you're more pathetic than the Jan 6th boomers because you just sit online crying. Never really willing to risk anything. Always hoping the next cope vote will change something.

>> No.49800969

>if you could prove poor people have higher IQs
Than their parents, yes, this is proven.

>> No.49800993


>> No.49800998

>get a better fucking job you faggot.
A better job isn't gonna beat out inflation, faggot.

>> No.49801003

I said comparable capitalist countries. America, the pinnacle of the capitalist vanguard, is not comparable. You need to compare to a state which was an agrarian backwater in the early 1900s which only recently industrialized, not the industrial powerhouse of the world built on top of centuries of slave labor profits. Fucking retard. It's as if you can't read.

>> No.49801010
File: 104 KB, 758x733, 1655231059087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems you've completely neglected my point that people in bumfuck Kansas own their homes on the back of blue collar labor.

You are a chicken in a cage. A commodity to extract value from. You think its unfair that the hawks can fly freely in the skies above you. You say that the hawks need to give their fair share of the sky to the chickens in the cage. The problem is that other birds also fly in the skies besides the hawks. You choose to ignore that because you're bootyblasted. You are so bootyblasted that you refuse to even acknowledge how easily those other birds have taken to the skies.
Well, I'm going to tell it to you anyway. The reason they can fly is because they aren't chickens in a cage. You are though. Either leave the cage or find a way to cope.

Indeed they are. Now do something about it. Like leaving to purchase land elsewhere, or voting for politicians who seek to minimize government intervention in these kinds of affairs.

>> No.49801015

>You're not the u.s government
>Every conservative allegation is a confession
You're not even good at it. Go take some improv classes.

>> No.49801052

Don't know, don't care.
Now back in the cage, wagie. My third mansion isn't going to pay for itself.

>> No.49801059

>Le rant
"pay fair market value for construction services."
We are. We're going to pay them with money we taxed from rich people.

Nothing else you said matters. :^)

>> No.49801094

Waiting for the next cope vote it is then

>> No.49801108

Better quality of life in SOVIET UNION holy fuck dude they really put some chemicals in your water to make you this dumb.

>> No.49801148

Well, whichever one happens after the burning starts.

>> No.49801164

Reminder that libertarians get a bullet at the same time as commies. Fascism is the future. Capitalism and Communism are both cancer.

>> No.49801166

People literally died of hunger and eat their dead children/relatives to stay alive in SOVIET UNION and this nigga talks about quality of life in gulag country.

>> No.49801174
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In complete seriousness, you should get some kneepads. You're gonna need them where you're headed.

>> No.49801193

>quality of life in gulag country.
You mean America? The country with the biggest prison population with legal slavery for prisoners? KYS

>> No.49801203

National Socialists are socialist too anon are you retarded ?

>> No.49801215

>everyone gets better jobs
>house prices rise since demand is inelastic

>housing market collapses
>incentive to build more houses also collapses, nobody can sell because negative equity

We need more houses built. Loosen/scrap zoning laws in cities and let the market meet demand. It's the only way.

>> No.49801225

You are a detriment to the cause of equity and very strong living proof that your mode of thinking doesn't work

>> No.49801242

shut up, poor

>> No.49801264

Live in HOUSE - you're lucky! We lived in wet paper bag in middle of road.

>> No.49801266

When should I expect the burning of society? Two more weeks?

>> No.49801274

Have you ever met a poor person?
They deserve it. Anyone poor in America is poor through choice.

>> No.49801286


>> No.49801296

Shut the fuck up you deluded low IQ libertarian. I hate you faggots so much because you have drive the level of understanding people had of ideologies into the ground ever since Buckley. You don’t understand socialism, or fascism, or even capitalism which you simp for.

>> No.49801300

Why dont you go live in your beloved commie countries anon and see the quality of life yourself. They will shoot you first for having a computer you fucking kulak, you will be declared traitor to the regime by having a simple farm equipment and die in a famine where every single land is a fertile land. Thats how retarded your dumb ideology is.

>> No.49801323

>Loosen/scrap zoning laws in cities and let the market meet demand
pretty much this, R1 zoning fucked North American cities into being endless suburbs.

>> No.49801338

Free markets are superior and you are too dumb to realize that national socialism is a socialism with extra steps.

>> No.49801370

Good luck with that. The police (including glowniggers) will come down hard on anyone who poses a threat to rich neighbourhoods.

>> No.49801473


>> No.49801659

>no one can have nice things because poor people exist

is that really the way you want things to be? everyone living in shitty state housing and being unhappy with no aspirations since there's no way to get somewhere better due the state taking the extra money you make

>> No.49801706

>Indeed they are
Ok, so you can admit that the separation between the state and the wealthy is illusory and what is really "fucking people over" isn't your abstracted responsibility of law and order but the product of institutionalized monopoly. playing games with language doesn't make you come across as sympathetic, it makes you sound like a rube

>> No.49801772

Wtf is that monstrosity?

>> No.49802343

Again retards like you have destroyed actual ideological knowledge and your entire worldview is half baked shit from boomer assholes.

>> No.49802581

Free market capitalism is just the wild, the wild would be ruled by chad, not you.

>> No.49802722

Larp harder.

>> No.49802725

Thou shalt not covet.

>> No.49802758

There's a reason zombie media is so popular. They know there's no escape if the masses turn.