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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49778212 No.49778212 [Reply] [Original]

How is that inflation coming bro? Small chicken burger, tiny ass fries and water is 9 euro. The burger just by itself is 6.50e

>> No.49778242

why are you supporting it

>> No.49778280

>why are you eating

>> No.49778348
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It's still pretty standard price, nordic prices you know. best to just do dinner parties imho.

>> No.49778423
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saddest looking burger ever

>> No.49778449

Eat somewhere else retard, stop wasting money on garbage. You can have a meal that would cost you 15-20€ at a restaurant for 4-5€ if you cook by yourself, a homemade burger can be amazing if you buy quality ingredients.
Then again I'm not expecting anything out of a manchild schizo board.

>> No.49778530

it's over finns soon will have no other choice but to eat their benis

>> No.49778531

he is from saunaland, what did you expect?
all they do is be quiet, drink and kys. in norway you'd be lucky to get a meal at that price.

>> No.49778580
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I know it might seems completely crazy and a foreign concept for a turbo kike like you, but sometimes people want to be able to afford themselves a treat, like their parents used to several times a week without any big negative impact on their finances...
Jesus fucking Christ..

>> No.49778593

>mommy my goyslop is getting pricey
Learn to cook, child.

>> No.49778597

learn to cook

>> No.49778618

learn to make your own food, numbnuts

>> No.49778638

>that weird entitlement of because my parents were able to
Child stop childing

>> No.49778640
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Good luck cooking burgers for 4-5e, unless you mean 4-5 a piece for many burgers. Problem with cooking at home is that to get the price down you have to make big quantities.
Lets see, I want to make a burger at home:
A pack of minced meat costs like 3,5e.
Salad 1e.
Dressing tube 2-3e
a packet of cheese like 3e+
french fries cost like 2e for 1kg
pickled cucumbers like 2e+ a can
Maybe some ketchup and senap, like 2 euros a tube each.
Thats already 18 euros.

>> No.49778695

those are some sad soggy looking fries ffs

>> No.49778709
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>hehe yes goyim, every little thing the white man used to enjoy is entitlement, now you can't afford it anymore and that's a good thing, comprende?

>> No.49778716

Omg the burger in eastern europe is 5e on average salary of 1100e while you finngols earn 3200. You got it so bad and we are winning so hard

>> No.49778719

My bad for trying to help. Just pay for your goyslop, I'll simply ignore your threads crying about how much it costs. YWNMI.

>> No.49778725

That's exactly the same price in western europa, for exactly the same meal. That's the beauty of Capitalism. It standardize everything.

>> No.49778740
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>Thinking he can eat out in Finland before making it.

Eating out is a luxury over here.

>> No.49778780

I'm not OP you dumbass.
If he already has ketchup and senap he can have a decent burger for 1 euro if he just buys a cheap ass prepared burger buns & steak from a shop, maybe raise the stake to 2 euros and get one with cheese and mayonase included, and fry an egg to supplement it.
Now you get a nice big boy burger for 2 euros.

>> No.49778781
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>> No.49778818

Finland is expensive as fuck man, the weather is cold and people are depressed as hell i'm sorry to break it to you.

>> No.49778826

i made a burger thrice the size of that at home for less than 2 EUR and i know precisely what went into it, like real minced meat

>> No.49778833

You're such a child

>> No.49778845

>finngols earn 3200
Lol not even close. 2000 before taxes is normal

>> No.49778854

Tell me how do you get minced meat & burger buns with sub 2 euro budget?

>> No.49778864
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Typical juden mindset. In the
>i got just *this* in the grocery store for $X it's insane
you are part of the crowd telling anons to stop buying buns, steaks and ketchup and focus on only buying bland rice and beans instead.
You are a big sack of talmudic shit.

>> No.49778873

Except for incomes, in this piece of shit goy colony aka Eastern Europe we earn one fifth of the salaries, but hey avocado is 10% cheaper and we do not have any niggers here :^)

>> No.49778975

>Salad 1e
Eat some more salads my fatties.

