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49783095 No.49783095 [Reply] [Original]

Is it going to be worse than 08?

>> No.49783145
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Yes and this time the Federal Guberment is priced out of bailing anyone due to hypergiga National debt

>> No.49783190
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It's going to be x10 worse because we also have hyperinflation and no more meme QE

>> No.49783265
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what will they do then if there are no more monetary tools available to control inflation?

>> No.49783297

I fucking hope so, time to learn what true suffering is, faggots.

>> No.49783316

they are already doing it, raising interest rates will bring inflation down, but its gonna take a while

>> No.49783364

How do I profit from this?

>> No.49783386

The fact that people still have to ask if we are GOING into a recession tells you how far down we still have to go. Stocks and especially crypto are gonna get utterly hammered.

>> No.49783410

america is collapsing

>> No.49783418

I truly pray it is. I hope there’s good footage of brokers jumping out of windows

>> No.49783431

snatch golden chains from people

>> No.49783449

2008 never ended. i cant believe its CY+7-14 and its not known

>> No.49783570

I'm mostly in cash, am I safe?

>> No.49783630

So they are correcting to pre-pandemic normal inflation. Good, maybe my dollar will be worth something again.

>> No.49783835

I don’t even understand the full implications.

Can everyone in the USA just switch to BTC if the dollar is fucked and reset the economy?

>> No.49783929

You could start shorting, I guess.

>> No.49784007

Those time there is no talk about austerity from the government.

>> No.49784093

kek this. we've been in a recession for months it just hasn't been formally announced by the jews on the talmudvision so retards don't realize it yet

>> No.49784112

No, most people can't understand the difference between a crypto wallet and Robinhood app.

A huge crisis would provide the government the opportunity to ride to the rescue.

>> No.49784230

The recession is already here, but instead of having mass unemployment everyone got a -15% paycut through inflation.

>> No.49784238

>Those time there is no talk about austerity from the government.
Austerity? What? The economy is the in great shape and doing better than ever before.

>> No.49784242

this isn’t just a recession, we hit the peak of this cycle of civilization. it is going to be hundreds of years before we’re back.

>> No.49784249

No. To reset the economy people have to work, which nobody is willing to do right now.

>> No.49784283

at least 08 was caused by a few key factors that at least took place within the economy of the US, this latest recession is like 10 different things and none of them can be fixed

>> No.49784296

Again, you don't need austerity when the currency is inflating.

>> No.49784433

I thought austerity measures were taken to control inflation and prevent default

>> No.49784488

kek. you think any of this is going to end up ok.

>> No.49784547


recession is a contraction of gdp for 2 quarters so you can actually tell we're already in one but normies have to wait for the TV to tell them that

>> No.49784561

no one on this board understands the mechanics of macro. lmao at anyone who thinks that raising rates has anything to do with inflation besides deliberately creating a recession so people spend less.

>> No.49784670

Enlighten us

>> No.49784799

ok what do you want to know

>> No.49785126
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Buddy, we’re gonna go through something that makes 1929 look like a fucking golden age. Unless something serious or an act of god happens to change things yesterday we are all so far beyond fucked your hypothetical grandkids are gonna feel it three generations down. The real redpill is that we’ve been in recession mode since at least last year, but since the brainwashing glow box didn’t say anything normalfags didn’t have a clue. The feds, intentionally or not, have pretty much turned everything into a derailed bullet train thats on a direct course to wiping out an entire town.

>> No.49785364

We’ve been in a recession since the 70s but the wealth momentum that built up to that point has been flooding out in various technology bubbles since then. It has made it feel like there’s something healthy or sustainable about our economic system by running from trend to trend ignoring the actual disease. Rome didn’t fall in a day or even 50 years. The growth we’ve achieved isn’t sustainable because there will be no one capable enough to keep any infrastructure functional long-term and we let subhuman trash infiltrate important aspects of civilization. Regression to the mean.

>> No.49785791

I'm thinking the 30s

>> No.49785887

>Is it going to be worse than 08?
It already is retard

>> No.49785925

No, your cash will be worthless.

>> No.49786073

so what do we buy? canned food and bullets?

>> No.49786160

It's not going to be worse than 08. Don't listen to them Anon. That said, it is going to be a recession. That means you should probably only be investing in things people need, like oil and other basic commodities, if you're investing at all. You also should not be renting right now. (You should never be renting, but especially not right now.) Public sector jobs will be just fine, in all likelihood. The housing and used car market is already imploding, so get that sorted out while you can, if you can.

Good luck anons.

>> No.49786595

Idk about you but that's what I've been doing

>> No.49786617

But it won't be for long

you are a digital bot ?

how do bugs that you vill eat sound ?

a meteor, indeed. Fire. Less painful solution.

and salt

Yes. But ze bugs that you vill be mandated to be wanting to eat are not cheap either, pal.

I don't like afroamericans at all.

>> No.49786722

People saying this have no idea th cliff we've been hanging off of since 2019 they can't even stop inflation best they can do is slow it down and hope everyone being impoverished will stop spending while also hoping those same people now starving to death don't come for their head

>> No.49787392

So how are we to survive the double pounding from market crash and hyperinflation?

>> No.49787469

yoi talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.49787515
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>So how are we to survive
That's the fun part

>> No.49787650
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How is my question retarded?

>> No.49787742

how big is ur bfs pp

>> No.49787783

Bitcoin and coins in general are dead. Its the great reset.

>> No.49787817

already are one a brutal one.

>> No.49788430
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Kek we don't have hyperinflation. Yet.
It's going to be worse because the fed can't buy up stuff and congress isn't going to bail out everyone. They'll have to actually sort out their problems. It will be a good thing, once the pain is over but in the meantime I'm bracing for huge unemployment later this year.

Smart anons should stack cash just in case they lose their job. There will be times to dca and buy the dip on the way up.