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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49777039 No.49777039 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, go out and enjoy this summer. Crypto won’t go anywhere.

In times like these it’s very tempting to stare at the charts the whole day, but we all know that the next months look very bad for the crypto space. So why even spend the whole day looking at the charts?

I know that now it’s the perfect time for accumulating, but you can keep with your weekly/monthly DCA without spending your whole day at crypto charts. Mental Health is vital, and especially when you’re losing huge amounts of money. Everybody will be talking now about Bitcoin falling below the previous market cycle top, but you will thank yourself later if you take a break from social media and crypto charts.

TLDR: Go out with your family/friends and enjoy this summer, I promise when you come back crypto won’t be gone. Focus on your mental health in these hard times and keep doing your DCA in BTC/ETH.

>> No.49777082

I don't have any friends. Crypto was supposed to be my one chance at making it in life and I blew it. Now you're telling me to just "go outside and enjoy life". What life? What am I supposed to enjoy exactly? I'm a mentally ill loner who is now completely broke thanks to this scam. Oh well. It's not like I had anything to lose in the first place anyway.

>> No.49777091

i blocked biz for the last month getting back to the addiction. Its more i just lonely, and want to have sex with a harem of women, so I come here and gamble on crypto. I found out I could use chrome to come on here, now im back. Kick me off fren

>> No.49777105

I won't stare at charts, but I need to stare at /biz/ in the next few months. Everything before was worthless noise, now is the time when you can start finding nuggets of gold to prepare for the next cycle.

In any case yes a mental reset is needed and definitely take at least a weekend vacation in nature not staring at any screen, but don't make the mistake of forgetting about crypto at the same time as retail will forget about crypto, prepare to be early for next time.

>> No.49777129
File: 30 KB, 660x574, 1653172417511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too hot outside
i might go out for drinks with some friends tonight if it's cool enough

>> No.49777507
File: 1 KB, 99x125, D1B00141-FFB7-4D73-A9EC-D41767D42BA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks we have friends
>he thinks we want to be with retarded family members
>he thinks he want to go outside
Anon, I…

>> No.49777576 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 200x156, B68FD7C9-9D1E-46C4-AC96-CE2322DB56CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 1 (one) friend and I ghosted him 4 years ago because all he would talk about was the high school years and I was just so over that. Thought it would be easy but I havent made friends with anyone else ever since.

>> No.49777672

Read only first few words. Gonna do that thanks op.

>> No.49777702

Get a f2f sales job filled with young people

>> No.49777705

You copied this from reddit

>> No.49777764

this is the ultimate reddit post

>> No.49777811

stay on reddit

>> No.49777889

yeah but adding a frog to it makes it an art

>> No.49778358

based post

>> No.49778413

>my one chance

>> No.49778474

So your dream life is browsing /biz/ and looking at charts?