>18 euros
Divide by 4 burgers give you 4,5 euro per burger. Also more healthy burgers.

>I can and have done a 18 euro budget for one week ind Denmark.

>> No.49778989
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>fast food burger is a treat

>> No.49779006

How about you just be grateful for the modern world, your ancestors would kill to have modern things like iPhone, video games, computer, healthcare, car, bike, gym membership, and a safe and inclusive community, etc.

>> No.49779009

>Now you get a nice big boy burger for 2 euros.
no, you don't

>> No.49779016

not even a coke, what is this jewry kek

>> No.49779047
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I acknowledged that in my post that it is possible if you count the price as per burger and make big quantity of burgers. But why would you want that? I don't want to eat 5 burgers. Just one.

>> No.49779055

I just cook my own food
However even the good beef has gone up in price quite a bit.
The seller said they have limited supply and actually are selling the shitty meat to most of the restaurants

>> No.49779064
File: 546 KB, 1494x2656, 1638489980190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500g of mince is around 3.50 atm in germany, 4 burger buns is like what, 1-1.50? let's count in a packet of cheese at 1.50 of which you will have leftovers after. that's 6.50 for 4 burgers. you can add whatever else you want to it but you'll never get close to 9 euro and that's for 4 burgers

>> No.49779068
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>your ancestors would kill to have modern things
Yeah, they would kill themselves.

>> No.49779079

You're a slave and probably not white

>> No.49779117

are you guys acting like retarded boomer ironically?

>> No.49779123
File: 42 KB, 680x671, FSqwGmiWYAIGGPB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy big, and on last day sales, divide up the meat into usable sizes and put them in the frezzer until you need it. This is not rocket science my guy.
I dunno if that is enough, but that's my guess.

>> No.49779155

3380 vs 1212
source goypedia > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_average_wage
Of course it's all bullshit, like CPI, and ours and likely your official stats are nowhere near the nightmare reality,

>> No.49779168

>in germany
That's cheating. You have lower food prices and lower tax on it as well.

>> No.49779184

You are welcome to come and live in western europa anytime you like. People like you, even third-worlders, do not realize how much hell on earth it is until they have experienced it in their own flesh. Then they are disgusted, but it's too late: they are trapped here. Come anon, come see the beauty of Paris, Berlin, London.

>> No.49779200

even here in bulgaria prices of food are up 30% yoy. and this is from official statistic data, not perceived.

>> No.49779208
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Ps. 400g of decent minced meat that is 10-15% fat and not the pigfat 20% costs like 5 euros in Finland.

>> No.49779249

Kimi Raikkonen

>> No.49779281


In Finland you won't meet a person who earns the supposed 3400 average. Every time they do a public wage query, most people are baffled by the supposed +3k earners.
You're either going to meet some manager who makes 5k or a normoid who earns a bit over 2k.
I don't know where the fuck they pull that official number, but the most common salary in this country is €2600
Also it's good to keep in mind that our salaries are as high as they sound only because people have a tendency to work retarded amounts of overtime to make it.

I'm going to get the fuck out of this tax hell and move to some tax haven the moment I can pull it off.

>> No.49779300

>happiest country in the world second year in a row
they're laughing at us

>> No.49779316

maybe you already have ketchup, mustard and pickled cucumbers, or do you eat a kg of them every fucking time? thats 6€ less and you can use them shitloads of times for something like a burger. thats 12€ or 3€ per 1, which is more than 50% less than OP pic. your argument is rigged and youre a faggot.

>> No.49779319

>I don't want to eat 5 burgers. Just one.
You invite friends and ask them to share the costs, or that they eat at yours and you eat at theirs. At least 2 days of meals and friendship.

