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49787101 No.49787101 [Reply] [Original]

is crypto finally getting decoupled from BTC's dominance? or is it all over?

>> No.49787194

not totally sure why it's happening either. Maybe in alts in 2017 felt more "scammy" and vaporware-ish so people dumped them harder but now they are (or seem) more legitimate/real/have real value?

>> No.49787380

That's my conclusion too. The other reason could be that big institutions, which were mostly in BTC/ETH, are constantly dumping

>> No.49787964

"institutions" are "Panicking"

>> No.49788069

What do you mean BTC is dropping harder than alts? Is you memory fried or do you not remember that for every 5% drop BTC made, alts did 10? Memory of a goldfish or you're unbelievably new

>> No.49788079 [DELETED] 

"Reliability" of alt coins has nothing to do with it. BTC was always dumping against them under certain conditions.
E.g. it was happening during both bullruns of 2021 too but normies didn't notice because the USD valuations weren't bad.
I think we mostly see USD events here; most normies think we see crypto events; crypto is relatively dormant.

>> No.49788354

I obviously meant in the last few days. BTC should have stabilized already while alts keep bleeding to oblivion

>> No.49788826

BNB has gained sats over the course of the last few days. Not the only alt either, shit like vet too. This is pretty fucking weird for btc crashes.

>> No.49789302

And it's like biz doesn't care at all. That's whats surprising me even more.

>> No.49789362

cause some alts have a purpose

>> No.49789645

niche = smaller but more enthusiastic userbase

>> No.49789743
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Is it possible that this happens because BTC and ETH were leverage traded? If it's about use-cases, then Litecoin (which is practically Bitcoin) would have crashed just as hard but it's evidently not that. It's not about use-case. I can't think of anything else other than crypto companies liquidating their assets

>> No.49789942

>I can't think of anything else other than crypto companies liquidating their assets

Not happening unlike 2018-2019


it's eurobonds fucking everything up there is a massive dollar liquidity crisis going on jerome is accelerating the interest rate rise while the rest of the world is not doing shit.

>> No.49789953

Yes, that sounds right. I guess if the parties causing this dump are exclusively selling BTC and maybe ETH to liquidate either Celcius or some other player (like they did with Luna). That would provide unnatural dumping for btc. I would still expect the usual crashing of alts though, but maybe the extra selling pressure would be enough.

Guess an important question then is if they will buy back bitcoin after the continued dumpening or not. Could see a sharp rally in that case.

>> No.49789956
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OP, fully agree, this is genuinely unexpected. Everyone was expecting a BTC collapse to 20k or 10k. But I think the assumption was that, as always, BTC would dump the least, and alts would be annihilated.

I think that part of the reasons is that BTC and ETH are way more involved in some of the corporate/fund liquidations that are going on?

Anyways, delighted that my Link is holding up so well, but this a really weird development for sure and I don't know what to make of it.

>> No.49790087

Alts unironically have more bullish narrative going for them at the moment

BTC lost every single one of them

>> No.49790115

lot's of institutions are bagholding eth 2.0 locked, their entire future depends on eth 2.0

That said eth liquidity on exchanges is bigger than btc, btc is being all bought in exchanges for real.

Something shaddy is going on in my view, someone knows something about the global economy and is making their move but they need to buy on a bear market to not spook everyone.

Cryptoquant data literally shows the price is going down and massive ammounts of crypto are being bought.

Also the energy crisis in multiple nations like argentina trucks, us diesel and other trucking energy problems are weird not many news yet it's fucking massive that so many supply chains are being paralysed due to energy.

What do you think?

>> No.49790268
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I mean nations have literally collapsed and nobody wants to even acknowledge it

We're living in an information black out

>> No.49790289

they're just lagging. their sat value gonna plummet next time bitcoin makes any move up, then into the ground when bitcoin dives again

>> No.49790308

Am I the only one here who doesn't understand what are you talking about? Most of alts are already dead. ETH still needs a big dump at the ratio. BTC dropping is paper form until ~15k. The pi cycle indicator and the hash ribbon are still ~10 days before final capitulation.

>> No.49790328

I think whales are aiming to liquidate Celsius. That's a big pot of gold.

>> No.49790471

dumb doomer.

>> No.49790513

BTC holders will never receive any earnings. There are alts right now with absurdly low p/e ratios

>> No.49791258

Such as?

>> No.49791375

its all about the forced liquidations going on right now putting all of the selling pressure first on btc and eth
but don't worry we missed the last chance to stabilize so alts will soon catch up to the dumping, you can see link already losing its most recent support
this summer is going to be brutal

>> No.49791418

it's all completely fucked forever.

>> No.49791539

nigger it’s cause alts are illiquid nothing more to it

>> No.49791834
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>> No.49792071

Yep, I also noticed that. It's not a dump, it's a statement.

>> No.49792171
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its almost like alts are frontrunning btc