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49782828 No.49782828 [Reply] [Original]

Is no one noticing how euphoric bears are getting?

Literally people saying it's gonna go under 10k sounds like people who were saying $100-200k at the top and "supercycle".

Are there any reasonable people here? I think about 16k will be the bottom personally.

>> No.49782869
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While we have lower to go, I think there is more upside now than downside. So I don't really have too many qualms buying now. But I do agree with you. 3k sounds absolutely retarded

>> No.49783042

Temporary bottom between 17.5k and 16.5k. Possible bounce to between 22k and 26k. Gigacrash after July 4th.
>Source: TA and likelihood of a stock market 'event' in July

>> No.49783088

why july 4th?

>> No.49783975

>3k sounds absolutely retarded

Does it really though? Bitcoin is cool and all but it’s still overvalued at 10k per BTC. All it does is eat up electricity and allow people to transact a made up internet coin that is valued in USD.

>> No.49784164
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>> No.49784325

Bitcoin allows me to transact with funds from anywhere in any location and nobody in the world can stop it. In a world where governments have made it EXTREMELY clear that if your green backs live in a bank they don't belong to you and can be frozen at anytime, I think this technology is insanely useful. I can't help the volatile nature of it unfortunately. What does that mean it's worth? Who knows. But I don't believe it's worthless tech.

>> No.49784373

The recession has barely started. We have a lot lower to go.

>> No.49784380

its useful for third worlders though. Normal 1st worlders dont have this kind of issue. If the third world flourishes and overtake the 1st, yea bitcoin will be sond money. Otherwise, were stuck in stagnation

>> No.49784425

I think they are correct, the overall feeling of the economy and markets are terrible right now plus we still have a ~4months of Shemitah left

>> No.49784430

in a nation where the police can confiscate your money just because you have a large amount of fiat in a bag, bitcoin is paramount to safety.

>> No.49784505

What you comment is only rational-logical AND inevitable with CBDC's. Now to set a timeline, when normies get a glimpse of your way of thinking, we will see this stuff value to unbreakable free market levels. Nobody will doubt that crypto itself is valuable independantly of were you store it.

>> No.49784527

3k is retarded. Try 0. Every single use case for BTC has failed. It is useless.

>> No.49784548

Bitcoin will find a price floor eventually. But ultimately it’s a speculative investment that people only buy when they have reason to believe that the price will increase in the forseeable future. And now that QE is gone, Bitcoin is in a tunnel with no light at the end of it. It will only start going back up once QE is restarted, but that could be 5, 10, 15 years. Nobody knows.

Right now we are not even officially in a recession and stocks have a long way to fall. Meaning the price floor is a lot lower than the current price

>> No.49784562

It’s def not worthless but the entire world looks at it as a get rich quick scheme at this point. Funny how that happened, I don’t think that mindset can ever be changed.

Captcha SMAKY

>> No.49784565

>feds can steal your money
>just convert your money to some worthless token
Not a solution.

>> No.49784607

Unless the fed prints another 10 trillion, youre going to 0.

>> No.49784630

reddit-spacing coping faggot unironically kys

>> No.49784733

Euphoria doesn’t indicate a bottom or top immediately or even soon. I remember retards saying 100k at 40k, doesn’t mean it didnt go up another 50%.
There are also real economic conditions here affecting crypto. It’s unironically different this time. Reminder that the past 10 years were supported by infinite money being printed and going straight to the market; that’s probably not an option anymore.

>> No.49784818

yes these retards who currently think they trading geniuses will be btfo once any sort of relief rally starts taking hold... typically things dont go straight down, whales will try to liquidate both sides before taking this any lower

>> No.49784876

People are full of shit and want attention so they say the most outrageous nonsense. Also some people think they can manipulate the price to buy in lower or pump harder by shitposting, which is stupid. The people saying btc to 100k were planning to sell at 80k. The people saying bitcoin 10k are planning to buy at 14k. Everyone thinks theyre scamming everyone else, theyre not. Honest and real attempts at price prediction are drowned in the noise

>> No.49784979

Nigger it just tanked like 30% in less than a week. It blew instantly past 20k.

You don't need to be a bobo to see this thing has a lot more downside before it gets better.

>> No.49785301

Have fun staying unconfirmed

>> No.49785499

You mumu for quarters on end. Why do you think bobo can't do the same?