>> No.49779320

you do realize the price of production per unit is less than the total bulk ingredients cost right? you're also a smart boy who knows buying bulk is cheaper than retail

>> No.49779355

you mean mustard, you weirdo? and who puts that on a burger anyway

>> No.49779404
File: 372 KB, 2048x1884, FSssLt5aIAEQMbG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate it. They took away Denmarks 1st place. Now we are only the 1st place in the world for taking depression medicine.

>> No.49779432
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ikr. nordics are WEF pilot project it seems. happy af with my 53% taxes

>> No.49779435


Anon, stop eating that garbage and wasting those amounts of money on it. Buy some meat, some eggs and maybe dairy. You will have so much more nutrients from that. Even in spurdo land you can probably get a kilo of meat for 9 euros.

>> No.49779525

>9 euros for a kilo meat
More than enough for a kg of meat, if you buy the cheapest shit.

>> No.49779592

Wtf is an e?

>> No.49779666

holy fuck you euros are poor, I though europoor was a meme

>> No.49779670


Cheap meat is still better, than bread, oil and vegetables. It's still meat, maybe not as rich on nutrients, as meat for 50€, but it's human food. Other shit isn't.

>> No.49779686

do eurotrash really have to pay for water?

>> No.49779724

cheer up, at least you have free death panels, oops I mean healthcare

>> No.49779740
File: 114 KB, 1405x642, FUzApPhXsAAGjJ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not a meme by any means.
Taxation is a bit on the oppressive side over here and that prevents wealth building for the most part.

>> No.49779756

e = 2.71828

>> No.49779780

You vill eat the goyslop

>> No.49779843
File: 7 KB, 212x238, 1611886921175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nordcucks are the most neutered populations so of course it's going to be beta testing WEF central planning programs

>> No.49779880

>9 e for half-eaten food
shouldnt even be legal to sell that

>> No.49780050

This is not how friendships work in Finland.

>> No.49780161

Do you write 6.50e in Finland? Or ist it 6.50€?

>> No.49780194
File: 474 KB, 1268x947, IMG_0146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this steak for $45, 3 pounds, what would it cost in Europe?

>> No.49780257

finns have their own keyboard layout, I don't even know where € sign is. so yes, everyone writes 6.5e

>> No.49780360

I got an Ubereats order yesterday for £11 in total, delivery included. I stacked deals and got 4 chicken and rice boxes for that amount, plus a drink for each box. Inflation is total bullshit. I'm literally just eating one of these per meal and it's costing me practically nothing. Literally hacked life.

>> No.49780385

do murricans really?

>> No.49780474

It's alt gr + e for the €.

>> No.49780725
File: 13 KB, 300x260, thumb_the-eu-cannot-delete-this-pepe-without-deleting-itself-46437692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this country- I'm moving away as soon as I complete my degree.
Kuntoutusraha is pretty sweet though

>> No.49780829

You have the greatest forests, wilderness, lakes and nature, a good social system an ocean, what else do you need? Go live inna woods or something you ungrateful disconnected fuck

>> No.49780879

What a weird picture

>> No.49781170


We have an extremely shitty climate and a high tax society that collectively lives had to mouth due to being hostile towards business and success is frowned upon, because if others aren't successful that means you're not allowed to be either.
It's like living in a semi commie nation that's full of crab bucket niggers ready to attack any form of success that isn't theirs.
If at any point we experience a situation where the state can't support people, we're in deep shit because a good chunk of this nation is one paycheck away from being homeless due to zero actual wealth.
It doesn't make it any better that we're constantly importing niggers and other mystery meat due to the EU demanding we do it. We have zero sovereignty left.
Oh yeah and the corruption levels are beyond Italy.
In 15 years we're going to look like California minus the wealth.

Anyone with a brain is fucking off from Finland at this point, because it's simply a shitty idea to stay. You can't build wealth here and it's only going to get worse as the state tries to claw more tax income to itself.
Every single one of my friends who weren't stuck in dead end jobs have already left. I'm leaving, my brother is leaving too.
Soon only people left in this tax hell are niggers and dimwits who are only able to work as security guards and taxi drivers.

>> No.49781211

>I stacked deals and got 4 chicken and rice boxes for that amount, plus a drink for each box.
Is that a one-off deal or repeatable? I sometimes order from Just Eat and places charge £2 - 3 just for delivery. £11 with delivery is insanely good value.

>> No.49781212

Don't worry, you'll be paying them in Rubles soon

>> No.49781241


He's not eating his necessary caloric intake. He's bringing on literal garbage.

>> No.49781636

tell me what dating is like in Finland
is it true women approach you? Is sauna banging common or is that only Sweden?

>> No.49781720
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Pretty much this; I'm grateful that I grew up and got my education here, but I don't see a future living here. If you're highly educated, your chances of success are much higher in almost every other European country. I do, on the other hand, love nature and forests here; I'm planning on going camping in one of the old-growth forests this summer.
Finland isn't the way it used to be, nor am I hopeful about the future; I'll always love our country for its rich history and culture, but I'm not growing old here. Good luck to you, Finbro, I hope you make it.

>> No.49781788

>is it true women approach you?
What do you mean by this?
Sauna banging is common among couples.

>> No.49781795

Where’s the beef?

>> No.49781798

A patty should never exceed 200g. 200 is already a big one

>> No.49781825

>mean by this
I heard in Finland dating was "egalitarian" and women would often approach men like at bars, ask out on dates.
I love to hike, what is realistic cost of living there to hike regularly and eat healthy?

>> No.49781864

you don't share food with each other? host cookouts?

>> No.49781904

this makes me sad I've been studying Finnish I want to go to small towns and get a wife. Maybe staying there isn't a great long term strategy. Innawoods though?
Are you guys really that poor?

>> No.49781964

fuck it I'm switching to swiss and getting a rich mommy gf

>> No.49782006

wow, your argument is they should go live in huts in the woods? What is this Africa?

>> No.49782289

Well outside cities both apartments and houses are almost free because people are dying/leaving.

Life really isn't that bad if you like rural life. Services(with peope) are very expensive because taxes and crazy bureaucracy, but food from grocery stores, electricity, internet etc. is pretty cheap.

>> No.49782345

>I heard in Finland dating was "egalitarian" and women would often approach men like at bars, ask out on dates.

I haven't lived in other countries, so it's hard to say but maybe?
>I love to hike, what is realistic cost of living there to hike regularly and eat healthy?
It heavily depends on where you live- places like Helsinki are extremely expensive; smaller towns tend to be quite cheap.
Inflation has hit food prices pretty hard, but meat has always been pretty expensive.
Cookouts are pretty common in the summer.

>> No.49782366
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Our nature is beautiful there's no denying it.
But there's beautiful nature almost everywhere.
Good luck to you too, we're all going to make it.

It depends entirely on what you want.
If you want to be totally average and live an uneventful yet very safe and pretty good life and always make 2600€ a month and after mandatory expenses have like 400€ left to spend on things every month, yes this is the ideal place.
But you will NEVER make any money from a job unless you're a total hermit who doesn't socialize. You will basically be stuck where you started from and always have to worry about money.

And if by innawoods you mean living in the countryside, well you can buy houses there for nothing, but the average age outside our major cities is like +65 and services are quickly disappearing.
There's absolutely nothing there. No jobs, no future, nothing. The countryside is dying at a quick rate.
You can't live in a cabin in the woods either, that's illegal and the state will drag you out and fine you. You can only live full time in government approved buildings meant for full time living.
If you have to drive to work you'll get completely fucked by fuel costs.
Finland is a good place to be for the bog standard normie who never aspires to have even 10k saved. But I'd pick any other civilized nation over this place if I wanted to make it financially.

>> No.49782436

Nords don't share their food so are the dinner parties BYOF (Bring Your Own Food)?